Warring States Call

Chapter 1863 Chapter 1864: Feng Tai

Chapter 1863 one thousand 860 four chapters Fengtai

"Why...why?" Zhang Jiao gasped, he still couldn't believe that Tie Hanhan, who had been behind him before, stabbed him in the back, Zhou Cang vigorously stirred Zhang Jiao's back As he spoke, the corners of Zhang Jiao's mouth still dripped blood from time to time, and his appearance was extremely frightening.

Zhou Cang hurriedly covered Zhang Jiao's mouth, for fear that he would yell and attract the surrounding yellow scarf fighters. Zhou Cang leaned into Zhang Jiao's ear and murmured: "I have always belonged to King Han, you Don't complain! You fooled the people, this time you! Wang Shichong! Tian Yinqi can't run away! Go with peace of mind!"

"You...!" Zhang Jiao was about to curse Zhou Cang, but Zhou Cang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and stabbed Zhang Jiao three times in a row, ending Zhang Jiao's life. Cang came to the riverside as if nothing had happened, washed the blood from his hands, and made sure that no one around noticed his movements, so Zhou Cang relaxed and rested by the riverside as if nothing had happened.

Finally, someone seemed to notice that Zhang Jiao had lost his voice. After a closer look, he realized that Zhang Jiao was dead. The group had no leader for a while, so Zhou Cang took the opportunity to persuade them to surrender. These yellow scarf fighters usually have a good relationship with Zhou Cang. , and with Zhou Cang fanning the flames, they all surrendered without any resistance at all.

Zhang Jiao's tens of thousands of mobs are all destroyed, Chen Sheng!The second general Zhang Xianzhong was captured alive by Xiong Kuohai and beheaded in the early morning of the next day. As for the rest of the generals, they all turned into birds and beasts, and all fled in defeat. The defeated generals headed south to break through, and bumped into Wu Qi's [-] soldiers head-on. The crowd had no choice but to surrender.

From then on, Zhang Jiao's rebellion ended with the death of Zhang Jiao and Wang Shichong. Wu Qi took in scattered soldiers and horses along the way, and he had to take in more than [-] soldiers, including Wang Shichong's original songs. It is the time of war, and the number of soldiers available is limited, the more the better.

Black mountain
Zhang Jiao's base camp, when he learned that Zhang Jiao's soldiers and horses were destroyed, Tian Yinqi in the cottage was shocked, but what made him regret even more was that tonight, there were only a few thousand people left guarding the cottage, and Tianji was dispatched this time. There are more than 1000 dead soldiers, well-equipped, Zhuge Liannu!Just knife!Poison Arrow!Hidden weapons and so on...everything.

That night, the whole village was bloody, more than [-] members of Tian Yinqi and other clans, no matter men, women, old or young, were all beheaded.

Holding a long sword in his hand, Han Long kicked the middle-aged man in front of him, the coldness in his eyes became more and more obvious, he stared at Tian Yinqi with tiger eyes, and said indifferently: "Tian Yinqi, did you ever think about it when you rebelled?" today!"

"Hahahahaha! If you want to kill, kill! Why bother to be hypocritical!" Tian Yinqi covered his heart and stared at Han Long with disdain.

"Whoosh!" Han Long didn't bother with Tian Yinqi's ink marks, and killed Tian Yinqi with a sword, along with Tian Rong, Tian Heng and many other Tian family children, leaving no one behind.

Gai Nie pressed the sword in his arms, looked at the eight-year-old child in front of him, the bronze sword in his hand was still holding back, Han Long glanced at the indecisive Gai Nie, staring at Gai Nie with black eyes and said: " Why don't you do it!"

"He's still a child...!" Gai Nie stared hesitantly at the teary-eyed young man in front of him. The bronze sword in his hand couldn't fall down. Nie stabbed, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

Han Long frowned lightly, thrust the bronze sword in his hand upside down on the ground, and said indifferently: "Since benevolence and righteousness can no longer be taught, killing is the only way. If you don't kill him, more people will die in the future. The calamity of Lu State, tens of thousands of people were all caused by Tian Qi's rebellion, tens of thousands of people lost their lives, now is the time for them to repay their debts!"

Han Long hugged the eight-year-old child's forehead, covered the child's eyes with his two thumbs, and twisted his arms suddenly, directly breaking his throat. It was cruel to this boy, Han Long was nothing but It's just to save more people from dying in the future. After all, he is already sensible, and keeping him will always be a trouble in the future.

"What do you do with the three babies here, Chief!" Wu Sui held the three infants in his arms, his expression clearly serious.

Han Long rubbed his neck, looked at Gai Nie who was stunned, and even wanted to stop Gai Nie, and then said: "Put it in the mountain village! Give them a way to survive, they are right! What is wrong is Tian Qi!"


Hearing Han Long's order, Gai Nie couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, looking at the young man who had died in front of him, Gai Nie couldn't bear to watch it, he was afraid that he would go crazy if he watched it, the benevolence and righteousness in his heart would not allow him do it.

"Where there is light in this world, there will be darkness!" Han Long came to Gai Nie's side and patted him on the shoulder. The opposite of his kindness, letting go of his kindness is cruelty to you and me, you have experienced too little after all...!"

"Set fire" Wu Sui scraped the cottage clean. These treasures are nothing more than a drop in the bucket for Tianji, a huge money-consuming organization. , the money and food given are not enough, Tianji has no other choice but to set up inns and restaurants in various places. Firstly, these two places are treasures of geomantic omen to inquire about news, and secondly, the money and food they operate can maintain the operation of Tianji, even now Han Yi no longer needs to allocate funds, and sometimes he has to pay some to Han Yi.

Of course, Han Yi didn't accept everything according to the order, but divided it according to the cost of the secret. If you need to continue to develop the dark line, then you don't take any money. If you don't need it, then Han Yi accepts it yourself. Moreover, the national treasury is under the control of Lu Su's iron cock, and there is no money left to dig out.

The raging fire swept away the entire Heishan Dazhai, and the air was filled with gunpowder smoke. More than 1000 people including Han Long dragged the captured supplies to various places to consume them all.

But this time, Geng Gong, who was considered the first achievement, defeated [-] enemy troops in a row out of [-], defeated many with less, and pulled out the cancer lurking in Shangyong ahead of time.

Wu Qi led the recruited soldiers back to the city, joined forces with Geng Gong's soldiers and horses, a total of [-] soldiers and horses, and now Wu Qi did not dare to leave the city easily, because according to the scout's battle report, Wei Rui personally led [-] soldiers to approach Shangyong, Liu Xiu Leading an army of [-] to Juyang to support Zhaoyang, and Liu Bang personally led the army on the other way, Goujian!Sun Ce and other generals supported Zhong Wu, and the world looked at him for a while.

The battle of Shangyong started first, Wei Rui's hundreds of thousands of troops lined up one by one, Wu Qi was not afraid of him, and led [-] troops out of the city to fight, while Huo Jun stayed in the city.

Wu Qi squinted his eyes. His black eyes looked up and down at Wei Rui's soldiers and horses. The soldiers were all wearing fine armor. It seemed that Liu Bang had hoarded money and food for the soldiers over the years. The soldiers were orderly and neatly lined up. The Fangzi army is waiting in formation, and it looks like a brave soldier
Wu Qi frowned frivolously, just looking at Wei Rui's hand, Wu Qi knew that this old guy was not easy.

Wei Rui, who is in his 40s, is sitting on the carriage, with his hands drooping on the bronze sword, and his eyes are piercing in the sunken eye sockets. While Wu Qi is looking at himself, Wei Rui is also looking at Wu Qi's army. Firm and sharp, well-equipped, just by his aura, Wei Rui frowned slightly, and said to himself: This Wu Qi is worthy of being a famous general in the world, this battle is going to be difficult...

"Who is going to call for battle!" Wei Rui stroked his mustache, his eyes were piercing, he stood up quickly, and looked at the enemy in front, the coldness in his eyes was staring at him more and more.

"I'm coming!" Hearing a tiger's roar, a general rushed out of the army. He was eight feet long with a leopard head and eyes around him, holding a black spear in his hand, and a black wind horse under his crotch. Hissing and screaming, he was wearing black fine armor, his name was Feng Tai.

Wu Qi frowned frivolously, looking at Feng Tai, a fierce general, his brows flicked around, and he shouted angrily: "Who dares to fight!"

"I'm coming!" Among the thousands of troops, Li Guiren, who was wearing light armor, urged his horse to charge out, holding a silver gun, his complexion was dark, he was a surrendered general, and his status in the army was not high. If it is not time to make contributions, it will be more when.

"Come to fight!" Feng Tai was not afraid of Li Guiren, the two fought back and forth for more than 30 rounds, and neither could do anything to the other. The soldiers on both sides waved their flags and shouted in the middle, cheering for the general in the army Cheer.

Wu Qi watched Li Guiren and Feng Tai fight for a long time, frowning slightly, looking a little anxious, Geng Gong behind seemed to see Wu Qi's appearance, so he could only sigh secretly.

"Ha Kai!" Feng Tai yelled angrily, and the big knife in his hand slashed at Li Guiren's spear. The two fought back and forth for more than 30 rounds, and it was hard to tell the winner. Wei Rui behind him couldn't stand it any longer. He greeted Ji Xun who was listening to the order in front of the army: "Ji Xun, go and help Feng Tai, don't waste time!"

"The last general obeys!" Ji Xun tightened his grip on the horse with one hand, slapped the horse's buttocks with the silver spear in his hand, and rushed straight to Li Guiren who was in front of the battle.

"Using more to bully the less! What a hero! Ran Min is here!" Ran Min saw that the enemy was going to fight two, and he couldn't help being furious. , The people who watched were terrified.

"Ding, the attribute of Ran Min's double guns is activated, the force value is increased by 4, the current force value is 110, the force value of the double-edged golden light spear is increased by 1, the force value of the red flame horse is increased by 1, the force value of the Yazi chain mail is increased by 1, and the current force value is 113"

The yazzi chain mail worn by Ran Min is like a fierce tiger, with its fangs and claws so scary, and Ran Min is too lazy to ink with them, holding a double blade in each hand, with a flash of silver light in his hands, he directly kills Li Guiren. The shock came, and then Ran Min didn't hesitate anymore, and went straight to Jixun and Feng Tai with a move of two dragons out to sea, scarlet blood covered Ran Min's arms.

Fengtai and Jixun's expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly waved the weapons in their hands to block, only to hear: "Bang Dang... Kacha!"

The light blade in Ran Min's hand directly pierced the armor of the two of them. The sound of iron friction was extremely ear-piercing, and the two tiger generals died on the spot. As the cold wind blew across his cheeks, Li Guiren shivered and muttered to himself: "Is this still a human?"

Ran Min was too lazy to talk to this guy, put his arms together, threw the two corpses at Wei Rui's camp, and snorted coldly: "Who else!"

"The general is mighty! The general is mighty!" The soldiers under his command swung the weapons in their hands and slapped the front of the shield with the back of their knives to cheer for Ran Min. After all, Ran Min killed the enemy general, how could they not be happy? .

"Bastard!" Yu Hualong, who was sitting in the army, couldn't sit still, he urged the horse under his crotch, and rushed forward. Seeing that Ran Min raised his hand and killed Feng Tai and Jixun, Yu Hualong didn't dare to be careless. He took out a golden dart from his arms, his eyes were like a tiger, and he shouted angrily: "Go!"

"Go!" Yu Hualong rolled up the cloak on his back, swung the cloak with one hand, and dozens of darts flew straight towards Ran Min.

"Ding, Yu Hualong's dart attribute activates! For every extra dart, the force value is increased by 1, up to 10 darts can be sent! The current value is 10 darts! Yu Hualong Wuyun Beast's force is increased by 1, and one dart in ten darts is a golden dart! The force value is additionally increased by 1 , the basic force value is 101! The current force value of Yu Hualong is 113"

"Yeah!" Ran Min's eyes widened, and the soldiers in his hands waved up and down, knocking down all of Yu Huakong's darts in an unsteady manner. It can be said that his eyes were quick and his hands were flying around, and he could only hear: "Ding Dang Dang!"

Dozens of voices!Counting seven or eight darts were overturned, Ran Min looked at Yu Hualong indifferently, his eyes were full of disdain, and shouted angrily: "Where did Xiaoxiao come from, use such nasty tricks!"

Yu Hualong saw that Ran Min dodged his own darts. Ten darts in a row didn't even touch Ran Min's armor. He didn't dare to fight at the moment. He turned his horse and didn't move forward. Wei Rui behind him also felt that the situation was wrong, so he drew his sword and shouted angrily: "The whole army charges!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow ! Looking at the battle situation in front of him, he urged his own Wuyun Beast, opened and closed the spear in his hand, and charged towards the enemy army, but kept a distance from Ran Min.

Ran Min frowned, looking at Wu Qi who was motionless, he could only turn his horse's head and pull it back to the formation.

Wu Qi stroked his beard, his face turned cold, but he did not rush to act, he picked up the command flag: "Geng Gong!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead the front army to defend, and wait for my general order to attack. Without my order, you are not allowed to attack without my order!" Wu Qi took the lead in handing the first order flag in his hand to Geng Gong.

Geng Gong was also not afraid. After receiving the general order, he turned over and rode on his horse. He came to the front of the army and shouted angrily: "Swords and axes are in front, erect long shields, and spearmen are in a long formation! Archers are ready!"

"Soldiers! Charge me!" Yu Hualong urged his horse up, and at this moment he could do it again.

(End of this chapter)

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