Chapter 1103
The night was gradually expelled by the rising sun, and the light shone on the earth, restoring the colors that this world should have. However, in this land, the atmosphere was extremely oppressive, and the oppressed people dared not even breathe too loudly.

"Woo... woo... woo...!" When the horn of war blew, soldiers one after another ran out of the big tent, had breakfast, took the weapons in their hands, and came to the battlefield to start a row. array forward.

Han captures the tiger!Cao Cao!The three of Gongsun Yan came to the center of the formation on horseback, and the generals lined up behind them showed their heads.

Holding a spear, Gao Xingzhou was wearing heavy armor, exhaled heavily, shook off the discomfort in his arm, mounted his five tiger pony, looked at the lieutenant general beside him and said, "Open the city gate!"

The deputy general led the horse and immediately said: "General, don't go, if you go now, you will die!"

Gao Xingzhou smiled bleakly and said, "Both my elder brothers died on the battlefield. My Gao family was born for the battlefield. Open the door!"

"General!" The lieutenant general had tears in his eyes, but Yi Yi's soldiers had already got off the pillars of the city gate. Seeing patches of black lines, when the cold wind blows, the battle flags flutter.

Gao Xingzhou patted the war horse under his crotch, and shouted: "Drive!"

"Woo...hoo hoo!"

Gao Xingzhou carried a high-level flag, held it in his hand, urged his horse up, and came to the center of the formation. He suddenly put the battle flag behind him, and shouted: "Gao Xingzhou is here! Who came to kill the general?" flag!"

"Yeah!" Han Qinhu was taken aback, holding the whip in his hand, pointing to Gao Xingzhou in front of him, "Who is this Gao Xingzhou! He has such courage!"

I saw a man standing behind Han Qinhu, with a huge back and a sledgehammer, holding a sledgehammer in his hand. This hammer looked bigger than the head of a stone lion, at least it weighed more than 300 catties, but in the hands of the big man it was He came forward with a smile, this person is not Qi Guoyuan, who could he be, Qi Guo, immediately... said: "This person is Gao Changgong's younger brother, and Gao Changgong! Gao Siji is also known as the three tigers of the Gao family , the bravery is not inferior to his two older brothers!"

"Oh!" Han Qinhu said thoughtfully, "He's a talent, but unfortunately he can't be used by me, since that's the case! Who dares me to kill him?"

"Hahahaha! I, Cheng Yaojin, go first! Drive!" Cheng Yaojin took the lead, holding his mountain ax in his hand, and shouted: "Cheng Yaojin is here, and I am here to kill you!"

"Hahahahaha! Good!" Han Qinhu laughed and said immediately: "Quick! Beat the drums to cheer!"


Gao Xing saw the enemy general on Monday, and immediately said, "Drive!"

"Hoo!" The silver spear in Gao Xingzhou's hand was as fast as lightning, and it was in front of Cheng Yaojin in the blink of an eye. He was taken aback for a moment, and immediately took out all the three axes, and the force value reached 99 in an instant, and only heard a sound: "Kang Dang"

The mountain-opening ax in Cheng Yaojin's hand flew out immediately, and Cheng Yaojin's face suddenly became embarrassed: "His grandma, this enemy general is too difficult to deal with. If he can't beat me, he can't hide from him. Thinking of this, Cheng Yaojin immediately urged his horse And go!"

Gao Xingzhou didn't chase after him either, he grabbed Cheng Yaojin's weapon with one hand, stuck it upside down on the ground, and shouted: "It is rumored that Han Yi's men are as fierce as clouds, but after seeing it today, it's nothing more than that!"

Han Qinhu's face darkened. This guy is typically going to give away the head. Isn't this a shame for himself? He immediately said: "Which general is going to go!"

"Don't be crazy, everyone, a certain family is here to protect the children!" I saw a veteran with a gray beard, urging his horse, and went straight out, holding a big knife in his hand.

Gao Xing saw that he was a veteran on Monday, so he smiled disdainfully, and immediately laughed loudly: "The Han army is ungrateful! They even sent a veteran!"

"Ignorant child! When the old man is fighting on the battlefield, you are afraid that you are still drinking milk? Come on!" Lai Nuer's white hair fluttered, and the big knife in his hand was almost full. In the blink of an eye, he came to Gao Xingzhou's In front of him, the big knife in his hand suddenly came under his command, calm and calm, as if he had the strength of a thousand catties, he suddenly shouted: "Go!"

"Get up!" The silver spear in Gao Xingzhou's hand was like a touch of water, and he played dozens of spears in a row. He turned over and shot, and with both hands, the big knife in Lai Huer's hand fell to the ground. On Lai Huer's face, Lai Huer flew out and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Gao Xingzhou took the long spear, put it together with Cheng Yaojin's mountain axe, and immediately said: "I think you are a veteran, let me let you go today, hurry up, and replace it with someone who is capable!"

"Cough cough" Lai Hu'er spat out a mouthful of blood, and cast a glance at Gao Xingzhou unwillingly, but he had no choice but to ride back to the formation on his horse.

"Who is going to fight!" Han Qinhu's face sank like water, but the soldiers on both sides knew that Han Qinhu was on the verge of breaking out.

"I'm coming!" I heard a bluff, and I saw Li Chang holding a big knife in his hand, urging his horse up, and shouting: "Every man will take a knife from me!"

"Drive!" Gao Xingzhou shouted loudly, the silver gun in his hand changed, and suddenly shouted: "Death!"

"Ding, Gao Xingzhou's smart attribute is activated, and his force value is instantly increased by 8. The current base force value of Gao Xingzhou is 101, the force value of the five tiger horses is increased by 1, the force value of the Cold Wind and Moon Spear is increased by 1, and the current force value is 111!"

"Crack! Crack!" As soon as the shot passed by, Li Chang looked down at the blood on his chest, spit out a mouthful of old blood, and fell off his horse.


Li Cunxiao!Jia Fu!The three of Gao Chong were about to leave, but at this moment there was a shout.

"I'm coming!" Xing Tian came on foot with the big ax in his hand, looked at Gao Xingzhou, and said with a serious expression: "Don't be mad, everyone!"

Holding the long spear in his hand, Gao Xingzhou looked at Xing Tian who was approaching and said immediately, "Who is coming!"

"This will be Xing Tian!"

"I've heard of you! It's amazing that you escaped the cooperation of Hou Yi and Chi You!" Gao Xingzhou pretended nothing had happened on the surface, but in fact his palms were sweating a lot.

"Death!" Xing Tian was not in the mood to talk nonsense with him, and he went down with the axe, and the thunder shook the sky.

"Ding, Xing Tian, ​​the god of war attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 10, the basic force value is 108, the force value of the Pangu ax is increased by 1, and the current force value is 119!"

With a gap of nine o'clock, Gao Xingzhou was taken aback, and immediately said, "Come here!"

"Ding, Gao Xingzhou's force combat attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 5, and the current force value is 116!"

"Ding, Gao Xingzhou's death will attribute is activated, and the force value is increased by 8, and the current force value is 124!"

"The ants are also trying to struggle, so they should die under a certain family's big axe!" Xing Tian shouted, the strength in his body became stronger, and scarlet blood burst out.

(End of this chapter)

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