Warring States Call

Chapter 1176 Wei Wentong

Chapter 1176 Wei Wentong

"This Guo Chongtao has some skills! Compared with Pang Juan, he is calm! Using the favorable terrain! To hinder us! He is a character!" Sun Wu praised!Estimated his beard, then untied the wine gourd around his waist, smelled the smell of wine, paused for a while and said calmly: "Give me the gift from General Zhao to Wei Jun!"

"The general understands!" Wang Ping rode a horse, opened a box the size of a human head, and took a closer look. It turned out to be the head of a dog. Wang Ping picked it up on the gun and held it high: "Guo Chongtao! Your food and grass The grain transport officer has already been killed by the general of our army! The supplies in the rear! How long can the grain and grass last!"

"Yeah!" Wei Wentong chopped down the soldiers who climbed up the city wall, suddenly raised his head, looked at the head held high, his expression gradually turned cold, the soldier's morale seemed to be wavering at this moment, Wei Wentong immediately shouted: "Everyone is stunned!" What are you doing! The enemy will just find a head and you will believe it? Defend the city for me!"

With Wei Wentong's words, the soldiers who had been hesitant before were filled with anger at this moment, and their bravery was stronger than their value.

"Show me the archers, shoot arrows to prevent them from approaching the city wall, and don't let me let anyone approach the moat." Ding Yanping is old-fashioned, holding a longbow in one hand and a cold arrow in the other, aiming ahead, He snorted coldly: "Medium!"

An arrow passed by and hit an archer in the middle.

"Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom..." The horn on the city wall urgently urged at this moment, and dozens of ladder carts were pushed to the corner of the city abruptly. A burly man, riding a war horse against the rain of arrows, suddenly pulled the rope, and saw that the ladder that hadn't reached the city wall seemed to be folded, and it suddenly fell to the wall. The general behind, who was ready to go, rode The war horse rushed up along the ladder and went straight to the city wall.

"What is this..." Wei Wentong's expression changed, he had never seen such a siege machine before.

"General Wei! You see the enemy army is attacking along this siege engine!" Ding Yan said with a serious face, and it was the first time he had seen this thing.


Before Wei Wentong could say anything, a flying stone was thrown at him, and the lieutenant behind Wei Wentong was splashed with blood.

"Pfft... bah!" Wei Wentong was blown away three steps, and was thrown at Ding Yanping's feet. He quickly turned over, took a deep breath, shook his shoulders, shook off the dust on his body, and cleared his mind.

Seeing him, Ding Yanping quickly stepped forward to help him up: "General Wei! General Wei! Are you okay!"

Wei Wentong shook his head, stood up reluctantly, pushed Ding Yanping and said: "Old General Ding! Go down to the city quickly! Tell General Guo the situation of the city wall! Quick!"

"You go, lieutenant general!" Ding Yanping pushed the lieutenant behind him, and looked at Wei Wentong: "No matter what you say today, they can't let them capture the city! Someone bring me a gun!"

"Hahahahahaha! Good! It's rare for an old general to have such arrogance! I'm here to accompany the old general! Take my flower knife!" Wei Wentong immediately took his own flower knife, with disheveled hair, bloody face, and broken back Under the support of strength, the cloak will automatically move without wind.

Wei Wentong immediately stood alone on the city wall, looked at the platform of the ladder hanging over the city wall, stepped on it, and stood behind him with a flower knife, facing the thousands of troops that were gradually approaching, he suddenly roared: "Kill!" !"

One word shocked thousands of troops, Wei Wentong swung his saber suddenly, the veins on his hands popped up, and the flower saber was playing majesticly, rushing straight down, the majestic saber pierced through the armor, only the bones were crisp There was a sound of breaking, and then a good man's head flew out. As the saying goes, one man should be in charge of the gate, and ten thousand men should not be opened, and it was Wei Wentong.

"Quick! Archers cover General Wei Wentong... Hurry up!" Ding Yanping greeted immediately.

"Nuo" thousands of archers shot back and forth, and after a while, there were countless casualties under the entire ladder car. The soldiers who charged forward were afraid of the enemy like tigers and did not dare to step forward.

But at this moment Wei Wentong was holding the knife in one hand, his body was covered in blood, the blood on the flower knife, his messy hair covered his fierce gaze, and suddenly shouted: "Come on!"

"This... this...!" Dozens of soldiers flinched again and again, not daring to step forward.

Sun Wu rode on a war horse, looked at Wei Wentong with a different expression, showing a hint of sadness, and said calmly: "I never thought that there would be such a hero in Wei State! It's rare! It's rare!"

"Fire all the arrows! Aim at him!" Hu Yanzhuo didn't care about the three sevens and twenty ones, and directly ordered that the bows and arrows of tens of thousands of people were aimed at Wei Wentong.

"General Wei, be careful! Continue!" Ding Yanping suddenly threw a shield at Wei Wentong.

Wei Wentong took it immediately, but he was still a step too late. An arrow was shot in his foot, so he could only crawl back slowly!Bloody battle on the wall!It completely killed Wei Wentong's blood awakening and Wei Jun's morale.

"Quick! Protect General Wei!" Ding Yanping personally carried the shield and came to Wei Wentong's side, about to help him off the city wall.

"Quickly, tie me to the pillar! I want to stick to the city wall!" Wei Wentong glanced at the enemy army below with a serious expression.

"General Wei can't do it! You've been injured!" Ding Yanping looked embarrassed, this battle has just begun! "

"I can't move my legs! But I can still move my hands! Give me a shield! Let me block the rain of arrows, I will not retreat! No one can go down the city! Defend the city!" Wei Wentong immediately resolutely, these soldiers They were all militiamen recruited hastily, and the training took less than three months. However, under the influence of Wei Wentong, although they did not have much combat effectiveness, the military spirit was still established. With the military spirit, combat effectiveness is only a matter of time.

Scattered soldiers were seen under the city wall, and they began to approach the city.

With blood on his face, Wei Wentong gritted his teeth, pulled out the cold arrow in his hand, tore off his tattered cloak, tied himself to the wounded pillar, and shouted: "For the country! Defend! Shoot!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the soldiers with complexion were encouraged like never before. They drew their knives and raised their guns, and rushed forward regardless of life and death. Take one person too.

Sun Wu heard the roar, and immediately said: "Order to withdraw the troops!"

"General, our army managed to take over the top of the city! Just withdraw like this!" Wang Ping said unwillingly.

"The three armies can win the commander! The generals can't win the ambition! Now the morale of the Wei army is boosted! I can't wait for a strong attack! I'm going to fight, but it's just adding some lives to the city wall." Sun Wu hurriedly turned his horse, his face indifferent, as if It's all under your control.

(End of this chapter)

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