Warring States Call

Chapter 1174 Grassland Harvest

Chapter 1174 Grassland Harvest

"You dirt dog! Dead dog! Smelly dog! General Zhao killed him quickly! I'm so mad!" Yue Yun looked at this dog, so angry that his teeth were itching, and he couldn't help but cursed. The eyes seem to be able to breathe fire.

"Little man! Beg for death! Kill!" At this moment, Zhang Gou'er was furious, and some illusory energy emerged from Zhou's body. The tiger's eyes stared at Zhao Yun, and he slashed down with an extremely sharp knife, shouting loudly. One sound: "Go!"

Zhang Gou'er's eyes turned red, he hates people saying that the most, even if he is successful now, if he doesn't kill Yue Yun today, he won't let it go

"Ding, Zhang Gouer activates in anger, reduces Zhao Yun's force value by 5 points, increases personal force value by 1, and base force value is 103! Black Tiger Golden Saber force value increases by 1, drunk red throat force value increases by 106, current force value is [-]!"

"Ding, if you didn't insult Zhang Gou'er once, Zhang Gou'er's force value will be increased by 2. Currently, Yue Yun has insulted Zhang Gou'er three times, so Zhang Gou'er's force value will be increased by 6. Currently, Zhang Gou'er's force value is 112!"

"Don't go crazy, Zhang Gouer! Watch me kill you!" Zhao Yun's eyes were full of cold light, and Zhou's murderous aura was fully displayed. He suddenly picked up the silver gun with both hands, and the cold light was fully displayed.

Where the cold light appeared, it was like an illusory phoenix, enveloping Zhang Gou'er.

"Ding, when Zhao Yun's gentian attribute is activated, the force value of the enemy's 1 people increases by 1, and the current Wei army has 2 people, the force value increases by 2, the basic force value is 103, the force value of the gentian silver spear increases by 1, and the force value of the Zhaoyue Jade Lion increases. 1, the current force value is 107!"

"Ding, Zhao Yun's gentian attribute is immune to Zhang Gou'er's anger attribute!"

"Kang Dang!" After a moment, they fought three or four moves!Sparks shot out, Zhao Yun's face was serious, seeing the big knife less than three feet away from him, he was suddenly furious, turned over, and shouted: "Open it!"

"Ding!" With one shot, Zhang Gou'er's silver spear was repelled, and Zhao Yun stood up abruptly without hesitation.

"Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun!" Zhao Yun turned his horse to fight, and when he opened Zhang Gou'er's sword, the illusory energy on his body suddenly condensed, forming a scarlet blood, and under the moonlight, it seemed to give birth to a trace of purple .

"Get up!" A bolt of purple lightning passed by, directly killing Zhang Gou'er's throat, chest and lower abdomen. No matter where it hits, it will be a fatal wound.

"Ding, Zhao Yunchao activates the attribute, and the force value is instantly increased by 10. It is influenced by Zhao Yun himself, and the second attribute of gentian is automatically separated to form a group! These two skills can only be activated individually, and cannot be activated at the same time!"

"Ding, the attribute of Zhao Yun's famous gun is activated, and the force value is increased by 5. The current force value of Zhao Yun is 122!"

"Boom! Boom!" The red smell permeated Zhao Yun's body. At this moment, Zhao Yun suddenly jumped into the air, and the silver gun in his hand flashed seven gun shadows, like lotus flowers in front of the Buddha, gradually changing from seven to three. Sanduo turned into more than one, only facing Zhang Gou'er's heart.

"Give me... get lost...! Before Zhang Gou'er finished speaking, the silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand was thrown out. At the very moment, Zhang Gou'er quickly waved the big knife in his hand to block the gun in his hand. heart.

But it's easy to dodge an open spear, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow. Zhao Yun suddenly pulled out the sword in his arms, and with one stroke of the sword, a large human head flew out and slid down to the ground.

Looking at the headless corpse in front of Zhao Yun, Zhang Gou'er was a little confused for a while!Then his eyes went dark, and he couldn't open it.

"General Zhang...! This...!" Everyone panicked without the coach, what's going on!What do they do.

"Run... run!" All the Wei Jun lost their will to fight, and wished that their parents would have two more legs so that they could run faster.

Zhao Yun grabbed the silver gun in his hand, picked Zhang Gou'er's head with the gun, and suddenly shouted: "Soldiers! Let me kill!"


Immediately, his morale was boosted, and he turned into a hungry wolf in the night, about to devour the opponent completely.

Zhang Gou's death in battle made the Wei State even worse, and finally established the army god of war!They were actually killed, which made them unacceptable. After all, Zhang Gou'er did not represent him personally, but also Wei Guo's military spirit.

And Guo Chongtao's military spirit of a small victory was completely defeated at this moment!The grain roads of Houma and Wucheng Pass have been harassed by Zhao Yun all the time, which prevents the grain and grass from being transported into the city, and the grain and grass of the entire Wucheng Pass are in jeopardy, and they will all be destroyed without attack.

There is Zhang Gouer, the stepping stone to fame!Since then, Zhao Yun has grown from a well-known general!Make a sudden change and become a famous warrior in the world!With Huang Feihu!Named by Gao Chong and others.

Of course, with Xing Tian who has made great achievements in battle!Ran Min!Compared with Li Cunxiao, the three of them are still a little bit worse.

Han Yi, who was marching in the dark night, was awakened by the system's reminder, opened his eyes dimly, and said puzzledly: "System! Who is dead!"

"Ding! Wei general Zhang Gou'er died in battle! The host has gained 10 summoning points, and the current host has 864 summoning points!"

"Ding, Zhang Gou'er's basic force value is 103, and the system is about to explode to 6
Seven people, please host to get ready! "

"Hey! It's really unstoppable! Come on! It seems that this time Wei Guo can give away how many heads!"

"Ding, the current No. 1 Ma Qiu of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms: Force 98 Commander 89 Intelligence 71 Politics 22 The current implantation identity is the general recruited by Yale Abaoji just now!"

"Ding, the second person on the list is King Huluo! Force 102 Commander 87 Intelligence 66 Politics 51 The current implantation identity is the prairie warrior Tuoba Tao just recruited!"

"I'll go! System, you're a bit ruthless this time!" Han Yi was stunned.

"Ding, the third person on the list is Xixia Li Yuanhao: force 100, commander 97, intelligence 81, politics 80, and the current implantation identity is a general recruited by Wanyan Aguda!"

"Ding, Tuoba Shiyijian is currently the fourth person on the list: force 97, commander 94, intelligence 82, politics 85. The implanted identity is the military general Tuoba Tao just recruited!"

"Ding, Er Zhurong is currently the fifth person on the list: force 87, commander 98, intelligence 95, politics 88. The current implantation identity is a general recruited by Tuoba Tao!"

"Ding, there are currently six people on the list! Er Zhuzhao: Force 100, Commander 94, Intelligence 80, Politics 84. The implanted identity is a general promoted by Tuoba Tao!"

"Ding, the last person to hit the list! Erzhu Shilong: Force 84 Commander 83 Intelligence 72 Politics 71 The current implantation status is a military general promoted by Tuoba Tao!"

"Okay! The last three came out together, shoulder to shoulder, and all of them are for the grassland. This is unprecedented. In the past, most of them were in the Central Plains. Now the feng shui is turning. It's their turn. It seems that Qin and Zhao are not quite right!" Han Yi smiled strangely, the weaker their power, the better for him.

(End of this chapter)

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