Chapter 1129
Zhuge Liang's face was dull, and he came down after receiving the order. He didn't participate in these few battles, which can only be said to be a pity, but there was nothing he could do, after all, he was satisfied with getting a word of safety.

"Yue Fei!"

"Yue Fei! Participated in the Battle of the Three Jins! He guarded the Shangdang for more than ten years. In this war, the battle has been defeated. The Beiwei Army under his command is very effective. He is now named General Anton! I hope you can encourage him!" Gao Lishi said calmly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty.

"Cao Ren! Participated in the battle of the Three Jin Dynasties, guarding Wang Ye with [-] troops with Meng Yuan, so that the Qin State could not enter for three months, and then with [-] troops, forced to hold back the famous general of the Wei State Pang Juan for two months. General Pingxi!"

"Huo Qubing! With [-] soldiers and horses, raid Zhongshan's grain and grass! Destroy the capital of Zhongshan, then destroy Wei's grain and grass, and make him General Pingxi!"

"Feng Yi! He worked so hard, guarding the land of Lunan, resisting Xiang Yu's 20 army, and laying out the five-city defense line, laying the foundation for Han Xin to take over. Afterwards, Tian Ji, the famous general who killed cavalry, is now named General Pingbei!"

"Li Xiaogong was originally a famous general of the Shu Kingdom. He led his troops to join him. Now he is named General Dingnan!"

"Sun Wu! He was originally a famous general of the Wu Kingdom! He contributed so much to the Qin War, and Gu Te was named General Dingdong!"

Han Yi is also helpless towards Sun Wu. Such a person cannot be belittled too much. Although he does not have much merit, it is for appeasement. This is also to show the world that he is willing to work for Han Yi.

And this guy Li Xiaogong can't be too popular, he can only mean it like this.

"Zhang Liao used 5 troops to fight against Wang Jian's 20 troops, and General Feng Dingxi joined forces!"

"Lan Yu canonized as General Dingdong!"

"Chen Qingzhi defeated one hundred thousand soldiers of Xiang Kingdom with five thousand ghost soldiers, and was named General Xuanbei!"

"Jia Fu is the minister of the dragon! Conquer the North and the South, fight the Lu Kingdom, retreat one hundred thousand people from the Qi Kingdom alone! Canonize him as General Xuannan!"

"Ran Minli fought against Xiang Yu, the leader of the Xiang Kingdom! Defeated the four generals of the Wu Kingdom, and beheaded the seven best generals! He is famous! He was named General Xuandong!"

"Li Cunxiao single-handedly beheaded the seven generals of Zhongshan, and later fought against Chi You. In the battle of Qi, he beheaded Qingji, the famous general of Qi, and now he is named General Xuanxi!"

"Guan Yu killed Meng Juehai, the famous general of Zheng State with a sword! He fought hard against Wang Yanzhang, the famous general of Qin State! Then he rode against Xiang Yu alone, and was named General Xuanbei!"

"Xing Tianli fought Wang Yanzhang! Defeated Chi You! Killed the famous general of Qi, Gao Xingzhou, and made him a general of the Northern Army!"

"Yuwen Chengdu was named General of the Southern Army!"

"Xiong Kuo Hai was named General of the Western Army!"

"Zhao Yun made him a general of the Eastern Army!"

"There are so many generals, but the number of military positions is limited. Your Majesty hereby NO.12"

Yuntai 28 Veteran General!
Dongfang Qinglong: Jiaomu Jiao Deng Yu!Kang Jinlong Wu Han!Di Tu raccoon Jia Fu!Fang Ri Tu Geng Yan!Xinyue Fox Kou Xun!Tail fire tiger Cen Peng Ji water leopard Feng Yi.

Northern Xuanwu: Dou Muxie Zhu You!Bulls and Taurus sacrifices!Female earth bat Jingdan!Gai Yan, the Void Rat!Dangerous Moon Yan Jian Tan!Room Fire, Pig Geng, Chunbi Water, Zang Gong.

Western White Tiger: Kui Mu Lang Ma Wu!Lou Jingou Liu Long!Stomach pheasant into!Pleiades Chicken King Liang!Bi Yuewu and Chen Jun!Fu Jun, the fire monkey, and Du Mao, the water monkey.

Southern Suzaku: Jing Muyan's period!Ghost Jinyang Wangba!Willow soil deer let light!Star horse Li Zhong!Zhang Yuelu Wanxiu!Winged Fire Snake Pi Tong Zhen Water Worm Liu Zhi.

"These 28 people are directly at the disposal of the king. Each of them will command [-] soldiers and horses. Without the order of the king, no one can be transferred!" Gao Lishi said immediately.

"Ministers, wait for orders!" 28 people stepped forward and knelt down on one knee. Han Chen narrowed his eyes. These 28 people were recruited by Han Yi as close ministers. Behind these 28 people were 28 elite soldiers and horses. Even Han Xin can't be mobilized.

"Seven star generals: Di Qing (Wu Qu Xing), Zhao Hu (Tian Lang), Yang Zaixing (Po Jun), Luo Cheng (Lian Zhen), Meng Zhan (Lu Cun), Cheng Yao Jin (Ju Men)! These seven are the generals in front of the palace. , and wait for your majesty's order!" Gao Lishi immediately shouted.


"Hey! I'm here! I never thought that I would have such a blessing! Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord!" Cheng Yaojin ran over with a smile, and Han Yi was speechless when he saw him, and really wanted to kick him. Let him go, but these seven stars cannot do without his giant door, it is really helpless.

Originally, Han Yi wanted to clean up the thirteen generals of the Shangdang, but because Xu Chu had left, Han Yi felt that it was unnecessary, so he just kept it as before.

One word long snake array: Hu Yanzhuo, four elephants and eight hammer array: Yue Yun, Qin Yong, eight trigrams array: Zhuge Liang, hook gun array: Xu Ning and so on.

"Cao Cao! Yang Ye! Dugu! There are not a few generals who died for the country behind the three of you. I am very lonely, so I entrust you and the other three as the generals of the country. All generals who die in battle can enter the Heroic Soul Tower!" Han Yi looked at the three of them, waved his pen and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The three of them rushed forward. Cao Cao had gained both fame and fortune today, but Yang Ye was in tears. His son finally died in vain.

Han Yi looked at the crowd and said with a calm expression: "Gu Zhier and others who have not entered are unwilling, but you can take a look around, the Qin State in the west! The princes going south! These are opportunities for you to make contributions. , All generals, the credit is right in front of you, and you will make an oath in this life to conquer the world! Instead of letting the next generation suffer from wars and chaos, you must unify the north and the south, and you must go to the outside of the Great Wall to chase the Rong people for [-] miles! Broaden the territory” Han Yi shouted loudly.

"The ministers will definitely do their best," Han Xin and others shouted immediately, and Wang Meng was also very excited. At least Han Yi did not forget the oath he made back then.

Han Yi waved his robe at Gao Lishi and said, "Read!"

"The eldest son, Han Chen! Be respectful and dignified! Both civil and martial arts! Pearly eyes! Wu can go to Anbang, Wen can rule the world, and now he is named the crown prince. He can start a government and govern the world, and participate in politics!"

"Yeah!" Dugu Xin was taken aback for a moment, looking at Han Chen's face, he didn't look too good, but he did a good job of covering it up.

Everyone did not object, and immediately knelt down and shouted: "I wait to congratulate the prince! The prince is a thousand years old!"

But Han Yi was not so happy. He still understood the reason why he was so cold at the top. What he wanted to know most was what Han Yi was going to do.

"Give it! The crown prince's golden seal!"

A golden mark the size of a baby's fist emerged. Han Chen took it calmly, but his heart was already in a state of confusion.

Han Yi estimated his beard, looked at Han Chen calmly, and sighed, "I've given you the right, it's up to you whether you can grasp it. If you can beat that bastard in the imperial examination this time, Gu will let you rest assured." Participated in politics, otherwise I would have to......

After Zhongshan is over, there will be the imperial examination and Luoyang Huimeng, and the foregone conclusion of this world will begin here. The troubled times will be closed here, and the ruling world will come.

(End of this chapter)

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