Chapter 1182
"What's the use of this attribute!" Han Yi crossed his hands, as if he was fighting an economic and psychological war with the system.

"Ding, God bless attributes! God blesses the owner, can protect the owner three times, no matter it is natural disasters, man-made disasters, or poisonous killings, he will not die! Attributes have positive effects, politics plus 5! Intelligence plus 5! If it is used by the emperor, commander! Add 5! Note: This skill can only be implanted for those under the age of 20! And the injection conditions need to be detected by the system!"

"The conditions are so strict! Are you playing tricks on me, the system! First draw a big cake for me and write a bad check, but it can't be used!" Han Yi insisted.

He definitely can't use this skill, and this skill has certain limitations, if you want to use it to the extreme!Isn't that the obvious choice in the next generation?

"The system, you can test it! Among the orphaned sons! Let's see who can!" Han Yi rubbed his wrist and said calmly.

"Ding, Han Chen! Han Ming! There are only two people at the moment, and the system has detected Han Ming's innate attributes! Pluto! Kill decisively! Resolutely and resolutely! Decrease political attributes by 10 points, increase force by 10 points! Every time you kill 10, all attributes will increase." 2!

"Isn't this a strengthened white Qi! Is it so murderous at such a young age?" Han Yi looked embarrassed, and he gave birth to some kind of monster.

Han Yi knew about Han Chen's attributes, especially the attribute of being good at borrowing. If he could match him with a good team!It can guarantee the safety of the country and the people!But Han Yi was afraid that after a hundred years, if a treacherous minister was in power, if this kid borrowed a negative attribute of harming the country and the people, he would have endless regrets.

"Ding, special reminder! God's blessing attribute, once implanted, all negative attributes will be invalid! All hosts don't need to worry about this problem!"

"Hmm!" How does it feel like you are choosing an heir for me!Rather than my own choice.


"What's the matter, my lord! I'm talking to myself here alone! Is it because I'm so hungry and thirsty!" Guo Jia staggered over, shaking his wine gourd.

Guo Jia was wearing a yellow shirt on his upper body. Guo Jia used to have a yellow and thin face, but after having Zhang Chunhua, Guo Jia's complexion has also improved a lot. The thin body before has become much wider at this moment.

"The whole world! You are the only one who dares to talk to me like that!" Han Yi shook his head indifferently, stretched out his hand, and gestured for Guo Jia to sit down.

"What is your Majesty looking for from me! I don't have three jars of good wine! I won't do it!" Guo Jia sat down freely, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

This is also Guo Jia's skill. He is able to grasp the measure and fight with Han Yi without violating Han Yi's bottom line. This is also the reason why Han Yi has only Guo Jia as his confidant here.

"If you do this well! You can drink for a lifetime!" Han Yi said with a light smile.

"Oh! What a good thing! Please tell me, Your Majesty!" Guo Jia suddenly became interested.

Han Yi smiled calmly, poured a full cup for Guo Jia, slowly put down the bamboo slip in his hand, and said calmly, "It's nothing! It's just about Li Chu, what do you think!"

"!" Guo Jia stretched out his hand, and was about to take the wine, but his expression was stunned, and he immediately withdrew his hand, forcing a smile: "That...king...I suddenly remembered... ...There are still some things in this army...not...not dealt with! Let's go first!"

"Okay! Don't pretend to be alone anymore! It's a miracle that you go one day within ten days! This matter is related to the longevity of the country, so I have to be more careful! You and I are both monarchs and ministers! We are also close friends, both public and private. It's perfect!" Han Yi said calmly, motioning Guo Jia to sit down!Don't be too nervous.

"Since Your Majesty has said it! Then you will be bolder! In ancient times, the virtuous were established but not the elders! But now it is established but not the concubines! The elders and the younger are in order! But these three things add up! Your Majesty should have a clear mind. The candidate has been chosen!" Guo Jia sat down, paused for a while, and drank the wine in his hand. The wine was strong and timid, and Guo Jia calmly said: "Prince morning! There are many victories! The king is going to Luoyang, and the prince will take the whole Chang’an is well-organized, this is a virtuous name! In addition, the crown prince is the heir! And he is the eldest son of the king! It’s all about reason! Both public and private, the king should pass the throne to the crown prince!”

"You are so supportive of the prince! Could it be that this kid has given you some ecstasy soup!" Han Yi said indifferently.

"No! We are ministers, and we should secure the world and bring peace to future generations. It is a great achievement for the king to rule the Central Plains, but the enemy of the next generation may be the grassland! So we must eliminate all hidden dangers. Say! I am only loyal to the king! Who will help me in the future! It is also a matter of the king!" Guo Jia said indifferently.

"Why do you recommend the prince so much! The other sons are not bad!"

"Your Majesty, you know it well! Young Master Feng is a man who cares about the overall situation! He is outstanding in martial arts, but he lacks a delicate heart! He has no scheming, and he has been defeated many times in the hands of Young Master Ning! If the country is in his hands, it will definitely be divided. Second, son Ning! He is cruel and ruthless, and he is good to the enemy, but to his own... If the country is handed over to him, it will inevitably lead to tyranny and heavy taxes, and the people will live in poverty! As for son Ming, his hostility is too heavy, which is not conducive to controlling the country! In addition The two young masters are really too young to know." Guo Jia talked about the pros and cons of this one by one, but the final decision is still in the hands of Han Yi.

Han Yi leaned on the armchair, rubbed his temples, closed his eyes and meditated, and said for a while, "The system will transplant Tianyou to Han Chen."

"Boom... Boom...!" In the sky of Chang'an, I saw something happened in the sky, lightning flashed and thunder, and purple thunderclouds gradually gathered, as if there was a faint thunder looming, but I don't know what happened , suddenly a ray of golden sunlight passed through the thundercloud, and finally landed in a mansion.Seeing the weather, the people began to talk about it.

"Auspiciousness! Auspiciousness from heaven! Good thing! Great good thing!"

"Ruijingzhao a good year! A good omen...a good omen!"

"Whose mansion is that?"

"Hey! Is this the prince's mansion...!"

"Oh! You said that! It seems to be..."

At this moment, the people were talking about it, and Han Chen's height among the people was also rising!Everyone was amazed.

The ancients valued the sky!As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad!Han Ning, who was in the mansion, listened to the discussions outside, praising Han Chen, his brows became heavier and heavier, and even his palms were red.

(End of this chapter)

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