Warring States Call

Chapter 1142 Strategy

Chapter 1142 Strategy

"Your Majesty! The number of soldiers and horses in this dynasty has reached 120 million! The elite soldiers and horses among them are only 80! The remaining 20 are old and weak soldiers! These soldiers and horses are all defeated soldiers from various countries. , because the land is vast and rich in resources! Nothing has been reduced! Now our country has far surpassed other countries in terms of military force, even if we face Qin alone! The two countries are more than enough, so I suggest reducing troops! Get rid of the weak and keep the strong! Improve the overall combat effectiveness of the army!"

"How many soldiers and horses are there! Cheng Yu! Just tell me!" Han Yi put his hands together!He said with a serious face.

"Promise! General Han Qinhu has one hundred thousand! General Han Xin has one hundred thousand! General Wu Qi has one hundred thousand! General Cao Cao has one hundred thousand! General Gongsun Yan has one hundred million! General Huo Qubing has fifty thousand tiger and leopard riders! General Zhang Liao has seventy thousand! These That’s 62! There are also 28 under General Zhuge Liang’s command! [-] guards in Chang’an! [-] tigers from Shangyong! Less! The maintenance and manufacture of these people's weapons will be withdrawn from the national treasury!" Cheng Yu said with a serious face.

Han Yi caressed his nose, looking serious, and immediately said: "Let's do this! Let's cut 20 troops first! Save this money! There will be more money in the future!" Han Yi smiled happily and immediately issued an order.

"Your Majesty, Shengming!" Everyone immediately boasted.

Han Chen was also shocked. Although he knew that there were many soldiers and horses, he was surprised even when he heard the number of millions.

Han Yi looked at everyone, and said immediately: "Don't be stunned, tell me! What do you think of Wei Guo!"

"Your Majesty! Although Uncle Cuo is dead and Pang Juan is captured, there are still famous generals in the Wei Kingdom. Veteran Long Jia! Le Yang! Recently, there is another famous Guo Chongtao! Although there are 10 Wei soldiers in the new force He was captured, but he still has [-] soldiers, and these [-] people are not to be underestimated!" Sun Bin looked serious, and he firmly grasped the information of Wei Guo.

Han Yi stroked his beard, looked at Sun Bin beside him, and immediately said, "This Pang Juan is also your senior brother after all! You don't want to persuade him to surrender!"

"Your Majesty! You don't know me as a senior brother. In this life, you have identified King Wei! If the Kingdom of Wei dies! He might draw his sword and kill himself!" Sun Bin said with a helpless expression.

"Your Majesty! Let me tell you! Why don't we just send troops on three sides! Kill him by surprise!" Guo Jia said with a smile.

"Three faces! Three faces! How tall are you! Can the national treasury hold it?" Lu Su scolded angrily from the side. When Guo Jia heard this, he asked his head quickly and stuck out his tongue secretly.

Han Yi glanced at Lu Su who was furious, and immediately said: "You just say it! How much money can you give!"

"My lord! This time you can mobilize 20 soldiers and horses, and I, Lu Su, will spend a lot of money to get you four months' expenses!" Lu Su said with a serious face.

"No need for four months! In three months, the king can enjoy the scenery in Anyi City!" Sun Wu said with a smile.

"Hehe! General Sun Wu! Don't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue, three months! Your tone is very loud!" Guo Jia looked at Sun Wu with a smile.

"It's not impossible!" Xun You, who had always been taciturn, looked at the map, and then made a sound after a long time.

Only then did everyone focus on Xun You, and Han Chen also looked around at him. He saw that the man's face was like jade, but he had a beard. He was quite imposing. Han Yi stroked His own beard, looking at what he wanted to say.

"Your Majesty! The 20 soldiers and horses can be divided into three groups! One of them is [-] infantry, which will directly resist the [-] soldiers and horses of Wei State. The other two groups can send white horse righteous followers and tiger and leopard cavalry. These two troops are highly mobile. Suitable for wandering! Let them take a detour and directly take these four towns, as long as these four towns are taken, Wei Guo will only exist in name only!" Xun You said immediately.

As soon as this remark came out, the big plan was decided, and Sun Wu and Sun Bin quickly checked the map!Like to see what route to go!
Han Yi took a deep look at Xun You. Every time this guy made a trick, it was really easy to use.

"Hmm! That's a good plan! Let's do it! This battle is still for Gongsun Yan to be the general! To pester Wei Jun! Huo Qubing! Wei Qing! The two command the tiger and the leopard! Zhao Yun! Yang Zaixing and the two command the white horse Yi Cong!" Han Yi said with a smile. .

"Your Majesty! Minister! I beg your Majesty to change someone else!" Gongsun Yan looked serious, as if he couldn't bear it.

Han Yi looked at Gongsun Yan with a puzzled expression and said, "General Gongsun! This is a good opportunity to make meritorious service! You don't want it!"

Gongsun Yan caressed his beard, sighed, and immediately said: "Your Majesty is from Wei! This attack on Wei! It is an act of selfishness! Please choose someone else!"

Gongsun Yan's meaning is very clear!Avoid war delays!Blame it on him, he doesn't want to fight!But the biggest part of the reason is because he is from the Wei country, and he can't bear to see the people of the Wei country in ruins!
"Since General Gongsun is unwilling, Gu will not force it! How about it! Sun Wu, you dare to go!" Han Yi estimated his beard and said calmly.

"You have the trust of the great king! If you do it again, you will definitely die!" Sun Wu was neither arrogant nor impetuous.

"Well! This time! I will be with you in the early stage!" Han Yi smiled strangely.

"Your Majesty! Why are you still conscripting yourself!" Lu Su's face turned pale. This king is really a little worried, why does he want to conscript himself every now and then?

Han Yi looked at Lu Su who couldn't laugh or cry, and immediately said: "I have to deal with some things when I go to Wei this time! When I'm not around, the prince will supervise the country! I give you the right to kill first and then play!"

"Your Majesty! This matter must never happen!" Han Chen stepped forward immediately. This might not be a good thing.

"There is nothing impossible! You can use Gu's king seal! Gu has only one request! Stabilize the country!" Han Yi said calmly, stroking his beard.

"No!" Han Chen wasn't making excuses at the moment, since he had decided, he didn't regret it.

Han Yi stroked his beard and smiled strangely, watching the joke, I left so many notes!You help Gu take a good look.

"Tomorrow I will go to Luoyang! I hope you will pay more attention to domestic affairs! Thank you so much!"

"I dare not wait"

Han Yi looked into the distance, stroked his beard, and said calmly, "Those king swords should also be in the lonely hands!"

The night is always so long, but at the same time, the north is not too stable. The fatigue of many days has already caused Prince Dan to fall asleep. Today's Yan Kingdom is besieged on all sides. The Li family has laid down the Great Wall. Zhao Guo!At this moment, Prince Dan couldn't breathe, but he still had to hold on.

(End of this chapter)

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