Chapter 1458
"Your Majesty! The situation is not good!" Fei Lian pressed the sword in his arms, his originally flat voice seemed a little hasty and impatient, he opened the big tent, took three steps in two, and quickly stepped forward.

Han Yi looked at the flustered Fei Lian. Fei Lian has always been calm and capable in his work, and he did not show his panic today even in the flustered battle situation. Han Yi immediately dialed the bamboo slips in his hand and put them on top. Calmly, he looked at Fei Lian and said, "What's going on!"

"Your Highness Fourth is in a bad situation!" Fei Lian said after a while.

"What!" Han Yi jumped up like a lion whose fur had been blown up, before he had time to say hello to Fei Lian, he strode out.

After Fei Lian watched it, he followed immediately. Who would have thought that the two big men, who used to be calm and calm in the past, became so flustered.

At this moment, many people gathered outside Han Ming's big tent. Deng Yu just woke up, regardless of his injuries, and wanted to go in, but Luo Ren at the door blocked him, signaling him not to be impulsive.

And then came, and three thousand Qingming troops were killed out of the chaotic army with Han Ming.

"Your Majesty! To...!" With a loud shout, everyone made a way out and respectfully said, "Your Majesty!"

Han Yi didn't have time to pay attention to them, so Sa Yazi rushed into the big tent immediately.

In the big tent, Bian Que was in a hurry to deal with Han Mingdao's wound, and Xian Ying and Xie Daoyun behind him were in a hurry to help Bian Que.

Han Yi's tiger eyes commented only on Han Ming, and saw a deep knife mark on Han Ming's left shoulder, chest!There is a deep wound on each lower abdomen, and bones can be seen faintly. What worries Han Yi the most is the cold arrow behind Han Ming. Bian Que has not pulled it out until now. Han Ming exposed his upper body naked, with four fatal wounds. There are countless other minor injuries.

In order to avoid bleeding, Bian Que didn't draw the arrow for Han Ming, but even so, he was in a hurry to treat Han Ming's small wounds. After all, if there is too much blood flow, he will die.

Han Ming's pale cheeks were covered with cold sweat. Bian Que looked at Han Yi who dared to come, and was about to salute, but Han Yi panicked: "Quick! Save him... save her!"

Han Yi was about to step forward, but he didn't know why his forefoot softened, and he fell to the ground. Looking at the wound on Han Ming's body, Han Yi was worried. , he is the emperor!Be an emperor!Can only be ruthless and not cry, Han Yi told himself over and over again.

"Woo...!" Han Ming frowned, spit out a mouthful of old blood, blood clots spit out one by one, Bian Que looked at it, the whole body was relieved, and said: "Just spit it out! That's it!"

"It can be saved!" Han Yi quickly stood up and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! As long as the poisonous arrow is pulled out! Everything will be fine!" Bian Que said with a slight smile.

"Then why are you still standing there! Pull it out!" Han Yi didn't have the virtuous corporal of the past at this moment, and some only had mania and restlessness.

"No!" Bian Que stepped forward immediately, looked at Xian Ying and Xie Yun and said, "Both of you will help me hold down the Fourth Highness soon! After drawing the arrow, the Fourth Highness should wake up!"

"Yes!" Without too much hesitation, the two pressed Han Ming's shoulders from left to right.

"One... two... three!" Bian Que suddenly pulled out the arrow after counting. Han Ming, who had been drowsy before, suddenly opened his eyes and exerted force with both arms. Being thrown to the ground, Bian Que was also shocked back three steps.

"Ah...!" Han Ming clutched his wound, looking very tired, looking at Han Yi who was four steps away, Han Ming pointed at him, and said solemnly: "Don't forget... my mother's Tablet...or!"

After Han Ming finished speaking, he lay down on the bed and passed out again. A lot of blood flowed out, staining a lot of bedding red.

"What's going on!" Han Yi looked at Han Ming's face turned pale again, and the anger in his heart only increased.

Seeing this, Bian Que hurried forward to check, seeing Han Ming's weak breath and the wound, Bian Que's face was serious, feeling very troublesome, and said: "I'm afraid this arrow is poisonous! The poison just spread on the back and did not hurt the wound." Heart pulse, just suck it out immediately! It’s just that the old man will bandage the Fourth Highness for a while! I don’t know if this poison can be used for dizziness! Therefore...!”

When Bian Que mentioned this, the whole person hesitated for a while, and Han Yi said, "I'll do it!"

"Your Majesty! Don't do it! You are a body of gold! This poison has no depth! Let's find a slave!" Bian Que hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

"Wait a minute...!" Seeing that Bian Que and Han Yi were really arguing, Fei Lian was about to take off his mask and stepped forward, but Xian Ying strode forward, regardless of the three seven twenty one, opened her small cherry mouth, and sucked in this The poisonous blood on Han Ming's chest.

"Pfft!" The black poisonous blood was spat out by Xian Ying mouthful after mouthful, until the scarlet blood was exposed, and then Bian Que stepped forward to stop it: "Okay, okay!"

"Huh...huh...!" Xian Ying took a deep breath, exhaled the bloody smell in her mouth, wiped the blood from her mouth with her hands, her face was very calm.

"Who are you!" Han Yi looked at Xian Ying, and the incomprehension in his eyes gradually became stronger.

"Xian Ying pays homage to the king!" Xian Ying looked at Han Yi and knelt down.

"You are Xian Ying!" Han Yi's face was slightly taken aback, and he was slightly surprised, but he didn't pay attention to Xian Ying, but concentrated his eyes on Han Ming, his eyes were full of worry.

"Your Majesty! Liu Bang of the Mountain Kingdom! He has already led his troops to retreat!" Dian Wei said calmly after entering the big tent, looking at the people around him.

"Has Liu Bang gone?" Han Yi looked slightly surprised, looked at Dian Wei with a sigh of relief, and said, "What do the other princes and kings mean!"

"The State of Zhao doesn't know what's wrong! There will be no troops in this decisive battle! I heard that Zhao Jun has already started to pack his bags! It seems that he is going back to the country! After Liu Yu's battle is over! He will go back to the country directly!" Dian Wei said calmly.

"Your Majesty!" shouted again, and the evil came quickly, Han Yi said: "King Zhao invites all the princes to the banquet!"

Han Yi frowned slightly, and said calmly: "Tell Han Xin! Let him lead a hundred thousand soldiers and horses to follow Liu Bang! This time he is going by way! Be careful of his little moves!"


After a while, Han Yi glanced at the unconscious Han Ming behind him, sighed, and then headed towards the main hall, looking at Elai behind him, and said, "How is Le Yi's business going!"

"Ten days later! Le Yi must be a bereaved dog, and now the countries have not left! What Xu Shu means is to wait until the princes are almost gone! Only then will there be no mistakes!"

"Forget it! Without Su Qin and Le Yi, the country of Yan would be alone! It's never a good thing to act hastily!"

(End of this chapter)

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