Chapter 1668
"Yeah!" Master Yang nodded solemnly, looked at Memorial and said, "I'm going to find the king! Take the king away first! It will happen sooner or later if the palace gate is broken, so we can only take the king away first. You need to stall for time!"

"I got it! Don't worry!" Ji Xin's eyes were firm, they were all fighting for the country!Only in a different way.

Yang Shihou suddenly got off the temporary bamboo building, turned over and rode on the horse, picked up the whip in his hand, whipped him forward, and shouted: "Drive!"

"Human Ladder!" Seeing that there was no way for Yuwencheng to break through the city gate, and the casualties continued, Yuwencheng had no choice but to gather a few people around him and roared suddenly.

"Brothers! Come on!" Two strong men put their spears together and half knelt on the ground, with the shields in their hands hanging on the spears. Behind them were two soldiers carrying wooden spears on their shoulders. It was put up.

Yu Wencheng took a closer look, turned over immediately, stepped on the shield suddenly, leaped on the forehead in two steps, and when he stepped on the second step, Yuwen Chengdu turned over and jumped over the city wall, the golden phoenix wings in his hand Tang slammed on one of them suddenly, killing him immediately.

Behind Yu Wencheng, these dozens of soldiers followed him and jumped into the city wall, causing him to be turned upside down.

Yu Wencheng, who jumped into the palace gate, flipped the phoenix-winged golden gilt in his hand suddenly, and hit the surrounding building carts. Suddenly, sawdust flew and scattered all over the ground. Dozens of soldiers fell to the ground, and the pain was unbearable.

Yu Wencheng stared at the front with tiger eyes, and said indifferently: "Kill me!"

"The enemy should not be insane! Ji Xin is here! Eat me!" Ji Xin brandished the black knife in his hand and slashed at Yu Wencheng head-on.

"Kangdang...!" The swords clashed, the weapons whistled, sparks shot out all of a sudden, Yu Wencheng squinted his eyes and stared at Ji Xin, with a trick of pear blossoms and rain, piercing Ji Xin's heart like a wind and cloud .

"Puff! Ji Xin spat out a mouthful of old blood! He fell to his knees! Yuwen Chengdu was about to pull out the golden gilt phoenix wings in his hand, but he saw Ji Xin firmly grasping Yuwen Chengdu's gilt phoenix wings If you don't let it go, no matter how hard Yu Wencheng tries, it will be difficult to pull it out.

Yu Wencheng stared at Ji Xin's honest face and asked, "Is it worth it?"

"It's a matter of loyalty to the emperor!" Ji Xin opened his bloody mouth and laughed heartily.

"Kill!" Exactly!Soldiers who had descended from the city wall all around rushed towards Yuwen Chengdu. Yuwen Chengdu saw Ji Xin, who was about to die, and wanted to pull it out forcibly, but wanted to leave Ji Xin a whole body, so he immediately threw away the phoenix wings in his hand. The golden gilt sword pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and looked at the soldiers around him, each with a sword, but no one could stop Yuwen Chengdu's majesty.

Ji Xin spat out the blood bubbles at the corner of his mouth helplessly, stared at the front, and muttered to himself: "My lord! I'm sorry for you! This is... for you... to go down and open the way! Yang... …Yang…Master Yang……Hou……I haven’t… lived up to your promise!”

"Plop!" Ji Xin fell into a coma until the end. Once Ji Xin died, the entire palace gate fell into Yuwen Chengdu's hands, and it was only a matter of time before he took down the city gate.

In the dim tent, Yang Shihou stepped on extremely fast footsteps, and the armor on his body made a tinkling sound. The eunuchs on both sides couldn't stop him, so Yang Shihou suddenly shouted: "Get out of the way! I want to see the king! Get out of the way!"

"General! Your Majesty is seriously ill! You really need to rest!" The little eunuch at the side wiped the cold sweat off his face and said solemnly.

"Get the hell out of me! What nonsense! I can't wait to burn my eyebrows! It's going to continue! She's going to die! I'm going to lead the king out of the siege! Don't let anyone stop me!" Yang Shihou said as he walked, and he was gone in a while. Arriving in front of Ji Fa's hall, Yang Shihou immediately pushed open the door, looked at Ji Fa who was lying on the bed inside, stepped in immediately, and said solemnly: "My lord! Yu Wencheng has already led troops to kill him! We can't stop him!" Stop! Your Majesty, hurry up and retreat with me!"

"Han Xin led the troops to kill!" Ji Fa dragged his hoarse voice, raised his heavy eyelids, and frowned puzzled.

"Exactly! A certain family is incompetent! Failed to defend the city for the king!" Yang Shihou's tiger eyes were cold, but the whole person did not have the slightest sense of fierceness and determination before.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to leave!" Ji Fa said with a heavy face as he struggled to support himself.

"Your Majesty, this is...!" Yang Shihou looked at Ji Fa dragging his seriously ill body, and shouted suddenly, "Since your Majesty's life is not long! I am willing to die for you!"

After Yang Shihou finished speaking, he was about to pull out his arrow and kill himself, but Ji Fa immediately stopped him and said, "I still have an important task for you to do!"

"Your Majesty, please order! I will do my best!" Upon hearing this, Master Yang put down the long arrow in his hand and looked at Ji Fa with a serious face.

"Take these things out! Give them to Chong Er! He knows what to do!" Ji Fa wrapped the contents of a black box in a package, handed it to Master Yang, patted his arm earnestly and said, "Father The great responsibility of the country is in your hands!"

Yang Shihou looked at the burden in his hand, and said with tears in his tiger eyes: "I will definitely live up to the king's entrustment!"

"Leave quickly...Let's go!" Seeing that everything that should be said and done has been done, and there is nothing to say, Ji Fa waved his hand, signaling Yang Shihou to leave.

Yang Shihou couldn't bear to glance at Ji Fa, and immediately kowtowed three times!stride away!disappeared in the palace.

Ji Fa also breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the little eunuch beside him and said, "How about the things I told you to prepare earlier!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry! The servant has already taken care of it!" The little eunuch didn't panic!There is even a spirit of seeing death as home.

Ji Fa nodded, and then said: "Then light the fire! At least die with dignity! I don't want to kneel and surrender like those monarchs who were defeated by Han Yi! Begging for mercy! It's better to die with dignity like this!"

"No!" The little eunuch took out the torch and burned it on the cloth. Immediately, a fiery red light rose, and the white smoke was like a holy dragon puffing out clouds!In the end, the entire fire spread to all places.

Ji Fa glanced at the little eunuch kneeling beside her, and asked in confusion, "Why don't you leave!"

"Slaves are inherently handicapped! Even if they leave! Where can they go? It's better to go down with the king! Take care of the left and right!" The little eunuch said with a smile.

"You are so loyal! What's your name!" Ji Fa closed his eyes, looking at the flames all over the sky, but he didn't bother to open them.

"Servant! Loyal to the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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