Chapter 1648

Of course, Han Yi did not deny the power of Wu Qi's army. After all, Wu Qi's combat power would put Han Yi in shame. As for Zhuge Liang!His soldiers and horses are mainly soldiers brought back from the Kingdom of Shu, mixed with soldiers from the Kingdom of Lu. In prosperity, there are more wise men, and the combat effectiveness is not considered strong. The combination of the two sides will lower the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

As for the combat effectiveness of the remaining Le Yi Corps, as I said earlier, they are the Yan Han hybrids. As for Sun Wu's soldiers and horses, they are mainly based in Wei, and their combat effectiveness is not bad. After all, Sun Wu is the creator of Sun Tzu's Art of War!Where can the battle be weak?

Of course, there is also the crucial 20 army in the border town. The soldiers and horses here are commanded by more than [-] generals in Yuntai.

Among the many legions, only Han Qinhu has not left yet!Sun Tzu!Gongsun Yan!And the soldiers and horses in Han Yi's hands totaled as many as 50, and the Tuntian Order was simply issued, otherwise the daily consumption of food and grass would be an astronomical figure.

Some people may ask, what about Zhuge Liang?It's not that he didn't leave either, in fact there was a reason for that, Zhuge Liang and Zhaoyang confronted each other, both of them were wise generals, the fight was much weirder than a normal charge, almost thunderous and rainy.

That's the way it is said, but the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop!It's only a few days' work!Qin!Yan!Zhao!The three countries united to attack Han Yi, and even Yan Xi, who was biased towards the Yan State, has now turned to the enemy to attack Han Yi. All the people in the world have condemned Han Yi as a tyrant, and started a war every now and then. At this moment, people are panicking.

Qin sent 20 troops!Zhao Guo sent 20 troops, plus Yan Guo sent 20 troops, a total of 60 troops, the situation gathered, and Xu Shu recalled the [-] troops led by Le Yi back to Yan in advance in order to make things real. Constantly planning, but Han Yi naturally left Ju Xin behind.

On the resplendent and resplendent palace, there are three big characters of Qiankun Palace written, which can be described as a dragon and a snake, vigorous and powerful. Han Yi is sitting on the throne, with his hands in his sleeves, and his eyes closed in meditation!It's like an old monk entering meditation.

His Highness's soldiers were anxious like ants on a hot pot, pacing back and forth, and the scouts who rushed back from the journey were full of exhaustion, and told the story of the battle.

Qin Guobing went out of Hangu Pass and captured the land of Hexi. Yan and Zhao, the former enemies of the Ice System, joined forces in Pingyang, and took that place as the main battlefield. However, they were facing three major powers, and their national strengths were not weak. After the fight, the worst result is defeat and cession of territory, and the best result is probably a tie. Moreover, Han Yi's pace of unifying the world will also be delayed. After all, it will take time for people's livelihood to recover.

Han Yi suddenly opened his eyes!Looking around at the civil servants and military generals, he said calmly: "Qin! Zhao Yan is ambitious in the Three Kingdoms! He wants to carve up the lonely land! I don't know what you love!"

"Your Majesty! Qin! Zhao! The power of the Three Kingdoms of Yan is too great! My suggestion! Stop fighting and make peace!" A tall and trembling old man came out, and observed that he was already in his 50s, but his pace was still slow. Although he was strong, he seemed to be thinking about his family and country in his words, but in fact he was afraid of defeat and touched his interests.

Han Yi stared at him with a pair of black eyes, he remembered the old guy's name, his name was Hui Shi, and he was the minister of Wei State!It can be considered that there is fate with Han Yi. In the past, Han Yi went to Anyi for a trip, and this Huishi greeted him outside the palace gate. At that time, the Wei State was still the end of the overlord, and Han Yi was defeated by Han Yi in just a few decades. destroyed.

In fact, it is not to blame Han Yi. At that time, Han Yi was extremely lacking in the talents of generals to lead the army!Like a big brother, Wei Guo gave Han Yi two famous generals unceremoniously. Up to now, they are all famous generals in the world, namely Wu Qi and Gongsun Yan. a resource.

Han Yi stared at Hui Shi, this old guy's land was in Wei Guo, and Pingyang was even next to his fiefdom. Now he jumped out, nominally for the benefit of his family and country, but actually to protect himself.

In fact, Hui Shi is not to blame. He will retire in a few years and is going to go home to take care of his old age. At this moment, a war suddenly broke out, and his territory is extremely easy to become a victim of the war. Why don't we stop fighting and make peace?

"Hui Shi! Gu is an old acquaintance with you! If anyone among them said this! Their heads would have fallen to the ground!" Han Yi's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

After hearing this, Hui Shi looked at Han Yi with cold eyes, and was startled with fright. He immediately knelt down in the tunnel and said, "I dare not!"

The cold sweat on his forehead kept dripping, and Hui Shi remembered that Han Yi was not the king of Wei, so he didn't need to ask himself everything, but he was deeply moved, and secretly slandered: "Hui Shi, Hui Shi! You are so smart! How could you be so confused for a while? !"

Hui Shi was also conscientious in the early stage, but years of officialdom had already worn away his sharpness and wisdom. Han Yi secretly considered that killing him would make the people of Wei even more turbulent. Dissatisfied, it would be a burden not to kill him and keep him. After a while, Han Yi slowly opened his mouth and said: "Hui Shi! You are also very old, and you have no youthful vigor! I will give you a piece of land alone! Where are you? Take care of yourself for the rest of your life!"

"Minister! Thank you, Your Majesty!" With Hui Shi's intelligence, he naturally knew that Han Yi didn't want to kill him, but just wanted to take back his fiefdom in Wei State and give him a piece of land, but Hui Shi was not stupid and continued to argue If you go on, your own life will be gone. Whether the fiefdom of Wei State can be kept is a problem. Why not do it to get a guarantee?

Han Yi glanced at Hui Shi, who was in his twilight years, and immediately waved his hand and said, "Go!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Hui Shi immediately turned his head and looked outside the hall!Hui Shi knew that his political career was over, he was about to withdraw from the stage of history, and the records of him on the bamboo slips also came to an end.

Han Yi watched Hui Shi leave, stared at Zhonghe Bridge with tiger eyes, and said indifferently: "Who else wants to leave! Say it now! There is still time!"

The implication of Han Yi's words is that if he doesn't want to do it, just say it. Don't waste his time here. Once this remark is made, everyone dare not speak. Hui Shi is his luck. Whether they can keep their heads is another matter. .

"My lord! If our army sends out soldiers, I would like to lead the troops to fight!" Han Qinhu strode out suddenly, and with a tiger roar, he pulled back the people who had lost their minds.

Han Yi glanced at Han Qinhu, and immediately said: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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