Warring States Call

Chapter 1089 Han Chen vs Gao Siji

Chapter 1089 Han Chen vs Gao Siji
"Come on, the one who climbs the city first will get a reward of three hundred, three beauties, and three promotions!" Cao Ang waved the sword in his hand, and there must be a brave man under the heavy reward. All the soldiers around were red-eyed, almost A thick and strong man was holding the ladder on one shoulder and setting it up. One of the young generals raised his foot suddenly and jumped on it. He smiled and said, "Brothers, I went up first. I got the credit, brother." I won't forget you!"

The big men behind were also a little anxious, so he was a little bit late, but the young soldier was not lucky. A soldier on the city wall smashed it down with a stone, and the young soldier fell to the ground. What fell was smashed to pieces.

The soldiers around were slightly taken aback, but the temptation was too great, they couldn't stand it, they still rushed forward without fear of death, and the whole city wall was piled up with corpses and remnants.

Gao Changgong pressed the sword in his arms, put on his own bronze mask, and said with a serious face: "Soldiers! Behind this city are hundreds of thousands of people's homes. Once we lose it, the country will be destroyed. Our children will become their slaves, women will be abused by them, and we will become subjugated slaves, for the family! For the country, we will live and die with Laiwu!"

"Coexist and die! Coexist and die! Coexist and die...Kill!"

"Qi Kingdom will surely win! Daqi Wannian!" Gao Changgong pulled out the sword in his arms, pointed to the battlefield ahead, looked at the city wall and the soldiers climbing constantly, so as to inspire the army's morale.

"Qi Kingdom will surely win! Da Qi Wannian!"

"Qi Kingdom will surely win! Da Qi Wannian!"

"Qi Kingdom will surely win! Da Qi Wannian!"

Cao Cao was riding a war horse, with a serious face, squinting his eyes, estimating his beard, and pointing in front of him, "Who is the guard on this city wall! He has such a trick!"

"Gu spies come to report! Tian Dan can't afford to be sick, and all important military affairs are entrusted to this man named Gao Changgong, who is also a fierce general who is inseparable from General Gao Chong!" Cao Ang replied to Cao Cao riding a horse.

"Hmm! You did a great job." Cao Cao admired him, and said with a long breath, "There are such talents in the world, brave and talented, and able to lead the army well. It's a pity that he is not a general in our army. What a pity! Already!"

Cao Cao admired a lot, stroked his beard for a while, and said with a serious face: "This man is immortal! Laiwu City is hard to break! This man must be my enemy. He must not be allowed to escape in this battle. Make him hate this place!"

"The general understands!" Cao Ang saluted, but the pressure was a bit high, how could such a person be dealt with casually.

"Go! Let's launch a fierce attack today, and break the spirit of the Qi army first! Break their thoughts." Cao Cao patted his eldest son on the shoulder.


The battlefield in the north has become a place of blood and bones, while the battlefield in the east has become a large-scale bombing site. Leaving aside the places that avoid the ladders, the other places are almost completely bombed, filled with gunpowder smoke and billowing smoke.

Han Chen climbed up, and Yan Xia under the city held a bow and arrow in his hand, and shot and killed anyone who was not conducive to Han Chen's attack on the spot!

"The general has more and more enemies, and the brothers under him can't hold on any longer!" The lieutenant at the side said with an embarrassing expression.

Gao Siji's face was embarrassing, and he said for a while: "Quick! Use kerosene! Burn it! Burn it hard for me, burn the ladder!!
"Promise!" The lieutenant general received the order and greeted immediately: "Quick! Put on the oil, put on the oil!"

Han Chen climbed to the top of the city, spit out the big knife in his mouth, held it in his hand, came to the city wall, flew up and down, hacked and killed several Qi soldiers, grabbed a long spear, held it in his hand, Muying behind him!Yun Tianbiao!The two followed Han Chen and killed them.

Han Chen came to the city wall, and the soldiers under his command began to file in along the opening that Han Chen had torn open. Han Chen spat, looked serious, and shouted, "Kill!"

"Kill!" The two armies of Han and Qi fought in a melee. Both sides were red-eyed, and they would never let the enemy go. retreat.

After a long time, Gao Siji naturally noticed the changes in the battlefield, and immediately said: "Quick! Come with me! Kill them!"

"Sunset in the wind!" With a sweep of the silver gun in Han Chen's hand, dozens of soldiers were thrown away, and it hit Gao Siji's feet. Only then did Gao Siji see the boy in front of him.

Gao Siji narrowed his eyes, for some reason, looking at the young man in front of him, he felt so familiar.

Han Chen watched Gao Siji attack. He grabbed his spear with a hand the size of a futon. Blood dripped down the tip of the spear onto the ground, staining the bluestone beneath his feet.

Gao Siji looked serious and held the silver gun in his hand. He didn't ask any questions at first, but he had a kind of oppression on Han Yi, which made him a little more cautious. He pointed the spear directly at Han Chen: "Who will come here?" !"

The corners of Han Chen's mouth rose slightly, looking at the soldiers rushing up from behind, he just gave them a chance to buffer, and said immediately: "General Gao is so forgetful! But I still remember that when I was fighting for my younger brother, I took ten moves from you young man!"

"Young boy...!" Gao Siji was contemplative, but he didn't realize it for a while. After all, Han Chen has been in the army for a year. Now Han Chen is 15 years old. Zhang is tall and burly, wearing armor. He has more fortitude and less youthfulness, which is completely different from the old Han Chen.

After a while, Gao Siji came to his senses and shouted, "Since it's you!"

"That's right! I'm going to avenge those ten strokes today." Han Chen's face sank like water, and the silver gun in his hand exuded a piercing coldness, and an illusory morale floated on Han Chen's gun.

Gao Siji's face was startled, he looked at Han Chen, and immediately regretted: "I knew today! I should have killed you on the spot!"

"No matter what the general says today, I will take your head!" Han Chen held the gun in both hands, and his horse's stance was steady. The sun shone on the cold gun, and Han Chen suddenly strode forward. He shouted: "A hundred birds turn to the phoenix! The phoenix imprisons the phoenix!"

one!Two flowers!Three flowers!Four flowers!Five spear flowers emerged from under Han Chen's cold spear, and the cold spear swept away like an illusory phoenix.

Gao Siji's face turned cold, and he hurriedly swung his gun to block it. He was entangled with Han Chen's silver gun, and the cold sweat on his head was getting more and more cold. Who can play with five guns, who is an ordinary person, Gao Siji Immediately, he shouted loudly: "Five Tigers Soul-Breaking Spear!"

Ding Ding!Ding ding, the silver guns in the hands of the two were coming and going, and countless sparks were wiped out from the gun body. The speed of the gun's shadow made the soldiers on both sides feel cold.

"Open!" Gao Siji swung away the cold spear in Han Chen's hand, and the long spear in his hand shot up to the sky, killing Han Chen's heart and lungs.

(End of this chapter)

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