Warring States Call

Chapter 1695 Wei Yan

Chapter 1695 Wei Yan
The victory of the battle here in Mengzhan has greatly boosted the morale of the surrounding soldiers. Gao Chong and Ma Chao have also decided the victory. However, in the face of Gao Chong's attack, despite Ma Chao's tight defense, Gao Chong still broke through, and the missed gap drove straight in. He stabbed Ma Chao dozens of times in a row, and three or four transparent holes followed Ma Chao. Blood flowed from the wound.

Li Mu naturally saw the danger of Ma Chao from behind, and immediately shouted: "The whole army covers up and kills! Ma Yuan quickly rescue Ma Chao! Hurry up!"

"Kill!" With Li Mu's cry, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses set off in unison, as fast as a gust of wind, and the first to charge up was the Hufu cavalry and archers led by Ma Yuan. The number of legions was about 3. Everyone is riding a war horse, carrying a bow and arrow on their back, holding a spear and a broadsword in their hands, wearing heavy armor, and fully equipped, both in quantity and quality. Only a big country like Qin can launch such a huge army.

Behind Ma Yuan was a lightly armored infantry soldier, but they were fully equipped, armed all over their bodies, with swords on their waists, and weapons of different colors in their hands. The people in the first three rows were holding shields and short knives, The people behind were holding spears, and behind them were a group of big men holding mountain axes, and the general who commanded them was Zhou Yafu, who made the border of Zhao State fearful.

Zhao Guo's two armies, like a sharp sword, all slashed towards the Han army, and the hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers behind them, under the command of the general, all rushed towards the Han army.

At this moment, Wang Jian was not to be outdone, and suddenly shouted: "Fight for Great Qin! Kill!"


"Kill!" The Tie Ying Ruishi commanded by Hou Junji erupted with killing intent, rushing left and right, but these soldiers didn't care at all, they wanted to use their own knives to forge their own glory, that was their supreme glory , this will be with them for the rest of their lives, even if they die in battle, their families and children can enjoy the honor they did not enjoy, and their children will be regarded as heroes, walking on the land of Qin, they can hold their heads high walk.

Tie Yingrui's voice was like a fierce tiger. The outbreak of this powerful combat power almost infected the entire Qin army, and all the Qin army was infected by this powerful momentum!In less than half a while, they came to the front of the army!Go straight to the enemy's charge.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, there can only be one master in this world, and Han Yi wants to hold this position, Han Yi urges Xiao Bai under his crotch, pulls out the emperor's hatred in his arms, and suddenly shouts: "All Army charge!"


"Boom...boom...boom boom boom!" Following Han Yi's order, the horse neighed, and the hearts of the people were excited, and the hundreds of thousands of troops under his command rushed forward at this moment.

Wu Qi directly urged the horse under his crotch to come to the front of his army!Looking at the enemy's military flag, he saw the word Qin written on it flying like dragons and phoenixes. Wu Qi's dark face changed, and he smiled!The smile appeared very arrogant, even a little crazy. Looking at the enemy's military flag, Ju Yi suddenly shouted: "Military pawns! Use the blood of the Qin army! Forge your glory!"

"Kill!" One hundred thousand Wei soldiers suddenly shouted in unison, and charged up to meet the Qin army first. Wang Yanzhang turned his horse's head, looked back at the army under his command, and immediately rushed into the formation again.

"Ambition to fall into the battle! There is death but no life!" Only a dull roar was heard, and the fall camp that had been silent for many years showed its edge here, directly facing Zhou Yafu's Xiliu camp, supporting the Hufu cavalry commanded by Ma Yuan. The shot was facing Zhao Yun's Baima Yicong.

There was an endless stream of shouts and killings around, but the generals on both sides were all jealous, and no one was willing to back down. A huge meat grinder officially kicked off here.

"Kill!" A general of the Qin army, wearing this black robe armor and holding a Qin knife in his hand, picked and killed a partial army of the Han army with one move. Three points for murderousness, five points for domineering.

"How courageous! The enemy army reported their names!"
"I am Wei Yan, General of the Qin Kingdom!" Hearing a shout, the blood dripping from the long knife in Wei Yan's hand dripped to the ground, making Wei Yan even more murderous.

Liu Bei died in battle. Although a large number of soldiers and horsemen defected to Han Yi, some people still defected to Qin. After all, Liu Bei's family has a great career, and Han Yi can't take them all away. This Wei Yan is a fish that slipped through the net.

"The enemy is going to be rampant! I, Wu Lan, will meet you!" Hearing a shout, Wu Lan was riding a war horse, holding a bronze hammer the size of a tiger's head in his hand, looking majestic.

As soon as Wei Yan saw that it was Wu Lan, he immediately sneered and said with disdain: "A local chicken and a dog dare to be rampant! Suffer!"

"Go to hell!" The double hammers in Wu Lan's hands suddenly smashed towards Wei Yan's head.

Wei Yan saw it, and immediately passed by, holding his own big knife in both hands, and said with a cold expression: "Cut!"

"Ding, Wei Yan's pre-war attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 3, the base force value is 97, the force value of the white tiger knife is increased by 1, the force value of the long-haired horse is increased by 1, and the current force value is 102!"

"Ka!" The two horses passed by each other, but Wei Yan did not stay any longer, and continued to run towards the Han army, while a deep knife mark appeared on Wu Lan's lower abdomen, and the scales on her lower abdomen were broken. : "Plop!"

Wu Lan fell off the horse and vomited blood. Seeing that she couldn't survive, the Qin army who rushed up from behind stepped on Wu Lan's soldiers and rushed up.

After Wei Yan beheaded Wu Lan, he was submerged in the Han army, rushing left and right, but the soldiers under his command also became more and more courageous as they fought, and they crawled out like dead people.

On the other hand, Zhu Can, who was fighting the Han army, beheaded several enemy troops in a row, and finally!He successfully attracted Xia Luqi's attention. At this moment, Xia Luqi swept the golden gun in his hand, looked at Zhu Can, and shouted suddenly: "General Han, leave! Take a shot from a certain family!"

"Hahahaha! Where did the Qin dog come from! Seeing that the old man's knife is not good!" Zhu Can was not afraid, and laughed loudly, looking at Xia Luqi with a pair of black eyes, pointing the spear in his hand at Xia Luqi's. Face to face: "Your head is not bad! It is suitable for me as a chamber pot!"

"Looking for death!" Xia Luqi snorted twice, rubbed his eyebrows, and then said with a calm smile: "Go!"

"Drink...!" Not to be outdone, Zhu Can pinched the horse's belly lightly. The horse under his crotch seemed to be connected with Zhu Can's heart. He kicked off his horse's hooves and charged forward. Ju Yi suddenly shouted: "Death!"

"Boom! One shot passed, like a golden shuttle, piercing Zhu Can's throat. As the saying goes, sending someone's head a thousand miles away means that courtesy is light and affection is heavy.

"Slap him!" Zhu Can clutched his throat in disbelief, the corpse fell off the horse, and looked in Sha Luqi's direction, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

(End of this chapter)

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