Warring States Call

Chapter 1686 Liu Bowen Deduces

Chapter 1686 Liu Bowen Deduces

Seeing that Dayu Ding was about to get close to the stairs, Jiang Song suddenly turned over and came down the stairs, with his arms suddenly exerting force, Jiang Song showed a ferocious face and shouted: "Get down!"

The long spear suddenly dragged Dayu Ding's legs, and the Chang Ding slid directly onto Jiang Song's back. Jiang Song gritted his teeth suddenly, grabbed the legs of the tripod with both arms, breathed out, imitated Xing Tian's movements, and left with all his strength. Suddenly jumped down, only to hear: "Slap him!"


Jiang Song jumped down with the tripod on his back, and Jiang Song wiped the cold sweat off his head even more tiredly. He leaned on the Dayu tripod like a lazy man, and he was extremely embarrassed. Jiang Song has many skills, but this kind of cauldron is too heavy, Jiang Song had to take a trick, and simply received it smoothly.

Han Yi glanced at Jiang Song, last time he and Xing Tian!Li Cunxiao!Ran Min!The four of Gao Chong joined forces to fight against Li Yuanba, which shows that they still have some skills!In the Southward War, he assisted Du Yu to make military exploits repeatedly, so he was a good general.

The most important thing is that Jiang Song has another layer of identity. He is a general, and Han Yi wants to prove to the world that he, Han Yi, has always been eclectic in employing people, regardless of his background. In fact, I work for Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu will still reuse you!

"Jiang Song was named General Wu Yi! Give it to the Viscount!" Han Yi glanced at Jiang Song, and then said: "General Wu Yi has made great achievements in going south! All ministers who have made meritorious service will be rewarded after the Pingyang War I hope everyone will continue to work hard!"

"Long live my king, long live, long live!" After hearing this, everyone knelt down and bowed to the ground immediately!Long live the mountain.

"There are two more cauldrons! I don't know which general is coming!" Han Yi looked at the two king cauldrons behind him, feeling full of pride for a moment, and finally the nine cauldrons were moved.

"Here I come!" There was only a silly call, and a chubby young man nine feet in length came out. He was big and round, under Han Ming's command, and his name was Luo Ren.

Han Ning glanced at Luo Ren's silly look and said, "Fourth brother! What are you doing! If you can't move down, you will lose your face. Lu Guang under my command has the courage of a million men, why don't you let that fat man down, How about I let Lu Guang go up and move down!"

Han Ming glanced at Han Ning, but there were not many waves in his eyes. The black red robe around his body added a bit of stability to Han Ming. Han Ming folded his arms around his chest, closed his eyes and rested his mind, but ignored Han Ning's sarcasm .

There is a saying, when a person says the most vicious words but no one pays attention to him, this sentence is only for himself, that is to say, don't care what others say, just be yourself up.

Seeing that Han Ming didn't pay attention to him, Han Ning's eyes froze, but there was a trace of coldness, but fortunately, he didn't have too many words, and finally withdrew his gaze.

Han Yi looked at this foolish man on the stage and said with a smile: "After all, our country is full of talents! Since ancient times, heroes have produced young men! These brave generals who are used to the world are also here at your age! You are very courageous, little general! But the tripod Not light!"

"I can lift it even when it's heavy! It's just that if I lift it up, can I eat enough meat!" Luo Ren muttered cutely.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Luo Ren's words instantly made everyone in the underground burst into laughter. It was the first time they had seen someone come to Han Yi's place begging for food.

Han Yi stared at Luo Ren fiercely, stroked his beard with a smile, and said, "Who are you under? Why don't you even let you eat enough!"

"I'm the bodyguard of the Fourth Highness! My name is Luo Ren, and they all call me Luo Da fool. Although the Fourth Highness cares about being full, he doesn't care about eating meat! I want to eat meat! You say you will give it or not! If you give it to me, I will help you Move the tripod down! It's just right to eat stew!" Luo Ren said with a smile.

"Oh! Stewed meat! Ahahaha" Han Yi couldn't help laughing, that Wang Ding stewed meat, thanks to this kid's idea, Han Yi stroked his beard, pointed at this big beam and said: "As long as you can Move! Enough meat pipes!"

"Okay!" Luo Ren rushed up excitedly when he heard that, rolled up his sleeves, raised them suddenly, but moved slightly, Luo Ren scratched his head and said: "It's still a little heavy! It doesn't matter! Come again !"

"Get up!" Luo Ren suddenly pushed the tripod on his shoulders, and then stepped down the stairs step by step, throwing him down, only to hear: "Boom!"

The bluestone slabs on the road were broken, Luo Ren patted Liang Ding and said, "Your Majesty, use this to stew meat! This pot is big!"

At this moment, no one laughed at this fool Luo, but this big Liang Ding was really pitiful, the majestic Wang Ding was about to be stewed!It's so pathetic.

"Good! Good! Good!" Han Yi clapped his hands and applauded, and then said: "Enough meat! Give me the official photo! Luo Ren accepts the seal! I will make you General Changle! Give it to the Viscount!"

"Great! You can eat enough meat! Your Majesty still has strength! Let's move the other cauldron down! Look at how lonely he is! It's delicious to stew meat with nine cauldrons!" Luo Ren laughed foolishly. .

"Big fool, come back! Eat meat!" Seeing that something was wrong, Deng Yu gestured in front of Luo Ren with some dried mutton he had brought from somewhere, and Luo Ren immediately ran out when he saw the meat.

Han Yi looked at Luo Ren who was going away, and immediately nodded and said: "It's really a child's heart!"

But Shi Jingtang, who was dumbfounded and watched from the side, was moved. Even a fool like Jiang Song and Luo Ren could be named marquis and worship general. "Old Zhu! How about the two of us go up! Move one of them down, I think they can move down easily, so why not the two of us? Even if it doesn't work! It's showing our face in front of the king, and we will develop in the future Opportunity!"

"Good idea!" Zhu Can reunited immediately, and then the two strode out and said to Han Yi, "I'm waiting for the two of you! I would like to move this last tripod!"

Han Yi looked at the two of them, and now there was a trace of unprecedented resistance, but many generals watched, and Han Yi couldn't refuse, and then said: "Try it, two generals!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" When the two heard this, they were overjoyed immediately, one left and one right came to the two sides, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move an inch.

Logically speaking, even if they couldn't lift it, they should be able to push it, but he just didn't move.

Looking at the red-pink sky, Liu Bowen muttered to himself, "It's not time yet!"

Inside Luoyang Palace
Dou Yifang, who had persisted for several hours, could be said to be dying of pain, and the midwife and Zhen Ji were also anxious like ants on a hot pot, and such a red-purple cloud in the sky shone over, and immediately they could only hear: "Wow !"

(End of this chapter)

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