Warring States Call

Chapter 1289 Zhang Jiao escapes

Chapter 1289 Zhang Jiao escapes
Tian Yinqi frowned!It's not that he doesn't want to save Zhang Jiao!He still knows the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold!But this guy Zhuge Liang!Like a poisonous snake!Just relax a little bit!will be killed by him.

And at this moment Zhuge Liang was accompanied by Di Lei!Looking at Tian Yinqi above!Shaking the lupine in your hand!Nodding at Tian Yinqi and smiling!

Not reconciled, Tian Kaijiang pressed the sword in his arms, and turned back again!With a serious face, he said: "Brother! There are eggs under the capsized nest. This is an opportunity for survival! I will wait even if we stay behind closed doors! The best result is just to persist for a few months! The soldiers are exhausted and a good decision is made! But at this moment If you send troops, you will have a chance!"

Tian Yinqi supported the wall in front of him with both hands!Breathe heavily!If he really sent troops!Whether this Xuecheng can be kept is a question!Tian Yinqi exhaled heavily!The whole person seemed extremely tangled!The veins on his head popped!After a while, he said: "Order! The whole army is dispatched! Go straight to Zhuge Liang's direction!"

"Decree! Tian Kaijiang looked serious! He stepped out suddenly! Ready to leave the city.

"Master! Will Tian Yinqi really come out?" Di Lei looked suspicious!Although my master knows things like a god!But Delay is a real guy!The definition of war is to fight to know!Do the math here!What a headache.

Zhuge Liang looked at the fewer and fewer soldiers on the city wall, and the corners of his flat mouth slightly raised: "Here we come!"

"Here...what's the matter!" Di Lei scratched his head... with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Squeak..." The thick city wall slowly opened!It was like the cry of a prehistoric giant beast!Tens of thousands of soldiers rushed out along the city gate!The leader is Tian Kaijiang!Holding a bronze sword in hand!He shouted loudly: "Those who kill Zhuge Liang! Reward him! More beauties! You can choose your own belongings!"

"Kill!" The soldiers shouted overwhelmingly!Zhuge Liang, who has been waiting for the battle for a long time!Smiling slightly, with a hint of weirdness in his eyes, he stroked his beard and shook his light feather fan!He calmly said: "Di Lei! Kill the thief leader!"

"No!" Di Lei got on his horse!The silver hammer in his hand buzzed, and the war horse under his crotch also let out a hoarse cry.

"Boom!" Di Lei took the lead!The silver-white silver hammer turned into white light!Boom down!It hit a shield soldier!Di Lei smashed a hole in the copper skin of the shield, and the soldier holding the shield was like a kite with a broken string!The whole person flew out...and hit the ground heavily, life or death unknown.

Tian Kaijiang took a look!It turned out to be Di Lei!This is a tiger!It's not the idle generation!Immediately said: "Quick! Shoot the arrow! Kill this hunter! Reward!"

"Whoosh...!" The soldier was about to bend his bow and shoot an arrow!Only a few scattered cold arrows were shot!Then I saw another person killed from the east!Hold this Hunyuan stick in your hand!Astride a black harness horse!Bulky!With a hulking back and a heavy waist, he suddenly shouted: "Yu Dayou is here! Under the order of General Han! Come and help General Zhuge! Kill!"

Ten thousand sailors!Get on board for the water!Get down to the ground!With the big knife in his hand, he rushed away!Soldiers who are about to bend their bows and take arrows!Immediately cut by Yu Dayou!Soldiers everywhere were routed and defeated.

This sudden change made Tian Kaijiang's complexion change drastically!Immediately said: "Brother! Han Xin is afraid to send troops here! What shall we do!"

"Impossible! I sent someone to monitor Han Xin's [-] troops! It is impossible to send more troops!" Tian Yinqi felt his scalp go numb!Think you have the winning ticket!but………

"Hahahahahahahaha! General Zhuge! Han is late! Don't blame! Don't blame!" Only a loud voice was heard!Han Shizhong is riding a maroon horse!Wearing white armor!Hold a heavy knife!Behind him was a heroic female general!Riding a white horse holding two light swords!The red cloak behind them rattled, who could these two be if they were not Han Shizhong and his wife!

"General Han! Just in time! Kill the enemy and wipe out the thieves!" Zhuge Liang said haha

Tian Kaijiang's face changed drastically!Immediately said: "Tian Shi! Tian Ding!"

"Here!" Two young generals!Riding a horse and holding a spear!His face was resolute.

"You two! Hurry up and protect the elder brother and go south! I will block these enemy troops!" Tian Kaijiang's face was ashen!Now the state of Lu is gone!The Tian family's many years of planning in the two places came to an end!at this time!The gecko has docked its tail!As long as Tian Yinqi doesn't die... the Tian family doesn't die.

"No! Let's go together!" Tian Yinqi pulled Tian Kaijiang's clothes!Just about to drag him away.

I saw Tian Kaijiang suddenly said: "Let's go! Go! What are you two doing in a daze! Pull the elder brother! Go!"

Tian Shi and Tian Ding made a move immediately, retreating back with Tian Yinqi sandwiched between them.

When Tian Kaijiang looked back!I saw that Di Lei had already reached Tian Kaijiang!He smiled coldly and said, "You want to kill me?"

Tian Kaijiang was stunned, and a white silver hammer appeared in his black pupils!In his eyes the bigger and bigger!There was only one sound: "Boom..."

Tian Kaijiang is being hit in the face!Like a lightning strike, Tian Kaijiang's seven orifices bleed at this moment!The whole person is like a kite with a broken string!Collapse to the ground!The dead can't be dead anymore!
Tian Yinqi witnessed Tian Kaijiang's tragic death!Both eyes are red!Stare at Di Lei!Gritting his teeth, he said: "I won't kill you! I swear I won't give up!" Put down this harsh word!Tian Yinqi ran away on the side of the horse.

But Zhang Jiao is now in a hard fight!When you hear that Han Shizhong has sent troops to increase his staff!Zhang Jiao knew that he was doomed!Immediately said: "Zhou Cang! Withdraw quickly!"

Zhou Cang immediately wounded an officer and soldier!Pull Zhang Jiao and go!Thousands of people behind him followed suit!He fled with Zhang Jiao.

The Lord will run away!The surrounding Yellow Turbans are in chaos!Run and run!Surrender surrender.

The spear in Di Qing's hand was dripping with blood, and the deputy general behind said: "General, do you want to catch Zhang Jiao! This is a great achievement!"

"Where is the prince?" Di Qing asked

"Because the prince is short of troops! He is entangled by the remaining yellow scarves!"

"Then stop chasing him!" Di Qing said calmly, Zhuge Liang specially explained when he came!This horn seems to have escaped!Don't chase!Di Qing did as he was told.

Zhuge Liang naturally has his own plans!This is a war between the prince and the king!Catching Zhang Jiao is certainly a great achievement!But offend the prince!Also the future king!It's not a good deal.

"Kill!" Han Chen shot down!Bloody!A yellow scarf in front of him collapsed on the ground. Han Chen withdrew his hand, shook it, and said with a stern expression, "Where is Zhang Jiao! Where is he?"

"Major General! Zhang Jiao has already run away!"

"He went in that direction!" Han Chen said, wiping the blood off his face.

(End of this chapter)

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