Warring States Call

Chapter 1137 Reverse Ge 1 Strike

Chapter 1137

Above the main hall, courtiers from the civil and military classes stood on the left and right. Han Chen stood in front of the crowd, his expression calm, his tiger eyes staring at his hair, well-dressed and dignified.

Sitting on the throne, Han Yi seemed absent-minded, and said calmly, "Chen'er! How's the imperial examination!"

"Report to Your Majesty! 24 people have been selected for this imperial examination, and the military examination is in progress, and the winner will be determined by martial arts!" Han Chen looked calm and waved his hand. Zheng He, who was standing aside, quickly took the bamboo slips in his hand and shouted: " No.1! Xiao He...No.2! Zhang Liang! No.3 Fang Xuanling...!"

"Xiao He! Zhang Liang! Fang Xuanling! Yu Qian! Du Rumei! Sima Xiangru! Fang Xiaoru! Hai Rui! Miao Xun! Wang Xuance! Li He, Wang Wei...!" They all started to look at each other.

"Yeah!" Han Yi frowned, his face was a little surprised, Xiao He threw himself into the trap, and Fang Xuanling!Du Rumei, who had disappeared for so many years, showed up now, how could he not like it.

"Hmm! Not bad... not bad!" Han Yi nodded, and everyone was looking at the change of the king. The military commander naturally didn't have much thought, but the civil servant was different.

"Your Majesty..." I saw a young eunuch rushing into the main hall, and was stopped before entering the main hall.

"What's the point of panic!" Pang Wanchun, the general in front of the palace, yelled loudly, which frightened the little eunuch's guts.

"General! It's not good! I don't know what's going on outside the city! Many candidates from various places suspect that the imperial examination was unfair and the prince cheated, and they want to question the prince in court for using power for personal gain!" The eunuch looked embarrassed, and Pang Wanchun was even more surprised, and grabbed His sleeve, whispered: "Do you know the crime of framing the prince!"

"General! This matter is already raging outside, and this servant is just here to pass on a message!"

Pang Wanchun's face turned cold, he let go of the eunuch's hand, strode towards the hall, and said with embarrassment: "Your Majesty! I have something important to report!"

"Say" Han Yi said calmly.

Pang Wanchun choked up for a while, knowing that this matter could not be suppressed, he said calmly, "Your Majesty! There are groups of examinees outside the palace, saying that the prince is using his power for personal gain, and most of the candidates for the imperial examination are from the prince's residence!"

"This...!" As soon as these words were said, the ruling and opposition parties were in full swing, and all the spearheads were pointed at Han Chen.

Wang Meng and Xun Yu pretended to be dumb at this moment and chose to keep silent. Li Si seemed to be thinking about something at the moment, but Han Feizi hesitated to speak and watched from the other side.

And Han Chen didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even see the slightest expression of anger.

Dugu Xin stroked his gray beard, his face was indifferent, he didn't make a move at this time, let alone when, he immediately stepped forward and said: "My lord! I have something to report!"

Most of the generals chose to keep their mouths shut, and among the civil servants, most of them couldn't bear it.

Han Yi stroked his beard. He had known for a long time that this old fox had malicious intentions, but he couldn't imagine it would happen so soon. He looked at Dugu Xin and said with a puzzled expression, "What advice does the father-in-law have for you?"

"Your Majesty is not an old minister targeting the crown prince. It is really too much suspicion of being involved in fraud in the imperial examination! I implore your Majesty to investigate thoroughly!" Dugu Xin said this, but there is a suspicion of killing him with a pole.

"My lord Dugu! What do you mean! Could it be that you suspect the three of us! This time the scientific examination is me and Guo! The two adults, Liu, are co-chairing it! Even the test questions were not disclosed to the prince! How can there be cheating!" Xie An was immediately dissatisfied, strode forward, and yelled loudly.

"Your Majesty! Here is an answer from the exam, which seems to have been prepared in advance! The handwriting is strict! The minister is bold in advance! Compare it with the 24 exam papers! I just found that this answer is as large as the notes of a person named Fang Xuanling." The reason is the same! And this Fang Xuanling is from the Prince's Mansion!" After the civil servant finished speaking, he glanced at Han Chen's direction from the corner of his eye, and then took out the white paper in his hand and Fang Xuanling's examination paper .

Zheng He on the side quickly took it, handed it to Han Yi, and compared the two things with each other.

The current Han Chen can be said to be the wrath of all husbands,
Han Yi leaned on his seat, looked at Han Chen, and said with a sinking face, "Han Chen! Do you have anything to say?"

Han Chen glanced at the minister, and said with a livid face, "Ask this lord! What's your name! What is your official position! How dare you offend me! Frame the prince!"

Han Chen had a handsome body, bright and resolute, dressed in white clothes without wind, and a pair of stars, as if he wanted to take a closer look at this minister.

"Let's go again! Doctor Yushi! Li Ming! You have the power to supervise all officials! You have the power to impeach all officials! You, the crown prince, are among them!" Li Ming didn't know what to do at this moment, but on the contrary, he had more confidence.

"Then let me ask you! This paper is for the imperial examination, and it is not in circulation in the market. There are mostly bamboo slips in my house. I only saw this paper when the imperial examination was held. How do you know that this paper must be me?" It's... I wasn't intentionally framed by others!"

"Prince, you are eloquent! The prince is in the tribute courtyard, there is no guarantee that he will not steal a few pieces of paper! Or copy the exam questions!" Li Ming resisted the panic in his heart, and immediately fought back.

"Hmph! What a joke! This test question is for me and Xie An! The two adults, Guo Jia, decided together! It is locked in the box, and there are three keys in total, all of which are indispensable. I will carry it with me. Mr. Li, you are suspecting that the three of us, together with the crown prince, will not succeed in cheating for personal gain!" Liu Ji asked immediately with a cold face.

"You! Master Liu...you!"

"Enough is enough, stop arguing!" Han Yi scolded immediately, with a serious face: "The top priority! How to solve these turmoil and appease candidates everywhere!"

"My lord! You can set up 24 examination tables outside the city. As the saying goes, true gold is not afraid of fire, so that candidates from all over the country can answer questions. In addition, the examination papers for this imperial examination will be distributed together, and the superior and inferior papers will be separated. Compare before and after. Let them be convinced! In the name of the original prince!" Han Chen strode forward with a serious face, glanced at Li Ming below from the corner of his eye, and said immediately: "Also! I beg the king to thoroughly investigate the case of the blank paper! I'm afraid Someone is selling it privately! Enriching his own pocket!

As soon as this statement comes out!The ruling and opposition parties are revived!Wang Meng and Xun Yu glanced at each other and remained silent. This time, Li Ming had kicked the iron plate. This prince is not easy to mess with.

"This... this...!" Li Ming's sweat was gradually breaking out at this moment, and he was even a little flustered. If he hadn't covered it up well, he might have revealed his secrets.

Han Yi stroked his beard, glanced at his son, and said silently: strike back!This kid is not simple, no wonder!With Fang Xuanling as a think tank by his side, this kid is not far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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