Warring States Call

Chapter 1212 Can't escape

Chapter 1212 Can't escape

Within half a month, Han Yi's army returned to the court, climbed the mountain to worship their ancestors, and announced to the world. Since then, Han Yi has dominated the Central Plains, and the tigers occupy the dragon plate.Ten thousand hectares of fertile land!Fully staffed!Provide a lot of talent for Han Yi!forage!troops!This also laid the foundation for Han Yi to dominate the world.

In the dark!The lights shine!Peacefulness!Han Yi caressed the jade cicada in his hand. The three months of continuous fighting were considered free, and he could take a good rest for a while.

Today is a family feast!King Han Xiang!Zhu Ji thought it was too noisy!So I didn't come this time!And almost all the dignitaries in the palace came!The bellies of Diao Chan and Wang Zhaojun gradually swelled!Don't guess!That's it.

Wei Yanyu and Wei Zifu were sitting on either side of Han Yi!The following is also lined up!If there is any trouble in the palace, they will naturally not be able to escape their eyes. When they heard that Han Yi had brought a beautiful woman in Wei Guo, they all wanted to come and have a look.

And below, except for a few concubines!It was Han Chen and Han Ming.

Holding the silk scarf in her hand, Yang Yuhuan said with a slight smile, "I heard that the king brought back a younger sister! She is so beautiful! Several younger sisters have been neglected in the past few days! I don't know what kind of beauty this younger sister looks like! The king is so handsome! Hiding! For fear of being seen by us! You don’t even let us see! Could it be that you are shy!”

"Hahaha!" Yingyan laughed for a while, covering the corners of her mouth!It seems to be a joke, but in fact, I want to know what this woman looks like!Han Yi was so fascinated.

When Han Yi heard this, he touched his nose involuntarily. These days, he was addicted to wine and sex!It's just for the temptation of the four-dimensional full hundred. After these few days of hard work, it can be regarded as a small success!But it was always slow. Hearing Yang Yuhuan laughing, Han Yi couldn't hide it. He greeted Gao Lishi behind him: "Call the martial arts! Let them recognize their faces!"


"Father! Taste this jujube! It's so sweet!" Four-year-old Han Tong was ordered by Wei Zifu to walk up to Han Yi with a plate, and said in a childlike voice.

Han Yi lowered his head to look at his precious daughter, looked at her pink face, and suddenly picked him up!She squeezed her chubby face, then kissed his forehead, and smiled: "Our little princess! She's so good at home!"

"Hmm...it hurts! Father! Your beard hurts so much!" Han Tong rubbed his forehead, mischievously for a moment, suddenly grabbed Han Yi's beard and said, "Father, I will help you pull it out! "

"Alas...it hurts!" Han Yiming cried out for pain!But nothing stops it!Wei Zifu saw it, and quickly organized: "Tong'er! Don't mess around!"

After hearing Wei Zifu's words, Han Tong didn't dare to move for a while!He could only widen his eyes and look at Han Yi with an innocent face. Han Yi immediately signaled Wei Zifu not to get angry, and immediately said: "The child is fine! You don't want to leave now! Don't move your fetus!"

"This... promise!" Wei Zifu looked at Han Yi's loving father, and he didn't want to disturb him for a while, so he could only sit back honestly and stroke his stomach.

Holding Han Tong in his arms, Han Yi looked at the sullen Wei Yanyu, with a puzzled expression on his face, "Yanyu! Why are you frowning! But I'm so lonely!"

"Your Majesty! My concubine...!" Wei Yanyu hesitated to speak, her eyes always looked a little weaker.

"Unification of the world is the trend of the times! Gu will treat Wei's descendants kindly! As for the [-] Wei soldiers! Gu will release him as soon as possible! Wei Gu will give him a fortune! You don't have to worry anymore!" Han Yi looked at Wei Yan Yu also has guilt in her eyes!But the general trend!He must pull out the nail of Wei Guo.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Wei Yanyu couldn't say anything more, she could only nod her head.

"By the way! Chen'er's princess concubine is settled! Hurry up! Let the Ministry of Rites go to prepare! Spring next year! It can be a ceremony!" Han Yi teased Han Tong for a while, and then handed Han Tong over The maid on the side, and Han Chen who was looking down, had doubts in their eyes.

"It hasn't been decided yet!" Wei Yanyu said helplessly.

When Han Yi heard this, he recalled the time when he discussed with Wang Meng and the others face to face to make a gift!Han Chen was somewhat resistant!He guessed something tricky for a while, and was about to call Han Chen, but at this moment Wu Zetian had already dared to come.

Wu Zetian is wearing a red dress and gold hairpin!Lips were smeared, Yang Yuhuan and others looked at it, although they were not overshadowed, but there was something strange in their eyes, what a beauty.

Wu Zetian looked at the crowd, and immediately saluted slowly, "Wu Zhao has seen all the ladies!"

"Sister's birth is amazing! It's hard to turn Dawang Mi's holy soul upside down!" Yang Yuhuan was wearing a teasing look at the moment, as if she wanted to overwhelm Wu Zetian.

Wu Zetian naturally heard the clues, and immediately bowed slowly, and smiled congenially at Yang Yuhuan, the joke was really a joke!Dare to call her younger sister, and immediately said: "Sister is born with a phoenix face! I heard that there is a lady in the palace who is the king's right-hand man! I also heard what my sister said! There are so many words in the palace! But sister! She really looks like a dragon and a phoenix!" I hope my sister can teach me a lot in the future!"

As soon as Wu Zetian said this, she regarded Yang Yuhuan as Wei Zifu, and the harem still has no owner!This is to take Wei Zifu to suppress Yang Yuhuan, and at the same time imply that Wei Zifu is the middle palace!This imperceptibly involved two people!Wei Zifu's face was shocked!Yang Yuhuan's complexion also changed drastically.

Yang Yuhuan is about to explode!However, Han Yi said impatiently: "It's alright, it's alright! Sit down! Don't be harsh on yourself!"

"Promise!" Although Yang Yuhuan was unwilling!But he didn't dare to say too much, Wei Zifu was indeed looking at Wu Zetian from the sidelines, secretly saying that this woman is not simple, she has a serious heart

Han Yi looked down at Han Chen!Han Feng!Han Ning!The four of Han Ming immediately said: "Prince! This time Wei Guo cut off my food and grass! It is also thanks to you that the food and grass are widely received! And transported to the front line! It is really young and wise! This battle! You should be the first! Tell me! Think about it! What do you want...!"

"This battle! Thanks to my father's royal conquest! Relying on my father's supernatural power! I dare not take credit for it!" Han Chen said respectfully.

"Yeah! Don't be in a hurry! Very good! I heard that there is a niece named Dou Yifang under Xiantong's knees! She has a good face! She is well-known and polite! General Cao also has two daughters under his command! She is very slim! How about this?" ! Make Dou Yifang the crown prince's main concubine! General Cao's second daughter is the side concubine! I don't know what the crown prince wants!"

Choose a good wife!Dou Yifang's virtuous name has long spread throughout Chang'an...!There is an endless stream of people seeking marriage, breaking through the threshold!And Cao Cao is a general who holds military power!This is undoubtedly paving the way for Han Chen... The expressions of Han Ning and Han Feng changed immediately when these words came out.

(End of this chapter)

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