Chapter 1127
The sky is clear and the weather is clear, and the wind is breezy. Standing under Zhongshan Mountain, Han Yi looks at this small mountain peak. Rows of soldiers are sitting on both sides of the stairs, holding battle flags and weapons, each with their heads raised. Chest up, full of energy, it just so happened that the day was sunny, and the golden sun shone on the land, making the whole land full of vitality.

On the highest point of the mountain, there is a four-legged square tripod standing between the peaks. As the weather warms up, forest birds from all over the place also show their heads, chirping as if they are discussing what they are going to do.

The entire Zhongshan Mountain was tightly surrounded by Pang Wanchun's [-] forbidden troops. All the road sections were guarded by soldiers guarding each fortress, and not even a fly could fly out for a while.

The military general Wenchen behind him stood on both sides, followed behind Han Yi, and Han Yi stroked his beard. Behind him, Gao Lishi and Zheng He followed Han Yi from left to right, Fei Lian!Evil!The three of Dian Wei stood on the left and right, but Dian Wei looked lonely beside him. This position belonged to Xu Chu. Even if he died, Han Yi still reserved this position for him.

Today's Han Yi wears a crown on his head and a sword on his waist. The golden dragon embroidered on his black robe is lifelike and upright!Standing proudly between the heaven and the earth, Han Yi looked forward, stroked his beard, and said with emotion: "When the world is peaceful, you must go to Mount Tai! A look at the spirit of heaven and earth"

Han Chen was wearing a plain robe, followed by Li Jing, Jiang Wei... Guo Ziyi and others followed Han Chen. They were not qualified to come, but because of Han Chen's identity, they were able to take a look.

Standing on the mountainside, Xu Fu held a pole of floating dust in his hand, muttering something in his mouth, after a while: "The time has come, please respect the king!"

"Woo... woo... Boom... Boom!" Horn!The sound of war drums resounded throughout the mountain. Han Yi waved his embroidered robe and said calmly, "Let's go!"

"Get up!" Gao Lishi and Zheng He stood on the left and right and shouted.

The civil and military ministers behind him are all around, Wu Hanxin is the leader, and Han Qinhu is behind!Wu Qi!Gongsun Yan!Cao Cao!Yue Fei!Zhuge Liang!These seven people are all people who have made great military exploits.

Then there is Sun Wu!Cao Ren!Feng Yi!Zhang Liao!Sapphire!Lee Hyo-gong!Huo Qubing!Chen Qingzhi!Wu Han!Deng Yu!Naturally, Wei Qing's 11 people can't compare with the previous seven people, but they have made a lot of contributions in this war.

Then, Ran Min!Li Cunxiao!Xing Tian!Jia Fu, Yuwen Chengdu!Guan Yu!Wen Yang, Yu Chi Gong, Qin Qiong, Zhao Zilong, Xiong Kuo Hai Shi Jiantang, Yang Zaixing, Yue Yun!Chang Yuchun, Pang De, Hua Yun, Zhang Dingbian, Han Shizhong, Han Sizhong, Luo Cheng, Deng Zilong, Lu Xiangsheng, Gao Chong, Zhou Panlong, Peng Yue, Wuqiujiu, Yue Xi, Nan Gongshi, Zhao Hu, Meng Zhan.

The civil servants are headed by Wang Meng, followed by Xun Yu and Han Feizi!Liz!The four phases walked side by side, followed by Cheng Yu!Pang Tong!Xie An, Liu Bowen, Chen Qun, Xun You, Xun Chen, Zhong Hui, Zhong Yu, Zhong Yao, Wu Daozi, Xun Yan, Xi Zhicai, Guo Yi!Lu Su, Jia Xu, Mao Sui, Han Qi, Zhang Qixian, Tian Wen, Jia Sixie, Xu Guangqi, Xu Maogong.

Wearing armor, Han Xin pressed the sword in his bosom, looked at Wang Meng at the side, cupped his hands and said, "I haven't seen Wang Xiang for many years, but I still look good!"

Wang Meng glanced at Han Xin, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Don't dare! General Han Xin is really promoted every step of the way, and I am really envious!"

"Each each other!"

The civil and military sides began to flatter each other. Han Xin looked at Han Chen who was standing in front of Han Yi, and said with a puzzled expression, "Is this the young master?"

Because Han Chen was far away from Han Xin, he naturally couldn't hear it. Wang Meng stroked his beard and exclaimed, "Indeed!"

"This doesn't look like it! I heard that the famous general of Qi State died at his hands, and he beat all five sons of General Cao. I thought he had a hulking back!" Han Xin laughed.

When Cao Cao heard this, his expression changed. What does Han Xin mean?Cao Cao took a deep look at Han Xin. In his opinion, the more he stood, the more low-key and cautious he was. It was better not to say anything.

Wang Meng stroked his beard and said with a smile: "The young master is about to become a gift, so don't be reluctant to show your hands to General Cao's two precious daughters then!"

"Ah! Hahahaha!" Cao Cao hurriedly shouted.

"All generals! My lord! Don't talk anymore! It's started!" Wu Qi, who was standing aside, reminded.

Only then did everyone see that Han Yi had reached the top of the mountain, while Han Chen was standing on the mountainside, standing with Xu Fu on the left and right, and had a panoramic view of Han Xin and the others talking and laughing. Also silent.

"The universe is calm! Fenghou worships generals! There are thousands of generals in the army, and those who make meritorious deeds are like carp crossing the river. With the help of all the nobles, it is really a lonely Xinger. Entrust the generals! And order to set it under the fixed character! Xuan, the second general of the army, set up the general of the town character above the town character! There are seven numbers in total. After a hundred years, it will remain the same through the ages! No increase! If you die, you will not enter the Taimiao! If you do not enter the ancestral hall, you will not pass on a biography!......!" Xu Fu's reading was only for Han Chen to hear.

It turned out that Han Xin and the others changed their faces when they heard the previous words. If they did this, no matter how much credit they made, they would be brushed off by Han Yi, which completely dampened their enthusiasm, but the latter words undoubtedly guaranteed them and made them feel better. The gold content of this military position has been guaranteed.

And the extra military positions are just to give some hope to the generals below. After all, they don't have much credit, and they can't compete with Han Xin and the others.

"General of Zhenbei! General of Zhennan! General of Zhenxi! General of Zhendong! The four generals must not be named without merit in destroying the country!" Xu Fu read the last sentence, and Han Xin and Wu Qi were stunned. He has made great achievements, but he didn't participate in the battle of destroying the country. Han Qinhu has the merit of Zhongshan!Cao Cao!Gongsun Yan!The two can also share the merits of the Qi State equally, and the two of them will appear awkward.

Wu Qi looked annoyed. After all, he has been unknown all these years. Except for two large-scale wars, there were no other wars of destroying the country, while Han Xin was calm. Although he did not have such credit, the destruction of the country seemed to him , but a trifle.

Han Yi looked down at the generals with different expressions below, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. This is what he wanted.

"The big gift starts to give meat!" Xu Fu said with a serious face.


I saw Gao Lishi coming with a big white meat boiled in water. There was no dipping material in this meat, it was just boiled, and it was regarded as a blessing from heaven.

Han Yi looked at the glistening fat, cut off a small piece without chewing it, and swallowed it directly, meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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