Chapter 1125
Han Yi is actually planning his own calculations. Wu Zetian is now in control of the military and political power of the whole country of Wei, and Wei Wuji, a veteran of Wei State, must be dissatisfied with Wu Zetian's rule. The rise of new nobles will inevitably divide up the interests of the old nobles , This is a big cake, no one is willing to share it equally with others, and the purpose of Han Yi's doing this is just to intensify the conflict, at least for this year, Wu Zetian can't be calmed down.

As for the 2000 people, it was Han Yi's intention to select [-] weak and sick and disabled people. Firstly, it was to ensure that Wei Guo would not gain vitality, secondly, to reduce the consumption of medicines, and thirdly, to spread the bad news. In the past, the emotions of the people of Wei State were exaggerated to make them dissatisfied with Wu Zetian's rule.

The only female emperor in history should not be underestimated, whether it is power or politics, and his threat is even vaguely higher than that of Xiang Yu. It is conceivable that when the female was inferior to the male, even the open-minded Tang In the court, it is not easy for a woman to sit at Wu Zetian's level.

Han Yi looked at Wei Wuji with a smile, and said with a smile, "Brother! I have done my best to treat you alone! Speaking of which, the Wei country is also in peril. Why don't you come and join the orphan, and the loneliness will surely protect your prosperity and wealth..."

Wei Wuji glanced at Han Yi above, his face was a little embarrassed, how could he not know what Han Yi was thinking, but if the 2000 people had to go back, it would reduce consumption to some extent, don't do it for nothing, this is also Han Yi digging a hole, he had to Jump, as for submitting to Han Yi, unless he is completely disappointed with his own country, he will not make such a bad move. Wei Wuji looked at Han Yi and said: "The king's kindness is appreciated, but loyal ministers do not serve the second master! This time I will come down to the princess. I brought some things from my hometown! Please let the king let you send them over!"

Han Yi stroked his mustache and said with a smile, "Okay! Then let's go, brother!"

"Farewell!" Wei Wuji immediately saluted and then withdrew.

"Your Majesty! If this person goes to your mother's place, he will definitely blow your pillow! Are you going to let him go like this?" Gao Lishi asked with a worried expression.

"Otherwise what can be done!" Han Yi glanced at Gao Lishi who was at the side. Gao Lishi took three steps back in fright and stopped talking. Han Yi rubbed his temples with a helpless expression on his face. Wei Yanyu's business will have to be done sooner or later Yes, it is impossible to let Wei Guo go for her alone, otherwise how would he explain to the families of the 5 people who died.

"System! How many summoning points do I have?" Han Yi rubbed his temples, thinking silently.

"Ding, the host currently has 815 summoning points!"

"Hmm!" Han Yi counted the talents in his hand, Wen still had one man left unused, and the generals were packed together, so he still didn't call.

"Your Majesty!" Zheng He trotted over and looked at Han Yi with a serious expression.

Han Yi stroked his beard, looked down at Fang Zhenghe, puzzled and said, "What happened!"

"My lord! Zhu Zhiwu is here," Zheng He said with a serious expression.

"Zhu Zhiwu! Why did he come here!" Han Yi glanced at Gao Lishi next to him with a puzzled expression. Since the prime minister was abolished, Han Yi hadn't seen him for many years.

"My lord! Zhu Zhiwu is kneeling outside the palace gate now, wanting to see the king! Tai Shici! The two generals of Zheng Zukai are also outside the palace now! I beg the king to see Zhu Zhiwu!" Zheng He swallowed Drooling.

"Yeah!" Han Yi raised his eyebrows when he heard this, what was he going to do, forced the palace, or kidnapped morally, Han Yi stroked his beard, and said with a cold expression: "Gu kindly let the old man go, now Still restless?"

When Zheng He heard that Han Yi's tone was wrong, he immediately said: "My lord! I saw it outside the palace. Zhu Zhiwu's complexion is not good now, and he has a vague cough. I am afraid that he is dying. I want to see the king again!"

"That's all!" Han Yi waved his hand and said calmly: "It's a match between the monarch and his ministers anyway! Let him in!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zheng He quickly got up and ran over.

Han Yi looked at Zheng He, who was trotting, and Gao Lishi, who was beside him, with a puzzled expression on his face, "Is Zheng He from Zhengdi?"

"Report to Your Majesty! Not bad! He is from Nanzheng!"

"Oh! So that's it! That's all! It's still smart after all! Keep it by your side and use it." Han Yi took a deep breath and strode forward, ready to see what the old man was up to.

After a while, Han Yi saw the dying Zhu Zhiwu in the distance.

At this moment, Zhu Zhiwu was leaning on a seven-foot mahogany cane, his white hair was fluttering messily in the cold wind, his gray clothes were moving with the wind, his eyes were narrowed into a slit, and he was looking at the yellow tile red in front of him. In the palace on the wall, the soldiers stood in a row, with their heads held high, and the Korean flag was majestic. Tai Shici and Zheng Zukai behind him stood around Zhu Zhiwu, fearing that he might make a mistake.

"Chen! Zhu Zhiwu! Greetings to the King!" At this moment, Zhu Zhiwu knelt on the ground with difficulty, kneeling under the steps of the hall, Tai Shici and Zheng Zukai both knelt down quickly.

Zheng He trotted all the way, came to the bottom of the stairs, and shouted: "Xuan! See you, Zhu Zhiwu!"

"Sinner! I thank the king!" Zhu Zhiwu immediately knelt down, his face was agitated, and he burst into tears!

Han Yi looked at the dying Zhu Zhiwu from a distance, shook his head and said, "How is your body?"

"Tai Shici once asked Bian Que to show him. It took about ten days. Originally, Zhu Zhiwu was supposed to be lying on the sick bed, but he asked Bian Que to order Huoxue San! In ten days, One inch for today! This is why the two generals Tai Shici insisted on doing this!" Gao Lishi explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly.

Han Yi rubbed his temples and sighed, "Why bother?"

"My lord please!"

Green and emerald green!The mountains and lakes were full of waves, Han Yi was sitting in the small pavilion, and Zhu Zhiwu drove to the front of the pavilion, looked at Han Yi, and immediately knelt down and said: "Sinner! Zhu Zhiwu has seen the king!"

"My lord! Tai Shici has met the king!"

"Minister! Zheng Zukai has seen the king!"

Han Yi stroked his beard, and said half aloud, "Chu Zhiwu, come in and sit down!"

"Thank you, my lord!" At this moment, Zhu Zhiwu was limping over with a cane. Han Yi looked at his face, which was full of red light. It was also the effect of the medicine. Han Yi sighed helplessly and said, "Why bother?" Ask Bian Que to prescribe that medicine for you? Let Tai Shici tell Gu, and Gu will pass away! Why do you come here in person?"

"Haha!" Zhu Zhiwu laughed like a child, let out a breath of foul air for a while, and said calmly: "The old minister can meet the king in this life, and he has no regrets in this life! Thank you for your concern!"

(End of this chapter)

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