Warring States Call

Chapter 1684 Moving Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 1684 Moving Nine Cauldrons

The news that the state of Ju was dead spread all over the world, and the state of Wu was beaten to pieces!Divided into Southern Wu and Northern Wu!Xiang Guo may have suffered the least loss, but the price he paid was also extremely tragic.

Xiang Yu lost the land west of Xiang Guo!Even though they took the land of the Sui Kingdom again and again!But the land obtained is very little!With the end of the Battle of Ju State, Han Yi successfully broke through a hole in the south, and Cao Cao's [-] troops immediately went to support Yang Jian, which doubled the pressure on Xiang Yu. As a last resort, Xiang Yu had to retreat to the city!Feng Yi also took over the land to the west of Xiang Guo, and the world looked at him!No one expected that this war would end in this way.

In order not to slow down the schedule!Han Xin led Li Cunxiao!High pet!Huang Feihu!Jiang Song!Waiting for a fierce general to rush back to Chang'an first, Guan Yu led the army to Pingyang.

But Han Yi set his sights on Luoyang this time. Wu Qi's [-] soldiers were already ready to go, and Han Yi came to Luoyang with a mighty army in less than ten people.

Four months have passed since the Battle of Ju State ended. In addition to the one and a half months of Cao Cao and Han Xin's joint attack on the city, it has been delayed for eight and a half months. After all, it spans the north and the south!The journey is too far away!Food, grass, and weapons from all over the country are continuously sent to Pingyang.

Han Qinhu couldn't close his eyes almost every day, and even fainted three times!And Gongsun Yan and Sun Wu also took over the important task of Han Qinhu, retreating to Pingyang, no matter what the four called them, they would not send troops.

The daily losses in Pingyang are calculated in tens of thousands!The smell of blood is everywhere in the air!It makes people sick to hear it, and according to reliable news, Yan State is about to send troops to Pingyang.

As for Han Yi going to Luoyang!There is only one purpose, and that is to move Jiuding.

The magnificent Luoyang City stands at Han Yi's feet!Han Yi stepped on this solid ground!Xiao Bai behind him let out a low growl of a beast, and Han Yi patted his forehead lightly, looking very docile.

At the gate of the city, Pang Wanchun came to Han Yi with the sword in his arms and said: "The last general is waiting for the king here!"

"Hmm!" Han Yi glanced at Pang Wanchun, then at the three sons behind him, Han Ning!Han Feng!Han Ming, Han Yi said: "Where is the prince?"

"My son, see the father!" Only a loud voice was heard, and a young man with a thin figure and walking like a tiger came to Han Yi respectfully!Without losing manners!The breath of the whole body is restrained!It's like a sharp sword with its edge drawn.

Han Yi looked at his son, and said half aloud: "Raise your head!"

Han Chen raised his head slightly, and looked at Han Chen's calm eyes, which lost the awe-inspiring righteousness they used to have!Lost the vigor of the past!Some are just bland!Plain as calm as water, without any waves.

Han Yi stroked his beard, and said with emotion in his heart: "I have grown up! It seems that Huamu's death is not a bad thing for him! The first condition for becoming an emperor is to be able to afford it! To endure what ordinary people can't Forbearance! Resolute temperament! This is the trend of the road.

It was because Liu Bang was able to endure that he became the emperor of a generation, and it was because Zhu Qizhen was able to endure that he became the emperor for the second time. In this world, the word forbearance is the leader.

"Follow me!" Han Yi withdrew his gaze and strode towards King Zhou's hall.

Han Ming!Han Chen!The four of Han Feng had different expressions in their hearts!Han Ming is still indifferent, but Han Feng is silent!What is Han Yi thinking in his heart!He can guess some, but there are others he can't spy.

As for Han Ning, he didn't hide his venomous eyes that much, because Han Chen, his so-called big brother, and his mother hadn't come out of the cold palace until now, and what Han Chen did was so lightly covered up, He refuses to accept it!But he could only bear it.

Han Chen stared at Han Ning with a pair of star eyes, with a harmless smile on the corner of his mouth. He walked behind Han Yi, still a strong and restrained man, calm and composed.

The scariest thing is not that when you see your enemy, you have to shout for revenge, but that after seeing your enemy, you can still calmly treat him calmly, because this flat surface hides this crazy plan, this The plan will be a devil, devouring his vitality bit by bit.

Zhou Palace

The Jiuding, which has stood here for a hundred years, has experienced countless winds and suns, but now it is laid out in front of Han Yi in turn. From left to right, they are Dajiding, Dayanding, Daqingding, Daxuding, Daxuding, Dayang Ding, Da Jing Ding, Day Yu Ding, Day Liang Ding and Day Yong Ding represent Jizhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Yuzhou, Liangzhou and Yongzhou respectively.

Of course, due to the chaotic structure of the Warring States Period, the territory among the countries could not be measured by the state, so they were rarely mentioned.

Han Yi stared at these king tripods. Han Yi can still recall the story of King Wu of Qin lifting the tripod to death. These tripods are indeed heavy, but it is rumored that King Zhaoxiang of Qin lost one of nine tripods. But this time Han Yi didn't believe it. Even if they were really heavy, Han Yi would move them down the Wangdingtai.

Han Yi rubbed his wrist, looked at the Jiuding, stared at the generals under his command, familiar faces appeared in front of Han Yi, Han Yi laughed and said: "It is said that this tripod was built by King Yu. During the Xia Dynasty, the nine tripods were cast with the gold tribute from the world's nine animal husbandry, which symbolized the Kyushu. Zhou Wang lost his deer, and the whole world chased him. The Pingyang War was imminent, so we had to use the nine tripods to test our country's fortune!"

"All officers and men! King Xiang is capable of a huge cauldron! Talented people come out of me in large numbers! Anyone who lifts the tripod alone to go down the platform of the king's cauldron! I personally designate him as a nine-character general! The one who lifts the tripod together with two people will be rewarded with ten thousand gold! All the lovers will be the first! Those!" Han Yi took down the bronze sword in his arms, looking flat.

Han Yi seems to want to move Jiuding, but in fact he wants to reward the fierce generals under his opponent. This is also an inspiring moment.

In the Palace of the King of Zhou, Dou Yi's room, who was having a confinement, felt a little damp under her body, and when she reached out to wipe it was amniotic fluid, Zhen Ji, who was waiting on the side, looked at it, and immediately shouted: "Quick! The princess is about to give birth! Come here! Find a mother-in-law! Hurry up!"

Outside the hall

The originally clear sky illuminated a smear of clouds, the clouds were red and purple, and the surrounding sunlight was like the dusk of sunset, which was really beautiful.

Xing Tian rubbed his thick wrist, and said in a hoarse voice: "Your servant is the first to come!"

Xing Tian took off his shirt, exposed his muscular arms, and walked towards the largest and most generous Da Ji Ding.

Han Yi stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Beat the drums! Cheer!"

(End of this chapter)

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