Warring States Call

Chapter 1859 Chapter 1860: Yellow Turban Army

Chapter 1859 One thousand 860: Yellow Turban Army
"Damn it!" Zhaoyang squinted his eyes, squatted in the corner of the city to hide from the cold arrows all over the sky, his tiger eyes moved around, looked at the gap that appeared in the west, and shouted angrily: "Tang Mei, you take people and take the people in the west Fill the gap for me"

"Understood." Tang Mei held the sword rain on his head, raised the shield around his waist, and surrounded the soldiers around him: "Century Li, bring your people and follow me."

"Follow orders" Li Baifu, who was about [-] years old, followed Tang Mo, and supported the city wall to the west. From time to time, he had to avoid cold arrows under the city, and Tang Mo yelled: "Shoot!"

Zhaoyang frowned, swallowed, looking at Tang Mei's back, Zhaoyang's brows were twisted into twists, the Han army has too many soldiers, and the fighting power is strong. If this continues, the city wall will be breached sooner or later, Zhaoyang Nestled in the corner of the city, feeling grief and indignation in his heart: "God, I really want to kill Zhaoyang!"

Zhaoyang gritted his teeth, stood up abruptly, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, slashed up and down, and knocked down the cold arrows that came, staring at the enemy below, Zhaoyang suddenly shouted: "Prepare the crossbow, aim at the enemy!" The building car, the tung oil rocket is ready!"

Zhaoyang squinted his eyes, staring at dozens of buildings, and waved the long sword in his hand: "Let's go!"

"Swish, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!" The sky was full of cold arrows like spring rain, and the arrow feathers enveloped the army of buildings charging below. Mao Wenlong looked up at the crossbows, tung oil, and rockets above, and hurriedly pulled out the shield in his arms. Suddenly shouted: "Raise the shield to defend!"

"Ha!" Tens of thousands of people suddenly shouted, holding up their shields, surrounding the building car, resisting the rockets and heavy crossbows that were constantly shooting down from the air.

"Boom boom boom" thousands of heavy crossbows were fired at once, and hundreds of round square formations were shot through. The soldiers in the square formations were shot in pieces, and thousands of people died here. Under the heavy crossbow, one can imagine the power of this heavy crossbow.

Wu Qi was in the middle army, squinting his eyes at the heavy crossbow set on the city wall, Wu Qi stretched out his hand and took off the command flag behind him: "Where is the fold?"

"The last general is here" Zhe Kecun, who is 29 years old, rode out on his five-flowered horse, with a long knife on his waist, wearing brand-new armor, a red cloak on his back that is automatic without wind, and holding a long gun. He bowed to Wu Qi with a serious expression.

"You lead the siege vehicles to press up, aim at the enemy's strong vehicles, and destroy them." Wu Qi handed over the flag in his hand to Zhe Kecun, without arrogance. For Wu Qi, whether it is a surrendered general or his own general , as long as it can increase the power of the army, it doesn't matter who.

"Following orders" Zhe Kecun received the general's order and charged forward on his horses. Fifty huge monsters began to pull towards the battlefield, gradually covering the enemy's city walls.

Wu Qi stroked his beard. For him, it was only a matter of time before Juyang City was broken. Wu Qi looked at the city wall, and Han Xin's Zhong Hui urged his horse to come, and said to Wu Qi, "General Wu!"

Wu Qi looked at Zhong Hui on the left, narrowing his expression slightly: "Little General Zhong, what's the matter, but what difficulties did General Han Xin encounter?"

Wu Qi and Han Xin are said to be Han Yi's right-hand men. In terms of military achievements, the two men are superior to Han Qinhu in the country, but there is no clear answer to the title of the No. 1 general in the country. In one word, Wu Qi and Han Xin are also competing to see who will break the city first. As famous generals, they all have their own pride.

Zhong Hui untied the scarf around his neck, exhaled hot breath, his whole face was flushed red: "General Wu! There is a change in Shangyong, and the scouts will report it quickly."

"What do you mean?" Wu Qi subconsciously turned his head and looked towards the west, but of course he couldn't see anything, and Wu Qi was just a conditioned reaction.

"What's the situation?" Wu Qi couldn't sit still anymore, he raised his legs and stood up, looking at the enemy army to the west, Wu Qi frowned, and immediately asked the criminal law next to him: "What happened to Shangyong City?"

"According to the report from the scouts, it seems that they are not Liu Bang's soldiers and horses, with the Zhang character army flag on them." Criminal Fa rode a horse and a war horse, and he was out of breath from running back and forth.

Zhang Zijun flag!Hearing these four words, Wu Qi raised his eyes lightly, his black eyes staring at the billowing smoke and dust in the west, secretly calculating in his heart, Shangyong City still needs [-] guards, wondering if it can stop the enemy army, and the enemy army is now The soldiers and horses were unknown, and Wu Qi didn't dare to trust them. He looked at Zhong Hui beside him and said, "I left [-] soldiers and horses for the command of General Han Xin. I will lead the troops back to have a look. Don't be fooled by Liu Bang's call to move the tiger away from the mountain." plan"

"The end will understand"

"Follow me" Wu Qi had a black face, he wanted to see that blind guy dare to pull out his beard.

"Send scouts and scout around! If there is an enemy army! Hurry up and report." Wu Qi was more vigilant. Although Liu Bang still had half a month to arrive, the advance troops dispatched by Bao Buqi suddenly rushed out, catching him by surprise.

Inside Shangyong City
Geng Gong stared at the black and dense Zhang Zijun flag, his face was dignified, seeing that the number of enemy troops was [-] to [-], Geng Gong raised his eyebrows lightly: "Has the news come back?"

"I don't know! But even if the news arrives, it will take a full eight days to arrive." Huo Jun behind him looked at the enemy army that was about to move around the city, his eyebrows frowned. This war is not easy to fight.

Geng Gong frowned slightly, propped his palms against the wall, and looked at the enemy's army without fear. With the [-] defenders in the city, Geng Gong could defend it in half a month, not to mention eight days.

"Pass down the order to mobilize the people in the city to carry the rolling stones and thunder wood to the city wall. Anyone who participates in the defense of the city will ask for their own pockets and distribute them a load of rice," Geng Gong said indifferently.

"Follow orders" Huo Jun got the order, and hurried down the city wall, Geng Gong's black eyes stared at the military flag written by the enemy: the sky is dead, and the yellow scarf stands.

"Yellow Turban Army" Geng Gong's expression was slightly cold. He recalled that when the Lu State flooded, Zhang Jiao incited the people to rebel. At that time, the Qi State had just been pacified, and Qi Tian's rebellion was finally pacified by the prince. The fish that were released back then are now It's starting to make waves again. It seems that there are more than [-] soldiers.

"I am Zhang Jiao, General of Heaven, and the guards in the city come out." Zhang Jiao, who was fifty years old, wore a chicken feather crown and a yellow Taoist robe, standing under the banner that the sky is dead and the yellow scarf stands.

"Where did I come from Xiaoxiao? It turns out that you are a poor dog who dares to bark in front of me." Geng Gong pressed the bronze sword in his arms, staring at Zhang Jiao with his eyes like a tiger, and the atmosphere was tense for a while.

"Humph!" Zhang Jiao was furious when he heard Geng Gong revealing his scars, but Zhang Jiao couldn't lose his demeanor, looked at Geng Gong, and pointed his sword in the face: "Geng Gong quickly open the door and surrender, or the city will be destroyed." At that time, no one will stay"

"Damn it! I'll make you bark!" Geng Gong took the bow and arrow, took off the cold arrow, the bow was drawn like a full moon, and the cold arrow pointed straight at Zhang Jiao.

(End of this chapter)

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