Chapter 1508
Han Yi stroked his beard with a calm expression. He picked up the brush in his hand for a while and put it down for a while!It seemed that there was something he couldn't make up his mind, and he struggled here for a long time. After a while, Han Yi sighed heavily, flicked the brush in his hand forward casually, and said indifferently: "Let it be natural!"

"My lord! Xie Xuan and others have brought them here!" Zheng He immediately bowed to Han Yi and saluted.

Han Yi nodded, rubbed his temples, slowly got up from the chair, and walked barefoot on the soft wooden floor, looking a bit free and easy.

Han Yi then picked up a bamboo slip and pretended to read it here very seriously. Xie Xuan and others who entered the door knelt and bowed three times when they saw Han Yi, and shouted loudly: "I wait to see the king!"

Han Yi retracted his body and looked back, and stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the five people of all kinds. Xie Xuan was still the same as before, polite and polite, but his eyes were full of wisdom. Standing behind him was a The older middle-aged man is full of scholarly spirit!It seems that they are also well-educated, the other two, the one on the left is wearing black clothes, seven feet in length, full of momentum, and the other has a hulking back, wearing yellow clothes, eight feet in length.

But there was a woman kneeling behind, looking at her petite expression, she was lovely, Han Yi looked at the Xie clan with a smile, and said half aloud: "That is Xie Yingdeng!"

From Han Yi's point of view, Xie Yingdeng should be settled for now, so as not to be taken by Liu Yu, otherwise it will only become a resistance this time.

"Caomin is here!" Only a simple and honest voice was heard, and the man in the yellow suit stood up with a dignified expression.

Han Yi stroked his beard, looked at Xie Yingdeng, and then smiled and said: "I heard that you are very brave, but I checked the martial arts in recent years, and found that your name is not on the list, it is you......! "As Han Yi said, he stepped forward suddenly, exerted strength with his arms, and suddenly hid Xie Yingdeng in the dark. Xie Huideng suddenly felt a huge force on his left shoulder, and the cold sweat broke out on his head, so he could only support his body with all his strength.

Xie An, who was behind Xie Xuan, looked at it, and immediately apologized to Han Yi: "My nephew went out to play a few years ago, and only came back in the past few years! But in the past few years, every martial arts examination was a serious illness. I have let down the great love of the king!"

Han Yi glanced at Xie An, and sneered at his answer, but he didn't intend to embarrass Xie Yingdeng, and slowly withdrew the strength in his hands. Han Yi straightened his clothes, looked at Xie Xuan and said, "I have worked so hard in Zhongshan. You are very good at thanking the family!"

When Xie Xuan heard it, he screamed that it was not good. Listening to Han Yi's accent, first, he knew about this matter, second, he didn't intend to make this matter a big deal, and third, he was giving the Xie family a chance.

"Your Majesty! I don't know about Zhongshan! Please atone for your sin!" Xie Xuan wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and immediately confessed to Han Yi.

"Hmph! Gu knows the truth of not putting an egg in one basket! But Gu doesn't like it! Your Xie family can be regarded as a talented person! There is a vacancy for the three generals now! You don't want it! Planning to force it!" Han Yi's face became colder, but he was actually trying to whet Xie Xuan's appetite, and the current suppression will only make them jump over the wall.

"The ministers are loyal to the king! They will go through fire and water for the king!" Xie An and others immediately kowtowed to Han Yi.

Han Yi stared at the few people calmly, and didn't intend to make any detours. He said calmly: "Liu Yu's credit! Many generals are staring at it? Xie Xuan, you have followed Gu for more than ten years! First, you followed Xun Yu to build this Chang'an City, fighting in this grassland! It can be said that the meritorious service is high, but the rank is lower than the merit! I still feel a little guilty for you!"

"Your Majesty, there is no need to feel guilty, this is the duty of a minister to be loyal to the emperor!" Xie Xuan immediately kowtowed in defeat.

"Okay! This battle will be handed over to you, Xie Xuan! I will give you [-] elite soldiers to attack Yan in the north, and all the cities you take will belong to the country of Yan! You must capture Liu Yu alive in this battle! If this is done! Your bronze statue! After death, you will be buried in the tomb of the orphan. As for the position of the general gate, let's see if your Xie family can come up with five famous generals!" Han Yi looked at Xie Xuan with a flat expression.

"Yanyuan Pavilion!" Xie Xuan was taken aback for a moment. You must know that there are only a few generals who can enter the entire Yanyuan Pavilion alive. This is the dream pursued by almost all generals in the country. Someone will preside over the sacrifice!And it will be famous in history!Even if Xie Xuan is as stable as an old dog, he is still a little excited at the moment.

"Your must do your best!" Xie Xuan looked at Han Yi and kowtowed suddenly. He had been waiting for this opportunity for more than ten years, and he finally got it.

Han Yi stroked his beard and said calmly, "That girl from the Xie family! Look up!"

With his own bait, even if Xie Yingdeng wanted to help Xie Hui, he would still be opposed by everyone. Han Yi didn't need to waste his time talking, just these few people could turn Xie Yingdeng around.

When everyone heard that Han Yi wanted to see Xie Yundao, they thought to themselves: "Could it be that the king has taken a fancy to...! If this is the case, then the Xie family will be afraid of prosperity in the future, but this Yundao is probably...!"

Since Xie Yundao came back, he has clamored to marry Han Ming. As we all know, although Han Ming has made great military exploits, he has nothing to do with the throne and will be appointed as a feudal lord in the future. There is no benefit, but they are more inclined to Han Ning.

Xie Yundao also became nervous at this moment, she was really afraid that Han Yi would take her into the palace.

Han Yi glanced at the crowd, and said in a low voice: "Ming'er has just opened the mansion in the past few days! There are a few capable female officers under his command, so you are willing to take the role!"

"My daughter is willing!" Xie Yundao heard it, and immediately kowtowed to Han Yi happily, but the faces of the people below were surprised.

Han Yi glanced at Xie Yundao with satisfaction. He actually wanted to use Xie Yundao and Xian Ying to grind Han Ming's temper, for fear that Han Ming would be overwhelmed. As for Han Ming's concubine, Han Yi didn't have any ideas yet, but he was not in a hurry , just wait slowly.

The war is about to begin, and the last straw that crushes Liu Yu's camel is about to come.

(End of this chapter)

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