Warring States Call

Chapter 1218 Chapter 1222: Meng Family Army

Chapter 1218 One thousand two hundred and twenty two: Meng Jiajun
Since the Alliance of Five Clans!Tuoba Tao began to actively train soldiers and horses, recruit talents, and gradually gathered a group of elite soldiers and strong generals, such as He Bayue, He Basheng, Bald Shugong, Huluo King, Tuoba Shiyijian, Er Zhurong, Er Zhu Zhao, Er Zhu Shilong, etc., all began to gather together!Grind their fists and go south many times!Hit Grass Valley on the border of Qin State!But Dou was beaten back by Zhang Xiu, the gun king of the Northland.

This time, Yingzheng was really serious, dispatching more than half of his elite soldiers, a total of 30 troops!Only at the border of Yiqu!It was released half a month ago!He fought with Yiqu.

Wang Jian!Bai Qi and the two soldiers split into two groups!Meng Kuo personally led the [-] Meng family army, and went straight to the rear of Yiqu to kill!But what is even more exaggerated is Luo Yi!But with this silver gun in his hand!And the eighteen riders under his command!Hundreds of people were brutally killed.

Today's Tuoba Tao is holding a scimitar!There is still a lot of dust on the face!With a stern face, he said: "The Qin people in the Central Plains will not lose their reputation! They took away our plump horse farm! Let our cubs have no goat milk to drink! Let our warriors have no meat to eat! Let our women become their slaves! Warriors of the steppe! Can you endure such an insult?"

"No! No!" At this moment, thousands of people behind him were like hungry wolves in the dark night!Show your fangs ferociously!With his own voice, express that inner dissatisfaction, as if he has turned into a wolf.

"Okay! Longevity will bless us! The great wolf god will grant us endless divine power! We want to take back our grassland! Take back our woman! Warriors of the grassland! Come with me!" Tuoba Tao suddenly got on his horse , a yellow torch, in the dark night, shining his face, the warriors behind him also got on their horses, and within a short time, there were 8 cavalrymen!It is ready to go.

Tuoba Tao suddenly shouted: "Go!"

"Kill!" The cavalry of 8 people, if counted by life, this is 16 lives, after all, horses are also lives.

The impact of cavalry is already strong!And after that defeat!Tuoba Tao fell into the pockets of Wang Jian and Bai Qibu!And guarding at the gate is Meng Tian's [-] Meng Family Army, each holding a spear!Waist with sword!Wearing a tiger-shaped mask on the head.

"Rush!" King Huluo held a sledgehammer in his hand!Taking the lead, the yellow wallet was infected by the blood donation and turned into a blood armor.

Meng Tian stared at the tiger general who was rushing to kill him, and suddenly said: "What is the ambition of General Meng!"

"Great Qin Wannian! Fight to the death and never retreat!"

"Array!" Meng Tian roared with his own voice, the sword in his hand was like a bright light pointing ahead.

"Ding, Meng Tian's external attributes are launched! Facing the enemies in the grassland! The force value is increased by 7! The commander is increased by 1! The overall force of the Meng family army is increased by 5!"

"Ding, the current Meng Tian's basic force value is 99, the Daqin Bronze Ge's force value is increased by 1, Qin Ju's force value is increased by 1, the current force value is 108, the commander-in-chief is 97, the current attribute is increased by 1, and the commander-in-chief is 98!"

"Ding, Meng Ao is affected by Meng Tian's attribute, the force value is increased by 5, the father and son attribute is activated, the force value is added by 1, the current base force value is 99, and the current force value is 105!"

"Ding! Meng Yi is influenced by Meng Tian! The force value is increased by 5, the brother attribute is added by 1, the base force value is 90, and the current force value is 95!"

"Ding, Meng Wu is influenced by Meng Tian! Strength increases by 5, brother attributes increase by 1, current base strength is 100, Meng's Tiger Head Spear increases by 1, Heiye Yulin increases by 1, and current strength is 108!"

"Strong Bow!" Meng Tian shouted suddenly, and the fifth row of soldiers behind him suddenly ignited and drew their arrows!The movements are uniform, Meng Zhan closes his eyes at this moment, carefully feels the vibrations from the horseshoes on the ground, and silently calculates in his heart... three hundred steps... two hundred steps... one hundred steps... let go ! "

Whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh! "After launching a cold arrow, it shrouded the enemy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then!" Thousands of warriors from the prairie fell into the rain of arrows.

Tuoba Tao saw it, and immediately encouraged the morale of the army: "Keep going! The wolf god bless us! Our warriors will rest in peace in his arms!"


Meng Tian is now wearing a black hairband on his head!The word Qin stands proudly on it!Meng Tian suddenly drew his sword and shouted: "For the dead border people! Revenge! The cavalry charge! Kill!"


Rows of formations!Dash open, thousands of Mongolian cavalry, not afraid of the number of enemies at all!Meng Tian, ​​riding a war horse and holding a spear in his hand, took the lead in the charge. He stared at the mighty King Huluo in front of him, and suddenly shouted: "You man! You killed three of my Great Qin generals in a row! Today you will definitely cut off your head!" !"

"Just wait for this group of Grass Valley! You deserve it too! Come on!" The sledgehammer in King Huluo's hand hit Meng Tian's head straight at the first glance.

"Go!" Meng Tian held a gun in both hands, and with one move, he hit Huanglong straight, and was about to kill King Huluo.

At this moment, King Huluo was stunned!What a trick!Who is not afraid of death?The two of them are almost exchanging their lives.

"Boom!" Meng Zhan shot forward, and the difference in force value of [-] points cannot be made up casually. With this shot, the armor on King Huluo's chest was smashed into powder!Even with this blooming blood, it looks like a red Bana flower.

"Crack!" The corpse fell heavily to the ground, and this just came out King Huluo, a figure with a force value of 100!Because carelessness!He was shot by Meng Tian in seconds.

"This Yiqu is not easy! I'm afraid the Meng family's army will not be able to stop it!" Wang Jian and Bai Qi are fighting on the high ground in this messy grassland wind!Looking at the battle situation in front of him, he said with a stern expression: "You and I will be a hundred years later! Sooner or later, the world will be overtaken by them, and now it is just for them to experience and practice!"

"My Daqin has this talent! You and I can rest in peace!" Bai Qi looked at Yiqu with his empty sleeves fluttering in the wind, and said half aloud: "Even the cunning wolf! Can't escape the excellent hunter! This time Then the two of us will fight! This Yiqu is going to disappear in this fertile grassland!"

"Don't underestimate the enemy...!"

"King Huluo's death in battle didn't affect the morale of Yiqu's army. The bald-haired tree, riding on the moonlight in the dark night, saw Meng Tian's figure. He shot an arrow and hit Meng Tian's arm. The arrow succeeded. and go.

"Ah... who put an arrow in the face!" Meng Tian shouted, but continued to fight without being next to him!He pulled out the cold arrow in his hand and continued to charge forward.

"Breakthrough!" Tuoba Tao couldn't control it!Two prairie guys!Holding a mace in his hand, he suddenly slammed down with the hammer, knocking over the shield in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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