Chapter 1197
Huo Qubing yelled loudly, and it resounded through the sky. At this moment, Wei Jun's aura was greatly hit, and he kept retreating. Guo Chongtao, who was fighting fiercely with Meng Zhan, naturally heard this angry yell, and immediately gave an order: " Quick! Raise my banner! Quick!"

The soldiers behind him didn't have time to think about it, and stood proudly in the dark night with their long soldiers and the commander-in-chief flag.

The bright lights all around illuminated this banner, and the soldiers who were frightened by Huo Qubing immediately retreated towards Guo Chongtao's troops as if they had a backbone.

Guo Chongtao must not love to fight!He stepped back fifty steps again and again, facing Han Jun two by two.

"Huh...huh!" At this moment, Wei Jun lost all his previous courage!Support left and right!He ran forward vigorously.

"Ah! Ah...!" Feng Changqing panted heavily, and was defeated all the way to Guo Chongtao's territory. When he saw Guo Chongtao's general flag, he was careless!The whole person fell down, and the internal organs were in pain!
Guo Chongtao looked at it, and said with a puzzled expression: "General Feng! What's wrong with you!"

"General! The last general is incompetent! On the battlefield! Wei Wentong! General Yuluoju was captured alive by the enemy! General Cao Bao was killed in battle! More than half of the soldiers and horses have been lost! Will we retreat! I'm afraid it will be too late!" Feng Changqing knelt down on his knees On the ground!Hands drooping on the ground!Looking at Guo Chongtao with a difficult expression, he was wearing a white battle armor, dripping with blood at the moment!Feathered arrows were stuck on his shoulders, his hair was disheveled, and the blood on his forehead flowed down his temples and fell to the ground, soaking it all up.

"Ha... drive...!" I saw a young general, holding a pair of silver and white hammers, got off his horse, panting, and immediately asked in puzzlement, "What's going on with General Le! Why did he lose his military flag after killing half of it all of a sudden?" What about others? If it wasn't for him, my left army would have almost succeeded in the surprise attack!"

Who else could it be if it wasn't Bai Wenbao!At this moment, he was furious, and he couldn't wait to find Le Yang and beat him severely.

"It's gone! It's all gone! General Leyang's army is wiped out! If General Guo is not retreating! Our army is really wiped out!" Wei Liao looked embarrassed, this battle exceeded their expectations too much!Too many soldiers were lost in this battle, 2 soldiers and horses have already lost more than [-], I am afraid that if the fight continues...

"Hahahahahahahaha! I, Guo Chongtao, have issued a military order! I will never return to the city until Han Yi is broken! There are only two options today! One is to kill the general and capture the flag! The other is to decapitate the general!" Guo Chongtao rolled up the cloak behind him after finishing speaking , wiped the sword in his hand, and said with a stern expression: "Generals! Soldiers! We can't afford to lose! This battle must be won! Fight for the country! Glory! Die for the country! Great righteousness! I'll come! If you don't want to, I won't force you!"

After speaking, Guo Chongtao got on his horse and pulled out the spear in the ground!Getting on his horse, Guo Chongtao couldn't bear to look at the two teenagers behind him, but he immediately called out: "Guo Yan! Guo General! Follow me to kill the enemy and serve the country!"

"Yes! Father!" The two young generals grabbed the spears of the soldiers beside them, turned over and rode on their horses, and followed closely behind.

Feng Changqing glanced at it, and cursed angrily: "His grandma's! If he dies, he will die! At worst, he will be buried in a cup of loess! I don't believe it! 7 soldiers and horses! Can't beat 5 soldiers and horses! Let's go!"

At this moment, Feng Changqing pulled out the arrow feathers behind him, tore off the cloak on his back, roughly bandaged the wound, got on his horse, and shouted suddenly: "Come on!"

With the encouragement of these two people!These tens of thousands of vacillating soldiers embarked on a journey here!During this period, there were only hundreds of people who were greedy for life and afraid of death, turned around and ran away.

The wind is rustling and the water is cold!The strong man is gone and will never return

"Drive... drive...!" Guo Chongtao held a spear in his left hand and cut a saber in his right. He stared straight ahead, and shouted suddenly, "Great Wei Guo Chongtao is here! Han Yi is dead! Kill...!"

"Kill..." Gongs and drums beat to the sky, and the shouts of killing continued.

Huo Qubing and the others, who had finally forced the Wei army back, were startled. They didn't expect that Guo Chongtao would turn his back on the carbine again, and hastily set up a defensive line!Yang Ye waved his big knife, but did not answer: "What's wrong with the Wei army! Why are you so brave and fearless!"

"This Guo Chongtao is really a character!" Han Yi raised his eyebrows slightly!His face was grim, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Guo Jia said solemnly: "Your Majesty! I'm fighting with Guo Chongtao! I'm afraid the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry will be completely lost!"

"Yes! Your Majesty, retreat! Do you want to retreat! The enemy army is about to attack!" Everyone looked worried, looking at Wei Jun, who was like a sharp sword, and wanted to split the Han army in two.

"I can't retreat! Once I retreat! This northward defense line! I will definitely lose everything! I can't retreat!" Han Yi put his hand on the emperor's hatred in his arms!No more hesitation, this battle must be resolved quickly.

"My lord! Withdraw your troops...!" Guo Jia was in a hurry at this moment.

"Pass my order! I will fight alone! Everyone who dares to retreat will be decisive!" After Han Yi finished speaking, he blew a whistle suddenly, only to hear a tiger roar, and saw Xiaobai suddenly coming to Han Yi, staring at him with a pair of beast eyes. Looking at the battle situation in front of him, an invisible fighting spirit was ignited.

"My lord! I can't! Evil! Dian Wei! Stop the lord quickly! Hurry up!" Guo Jia was in a hurry at this moment!What is this called.

"My lord, you can't! You can't! Wu Qiujiu stopped Xiaobai quickly!" Everyone's eyes turned red, and they hurriedly greeted Wu Qiujiu.

"Roar!" No one is good at the moment!Han Yi took the lead, holding the Canglong Zhentian halberd in his hand, and his golden armor all showed the domineering aura of a king. He stared at the soldiers who had rushed to kill him, and suddenly said: "The one who kills the enemy will be named a marquis and a general!"


With Han Yi Fang encouraged!This appointment of Marquis General is a matter of iron and steel, Guo Jia behind saw it, his face was stunned, and he immediately said: "What are you doing in a daze! Hurry up and protect the king! If there is anything wrong with the king! We will die forever! quick!"

In the dark night, the sharp-eyed Wei Ke looked at Han Yi who was riding a strange beast in front of him, and immediately said, "Brother! It is rumored that the king of Han is riding a strange beast! It must be this guy! You and I work together! Kill him! One brother Revenge! Two! This is an unworldly achievement!"

Wei Qi raised his head and looked in Han Yi's direction, with a stern face and suddenly excited, he said, "Brother! Hurry up! Don't let others take the lead!"

"Han Yi takes his life!" Wei Ke shouted suddenly, waving a big knife in his hand, with a serious face.

"You man! Begging for death!" Han Yi was killing on a whim, and the weapon in his hand suddenly moved forward!As soon as it arrived, the cold light flashed!Move like thunder.

During the Battle of the Three Jins, Han Yi's force value had reached 99. In addition, he was in his prime, and with his strong attributes, how could this ability be resisted by the little Wei brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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