Warring States Call

Chapter 1161 Angry Cao Cao

Chapter 1161 Angry Cao Cao

Han Chen was wearing a white cloak. Under the moonlight, he looked pure and flawless, like a jasper. When he stepped out of the hall, Han Chen happened to see two women looking at him with puzzled eyes.

But Han Yi didn't intend to stay longer, so he walked quickly, and Mu Ying and others followed quickly.

Watch Han Chen leave!Cao Cao wrapped his clothes tightly, with a stern expression on his face. The heavy breath in his mouth turned into water vapor under the cold night. Cao Cao rubbed his eyebrows helplessly, and sat on the seat with a heavy expression, even more There was a trace of helplessness.

"Father! The prince has grievances with his four younger brothers! Do this! I'm afraid it's...!" Cao Ang said with a worried expression.

"He is the king! We are the ministers! The emperor wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die! Don't you understand this truth? Besides, the prince is definitely not a person who avenges the public!" Cao Cao stroked his beard, his face sinking like water!But still kept calm.

"Father! Who is the son who just came!" Cao Xian!Cao Jie, two little girls, came to Cao Cao arm in arm, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Cao Cao looked at the expressions of the two daughters, stroked their beards involuntarily, and then smiled. The eyes of the two mung bean-sized eyes suddenly turned, and he said immediately: "What do you two think of the young master just now!"

"Which young master just now! I feel pretty good, but it's too dark to see their faces clearly!" Cao Xian looked indifferent, as if he didn't care.

Cao Jie smiled and said, "Father! The one who can make you frown like this, is he the crown prince?"

Cao Ang's face was stunned, and Cao Cao immediately laughed and said, "I never thought that my Cao family would give birth to such an exquisite girl as you."

"Thank you, father, for your praise!" Cao Jie hastily saluted, with a smile in his eyes.

"What! It's the prince! What is he doing at our house!" Cao Xian asked with a puzzled expression.

Cao Ang looked at the two of them, and immediately said: "This is not what you should ask, go back quickly!"

"Hmph! Big brother is really annoying!" Cao Xian said and made a face at Cao Ang.

The two were about to leave, Cao Cao quickly waved his hands and said, "You two wait first! Let me ask you a question first!"

"Father, what orders do you have?" Cao Jie and the two stopped immediately, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"The two of you have already reached the age of leaving the court! The crown prince is about to become a gift! The king is also looking for a suitable woman! What can I say about my Cao family! You can be regarded as a good family! I don't know if the two of you are interested!" Cao Cao laughed. Looking at the two of them, an elite light flashed in his eyes at the same time.

Cao Jie knows the book and is a gift!And Dong Xiao audio-visual!With an exquisite heart, he is cautious in dealing with others, but Cao Xian seems to be careless and doesn't have much scheming!In a word, small mistakes continue!Make no mistake!Take the long view!Know the general!The two daughters are both good, each with their own strengths, if they marry into the palace!They also make up for each other's deficiencies!Learn from each other.

"Father! What's so good about this prince! I see those ladies wear gold and silver all day long, but I don't see how happy they are!" Cao Xian said with a puzzled expression.

"No! You have been in the mansion all day! But you have never heard of the prince's actions! The prince was separated in the early years! He wandered outside with Zhong Wuyan, which is different from the few princes in the palace. Ascending to the throne, you must be a generation of Mingjun. After him, you can also get the reputation of a worthy empress. In my view, the prince treats his brothers with great affection and righteousness. In the future, he will definitely treat you well! And you must know , the crown prince became famous at a young age, and beheaded General Gao Siji of the Qi State! He achieved the position of a general at a young age, which can be said to be both civil and military! As a father, at his age, is he still a minor official?" Cao Cao stroked With a beard, he smiled.

"Oh! Father An said so! Isn't this prince both civil and military!" Cao Xianyan covered his mouth with a smile.

"Father! I've heard all about it! The elder brothers have suffered at his hands! We will meet in the future! Isn't it...!" Cao Jie said with a worried expression.

"Hahaha! As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other! Those four brothers of yours can't beat the prince! It's their fault! You all know the skills of your four brothers! It can be seen that the prince is outstanding! You should think about it! "Cao Cao now seems to be abducting and selling underage girls, step by step to set up his two daughters.

The reason why Cao Cao did this was partly because he fell in love with Han Chen, and partly because if the Cao family wanted to continue the glory in front of them, they had to start with the next generation of emperors, and Han Chen was a good candidate. Prince, a few of them are about the same age, their wrists are too tender, the others are either young or their backgrounds are too weak!After thinking about it, there was only Han Chen.

"Everything is up to the father!" Cao Xian replied carelessly, and then everyone's eyes were focused on Cao Jie.

Cao Jie blushed, and immediately said: "Father! My daughter is also willing!"

"Hahahahaha! Good! Good!" Cao Cao stroked his beard with a smile, but Cao Ang was a little confused, because he always felt that this matter was not that simple, and was about to speak, only to hear a noise from the hall door.

"Father... Father...!"

"What's wrong with being noisy! What's the matter!" Cao Cao's face turned cold. It's time for these boys to be trained. They dance with guns and clubs every day, and they only grow muscles!Take it easy.

"Father! I heard that the crown prince is here to ask for someone! Why did you agree! How dare you sell our brothers! The seventh brother is only so old! You are willing to send him to the barracks!" Cao Wenzhao's face turned pale After a change, Han Chen came to ask for someone, and they felt more or less resistant in their hearts.

"Yes! Father! I want to go to you! I won't go!" Cao Zhang hid behind the three of them, looking at Cao Cao with some fear.

"Bastard!" Cao Cao slapped the table suddenly, causing the whole hall to shake. Cao Cao pointed at the four people and cursed angrily, "You fools with no heads! The prince will be in the spotlight in the future! Follow him, It is only for success! I will marry your sister to him in the future! It will not be a problem for you to be named marquis and general for the rest of your life! One or two, remembering this little grudge in front of you! How can I still have the grace of my Cao family! All these years of eating The food! All the books I read went to the dog's stomach!"

"Father, you still want to marry your younger sister to him! This...!" Cao Ning was about to speak, but when he saw Cao Cao's cold eyes, he immediately shrank his neck and dared not speak.

"Hmph! Listen to me! This time, you four, do it well for me! Complete the tasks assigned by the prince! Otherwise! All of you will lead me to the family law!" Cao Cao jumped up after finishing speaking, and walked to the back.

(End of this chapter)

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