Chapter 1499

"Has the assassination been investigated?" Han Chen lightly raised his hand and lifted the corner of his clothes. Watching the red flower tree fall a few petals under the breeze, Han Chen sat down contemptuously and slowly. He closed his eyes, raised his left leg, and hung the wine gourd in his left hand, leaning against the wall, looking extremely lazy.

"The news has spread! I heard that Qi Tian did it!" Mu Ying followed behind Han Chen, breathing heavily, with a stern expression on her face.

Han Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and the hostility in his body was raging like a storm. Mu Ying saw her, she was a few steps slow, and she quickly shut up, not daring to speak too much.

After a while, the hostility on Han Chen's body was finally eliminated. Han Chen stopped drinking, and the mellowness of his mouth dripped down his cheeks onto his clothes. Han Chen said calmly, "Tell Xiao He! Use him to Qi's relationship! Check it out!"

"Understood!" After Mu Ying finished speaking, she seemed to think of something, and said falteringly: "Your Highness! The current situation is still a bit unfavorable!"

"What's wrong! What happened!" Han Chen still closed his eyes, and casually threw the wine gourd in his hand to Mu Ying, feeling the breeze blowing, his expression very indifferent.

"Xiao He and Hai Rui, two officials dispatched abroad, have now been revoked by the king! They are now white, and it may be inconvenient to move!" Mu Ying swallowed her saliva, looked at Han Chen for a while, and said solemnly: "Also! Miao Xun, the official of the Prince's Mansion... Miao Xun has already taken refuge with His Highness the Third Highness!"

"Go, let's go! Since you can't keep him! What's the use of keeping him?" Han Chen remained calm, breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed drowsy. Although he looked a little cynical, But Mu Ying knew that Han Chen might still be a little lonely. Mu Ying felt a little angry, and said proudly, "Prince! Shall we end him!"

"Why bother? Everyone has their own ambitions! The tree falls and the monkeys scatter, and the son wants to stay instead of paying attention. What's the use of it!" Han Chen frowned and remained silent for a long time.

"Fang and Du will be here soon, and Fang Xiaoru! Yu Qian! Zhang Liang and so on...!" Mu Ying looked solemn. The Miao Xun just now made Han Chen feel uncomfortable. Han Chen was in a slightly better mood.

"Yeah! I know!" Han Chen nodded slightly.

"If there is nothing to explain! Your servant is leaving!" Mu Ying was speechless for a while, looking at Han Chen's appearance, she was really speechless for a long time. The youthful man who used to be vigorous disappeared, and was replaced by an indifferent and indifferent monarch.

Mu Ying had no choice but to press the sword in her arms and strode out, walking towards her, but she saw a stunning woman, holding hot tea in her hand, wearing light yellow clothes, she looked like she had been expecting for a long time.

Mu Ying looked slightly stunned, stopped to decide, took a deep look at the maid behind her, and then left with a questioning look after a while.

The palace lady was holding the tea, and looked at Han Chen who was closed and meditating with her big watery eyes. There was a bright sunshine in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. She smiled so stupidly and happily. Then she slowly lifted her dress and knelt Sitting down, he said calmly, "Your Highness, drinking so much alcohol in the morning is not good for your health. Let's drink some hot tea to warm your stomach!"

Hearing this voice, Han Chen was a little familiar. He moved his eye bags slightly, drooped his sleepy eyes, and glanced at the appearance of the palace lady. She had a petite nose, and this appearance became more and more familiar. After a while, Han Chen suddenly opened it. Then he calmed down his astonishment. This series of movements seemed to flow smoothly, and it took only three seconds. Han Chen stretched out his palm.

The palace maid smiled slightly, showing two canine teeth, and gave Han Chen a glass at random, and released the glass into Han Chen's hand, and the whole person was a little more happy.

Feeling the coldness in his hand, Han Chen glanced at the tea, put it aside for a while, looked at the maid and said, "Why are you here!"

"Because it's His Royal Highness!" The palace maid revealed a little bit of bitterness in her eyes, and she said with a uncomfortable expression: "I don't see you under the acacia tree, so I am ashamed to find the way. Chang'an has to know the body of the king, and I will never leave you today even if I die!"

"Why bother? Follow me now! I'm afraid there is only a dead end! Don't be stupid! Clean up! I'll let Mu Ying take you out!" Han Chen glanced at Zhen Ji, with joy in his eyes, but more What's more is guilt.

"Even if His Highness drives me away today! I won't leave! Even if I die! I will die by His Highness's side!" Zhen Ji's eyes were full of tears, and there was even a hint of determination.

Han Chen recognized this expression. Zhen Ji wasn't joking, she was serious. Once Han Chen chased her away, she might really be killed here.

Han Chen stared at Zhen Ji, and sighed for a while: "This tea has been overturned! Pour me a cup now!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Zhen Ji breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, poured a glass lightly, and handed it to Han Chen.

Han Chen took a sip slowly and exhaled foul breath. Seeing that the tears in the corners of Zhen Ji's eyes were still wet, he took out a piece of brocade and handed it to Zhen Ji: "Wipe it!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Zhen Ji's eyes were full of joy. Seeing that Han Chen was barefoot, and the ground was a bit cold, she immediately said, "Does Your Highness wear socks? It's still a bit cold here!"

"No need! I can't get out anyway." Han Chen breathed out a turbid breath, his face looked calm, and he stood with his hands behind his back. Humen glanced at his whole body, covered with sweat, with a calm expression, and muttered to himself, "It should be a wash." Already!"

When Zhen Ji heard this, she stood up quickly and followed Han Chen with a small step, wondering what was going on in her mind.

Chang'an City

In the study

Han Yi was sitting on the throne, rubbing his temples: "How is the prince these days! You may be in a mood! Or you want to shout about revenge!"

"Report to Your Majesty! No! The prince is very stable. He has been staying in Luoyang Palace and hasn't been out for a day!" Li Ru held a cloth brocade in his hand and presented it on Han Yi's desk.

"No!" Han Yi frowned slightly. According to Han Chen's temperament, he used to dare to beat the prince when he was a young general. Today, the quietness is a bit scary... Han Yi is even thinking about whether Pang Wanchun can hold Han Chen down. , Do you want to send a big man to sit in the battle, but right now I have missed a bit.

Han Yi picked up the brush in his hand, and the deep meaning in his eyes became heavier and heavier.

Li Ru wiped the sweat off his brow, looked at Han Yi and said, "Your Majesty! But something is wrong!"

"No! It's just that I feel this writing brush in my hand! I can't see through it more and more! I can't grasp it more and more!" Han Yi borrowed things to describe others, and felt a little bit emotional about the attributes of Emperor Bian. This kid... really is's getting harder and harder to see through.

(End of this chapter)

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