Chapter 1501

Han Ming's eyes were drooping, he glanced at Zhang Hui and Qin Liangyu, still silent, turned over and was about to get on the horse, Zhang Hui was astonished, and Qin Liangyu behind him was Qin Qiong's precious daughter, she was not afraid of anything, When did he feel this kind of anger, and immediately thrust his waist and said: "You idiot! Are you talking to me? Are you dumb or deaf!"

Han Ming was still silent, just when he got on the horse, Qin Liangyu saw that Han Ming was about to leave, but he couldn't help being angry, he suddenly took out the whip on his back, slammed it on the ground, and said in a cold sweat: "Today I will teach you if you are a mother?" Damn boy! Watch the whip!"

"Sister Qin, don't!" Zhang Hui looked shocked when he saw that Qin Liangyu was going to fight Han Ming, and immediately stepped forward to stop him. However, the red-eyed Qin Liangyu, like a wild beast, suddenly pushed Zhang Hui away with one hand and said, "Don't you!" Stop me! See if I don't teach this ignorant brat a lesson!"

"Phew!" The slender red horsewhip hit Han Chen's back like a spirit snake that betrayed the snake's letter!This whip down!The pain of tearing the skin and burning the bones is inevitable.

When the people around rarely watched the excitement, they gradually gathered together. From the corner of Han Ming's eyes, he casually glanced at Qin Liangyu's put down, and suddenly stretched out his hand.

"Crack!" There was a burning pain on the whip, but Han Ming didn't care at all, his arms were squeezed together suddenly, his eyes were red, and he shouted suddenly: "Come on!"

Qin Liangyu only felt that the horsewhip in his hand seemed to be attracted by an infinite distance. Seeing that the horsewhip in his hand was out of control, Qin Liangyu suddenly let go, and the horsewhip in his hand flew upside down.

Han Ming held a pear in his left hand and a horsewhip in his right. A pair of Humen stared at the pear in his hand. The huge force made the juice of the pear burst out and fell on the horse hair. Han Ming slowly turned the horse's head, Staring at Qin Liangyu, staring at Qin Liangyu with gloomy eyes, he paused every word: "What did you say...!"

cold!An unprecedented coldness swept across Qin Liangyu's whole body. Qin Liangyu felt as if he was being stared at by wild beasts. It was terrifying, but Qin Liangyu grew up in the generals. Said to Han Ming: "I said so! How about it! Can you beat me to death!"

"Good...very good! I will fulfill you today!" After Han Ming finished speaking, he galloped forward suddenly, and the servants of the Qin family behind saw Han Ming coming on horseback, their expressions were shocked, and they immediately said: " Hurry... Hurry up and protect Miss! Hurry up!"

"Get out of here!" Luo Ren slammed forward like a meatball, like a wild buffalo letting go of the rope, slammed forward, and three or four servants fell to the ground.

Han Ming suddenly stretched out his futon-sized palm, grabbed Qin Liangyu's throat, and exerted force with his right hand. The huge force made Qin Liangyu feel an unprecedented killing intent, and the huge force on his throat made Qin Liangyu breathless, tender and fair His face gradually turned red, and he beat Han Ming's right hand vigorously, tears flowed unnaturally from the corner of his eyes, and the fear of Han Ming in his eyes only increased.

"Killed! Killed! Report to the officer! Hurry up!" I don't know who reacted quickly!He was the first to shout this voice, and no one on the left or right caught up to stop him.

"Hoo hoo... hoo hoo...!" There was only a figure with cheeks on his head and disheveled hair, looking at Han Ming, and said flatly without moving his hands: "Let go!"

Han Ming heard that the voice was somewhat familiar, and then glanced at it from the corner of his eye. After a while, he loosened the strength in his hand, and suddenly threw Qin Liangyu out, glanced at the comer, and let out a breath of air: " How do you..."

"Your Majesty ordered me to watch you! Don't come out of Chang'an City!" Fei Lian also received the order just now, without even thinking about it, it must be that tongue-twisting fellow You Ziyuan.

Han Ming shook his hand, clenched his lower lip with his teeth, Humen looked at Fei Lian, and remained silent for a long time.

"Cough cough...cough cough!" Qin Liangyu, who was thrown on the ground, looked extremely embarrassed, and suddenly turned over and said, "You wait for me! I will ask my father to beat you to death!"

After saying that, Qin Liangyu became slapped nonsense, and suddenly turned over and rode on the horse, with an angry look on his face.

Han Ming looked at Qin Liangyu with a pair of eyes, as if he was looking at a fool, and the anger in his heart was still there. The word "mother" has always been a pain in Han Ming's heart.

Fei Lian took a look at Han Ming, and said half aloud: "You go back to the house first! This little girl of the Qin family is handed over to me! I promise to satisfy you!"

Han Ming glanced at Fei Lian, frowned, and snorted coldly for a while: "Farewell! I feel annoyed seeing you now!"

These two guys, Han Ming and Fei Lian, seldom talk, and only when they are together, they talk a lot more.

Qin Mansion
"Damn old man! What are you doing? Your daughter is being bullied! Hurry up and find a place for your daughter! I'm so mad! As soon as Qin Liangyu came back, he suddenly picked up a pottery and smashed it down, the whole ground was shattered .

The servant at the back was very worried when he saw it, and thought: This is the master's favorite... so... the good days are gone.

"Who... who... who did it?" Qin Qiong strode out when he heard that something was broken outside. He was very angry, and walked out without putting down the chopsticks in his hand. Special reminder The chopsticks were specially invented by Han Yi.

As soon as Qin Qiong saw her daughter, the anger on her face squeezed out a smile again, and she looked at Qin Liangyu with a smile and said, "My daughter! What's wrong! Who of you made the lady angry, who are you! Go yourself Receive the punishment...quick...quick...quick!"

"Old Qin! Your daughter has been bullied! That person is going to kill me! What should you do!" Qin Liangyu looked unforgiving.

When Qin Qiong heard that someone was going to kill her daughter, she was not happy at once. She suddenly dropped the chopsticks in her hand and shouted, "Who is going to kill my daughter! Someone bring my mace, girl, don't be afraid! Daddy will find a place for you!" go!"

"Hmph! This time, I must beat him to pieces!" Qin Liangyu's whole body was like a little beast with teeth and claws!As if to swallow Han Ming alive.

"Master Mace is here!"

Qin Qiong looked at her double mace, and her confidence came instantly. She took it with both hands, strode out, looked at her daughter and said, "My daughter, what is the name of the child! Daddy is going to avenge you!"

"I don't know! I heard his servants call him Fourth Highness! His surname seems to be Han...!" Qin Liangyu took a whip, glanced at his father, and was stunned at this moment.

"Is his name Han...Han Ming...!" Qin Qiong heard carefully.

"Yes! That's what Xiaohui called him! This guy..."

"Girl! Listen to what Daddy told you! It's not good to fight and kill... Go back and have a good rest! It's good to go back and ride a horse!"

(End of this chapter)

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