Warring States Call

Chapter 1726 Ma Yuan

Chapter 1726 Ma Yuan
The halberds of Xue Wanjun and the three of them are exactly the same, and they cooperate with each other. After sweeping a thousand troops with one move, they are accompanied by a pillar of support, and with a sneak attack from the side, this meeting caught Ma Yuan by surprise. The dragon in Ma Yuan's hand Xiang Gu Yue waved his knife up and down, and only then did he catch a move from two or three people, but this also made Ma Yuan embarrassed, and Zhou's body was covered with bloodstains.

"Hahaha! General Zhao! I don't think so! I'll leave your life here today!" Xue Andu laughed loudly, brandishing a long halberd like a fish in water, wrapping around Ma Yuan's body like a fish in water.

"Fuck!" Sweat dripped from Ma Yuan's forehead involuntarily, Ma Yuan's expression turned cold, and he immediately threw away the Dragon Elephant Gu Yue Knife in his hand, and threw it straight at Xue Andu who was rushing to kill him.

Xue An looked shocked when he saw it, and immediately swung his halberd to block. Ma Yuan stretched out his hands and grabbed the golden hammers on both sides of the horse. Automatically, staring at Xue Andu who was in the front army, the veins on his arms popped up, and he roared angrily, "Drink!"

"Ding, Ma Yuan's madness attribute activates, and the personal force value is increased by 10. Special reminder that this skill is an advanced skill, and the horse aid's force value is increased by 10. The current force value of Ma Yuan is 124!"

"Boom!" Ma Yuan shot forward with a hammer, like a shooting star. Xue An didn't take Ma Yuan seriously at all, but when they fought, a look of horror appeared on Xue Andu's face. But when they met each other, Xue An flew upside down, hit the ground heavily, vomited blood, pointed at Ma Yuan, and was speechless for a long time.

"Brother!" Xue Wanjun and Xue Wanche looked at the seriously injured Xue Andu with shocked faces. Seeing Xue Andu's condition, they might not live long.

"Bastard! I want you to pay for my brother's life!" Xue Wanjun was furious, and the veins on his arms were full of anger.

"Ding, Xue Wanjun's strength is activated, and his personal force value is increased by 5, and the current force value is 118!"

"I'm here to help you!" Xue Wanche shouted suddenly, swinging out the silver moon halberd in his hand.

"Ding, Xue Wanche Kuanglan's subordinates activate, the personal force value is increased by 5, and the current personal force value is 119!"

"Ding, Xue Wanjun and Xue Wanche activate the Turning the Tide attribute, and the force value of the two will be increased by 5. Currently, Xue Wanjun's force value is 123, and Xue Wanche's force value is 124!"

"Jicha. Bang Dang!" Xue Wanjun and Xue Wanche brothers crossed their halberds suddenly, like a pair of scissors, wanting to cut off Ma Yuan's head with a click!
Ma Yuan looked at the two of them and rushed to kill them. The double hammers in his hands swung along with the trend, and immediately swung the hammers to beat them!Suddenly shouted: "Zhong!"

"Kang Dang!" The hammer was placed under the strength of the two of them, and a huge force suddenly fell on the two of them. The two of them were still able to fight, but now they feel that their blood is exhausted. .

"Ding, Xue An died in battle! Xue Wanjun! Xue Wanche's force value has been reduced by 6. Currently, Xue Wanjun's force value is 117, and Xue Wanche's force value is 118."

The imposing manner on Ma Yuanzhou's body was great, and he looked at Xue Wanjun who didn't know whether to live or die!Xue Wanche and the two immediately swung their heavy hammers and hit Xue Wanjun directly. After all, although Ma Yuan was loyal, he had no patience for those who kept provoking him. Generals on the battlefield, even if they were loyal, were bloody.

Seeing this, Xue Wanjun immediately raised his spear to block, but he blocked Ma Yuan's hammer, but he could not resist the other hammer. Xue Wanche saw that Xue Wanjun was in danger, so he couldn't care less about attacking, so he swung his halberd at Ma Yuan's sledgehammer !But the huge force was only to slightly change the trajectory of Ma Yuan's sledgehammer. Xue Wanjun was immediately hit by Ma Yuan's left arm, and a clear sound of fracture resounded all around.

And Xue Wanche also revealed a major gap at this moment, as the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Ma Yuan immediately hit Xue Wanche's chest with a hammer.

When Xue Wanche saw it, it was too late to turn around to defend, and he was afraid that he would die here today.

"Stop hurting our lieutenant general! Look at the saber!" Hearing a tiger's roar, the Qinglong Yanyue Dao in Guan Yu's hand immediately slashed down.

Ma Yuan heard some movement in the flanks, and immediately swung the hammer to push, only to hear: "Bang Dang!"

The sound was like thunder, and both of them hit each other face-to-face, their voices seemed dull.

The sledgehammer in Ma Yuan's hand struggled, and the horse retreated a few steps. Looking at the knife marks on the hammer that were not deep or shallow, Ma Yuan looked solemn, took a deep breath and said, "Who is coming! Report your name!"

"A certain Guan Yu!" Guan Yu retracted his knife and stroked his beard, opened his half-closed Danfeng eyes, and stared at Ma Yuan, as if he was about to end him.

Xue Wanjun and Xue Wanche never imagined that it was Guan Yu who came to rescue them. After all, they were still fighting a few months ago, and now Guan Yu came to save him, and it was all revenge for good.

After Ma Yuan heard Guan Yu's name, he was slightly astonished, cupped his hands and said, "I've heard the name for a long time!"

After hearing Ma Yuan's words, Guan Yu glanced at Xue Wanche and the two of them and said, "Quickly retreat!"

"Go!" Xue Wanche!Xue Wanche and the two supported each other, dragged Xue Andu's body, and left the place unwillingly.

Guan Yu looked at Ma Yuan squarely, and also raised his voice and shouted: "A certain family has been famous for a long time! Great battle on the grassland! You are very handsome! I will not hesitate to teach you today!"

Guan Yu held the knife in both hands, and Zhou's aura seemed natural!It's like the blade is like a sharp edge, and the momentum is aggressive.

Ma Yuan glanced at Guan Yu, held a heavy hammer in both hands and said, "Hahahahaha! No matter what! You have fought for more than ten years! There is no opponent worthy of a fight! Today I will give it a try! You, a veteran in the battlefield, what are you capable of?" !"

After saying that, the two began to wrestle with the two of them. Guan Yu's saber was heavy, mighty and domineering, while Ma Yuan's hammer was fast and steady. One stroke and one blow hit equally.

All generals are also looking for their own opponents, but no one is willing to give in. In the eyes of Qin Jun, this is already all the soldiers and horses under Han Yi. They don't believe that Han Yi can bring out more soldiers and horses to participate in this battle. World War II.

But the battlefield is changing rapidly, this sentence is not finished, the scene is out of control, even Han Yi can't control it.

"Yue Fei is here! The Qin army is dying!" With a loud shout, Yue Fei led the Beiwei army north to support, while Wang Ye's defense was handed over to Yu Yunwen.

"Yue Fei!" Wang Jian was shocked, looked at Bai Qi and said, "Isn't Yue Fei in Wang Ye? Why did he come up here! It's just a day behind you!"

"Do you think Yue Fei is an idiot? Is this guy smart? My deception has not fooled him!" Bai Qi sighed heavily.

"In that case! Take the opportunity to capture Wang Ye! Open the door to Korea!" Wang Jian said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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