Warring States Call

Chapter 1682 3 Ji

Chapter 1682 Three Princesses
On the narrow tower, two tiger generals were back to back, and the surrounding soldiers were all beheaded to the ground. The corpses were lying on the ground, and there were countless casualties, but the two of them stood still. It kept flowing out, looking at them like this, it was obvious that the manager had fought hard.

Yuwen Chengdu!Gao Chong and others just wanted to go forward to arrest the two, but they were stopped by Meng Yuan and Zhong Hui, saying that the overall situation has been settled and there is no rush!Let these two people be handled by Han Xin.

At this moment, both Han Xin and Cao Cao were gathered under the city. Cao Cao looked at Han Xin, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "General Han Xin captured Huai City! He settled the Northern Wu! Now he plans to determine Jufu! Such a great contribution is worthy of me. Famous general!"

Han Xin also cupped his hands and said: "General Cao has done a great job this time. He beheaded [-] people in the first battle! It's beyond human reach!"

The two complimented each other, and they were actually comparing each other. Han Xin's achievements over the years are not that outstanding!But the overall situation is not low, the battle of the Three Jins was ordered in the face of danger, and he led Han Yi to break through Bai Qi's siege!And then with Pang Juan!Li Mu and other well-known generals in the world fought together and retreated in vain, and he became a one-armed general in vain. Afterwards, he decided to destroy the State of Lu, adhered to Feng Yi's strategy in the north, and defended the four cities, making it difficult for Xiang Yu to advance. After that is the present credit.

Cao Cao was not famous in the early years, but he was really famous for having tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands, defeating Zhongshan's army and horses, and capturing Song Jiang.

Both of them are the pillars of the country, but one is a famous general of the Zong family, and the other is a confidant of foreign ministers. Both occupy important positions and can be regarded as the pillars of the sky.

Han Xin looked at Cao Cao, and made a gesture of invitation for a while, and Cao Cao quickly returned the invitation.

The two of them went up to the tower.

In the remote and small hall, a few candles flickered, and three old men sat around, roasting the brazier in their hands. Li Mi beside him burst into tears and said: "The general Li Daozong died in battle! The imperial historian Yang Xiu died in battle! Xia Guoxiang, the master of Qian and Liang, died in battle! Xue Wanjun! Xue Wanche! The two of you, Uncle Cong, fight hard to stop the enemy!"

Ji Dan was cooking by the fire, looked at Ji Shi and Ji Yu for a while and said, "There are two virtuous younger brothers on the road! But the old man is not alone! Brother, I will go first!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Dan raised the wine bottle in his hand with a smile, and drank all the poisonous wine in it.

Ji Shi and Ji Xie looked at each other, but they also smiled bleakly, touched the wine bottles in their hands, and then took poison and committed suicide.

The three pillars of the Ju state committed suicide here, which is regrettable and sad to say the least.

Li Mi silently took the bamboo slips in his hand, walked outside, opened the city gate, but saw the exhausted Tan Daoji and the two still fighting, Li Mi said with a sad expression: "The three elders all committed suicide by taking poison! "

After Tan Daoji heard this, he felt his brain buzzing, and then he laughed loudly and said: "The three adults have traveled so lonely this way, I will clear the way for them!"

After Tan Daoji slammed his head against the stone pillar, Tan Daoji also thought about surrendering, but the death of Tan Hezhi and others made him feel uneasy, so he might as well die.

Uncle Shi didn't have the hatred of the country and family like Tan Daoji, and he had accompanied Tan Daoji in the fierce battle until now, and he had done his best for Ji Fa. If Han Xin agreed to a condition, he would surrender!otherwise!Even if it is death, two people will be dragged into the water.

It so happened that Han Xin and Cao Cao came to the tower and looked at the desperately resisting Uncle Cong. Han Xin said with a smile: "General, don't resist in the corner! Put down your weapons!"

The steps have been given to Shi Shucong. As for whether he can get down, it is up to him. Shi Shucong wiped the sweat from his face, but he did not raise his posture too high. He cupped his hands at Han Xin and said: "I heard that General Han Xin understands righteousness! Can you give the three elders a place to bury their bones! Uncle Shi is very grateful!"

"A loyal person! This general has always appreciated it! Sure!" Han Xin waved his hand flatly.

Shi Shucong breathed a sigh of relief, immediately threw away the weapon in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Shi Shucong is willing to surrender!"

"Li Mi is willing to surrender!" Li Mi also knew that stubborn resistance was nothing but surrender, and surrender was his only way of survival. He was not a dead-headed person.

Since then, the state of Ju has completely disappeared in the long river of history. Among them, the deaths of Ji Fa and Ji Dan have brought a successful conclusion to the state of Ju. commemorate them.

The battle in Ju country had just ended, and a systematic reminder appeared in Han Yi's mind.

"Ding, Shi Mo, Li Daozong! Ji Dan, Ji Shi, Ji Yi, Xia Guoxiang, Yang Xiu, and Tan Daoji died. Congratulations to the host for obtaining 71 summoning points. Currently, the host still has 1602 summoning points!"

"Ding, Li Daozong among them! Five people, Ji Dan, Ji Shi, Ji Ji, and Tan Daoji, reached the condition of breaking the list, and no one broke the list of 2 people. In addition, the host destroyed the country of Ju. The system needs 10 people to break the list, a total of 20 people. In order to reward the host After this period of unremitting efforts, the system will force three of the ten people in the report to be put into the account of the host in the future! The remaining seven people will be freely distributed! There is a certain probability that the extra investment in the host will not be counted among the three people!"

"System! You have been with me for so many years! Finally, you have done something!" Han Yi rubbed his temples, looking extremely tired.

"Ding, it's currently a deadly explosion!"

"Ding, the current No. 1 Ming Dynasty Hu Dahai, force 89 commander 90 intelligence 93 politics 80 special attribute recommendation, there is a certain 60.00% probability of recommending talents to the lord, and the current implantation identity is Hu Huaiyong's brother!"

"Ding, the second person on the list is Zhu Tao of the Tang Dynasty: force 90, commander 85, intelligence 78, politics 61. The current implantation identity is Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew!"

"Ding, Tian Yu, the third person of the Three Kingdoms who is currently on the list: force 88, commander 93, intelligence 93, politics 93. The current implantation status is a talent promoted by Xu Shu, and now he is sent to serve as a general under Murong Ke!"

"Yeah! Are you lucky?" Han Yi rubbed his wrist, it seems that he has a high probability of getting a lot of talents this time.

"Ding, the fourth person on the list is Hou Yi: Force 95, Commander 94, Politics 85, Intelligence 70. The current implantation status is Hou Jing's younger brother!"

"Ding, currently the fifth person on the list is the state of the Three Kingdoms, with 87 military strength, 84 intelligence, 74 intelligence, and 70 politics. The current implantation status is a military general promoted by Sun Liang! Currently fighting with Lu Meng as a supervising army!"

"Ding, Zhang Rong of the Yuan Dynasty, the sixth person on the list, has 95 strength, 81 intelligence, 65 intelligence, and 62 politics. The current implantation status is a general recruited by Li Shimin!"

(End of this chapter)

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