Chapter 1478
In the Lingyun Hall, Han Yi was sitting on the throne, looking exhausted. Leaning on the throne, Han Yi let out a long sigh of relief. He did not have the imperial majesty of the past at all. He looked very lazy and tired. He glanced at the people below, his eyes The color of boredom is getting more and more, Han Yi finally understands the pain of being a wise king, and the joy of being a foolish king.

But the ministers below couldn't sit still anymore, Lu Su, who was wearing a court uniform, came out first, and said with a dignified expression: "Minister! Lu Su also has something to announce!"

Han Yi waved his hand, looking very listless. After hearing this, Lu Su strode forward immediately, and said with a stern expression: "The crown prince is the reserve of the country, and you must not stay away from the capital! I implore the king to transfer the crown prince back!"

"The old minister seconded the proposal!" Cheng Yu couldn't stand anymore, and immediately came out of the battle, his face looked solemn. Cheng Yu stroked his beard, looked at Han Yi and said, "My lord! The prince has made meritorious service in the country! First, he has the meritorious service of supervising the country! To Wei Great battle! The prince sent Hai Rui to collect food and grass from the enemy country! To reduce the strength of Wei, he sent Xiao He to Qi to develop salt, increase national taxation, put down the Yellow Turban Rebellion in Lu, consolidate river dams, and prevent flooding. They are all good deeds that benefit the country and the people! How can you place the crown prince in Luoyang? Isn’t that just throwing away the sword and bare hands!”

The two old ministers both occupy important positions in the court, and both are famous for their wisdom and virtue. It can be seen that they stand on the basis of the country, but this matter cannot be changed.

Han Yi glanced at Han Chen's relatives, the Dou's family, from the corner of his eye. At this moment, the Dou's family kept a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window, as if they had nothing to do with themselves.

Han Yi frowned slightly, and said half aloud: "The matter of the prince! Of course I have arrangements! Don't say any more!"

"Your Majesty!" The two, Cheng Yu and Lu Su, were about to persuade each other, but Han Yi waved his hand and said, "It's alright, alright! Don't ask too much about the crown prince, I have my own arrangements! You guys Don't waste your time talking here!"

"This..." The two looked at each other, and finally could only sigh heavily. Han Ning was still holding the feather fan, his face was a little calm, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Humen stared at Cheng Yu and Lu Su. It seems that Bu Shangshu can be replaced!Since you don't obey him!Then there is only a small whip to catch them.

Han Ning originally planned to bring Han Chen's matter to the table, but was stopped by Cui Hao. The original Han Ning also understood, but Han Ning was still a little unwilling to let Han Chen go like this. He planned to use this matter to pull Han Chen directly from the crown prince. After all, his thinking was too simple.

Seeing what happened here, Wang Meng immediately stepped forward and said, "Report to Your Majesty! The Kingdom of Yan! The Kingdom of Zhao has sent envoys! They are already waiting outside the door!"

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded lightly. He knew that today's point had arrived, so Han Yi waved his hand and said, "Tell them to come in together!"

"Promise!" Wang Meng responded, and Gao Lishi beside Han Yi immediately understood, and suddenly shouted: "Chuan Zhao! Envoy Yan!"

"Biography! Zhao! Envoy Yan!"

"Biography! Zhao! Envoy Yan!"

"Biography! Zhao! Envoy Yan!"

Following several shouts, Xu Maogong and a fair-faced middle-aged man in white clothes and a hair crown walked in. Han Yi squinted his eyes and stared at the comer, with a trace of doubt and unresolved flashes in his eyes. This man He really hadn't seen it before, and Han Yi was about to use the system to check, but the minister did report himself: "Zhao Guo! Zhao Gou has seen King Han!"

"Zhao Gou!" Han Yi was stunned, rubbed his hazy eyes, and looked Zhao Gou up and down carefully. This is Zhao Gou who established the Southern Song Dynasty and killed Yue Fei in history. Qin Hui hooked up, but without Zhao Gou's consent, Qin Hui would have ten heads and would not have dared to kill Yue Fei privately.

Han Yi looked at Zhao Gou's exhausted expression with a little more energy, looked at Zhao Gou with a smile, and asked hypocritically: "It's good that King Zhao is here! But there is something to discuss!"

Of course Han Yi knew about Zhao Yong's death, but the news hadn't spread yet, so Han Yi could only pretend not to know, while Zhao Gou immediately pretended to be sad, and his words were full of grief Said: "Your Majesty has passed away! Now the Eldest Prince is taking the throne! I have been appointed to make good friends with the King of Han!"

"What!" Han Yi had an unbelievable expression on his face, and the whole person started to fight, his complexion was different, the officials were shocked, and they looked at each other in blank dismay. In the past, Zhao Yong was in Han and Zhao. The relationship between the two countries was quite harmonious. After succeeding to the throne, the attitude towards South Korea is unknown.

Han Feng on the side looked stunned. He still vaguely remembered that during the grassland battle, Zhao Yong, his uncle, came to see him specially and gave him a good horse at that time. Although the exchange was brief, Zhao Yong gave Han Feng Made an excellent impression and left just like that today.

"My condolences to the King of Han! This time, my king sent me here for the purpose of cultivating friendship between the two countries. I heard that Mr. Feng has reached the year of the crown, and there happens to be a county in the country of Zhao who advocates the beauty of the country. I don't know what King Han wants. how!"

"Yeah!" Han Feng frowned slightly, and began to make arrangements in his heart. First, he was born by Zhao Feiyan, and he was in contact with Zhao Guo, and now Zhao Guo married himself in order to give himself a boost and fight for himself. The throne has a great advantage. Furthermore, Zhao Yun is from Zhao. He has emerged in this battle and will definitely be reused by Han Yi. Taking advantage of Zhao Wang's status, Han Feng can also get closer to Zhao Yun, so that he can take Zhao Yun for his own use. No matter how you look at it, Han Feng got the advantage, but Han Feng always feels empty in his heart, as if something is missing.

Han Yi frowned, thinking about Zhao Guo's plan, looked at Zhao Gouzai and Han Feng for a while, and then said: "I have agreed to this matter alone!"

"Thank you, King Han! You and my two families are making good friends in Qin and Jin!" Zhao Gou breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Han Yi's agreement. Seeing that Han Yi agreed, it meant that his purpose of coming here had been achieved.

Han Yi immediately exchanged a few words with Zhao Gou, expressing his lamentation, and looked at Xu Maogong who was left aside by him for a while, and said, "What's the purpose of envoy Yan coming here!"

When Xu Maogong heard that it was his turn, he immediately saluted and said: "In the lower camp, horses are exchanged for food. My country of Yan wants to use troops against Zhongshan! I don't know what King Han wants!"

"The war has just ended now! Our country doesn't have much food and grass! But Yan Guo used troops against Zhongshan! If there is no reasonable explanation! Using troops rashly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to the world!" Han Yi pretended to be serious, but in fact he was just playing Show Zhao Gou your majesty, and suppress the arrogance of Mr. Zhao Guoxin.

(End of this chapter)

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