Warring States Call

Chapter 1277 Fang Hou

Chapter 1277 Fang Hou
"Ha!" Long Qi yelled, and the tiger-headed golden sword in his hand was wielding a tiger-like sword!One blow!The three soldiers holding their shields were chopped off by Long Qie. The generals around looked at it and narrowed their eyes, feeling a bit afraid of the Dragon.

Liu Xiu rubbed her palms!For this dragon, Lu Wan had a bit of admiration, and Lu Wan came behind Liu Xiu holding the sword in his arms, and said with an embarrassed expression: "Xiu! All the fierce generals of our army have been taken away by the elder nephew! There is no one in the army. People can stop this titan!"

Liu Xiu glanced at Lu Wan at the side, and then smiled and said, "Uncle Lu, don't worry! Human strength is limited! Let's take a look first! If it doesn't work! Shoot all arrows! Shoot him!"

"It's a way! I'll do it right now!" After Lu Wan finished speaking and was about to go down, Liu Xiu hurriedly pulled Lu Wan and said, "I think this person is a general! Uncle is going to recruit him! See if he can be subdued!" !” Liu Xiu said calmly.

"Come on! You are the chief general! Do whatever you say! Do whatever you want!" Lu Wan laughed, not caring at all.

Liu Xiu didn't overstep too much, and immediately said politely: "Please trouble Uncle Lu!"

"Hey! What's the trouble with this! I watched you grow up! I don't know you yet!" Lu Wan laughed.

"Uncle Lu, be careful! This sword has no eyes!" Liu Xiu reminded.

"Don't worry! Let's go!" Lu Wan got on her horse!Wear heavy armor!Holding a sword in hand, Liu Xiu came to the front of the formation, and sat down slowly!He closed his eyes and meditated, and the sound of the delivery of weapons around him kept echoing in his ears.

"Longqi! You can be regarded as a tiger general! My nephew cherishes talent! You are willing to surrender! I will spare your life!" Lu Wan held the horse rope!With a smile in his eyes.

"Go!" Long Qi slashed down!Cut down the soldiers in front of you!Blood splattered all over his face!Tiger eyes stared at Lu Wan!He snorted coldly and said: "Every man is worthy! Don't go! Wait for me to take your head! Drive!"

The dragon galloped swiftly, with the broadsword in his hand wide open and closed, beheading dozens of generals in a row, and went straight to Lu Wan.

"His grandma's! Get out first!" Lu Wan saw that something was wrong!Turn the horse's head now!He glanced back at Long Qi's direction!He snorted coldly and said, "Stubborn! Courting death..."

"Don't be crazy in the future! Lu Matong is here!" There was only one young general!Wearing a red and black armor robe!Holding a long gun in his hand!Hands on the rope!Urging his horse up, he stared at Long Qi with a stern expression!Come on horseback.

"The enemy army is going to be rampant! Cao Wushang is here!" And Long Qie killed another general behind him!With a big knife in hand!Riding a black horse!Wear a helmet on your head!Hu's eyes stared straight at Long Qi.

"Hmph! Looking for death..." Long Qie glanced at Lu Matong in front of him, and suddenly urged his horse up, with the big knife in his hand slashing at Mount Tai!He slashed straight at Lu Matong who was in front of him like thunder.

Lu Matong can be counted as experienced in hundreds of battles!Suddenly he took the gun with both hands and raised the pot above his head.

"Down!" Long Qihu's eyes were full of courage, without the slightest hesitation, he slashed down!This knife is like a broken bamboo!Cut off Lu Matong's weapon with one blow!Following the trend, there was only a click, and Lu Matong started from his forehead!The wound spread across the chest.

And at this moment, Lu Matong was stunned!The whole person is dying!Fall to the ground!Buried among the endless corpses, the dragon glanced at the corpses!He spit out a mouthful of saliva and cursed, "What!"

Cao Wushang saw that Lu Matong didn't even make a move in Long Qie's hands!Turn the horse's head now!Suddenly there was no fighting spirit in my heart!Start retreating!

Long Qi looked at it, immediately drew his bow and set his arrow, and snorted coldly: "Hit!"


Arrow tail breaks the wind!An arrow pierced Cao Wushang's throat, killing two generals in a row!The dragon drew his sword and urged the horse!Repeatedly cut generals!Kill the two generals of the enemy!Partial general eight people!12 captains!Whenever he met the brave men of the mountain army, Long Qi would fall with his sword.

But Cao GUI is not so lucky at the moment!The left arm was cut off!Hold the sword in your hand with one hand!Cold sweat broke out on his head... At this moment, the pain had invaded Cao GUI's brain.

Long Qi came to Cao GUI's side!Look at Cao GUI's disappearing arm!With an ugly face, he said, "General Cao! How are you doing now!"

Cao GUI looked at the battle situation around him!A mouthful of old blood spit out!The whole person was paralyzed on the ground, looked at Long Qi and said: "Long Qi! You don't listen to my words... Your Majesty! A century-old plan! It was destroyed by your... hands!"

"Sir! Please, sir, teach me how to save him!" Long Qi looked embarrassed, seeing the cold arrow stabbing behind Cao GUI, he immediately pulled Cao GUI behind him, raised his knife and dropped it!The result was the pawn in front.

"It's hopeless! It's hopeless! This mountain country is the biggest power in the south! The enemy army has at least 25 troops! And...and...their generals...are definitely not idle people...puchichi ..." Cao GUI spat out another mouthful of old blood as he spoke.

Long Qi looked at Cao GUI and said, "Stop talking! I'll take you out!"

"No need! I will definitely die today! General Long... General! Take people out quickly! Send the news back to the king! Announce the whole south! Let Wu! Yue!... Xiang... The strike of the Three Kingdoms... …Speak peace! Let’s fight together against…………… Mountain Country…………………………!” Cao GUI finished the last word with difficulty!The whole person feels exhausted, except for a broken arm!Cao GUI still had three fatal wounds!don't die!No wonder!
"Hey!" Long Qi looked helpless!Immediately pulled up his horse and left... shouted: "Follow me to kill! Quick!"

"I want to go! It's over!" Only a strong voice was heard!Zhou Bo drew out the great sword in his arms!Suddenly shouted: "Go!"

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of people moved in unison!They rushed towards Long Qie in unison!

Long Qi was shocked, and quickly got on his horse. Fang Hou looked at the big soldiers chasing behind, and saw a sea of ​​people. He looked at Fang Tianding on the side, and immediately said: "God! Leave quickly! I'll stop here!"

"No! Uncle! Let's go together!" Fang Tianding looked stern, looking at Fang Hou who helped him onto the horse!He said with a worried expression.

"Bastard! Confused! You are the only blood of the eldest brother! Remember! Defeat Han Yi! When you return to your homeland! Tell my uncle! Let's go!" The horseshoes run away.

"Uncle...!" Fang Tianding took one last look at Fang Hou, decided immediately, and wiped away his tears!strode away.

Fang Hou stared at the front coldly, walked with the knife in hand, and shouted: "Kill!"

Only one word!Fang Hou's neat hair became messy!Blood stained gray hair!But still stubborn!Fight for the last hope of survival for your nephew.

"Old man! Courting death..." Only a loud shout was heard.

(End of this chapter)

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