Chapter 1421
"Your Majesty is now in his prime, and besides, the Crown Prince has countless capable generals. Just mentioning that Hai Rui and Mu Ying are all young and famous, the King has high hopes compared to them. Now His Highness is so blatantly making a big show, which has attracted the attention of the Crown Prince. After all, the road to the king, which one is not full of bones!" After Cui Hao finished speaking, his expression was extraordinarily solemn, and his eyes were a little worried. Han Ning is smart, but sometimes the questions he thinks are too simple, even if his rights can be rampant , but in front of Han Yi, it was just a matter of one sentence.

"Are you going to hand over all of them?" Zhou Buyi also revealed his own doubts at this moment. Three hundred guests have been handed over, and the entire mansion will be empty.

"As the saying goes, there are not many soldiers but good ones! There are people like Lu Guang who can reach ten people. There are many talented people, but there are really few people who are really great talents and can be used! Your Highness needs Cultivate more confidantes and talented people, not too many such people, usually a dozen or so people can help His Highness achieve a career!" Cui Hao cleared his throat and said: "Your Highness, please think about it! In the past half a year, people who want to enter the Prince's Mansion and become the Prince's followers are like carp crossing the river. However, there are only more than 50 guests in the Prince's Mansion, and they are all talented people! If His Highness wants to become a hegemony, he needs to absorb the essence and discard the dross. Learn the advantages of others and correct your own shortcomings, so hegemony can be gained!"

Cui Hao said this is also thoughtful. Han Ning is arrogant and not a person who is inferior to others. Such a person often does not allow anyone to be better than him. If you say it well, it is called ambition, and if you say it badly, it is ambition. In this way, if you win, the history books will record who has little ambition... If you lose, it will be written that this person has little ambition and is unfaithful, which is why there is such a murderous disaster, and so on, but that's all.

Han Ning frowned slightly, and his face was a little dignified, but Han Ning also knew that what Cui Hao said was reasonable, so he didn't want to talk too much, but looked at Cui Hao and said, "According to Mr. Yu Wenshu, can you win alone! "

"According to the next suggestion, the Yuwen family is not what His Royal Highness needs!" Cui Hao said with a serious expression, and he was a little worried.

"Why!" Han Ning frowned involuntarily. Yuwen Chengdu is a minister of the dragon, and Yuwen's family is also a big family. There have been several generals with names and surnames. Their positions are not high, and they have some military power. It is the best candidate to win over.

"The two relatives next to the prince are the Dou family and the Cao family. Both of them are gifted by the king! Your highness is about to become a gift, and the relatives behind him are the main help of your highness. The real power of the Yuwen family is Yuwen Chengdu. People are the king's confidants and generals. If you are loyal to the king, if you win him over, you will not be able to use him, and you will dissatisfy the king! After all, you are poaching the corner of the king's wall!" Cui Hao drank a cup of tea, his face was a little indifferent road.

"This won't work! That won't work either! What are we going to do, sir, maybe we have to sit and wait for death!" Zhou Buyi said with an embarrassed expression.

"No! There are no more than two kinds of people His Highness needs to win over. One is the nobles of the past! The second is the poor family now, the third is the low-level generals in the army, and the fourth is Yingchuan's students!" Cui Hao reasoned. Order, cleared his throat, and said immediately: "Although the decree issued by the king is beneficial to the development of the country, it also intensifies the conflicts among the older generation. Your Highness needs to appease their emotions and gain their support! The poor family is here Under the impetus of the king, they got a once-in-a-century opportunity, so they cherished all the opportunities around them. As long as His Highness stretches out his hand, there will be thousands of people in his arms. Send people to learn more about the officers and soldiers at the bottom, Bai Qi, the general of the Qin State, was born as a soldier, as for Ying Chuan's next step, I won't talk too much, Your Highness understands!"

Having said so much, Cui Hao was also a little thirsty, so he immediately picked up the wine bottle below and drank slowly. After his thirst was relieved, he stared at Han Ning and said, "Besides, while the king is going to fight, quickly clear up the bad debts of the imperial examination papers." Lost, even if it costs more money in the treasury, it must be filled, after all, the position of the crown prince must not have the slightest stain! The king is not here now! This is the best opportunity!"

"Understand again! Thank you sir for your teaching!" Han Ning saluted Cui Hao immediately, his eyes full of respect.

At this moment, Zhou Buyi stared at Cui Hao with a puzzled expression, and said, "These things you're doing now don't seem to have anything to do with dealing with the prince!"

"Oh! Xiaoyou Zhou has a good plan!" Cui Hao looked at Zhou Buyi with a smile on his face. This guy was very similar to him when he was a child. In the future, as long as you practice a little bit, you can become an atmosphere.

"The prince is not abandoned! How could His Highness have the opportunity to be in the position!" Zhou Buyi put down the chicken nuggets in his hand, wiped his hands casually, and said solemnly.

"After the crown prince is deposed, there is still the Second Highness! After the Second Highness, whether the Third Highness will talk about it or not, you need to be strong yourself to forge iron. This truth is needless to say! If your own strength is not enough, everything is useless!" Cui Hao finished. He bowed to Han Ning and said, "Your Highness, I'm a little tired again! Let me take my leave!"

"Mister, go slowly! Zhang Hu will see you off for me!" Han Ning didn't force him to stay, after all, Cui Hao was busy these days, and he couldn't let him continue to work hard.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" After Cui Hao finished speaking, he stepped back, leaving only a generous back, which made Zhou Buyi grit his teeth, but he was helpless.

After Cui Hao left, Zhou Buyi stared at Han Ning and said: Your Highness!This Cui Hao's plan really delayed things too much!And take out the treasury to make up for the imperial examination, then our efforts in the past few years will be in vain! "

"Don't tell me too much, just do as he said! My father must not show his feet, then the money is worth buying a safe, don't end up with nothing!" Han Ning said, also I just feel a pain in the flesh, but this matter must end, otherwise he will be the one who will be dragged down. If he doesn't even give out this small amount of money, what is the king's hegemony!
When Zhou Buyi heard it, his whole face turned cold, and his tiger eyes stared at Cui Haodao's back. Most of the money here is in charge of Zhou Buyi, and he can usually spend two or three money without being discovered by Han Ning. , but if I spit out these things, I have to spit out three hundred gold at least. This time, I feel a little bit hated for drawing the salary from the bottom of the pot, and seeing Han Ning like this, I am afraid that I am doing this to myself, and I also feel dissatisfied and want to beat myself , as the saying goes, blocking people's money is like killing your father, this beam has been formed.

(End of this chapter)

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