Warring States Call

Chapter 1413 Battleship

Chapter 1413 Battleship
Sanada Yukimura held a bronze knife in both hands, and the sharp edge of the knife drooped on the board of the ship, causing five-meter-long knife marks to be carved on the entire ship board. Yukimura said calmly, "Mayfly... shake the tree!"

"Kill!" When Sanada Yukimura was exactly three meters away from Zheng Chenggong, two burly men came out from both sides, one on the left and one on the right, each holding a tiger-headed sword in their hands. Flipping, Sanada Yukimura was not flustered, he was entangled with the two of them, even though they were entangled with them, but for a while, he really couldn't do anything to Zheng Chenggong.

Zheng Chenggong, who was in the original place, held his sword, walked away to the high place, climbed to the ship tower, took off his bow and arrow with one hand, stared at Sanada Yukimura with a pair of tiger eyes, squinted his eyes, and his expression became cold. Got: "Whoosh!"

Sanada Yukimura, who was fighting two big men, really didn't have the time to resist this dark arrow. The cold arrow pierced through the armor and hit Sanada Yukimura's throat. On the deck, there was a buzzing sound of cicadas.

The bronze scimitar in Sanada Yukimura's hand fell to the ground, clutching his throat, staring at Zheng Chenggong with tiger eyes, faltering and saying: "... despicable... despicable!"

"Fuck you!" The big man who confronted Sanada Yukimura was not so particular, he immediately went up with a knife, and the good guy's head fell in a moment.

"The general is mighty...!"


Before Zheng Chenggong could enjoy the moment of success and fame, the battleship of Sanada Nobuyuki rushed over and slammed into Zheng Chenggong's warship violently. In response, he fell into the water, hugged the scattered wood around him, and floated on the sea, looking flustered.

The blue-white sea water was churning continuously in the sea water, hitting waves of waves.

At a critical moment, Zheng Chenggong grabbed the rope and his whole body fell in the air. Fortunately, the warship began to float up and restore its original balance.

"Come on!" One wave after another, Sanada Masaoyuki's warship rushed forward, and it was about to overturn Zheng Chenggong's warship in one go.

Han Shizhong looked at it, frowned, and immediately said: "Give me a full run! Quick! Block them!"

"Yaoxi!" Takeda Shingen, who was watching from behind, suddenly stood up, holding a fan in his hand, and said immediately: "The whole army charges! Destroy the enemy! Welcome our victory!"

"Kill!...Kill!" The five warships surrounded behind rushed forward in unison. This time Takeda Shingen adopted Han Shizhong's previous style of attack, concentrating the strength of the warships and attacking one warship. The collisions in turn will definitely cause the enemy to sink one ship. The warship of Sanada Yukimura fell before, but it made Takeda Shingen feel distressed for a while.

"Sanada Yukimura is a brave general! It's a pity... Alas!" Takeda Shingen sighed, but he didn't want to be too sad, so he speeded up and ran over.

Zheng Chenggong spat out a mouthful of seawater, looked at Masashi Sanada who had killed in a hurry, and said with a frown: "Damn it! Hurry up! Sailing to the east, speed up! Hurry up!"

"No!" The panicked soldiers continued to row forward vigorously, causing the aftermath on the sea to continue.

"Hahahahahaha... Yoshi! Hit it!" Sanada Masayuki laughed, pulled out the bronze knife in his arms, his eyes glowed with excitement, he believed that the enemy could overturn the enemy's warship, his warship It is also absolutely capable of knocking down enemy warships.

"Rush!" Seeing the warship getting closer and closer to the enemy, Sanada Masayuki became even more excited, and immediately bumped into it, only to hear: "Boom!"

The stern of Zheng Chenggong's warship and the bow of Sanada Masayuki collided within three meters of Sanada Yukimura's warship. Under the guidance of the force, Zheng Chenggong's bow made a huge rotation, and began to sweep and spin towards Sanada Masayuki's battleship, two huge warships collided, hitting countless waves, and the soldiers on board were knocked to the ground by the huge impact. Separated, people on both sides are confused.

Zheng Chenggong frowned, staring at the damaged stern, with a solemn expression, his tiger eyes staring at Sanada Masaoyuki's warship, and furiously said: "Quick! Hit me!"

"General! We still need to turn the bow of the ship, it's too late!" The soldier said with a stern expression.

"General! Look over there! The enemy's encirclement is coming!" The soldier on the side looked solemn, holding a scimitar in his hand, pointing at the battle ahead, and said solemnly.

"Oops!" Zheng Chenggong yelled inwardly, his complexion gradually became serious, and he said immediately: "Bastard! Get out quickly, keep the distance! Hurry up!"

"Promise!" The soldiers on both sides had no time to think, set sail, and distanced themselves from Sanada Masayuki's warship. Seeing that Zheng Chenggong's warship had not been destroyed, Sanada Masashi's expression became solemn involuntarily, and he said immediately: "Quick! Follow up!"

"General! It's too late! Let's go surround their warships! Turn the bow and chase after them, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up!" The soldiers on the side said solemnly.

"Damn...!" Sanada Masayuki looked unwilling, but he didn't have time to think too much. He looked at Han Shizhong who was gradually surrounded and charged, and immediately said, "Block them! Quick!"

And Han Shizhong and the turning boat on the side, the two of them joined forces, one left and one right, bumped towards the bow and stern of Sanada Masayuki's ship. A warship is vertical!Sanada Masayuki himself suffered a great loss, and the bow was damaged, while Sanada Nobuyuki who was on the side turned the bow, and there was no time for too much support, urging the warship to hit Han Shizhong's leftmost warship.

But Han Shizhong's speed was a little faster, and the three warships collided suddenly, only to hear: "Boom!"

The waves were rolling, and Sanada Yukimura felt his whole body spinning. The warship also capsized at this moment, looking at the soldiers and sawdust falling into the river.

In the first battle, Han Shizhong took the lead in destroying the two enemy warships, but he was happy, but it was difficult. The original route was blocked by the corpse of Sanada Masayuki's warship, and Sanada Nobuyuki's warship followed closely behind. With one blow, a big hole was knocked out of Han Shizhong's warship.

The seawater continued to seep in, and the expression of the leader's bamboo slips changed drastically, and he said immediately: "Quick! Lighten the weight of the warship, block the hole, and throw the ship building into the sea! Quick!"

Thousands of soldiers cooperated, and 3000 people went into the water to plug the gap. Fortunately, the penetration of seawater was not particularly serious. In addition to weight loss, the seawater was still a full meter away from the original loophole, which can be described as sinking again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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