Warring States Call

Chapter 1207 Kou Zhun

Chapter 1207 Kou Zhun
"Ding, the system will provide top ten people next! Please listen to the host!"

"System, you are really good at timing!" Han Yi got up and left the side hall!Only Wu Zetian was left here to rest. Han Yi rubbed his temples and said, "System! Let's explode!"

"Ding, the watch burst is about to start!"

"Ding, No. 1 Outlaws of the Marsh, Lu Fang: Force 94, Commander 84, Intelligence 62, Politics 51. The current implantation identity is Lu Bu's younger brother!"

"Hmm!" Han Yi frowned when he heard that, now Han Yi has dominated the Central Plains!No one dared to easily provoke Han Yi, a tiger!At the same time, the world is also terrified!There is no other reason!Zhongshan!Qi country!Wei Guo!The three masterminds of the Battle of the Seven Kingdoms were all killed by Han Yi. The remaining Qin State, because of its strong national power, Han Yi naturally would not go to war easily. Because Yan State changed a monarch, Han Yi also married his sister He, of course, won't form too big a beam!And then naturally set their sights on Wu Guo and Xiang Guo below!

Han Yi rubbed his wrist, and said calmly: "It's getting more and more interesting...!"

"Ding, the second person on the list! Luo Yanqing, force 101, commander 77, resourcefulness 62, politics 67. The current implantation identity is Luo Shixin's younger brother!"

"Hmm! Wait! Wei Mao has never heard of a general! The force value is so high!" Han Yi looked a little worried, this enemy general is not a hidden general!Otherwise, it will be easy to suffer a big loss when it comes to the next war with Qin.

"Ding, Luo Yanqing, a character in "Shuo Yue", a native of Huguang, a descendant of Luo Cheng, a famous Tang Dynasty general, known as "Huguang Luo Yanqing", Yang Zaixing is sworn brother! He and Yang Zaixing had a small contest, and the two were evenly matched. Considering it all together! So his basic force value is two points lower than Yang Zaixing's!

"System! You're going too far! I also have someone with the surname Luo here! And it's Luo Cheng! Yang Zaixing is also in my camp, so he should give me everything!" Han Yi felt a little reconciled for a while!I want to have some theory with the system!After all, live at home!Of course you have to dig a little bit.

However, the system doesn't want to talk to him!Continue with his statement.

"Ding, the third person on the list is Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen! Force 64 Commander 64 Intelligence 92 Politics 94 The current implantation identity is Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew!"

"Hmm! Ming Yingzong has come out!" Han Yi's eyes lit up. In this civil fort change, the 50 army could not beat the emperor with [-] troops!There is no one left for this commander, no wonder he was defeated and captured by the soldiers who also fought first.

Napoleon once said that a herd of sheep led by a lion can defeat a herd of lions led by a sheep. This sentence can only be used to describe Zhu Qizhen.

"Ding, the fourth person on the list is Zhu Qiyu, Emperor Zong of the Ming Dynasty: force 92, commander 94, intelligence 76, politics 87, and the current implantation identity is Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew!"

"What a strange thing this Zhu Zhanji gave birth to! It would be great if the two brothers could balance it out, no wonder Zhu Qiyu was finally taken back by him as the throne! Feelings are not enough brains.

"Ding! The fifth person on the list, Xixia Zhang Yuan: force 72 commander 70 intelligence 92 politics 90 is currently implanted as Li Yuanhao's slave! Advised him and was promoted by him!"

"Hmm!" Han Yi heard the news about the grassland!The whole heart sank!Han Yi had a hunch!Battle of the Prairie!It will be a battle no less than the Battle of the Seven Kingdoms!This is for the politics and economy of the Central Plains!Military strength has a great consumption!Han Yi wants to take advantage of this battle before it comes!Accumulate more strength!Maybe after the Battle of the Prairie!This is his opportunity for Han Yi to rule the world!Do not seize this opportunity!What a pity.

As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, it is necessary to turn disadvantages into advantages.

"Ding! The current top-ranking sixth person, Zu Ti, has 97 military strength, 91 intellect, 70 political power, and 74 implanted identity. He is a general guarding the border of Zhao State! A young general who was promoted by Zhao Yong during his parade!"

"Huh! Is it even out now?" Han Yi was slightly taken aback.

"Ding, Tie Lei Yin Ya, the seventh person on the list: force 100, commander 64, intelligence 74, politics 61. The current implantation status is the "Four Thunder Generals" under Temujin's command! ""

"General Si Lei!" Han Yi was taken aback!What the hell is this!What's the trouble?

"Ding, the eighth person who is currently on the list, Tie Lei Jinya: Force 95, Commander 85, Intelligence 71, Politics 70. The current implantation identity is the "Four Thunder Generals" under Temujin's command! ""

"Ding, the current ninth person on the list: Iron Thunder Eight Treasures: Force 101 Commander 87 Intelligence 71 Politics 61 The current implantation identity is the "Four Thunder Generals" under Temujin's command! "

"Ding, the current tenth person on the list: Tie Leimuer, military strength 97 commander 80 intelligence 71 politics 64 is currently implanted as the "General Four Thunders" under Temujin's command! "

"Be good!" Han Yi frowned slightly!Based on his understanding of the four of them, there must be a hidden brother attribute!With the addition of these four people!Temujin's strength really is the number one position in the prairie, let's not talk about anything else, Temujin also has mountain lion camel and Jebe two giants under his command!This is no joke, and now these four people are joining forces!It's not easy......

Han Yi threw away his temple, stared at the front with tiger eyes, paused for a while and said: "System! I want to summon now!"

"Ding, the host currently has 2869 summoning points! 3 mount cards! 2 beauty cards! 5 weapon cards!"

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded, and now Wei Di has just taken it back!Talent governance is needed!This requires choosing one of Liu Ji and Xie An!Naturally, it was impossible for Guo Jia to stay here, and it seemed that he was overqualified, and Han Yi was in trouble for a while.

If you keep Sun Wu here!Let him be in charge of the weapons of Wei State, Han Yi is really worried!After all, this guy has too many generals!This created a staffing problem from the start.

Now Zhuge Liang is in Ludi!Cao Cao and Han Qinhu are guarding and governing Qi!And Wei Di is really special!To face Qin in the west and Zhao in the north, a man with both civil and military skills is needed.

"System! Summon me a talent with both civil and military skills!" Han Yi said with a firm expression.

"Ding, the host consumes 100 summoning points! Summon a historical figure with both civil and military skills! The list is currently available!"

"Ding, the first Zongze at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty: 76 in military strength, 97 in command, 96 in intelligence, and 96 in politics!"

"Ding, the second Kou Zhun of the Northern Song Dynasty: Force 68, Commander 90, Intelligence 96, Politics 97!"

"Ding, the third Banchao of the Han Dynasty: Force 88 Commander 95 Intellect 94 Politics 94!"

"The host please choose!"

"Ah! Summon like this! A dead horse is a living horse doctor!" Han Yi said with a stern expression.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the second Northern Song Kou Zhun: force 68, commander 90, intelligence 96, politics 97! The current implantation status is a small official who followed the host!"

(End of this chapter)

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