Warring States Call

Chapter 1091 Gao Yang's Rebellion

Chapter 1091 Gao Yang's Rebellion
Han Chen's expression froze for a moment. What do you mean by withdrawing troops at this time? They obviously had the upper hand?Looking at Gao Siji in front of him, Han Chen felt 1 unwillingness in his eyes.

"Han Chen, let's go! Go! Let's go!" Mu Ying hurriedly pulled Han Chen, and waited for the soldiers to retreat, before they even had time to leave!At this moment, the spear in Han Chen's hand was also cut off. Han Chen's face turned blue, and he screamed to be damned, and turned to the city helplessly.

Looking at Han Zu who retreated from the city wall, Gao Siji breathed a sigh of relief, but who can say for sure next time.

In the dark night, Han Chen dismounted from his horse, and saw that his hands were broken, almost spurting out a mouthful of old blood. Han Yihu stared at the large tent in front of him, and immediately stepped forward, looking at Gongsun Yan who was looking at the bamboo slips. Puzzled: "General! Why did you withdraw your troops!"

Gongsun Yan looked at Han Chen's civil and martial arts, and smiled slightly: "There are two reasons, one is state affairs, and the other is personal! Which one do you want to hear!"

"I want to hear both!" Before Han Chen could speak, Mu Ying immediately shouted, Jiang Wei!Guo Ziyi and others also want an answer.

Gongsun Yan stroked his beard and said with a serious face: "National affairs, that is, we can't spend too much soldiers and horses here, otherwise it will not be good for the future to fight Qi. The private matter is that even if we capture the east gate, Cao Cao will not be able to take the north. The door, we are useless, and it is easy to slap Cao Cao in the face, and we have to take care of his face! Besides! Do you think we can really swallow this east gate in one go?"

"What do you mean, General! But it's okay to say!" Everyone was eager for an answer, and the first two answers couldn't convince them.

"Yeah!" Gongsun Yan nodded, stroked his beard, and said with a smile: "There are at least tens of thousands of soldiers in Laiwu City who haven't gone to the city. It's not worth fighting them to the death!"

"General! What shall we do next! Should we continue to attack the city, or...!" Han Chen pressed the sword in his arms. The matter was already like this, and it would be useless to talk too much. Let's think about how to take down the city. .

"Siege the city day and night, with the sharpness of our army, against the fatigue of the enemy!" Gongsun Yan threw down the bamboo slips in his hand, and said with a heavy breath, his face calm.

Both Laiwu City and Lixia City are the gates of the Qi State, and the two cities are fighting fiercely. There are thousands of dead bodies piled up under the city walls, but Linzi still sings and sings every night.

In the dark night, every house is closed, and light snow falls in the sky, covering up the traces of yesterday. The people in the city turn off the lights one by two early, and the wives and children are hot on the kang, with their blankets turned upside down, and they sleep in the dark. It's winter now, there is no busy farming, almost everyone eats and sleeps, and the people have nothing to do, so they go to bed early after eating.

But in the dark night, there are always a few people who live uneasy, in the high mansion.

Gao Yang spread his hands, and the servant girl beside him held a pair of armor and dressed Gao Yang neatly. Gao Yang closed his eyes slightly, and stood beside a scribe in black leather, stroking his beard, and said solemnly: " General Gao, is this really the case?"

Gao Yang pressed the sword in his arms, and said calmly: "What are you still worried about? My elder brother Gao Changgong has already controlled [-] soldiers and horses in Laiwu. I am happy to launch a coup tonight and capture Tian Rongju. Everything is under my control." Among them! Master Qin, do not disturb!"

"But! Isn't it disrespectful for me to wait like this? I just want to cooperate with the general and control the government!" Qin Hui swallowed, took out the handkerchief in his arms, and wiped the fine sweat on his head. The ambition is too great, even stretched out the heart of rebellion.

Gao Yang glanced at Qin Hui disdainfully, with a calm face, and said loudly: "Master Qin, if you are afraid, just stay here! I will do it!"

After Gao Yang finished speaking, he took the precious sword from the sword stand, and said calmly, "Gao Nu!"

"The last general is here!" At this moment, Gao Nu, holding a horse sword in his hand and pressing the bronze sword in his arms, came behind Gao Yang, wearing black armor, looking mighty and domineering.

"Is everyone in Guying ready?" Gao Yang asked calmly.

"It's all ready! Everyone wears white scarves and sets up a banner on the side of the Qing emperor, which is justified!" Gao Nu looked calmly and looked at Gao Yang.

"Everything is ready, all are soldiers who can die!" Gao Nu pressed the sword in his arms, took out the bamboo slips in his arms, and handed them to Gao Yang.

Gao Yang took the bamboo slips with one hand, and said half aloud, "Yes! Very good, where is Gao Xingzhou?"

"Fifth Young Master, soldiers and horses have been assembled outside!"

"Very good! Send the order down and tell Deng He! Fang Tian, ​​let the two of them go to control the Jingmen, what do the Tian family say!" Gao Yang strode forward with the sword in his arms, and there were rows of soldiers behind him. They followed Gao Yang in an orderly manner.

"There are three members of the Tian family participating in this operation. Tian Kaijiang, Tian Yinqi, and Tian Chensi have gathered more than 500 family soldiers in the mansion to meet the general's army!" Gao Nu said with a serious face.

"Very good! Tell Gao You! Gao Cai! Gao Li! Gao Tu! Get five people. After the war is over, kill all three of them and leave no one behind!" .

Gao Nu was taken aback, looked at Gao Yang and said with embarrassment: "General! I'm afraid this will bring down the population!"

"Talk! I have become Da Qi's thief, are you still afraid of this? Go down! Do as I say, these three people can't stay, especially that Tian Yinqi, he will definitely be killed!" Gao Yang looked complex Tranquility, he came to the gate of the mansion, looked at the snow falling all over the sky, and glanced at the dozens of masked soldiers behind him.

These are the furniture of Gaofu, also known as the Mianjun, which is named after the mask Gao Changgong wears. Each of them is a fierce soldier with one enemy against one hundred, and the number is about five hundred. The armor on his body is Gao Yang, etc. It was built with a lot of money every day.

Gao Yang looked at the people behind him with a serious face, and pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, which shone with a piercing cold light under the moonlight. Gao Yang raised the sharp sword in his hand and shouted: "Soldiers, let's fight tonight, it's decided. The direction of Daqi, if you win, my Gao family will be the master of Daqi, and you are the heroes. It is no problem to be named a marquis or general. Don’t worry if you lose. I have already taken care of your wives, children, and children. If you want to die, I will accompany you Are you afraid to die together!"

"Don't be afraid!" Hundreds of people shouted in unison, but no one heard it here. For no other reason, the entire Linzi city was replaced by his Gaoyang people.

"Let's go!" Gao Yang raised the whip in his hand and went straight to the palace. Poor Jiang Xiaobai is still lying in the arms of the beauty, enjoying the tenderness. This is Jiang Xiaobai's hero grave
(End of this chapter)

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