Warring States Call

Chapter 1670 I understand

Chapter 1670 I understand

"Ding, currently the ninth person on the list, Wei Wei of the Northern Zhou Dynasty: Force 95 Commander 75 Politics 64 Intelligence 66 Currently implanted as Wei Xiaokuan's brother, follow him to be an official in the same dynasty!"

"Ding, Pang Huang from the Sui Dynasty is currently the tenth person on the list: force 97, commander 91, politics 75, intelligence 80. The current implanted identity is Pang Wanchun's eldest son! Currently following Han Qinhu to go to Pingyang!"

"Ding, the current No. 12 person on the list is Bai Qin: force 95, commander 80, politics 65, intelligence 70. Currently implanted as a child of Bai Qi's clan! Follow Bai Qi to fight together!"

"Ding, the current No. 13 person on the list is Yang Yanhe of the Ming Dynasty: force 41, commander 62, politics 94, intelligence 95. Currently implanted as a talent within the Yang Jian clan! What I am afraid of! I can’t wait to get rid of it and hurry up!”

"Shout!" Han Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, such a person who turned the tide was actually hostile by Yang Guang!Then Han Yi has to help Yang Yong. In Han Yi's view, although Yang Guang is better than Yang Yong and can help him resist Xiang Yu, Yang Guang is a wolf with ambition and is not a person who has lived under others for a long time!And this person is extremely good at disguising!It is difficult to control, but Yang Yong is more honest, and Han Yi is easy to control.

Of course, no matter who wins, it is good for Han Yi. Yang Guangying can resist Xiang Yu for a longer time, and he can also get rid of Yang Yan and this old thing!Yang Yong wins!It is more convenient for Han Yi to infiltrate his power into the Sui Kingdom, so how can he achieve multiple goals with one blow.

"Ding, the current No. 14 person on the list is Water Margin Propaganda: Force 81, Commander 81, Politics 58, Intelligence 67. The current implantation status is the captain promoted by Li Mu!"

"Ding, the current No. 15 person on the list is An Sishun of the Tang Dynasty: force 94, commander 93, resourcefulness 75, internal affairs 71, and is currently implanted as a descendant of An Lushan clan!"

"Wait! An Lushan doesn't seem to be dead yet?" Han Yi pinched his beard. If Han Yi remembers correctly, Guo Kai has become King Zhao's confidant. If these two people are used well, they can almost This may be Han Yi's only chance to directly bring down the mighty Zhao Guo.

Thinking of this, Han Yi picked up a pen and wrote Guo Kai on his clothes!An Lushan's name didn't care about the stains on it. For some reason, Han Yi found these two names more pleasing to the eye.

Mediocrity!waste!Such people are extremely useless to one's own side, but to the enemy, they are very powerful comrades-in-arms.

"Ding, the No. 16 person currently on the list is Guo Zhiyun of the Tang Dynasty: force 98, commander 92, politics 78, intelligence 80, and the current implantation identity is Guo Kai's nephew!"

When Han Yi saw these two words, he couldn't help laughing, he really thought of something!There is a show!There is a show!Hahahahahaha!

"Ding, Lu Anguo is the last person to hit the list: force 94, commander 81, intelligence 70, politics 72. The current implantation status is a general promoted by Zhu Yuanzhang!"

Seeing that it was almost time to explode, Han Yi immediately tidied up the bamboo slips in his hands. Not long after, Gao Lishi brought Li Ru, Xin Qiji and others to the study room. Looking at Han Yi who was concentrating on himself, the hearts of the three were all soaring. A sense of awe.

"Bring the bamboo slips!" Han Yi stretched out his hand but said indifferently without looking up.

"Promise!" Li Ru offered it with both hands immediately, and Han Yi's tiger eyes kept sweeping back, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, he looked at Li Ru and said, "This country of Ju still has the strength to meddle in the affairs of the Sui Xiang family! It seems that The pressure that Gu puts on him is too little!"

"Your Majesty! Right now, Ju is just a dead bone! Our attention should still be on Qin! Zhao! Yan's alliance! If Liu Bang is playing a role right now! Our country may really suffer a disastrous defeat!" Li Ru looked at it. Looking at the map, his eyes were full of worry.

"We'll talk about this topic later!" Han Yi glanced at Li Ru, stared at Xin Qiji beside him, and said indifferently, "Why hasn't Tianji's Yan Wangling made any moves recently!"

The Ten Divisions of Tianji perform their own duties, and there are still vacancies in their positions. Among them, Xin Qiji is responsible for the assassination, and the order of the king of hell, in short, the order of the king of hell, who will dare to let you die in the third watch? I will keep you until five o'clock.

"Report to Your Majesty! I have been busy collecting battle reports and qualifications from all over the past few days! I am too busy!" Xin Qiji wiped the sweat from his face, his face was pale, he always felt that it was not Han Yi who was speaking in front of him, but A five-clawed golden dragon that can breathe fire at any time.

"It's been more than ten years! Gu has invested tens of millions of manpower and material resources in Tianji! Half of the wealth confiscated from the enemy's country every time he conquered it was invested in Tianji through discussion between Gu and Lu Su! How dare you say that manpower is not enough?" Han Yi dropped the brush in his hand, very dissatisfied with Xin Qiji and Li Ru's performance.

Li Ru wiped the cold sweat off his brow, looked at Han Yi and said, "Your Majesty! It's not that I don't want to use the Order of the King of Hades! In fact, I killed Crown Prince Dan of Yan a few years ago! Although the hands and feet are clean, too frequent will inevitably attract the fear of other countries." ah!"

Han Yi glanced at Li Ru and Xin Qiji, picked up the bamboo slip in his hand, handed it to Xin Qiji and said, "I'll give you a month! I want Ji Dan to disappear! Can you do it? You can do it yourself Consider! You can transfer the personnel of Tianji at will, but there is only one requirement! Don’t delay the process of Han Xin’s army returning to aid! Speed ​​up!”

"My minister understands!" Xin Qiji immediately took it with both hands, with cold sweat breaking out on his head.

Han Yi glanced at the three of them, and said half aloud: "Li Ru! Send someone to Zhao Guo" to urge Guo Kai!Guo Kai is greedy and lustful!You have to buy it with a lot of money!Make it work for me!In addition, An Lushan should always pay attention to this person!I have seen his face!This life is rebellious!Maybe he is our breakthrough! "

How does Han Yi know the art of face-to-face!But I couldn't find a suitable reason or excuse, so I could only say this excuse abruptly!But don't tell me, it's quite useful.

Li Ruhe heard Han Yi's intention, and immediately kowtowed to Han Yi: "No!"

"No!" Xin Qiji stepped back! "Han Yi waved his hand.

As soon as Xin Qiji heard it, he knew that Han Yi still had something to say to Li Ru, and it was inconvenient for him to listen, so he just stepped back.

Seeing Xin Qiji leave, Han Yi stared at Li Ru and said, "How is the crown prince in Luoyang!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! The Crown Prince is well! And the Crown Princess... is happy!" Li Ru said seriously.

Han Yi closed his eyes and meditated. Did this kid understand the situation?The concubine was happy, and Han Chen was able to pull the Dou family into his boat, thus becoming a helper. The reason why he didn't get involved with the Cao family was actually to avoid suspicion.

Han Yi slowly opened his throat, and said calmly: "This kid finally understands!"

(End of this chapter)

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