Warring States Call

Chapter 1194 Terrible Fei Lian

Chapter 1194 Terrible Fei Lian
"The wolf shadow protects the lord! The others follow me and rush up! Stop the enemy from invading." Li Cunxiao rode his horse and was about to step forward, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Many soldiers kept retreating backwards!The defeat was all due to Shidanai's death in battle, and in this adversity!I saw a general wearing silver armor and a black hat on his head, holding a death sickle in his hand, going upstream against the current, and everyone was retreating non-stop!He was the only one going forward.

The constantly routing front!Liang Lin who showed his might!This is extremely frightening, and Han Yi is sitting on pins and needles, looking at the figure of one person missing around him: "Where is Fei Lian?"

"Your Majesty! General Fei Lian is in front of the battle!" Elai said with an embarrassed expression on his face.

At this moment, Fei Lian stood proudly in front of the crowd with a sickle in his hand, and saw a bearded soldier holding a machete, and said arrogantly: "Where did you get it! Play tricks in front of me! Die for me!" "

"Whoosh!" The sickle in Fei Lian's hand turned into a black shadow, stabbing the big man's shoulder with a single knife, pinning him firmly to the ground, and somehow a black iron chain was added to his left hand, which was wrapped around his throat On the ground, with each dragging step, the yellow soil underground turned blood-colored.

"The bearded soldier was clutching the wound on his neck with a suffocating face! He was strangled to death in the end.

"Give back my brothers' lives!" A few bold soldiers brandished their weapons and killed them suddenly. Lian said in a low voice like an evil ghost demanding his life, "The Holy King is here! Those who come... stay alive!"

The short two words seemed to have a huge lethality, and the generals around did not dare to move forward.

Guo Chongtao naturally saw this strange person!His eyebrows furrowed, and he was secretly startled. Liang Lin, who had just killed Shi Danai, looked at the two-meter-long scythe in Fei Lian's hand, with blood remaining on it, and his eyes were extremely fearful.

The formerly brave soldiers kept retreating at this moment, Guo Chongtao looked at Fei Lian carefully!I saw wearing a bronze mask with fangs, wearing black clothes and white battle armor, and the original loose hat fell down!With disheveled hair and a body that is neither fat nor thin, he put the weapon behind his back and pointed the sickle at himself. Blood dripped on his armor, and he was dragging the bearded soldier on his right hand. Every time he took a step, the iron chain was released. The sound of jingle bells.

At this moment, Fei Lian seemed to have no fear of them, and kept walking forward, coupled with the afterglow of the cold moon shadow, he felt very bloodthirsty, his voice was like clear water, and he couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman.

"People from there! Playing tricks! Soldiers! Don't be afraid... shoot all arrows! Shoot him to death!" Guo Chongtao immediately ordered and waved his hands suddenly.

Only then did the soldiers behind him come to their senses, and immediately bent their bows and set up their arrows. Thousands of bows and arrows pointed at Fei Lian, but at this moment Fei Lian was still not afraid, and walked forward calmly.

Guo Chongtao suddenly said: "Damn it! Whether you are a god or a ghost! I will shoot you into a hedgehog! Let me go!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Thousands of arrows shot at Fei Lian's face.

Fei Lian's exposed eyes were disdainful, and the iron chain in his left hand moved violently. The bearded corpse was immediately moved out and stood in front of him. Because of the darkness, his eyesight was restricted!That's why I didn't see Fei Lian's actions!He could only vaguely see a black silver, which stood proudly motionless under the thousand arrows.

"Whoosh!" When the last cold arrow fell, looking at Fei Lian who was already like a hedgehog, the soldier approached cautiously, as if to see if he was alive.

After walking for a long time, Liang Lin urged his horse to mount, and said with a cold snort, "Die! Soldiers, charge me!"

In the dark night, the cold wind was blowing the iron chains. At this moment, Fei Lian was half squatting, looking at Liang Lin who was leading the horse, and charged forward with a stride!Swinging down the cheap knife in his hand, it was facing the horse's leg, the knife cut off the water like a knife, the handsome horse's hooves flew out of the scythe, blood spattered several feet, and fell to the ground with a scream, splashing dust.

"Ding, Fei Lian acquires the attributes of the god of death, and the ghosts are afraid of evil spirits. When facing the opponent, it reduces the enemy's force value by 3∽7 points, increases the personal force value by 5 points, and reduces the ability of the enemy's attributes by half."

"Ding, the force value of Liang Lin is currently reduced by 7 points. Liang Lin lost his weapon and horse, and his force value is reduced by 2. The current force value of Liang Lin is 112!"

"Ding, God of Death attribute 3, every time the enemy activates a skill, his strength will be increased by 3 points! Currently Liang Lin activates Flying Tiger, and Fei Lian's strength value will be increased by [-]!"

Ding, Fei Lian's evil attribute activates, kills gods when encountering gods, kills demons when encountering demons, the force value increases by 8, the base force is 101, and the current force is 109. The force value of the four-elephant killing formation is increased by 4, and the current force is 121"

Liang Lin was careless for a moment, the person who was dumped turned his back on his back, and the silver hammer in his hand was also thrown out, and the whole person fell to the ground, his thigh was pressed by the horse, and he couldn't get out for a while.

"Ghost!" I don't know it was the soldier who shouted, and tens of thousands of people seemed to be unable to bear the pressure in their hearts, and immediately retreated and fled in all directions.

Guo Chongtao immediately said: "Don't retreat! Don't panic! Kill me!"

However, no one paid any attention to Guo Chongtao now. Guo Chongtao looked at Liang Lin who was under pressure, and said with a stern expression: "Quick! And stop him to the west! Don't let him hurt General Liang!"


Holding the big summer dragon bird and rushing westward, avoiding the crowd, just to save Liang Lin.

Fei Lian looked mercilessly at Liang Lin who was under pressure, the scythe was caressed like a god of death, saw the blood seal his throat, and swung it down suddenly, just at this time and came to the west in time, looked at Fei Lian and shouted: "The enemy will not be rampant!" ! Look at the knife!"

And swung the big knife towards the west, as if to draw the knife to cut off the water. Fei Lian saw this scene, and only heard a cold voice, which was chilling... "The knife! That's not how it is used!"

Whirring whirring! "

"Ding, the current and westward basic force value is 103, the force value is reduced by 7 points, affected by the death, the force value is reduced by 7 points, and the current force value is 96!"

At this moment, He Xiangxi's pupils suddenly enlarged, and the sickle pierced directly into his head. With this knife, it pierced into He Xiangxi's throat!Stab from outside the neck, the same technique, without much hesitation.

The one lying on the ground and dying towards the west could not die, Guo Chongtao watched from a distance, swallowed unconsciously, held the weapon in his hand, not knowing what to do, the two generals were captured and killed... this.

Fei Lian looked at Liang Lin below, and suddenly put the iron chain in his hand around his throat, dragged it towards Han Yi, and said in a low voice, "You! Accept the king's trial!"

"Bastard..." Liang Lin grabbed the iron chain around his neck, his face flushed red, extremely unwilling, he looked at the side and west, Fei Lian dragged the two of them back like this, no one dared to stop them.

Kill the wind!Haunting Moon Death Knife!Keep away from the living!Gods and ghosts hook it!Bloodthirsty Feilian!

(End of this chapter)

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