Warring States Call

Chapter 1184 Qi Guoyuan

Chapter 1184 Qi Guoyuan

Wucheng Pass

Sun Wu sat on the top of the hall, looked at the city wall, and said calmly: "How is the situation!"

"General Zhao Yun beheaded the enemy's general Ding Yanping! The Wei army suffered heavy losses, 3 horses! The whole army was wiped out!" Wang Ping reported immediately, expressing his admiration for such a record.

"Well! That's right! Let's pass on the order! Repair the three-day soldiers and direct them to Houma!" Sun Wu smiled lightly, the power of the Wei State is gone, and the main force has been wiped out!There is nothing to fear anymore.

"The last general has an order!" Wang Ping stepped back with his fists clasped, and passed on the general order that Sun Wu had just ordered.

"Brothers! Hurry up! The food and grass must be transported to the city within three days, or we won't be able to eat!" At the foot of the mountain, a group of people transported food and grass. Qi Zhanjia, with a sword at his waist, a long spear in his hand, a horse rope in one hand, and a gourd of wine in the other hand, he drank two sips from time to time, and took a few sips of his stomach. They were all hot, and walking halfway, I only felt a slight urgency in my lower abdomen. Immediately, I dismounted from the horse, took off my belt, whistled, and sang the Yellow River for [-] miles.

The man who had been silent all this time, suddenly smashed the wine gourd in his hand on the rock beside the man, splashing him all over, his cheeks flushed, and he laughed loudly: "Old Qi! You don't have anyone here, if you I was taken by that big girl with yellow flowers, and I'm not going to give you a snap!"

"Hey!" The man who was smashed was not angry. After urinating, he tied the belt of his trousers and said with a smile: "My brother! I have played with women! There are more bridges than you! I usually hide them like treasures." Who dares to click! I will fight him desperately!"

"Alas! Alas! Alas! That's enough, that's enough" Stop bragging!They are all tied with their heads on the waistband of their trousers. Hurry up and hurry, if it is late!But he will be punished with a military baton! "The middle-aged general comforted him, and then rode on his horse, and greeted the food team behind: "What are you doing in a daze!hurry up!go fast!quick!It's raining right now!The road is muddy, and it is even more difficult to walk! "

"Oh! Why! The gap between people is so big, but fortunately, this life is embracing! Otherwise, I really don't know what to do in the future!" Qi Guoyuan shook his head, carrying the big bag in his hand. The hammer is to urge the soldiers to hurry.

The sun is setting, the blood is red, the birds in the sky were originally quiet, but now they are frightened and scattered, flying around incessantly, wanting to land, but they can't land, back and forth .

In this dense jungle, I saw only a few soldiers crouching on the grass, showing their eyes!Overlooking the soldiers who were successively transporting food below, and the two leading generals, they gradually lowered their heads that had just emerged, and slowly retreated behind them, running towards the depths of the forest.

Yang Yichen and Zhu Hai, who had a vegetarian meal in their corpses, ate uncooked food in order not to be discovered these few days, and even the prey they killed was washed in water and then they gritted their teeth and ate it. This also has diarrhea.

There are also a lot of snakes, rats, insects and ants in this forest, and many soldiers can't stand it anymore. Fortunately, they are all direct descendants of Yang Yichen!Not a single deserter has persisted until now, but Zhu Hai's troops are different, they have frequently fled these days!Even Zhu Hai couldn't stop him!We can only let them go!Only to be out of sight and calm in mind.

Yang Yichen was wearing black armor, sitting on a rock, drinking water from the river!Eating bloody rabbit meat, the red blood slid down his lips to his beard!It adds fierceness and blood to this tough man.

Yang Yichen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the cloak behind him, looked at the messenger who ran back and said, "What's going on! Are you here?"

"Report to General! The enemy's rations are all here, and there are no more than 5000 soldiers and horses! One of the fat men is using a sledgehammer! It looks very powerful, and the other is holding a knife. The general flag is planted, it seems to be Qi! The scout headed by the word "Jiao" hurriedly reported.

Yang Yichen pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, looked at the sharp cold light above, and snorted coldly: "Qi! Jiao! This Han army has never heard of these two famous generals!"

"It must be two unknown soldiers! It's just according to our wishes! Let's go! Do you want to go! My soldiers! They really ran away!" Zhu Hai said helplessly, holding the sword in his arms.

"Okay! Let's go!" Yang Yichen also knew enough, turned over and rode on the horse, and said with a stern expression: "Brothers! Let's go!"

"No!" Thousands of people quickly lined up, and whoever was behind Yang Yichen moved in unison.

Zhu Hai gazed at the land, the leaves in the forest were luxuriant, only scattered figures of soldiers and horses could be seen!Yang Yichen raised his hand to look at the dusk, picked up the weapon in his hand for a while, and shouted: "Soldiers! Follow me!"

"Woo...!" Zhu Hai flicked the horse rope, whipped the horse's whip, and took the lead. The big knife in his hand exuded a cold light, and the horse's hooves were galloping. Ming, the birds and beasts scattered.

Jiao Zan was startled, and hastily tightened the reins of his horse!The tiger stared at the front and shouted: "Quick! The enemy is attacking everyone, defend! The shield soldiers form an array!!"

"Where did you come from, Brother Green Forest! We are the food and grass of the front line, you can't kill it! Buy it today to save face! Make friends! Let us be one way! There will be a big hug in the future! Otherwise, this iron hammer of a certain family I'm not a vegetarian either." Qi Guoyuan immediately urged him to come forward!Thought these people were bandits!You can scare and scare, don't take it too seriously, as for the sledgehammer in this hand, it was naturally made by Qi Guoyuan with paper, it is used to scare people, one scare is sure!Haven't lost yet.

"Come on! Kill the enemy generals! A reward of one hundred taels!" Yang Yichen waved the big knife in his hand with a serious expression.

Jiao Zan's expression changed: "Not good! It's Wei Jun! Quick! Let the arrows go!"


"Raise the shield to defend!" Zhu Hai, with a clear mind and a calm face, commanded the soldiers and horses, and the charging soldiers suddenly raised their shields and sang in surprise.

The whole world could only hear the word kill.

Thousands of cold arrows shot out, like locusts crossing the border, only the sound of jingling was heard, with little effect, let alone causing large-scale damage.

"Damn it! How could there be Wei Jun here, haven't they all been wiped out!" Jiao Zan cursed secretly, looked at Qi Guoyuan at the side, and cursed angrily: "Old Qi! What are you doing in a daze! Fight back!"

"You don't know how capable I am! This enemy army is menacing! Lao Jiao! Why don't we run away! Be the king of the mountain! It's not bad!"

"You fucking bastard! I surrendered once! It's enough to embarrass you! You go up to me!" Jiao Zan felt ashamed of Qi Guoyuan's behavior, and suddenly slapped Qi Guoyuan's ass, the horse was surprised, and charged straight superior.

(End of this chapter)

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