Chapter 1416
A large number of soldiers waved their weapons and killed them. Cao Ning went into battle with wounds, wielding the silver spear in his hand vigorously, and looked at the four enemy troops in front of him, namely Yasumasa Sakakibara, Heihachi Honda, and Kanetsugu Naoe , Date Masamune.

Four tiger generals surrounded Cao Ning like a revolving lantern. You came and went, fighting with guns, knives and sticks. Cao Ning suddenly waved the weapon in his hand and shouted: "Get up!"

Cao Ning yelled loudly, and the spear in his hand turned into a sky full of gun shadows, covering the four of them. Four lotus flowers appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and they were in a hurry. Seizing the opportunity, he suddenly took the gun with both hands, and three thousand arcs of thunder followed the trend, sweeping away thousands of troops with one move, the four of them only felt their stomachs and chests!The throat and other vital places were all shot, and blood gushed out like a spring.

After one move, four people were killed at the same time. Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was on the side, was frightened. He didn't care about the life and death of the 3000 people underground, and shouted: "Quick! Let's go! Quick!"

"Majesty... Majesty!" The faces of the abandoned soldiers changed drastically, one of the three warships escaped, and the remaining soldiers who were able to swim jumped into the sea one after another, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Qi Jiguang stared at the other two warships, and immediately shouted: "Old Yu!"

"What's the matter?" Yu Dayou held the Ssangyong stick in his hand, and stared at Qi Jiguang covered in blood.

"You lead the soldiers to drive another enemy warship to aid General Han Shizhong! I will board this ship to chase those guys!" Qi Jiguang said and led thousands of people under his command to board the warship.

"Understood!" Yu Dayou didn't have time to think, looked at Cao Ning aside and said: "The mission of Haikou is entrusted to you! Brothers, follow me!"

"Yes!" Thousands of people shouted suddenly, their morale was not low, they boarded the warship Yu Dayou, and ran towards Han Shizhong's surface warship in unison.

"Set sail! Hurry up!" Qi Jiguang got on the warship, only to feel that the enemy ship was getting farther and farther away, which made Qi Jiguang's face gradually stunned.

Fatty Wang, the lieutenant at the side, looked embarrassed and said: "No! General! This ship can't keep up!"

Qi Jiguang frowned involuntarily, glanced at the surrounding environment, and then said: "Remove these wooden barrels! Food! The roof! Throw them into the sea! You must not let them go! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!"

"Promise!" Fatty Wang didn't have time to think, and immediately went down to prepare. When moving to the general, Qi Jiguang glanced at the wooden barrel in Fatty Wang's hand and said: "What is this thing!"

"It seems to be kerosene!" Fatty Wang sniffed it and replied.

"Keep these things! Open them up! They're about to collide in a while, light the fire, and I'm going to send them to heaven with a boat!" Qi Jiguang said with a heavy breath and a serious expression.

"Subordinates understand!"

As Qi Jiguang continued to throw the cargo into the sea, the weight-reduced warship was surprisingly fast at this moment, and the distance between the two ships began to shrink.

Oda Nobunaga, who survived the catastrophe, looked back at the chasing warship, and asked with a puzzled expression: "What are Honda Heihachi and the others doing! Why are they throwing supplies into the sea! Are they crazy?"

"I don't know! Do you want to stop and wait for them? Anyway, the enemy has no warships!" Tachibana Zongshige said with a serious expression.

"No! What if the enemy snatched our warship?" Toyotomi Hideyoshi said solemnly.

"Yeah!" Oda Nobunaga finally came to his senses. He said that it might be true. At this moment, Oda Nobunaga immediately said: "Leave them alone! Let's go all out!"

Qi Jiguang stared at the enemy army that was getting closer and closer, looked at Fatty Wang behind him, and greeted: "Tell your brothers, pick a few with good water quality! Go into the water first to meet us! Go!"


With a call, hundreds of people jumped off the warship and fell into the sea. They collected the sawdust around them, pieced them together, and rowed towards Qi Jiguang's big boat.

"1000 meters!"

"800 meters!"

"500 meters
"Ignite!" Qi Jiguang made a decisive decision, the raging fire quickly turned red, and the entire warship was condensed in a sea of ​​flames.

"Look, majesty!" Tachibana Zongshige looked ugly, looking at the burning warship, this time he realized that something was wrong, if it collided, both ships would be ruined.

Oda Nobunaga avoided getting more and more embarrassing, and said in a panic: "Quick! Quick! Get around them quickly! Quick!"

"It's too late! We're about to hit it!"

"300 meters...!"

"100 metres!!
"50 meters……!
"ten meters"


The two warships collided suddenly, and the entire hull was burned with a lot of fire. At this moment, the rain in the sky gradually decreased, but the wind became stronger.

Qi Jiguang held a long knife in his hand, stared at the enemy with tiger eyes, and shouted: "Rocket!"

"Swish, swish, swish..." Rockets rained down from the sky, shooting at Oda Nobunaga and the others' boat planks, and the two boats were hooked by Qi Jiguang again. The fire was getting bigger and bigger, gradually Oda Nobunaga's stern began to be engulfed in flames.

"Bastard! Ba Ga Ya Lu! Kill them all! Kill!" Oda Nobunaga said angrily.

Among the chaotic army, where Qi Jiguang bowed and arrowed, he squinted his eyes: "Swoosh!" An arrow shot out and hit Oda Nobunaga's chest.

"Majesty... Maharaja...!" Toyotomi Hideyoshi came to Oda Nobunaga with a pale face, and said solemnly.

Tokugawa Ieyasu looked furious, looked at Qi Jiguang who shot slyly, and said angrily: "I will kill you!"

And Qi Jiguang doesn't plan to stay here any longer. Now that the entire warship is burning, the rain has stopped, and the wind has fueled the fire. The two ships are finished. Qi Jiguang glanced at the soldiers around him, and immediately shouted: "Soldiers! ! Jump into the sea!"

"No!" Thousands of people jumped out of the sea with a plop, and the following warships also rushed over at this moment, dragging some who could not swim up.

And Han Shizhong on the side was surrounded by Takeda Shingen at the moment, and a warship beside him was about to be sunk. In order to narrow the gap between the enemy and our armies, the captain of the ship tied the two warships together with iron chains, and then Ignite the fire and lead the troops to kill Sanada Nobuyuki's warship, which caught Sanada off guard. The two armies fought together, but they had no time to manage the burning flames. As time went by, the two warships were overwhelmed and fell into the In the sea, it is tantamount to dying together.

But right now, the enemy army still has five warships, but Han Shizhong and Zheng Chenggong are at a disadvantage.

"Shame! A living shame!" Takeda Shingen's face was ugly, he threw the fan in his hand on the ground, and his face became serious.

"The general is bad! Look at the Maharaja's warship!" The soldiers beside him pointed to Oda Nobunaga's warship
(End of this chapter)

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