Warring States Call

Chapter 1869 Chapter 1870: Sunset Arrow

Chapter 1869 Chapter 870

It's getting dark today
In the past few days, Han Yi has been passively defending. The entire Zhongwu battlefield is full of blood. It is inevitable that there will be spies in the Xiang army. Since the advent of Sun Wu's Art of War, the description of the spy war chapter has made the frequency of spies used soaring. It is not uncommon for the main general to be assassinated.

There was an order from outside the big tent, Xin Qiji ran all the way over, holding two bamboo slips in his hand, his face looked dignified, and he knelt down on one knee in front of Han Yi: "Your Majesty!"

Fei Lian and Dian Wei watched Xin Qiji walk into the big tent, and immediately walked out of the tent to avoid anyone listening.

Seeing Xin Qiji leave, Han Yi put down the brush in his hand, straightened his sleeves, stared at Xin Qiji and said, "How is the matter going?"

"The Yellow Turban Army was captured by General Wu Qi, Zhang Jiao was killed by Zhou Cang, and all the Tian clan was beheaded, leaving no one behind!" Xin Qiji got up on one knee and presented the bamboo slips in his hand in front of Han Yi.

Han Yi spread out the bamboo slips in front of him, glanced up and down with tiger eyes, closed them after a while, and praised sincerely: "It's done well!"

Han Yi was about to continue to praise Xin Qiji, but he glanced at the bamboo slips on the left, frowned, and opened it subconsciously. His tiger eyes swept up and down, and the original expression of joy disappeared, and the rest was full of furious anger. The silence was terrifying, so terrifying that even Xin Qiji held his breath and didn't dare to speak. After all, he already knew the content of the letter, but he didn't dare to say it.

"Yang Guang...haha!" Han Yi clacked the bamboo slips in his hands, but he remained calm on the surface, his black eyes could spew fire. Han Yi leaned on the back of the table, as if he was considering what to do next. how to respond.

Xin Qiji swallowed, as if hesitating, he could only bite the bullet and say, "My lord! The Anlu Mountain in the north is restless. Once this news spreads to the north, Anlu Mountain will probably...!"

"There can no longer be troubles in the north, but I can't stretch my arms so far now. I will write to Sun Wu and Le Yi and ask them to send troops to the surrounding areas of Jinyang. Once there is a change in Anlu Mountain, if conditions permit Under such circumstances, Gu allows them to send troops to destroy the country!" Han Yi rubbed the bridge of his nose, closed his eyes and meditated, although his words were plain, the murderous intent emanating from them still made people feel terrified.

"Your Majesty! What about the Sui Kingdom...!" Xin Qiji asked Han Yi tentatively, as if considering his next goal.

Han Yi threw the bamboo slips in his hand to the bonfire. Han Yi scratched his neck, looked tired, looked at the map in front of him, and said half aloud: "Let Yang Ye guard the border of Sun Yue, and deal with Yang Guang, the white-eyed wolf first." Besides, spreading the news of Yang Guang's murder of the king and father is terrifying, since Yang Guang is dishonest, let him be in a restless position!"

"Subordinates understand! But Ban Chao has to be on guard." Xin Qiji subconsciously reminded Han Yi that Han Yi was thinking too much about the overall situation. As for a small person like Xiang Ban Chao, oh!No!The current Ban Chao is no longer a small person. He beat Han Yi's two allies one after another, which is no longer within the scope of a small person.

Han Yi tapped his fingers on the table, as if he was thinking about it, and said for a while: "Catch it, as much information as you can get out of his mouth, as much as you can get out."

"My subordinate understands!"

The incident in the Sui Kingdom was just a small episode. Half a month later, Yang Guang mobilized 60 troops to attack Zhongwu. At this time, the Zhongwu coalition army had reached [-].

And this war has also turned into a situation of fighting for national strength, and Han Qi is not idle at the moment. Yuan Chonghuan personally leads an army of [-] to the north, aiming at Yancheng, the territory of the Sui Kingdom. General Yang Lin of the Sui Kingdom personally leads [-] elite , Confronting Yuan Chonghuan, if you can't fight, he can't attack.

And Wang Shouren, who has been keeping a low profile in Ji Zhang, heard the battle report from the front, and couldn't help pinching his beard, as if he was thinking about how to use troops against the Sui State in the future. After all, the elites of the Sui State were all transferred from abroad, and there were almost no generals in the country. Yes, this undoubtedly gave Wang Shouren a chance.

Han Yi's three-way army also made progress. After all, Zhaoyang failed to hold Juyang, retreated and joined Xiang Yu, and Han Xin was able to withdraw, leading an army of tens of thousands to join Han Yi. After all, Juyang still needs people Guarding, Wu Qi didn't dare to delay, closed the battlefield, handed Shangyong to Geng Gong, and led the mixed Wei soldiers to kill Zhongwu battlefield.

Zhongwu on the battlefield

This is already the second rendezvous battle, and this battle has a total of millions of troops. Han Yi rode Xiaobai in front of Xing Tian and Li Cunxiao, Ran Min, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Elai, Jiang Song, and Jia Fu. Under the protection, he walked towards the center of the two armies.

In the coalition army, Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, Sun Ce, and Yang Guang led their horses forward, and Xiang Yu followed behind Ma Shanwei and Xue Ju. Liu Bang seemed to be more reluctant to die, and behind him were the four generals Ju Mac, Lu Bu, Liu Xian, and Liu Ting. , Sun Ce is a military commander himself, so he doesn't need to lead people to support the scene like Xiang Yu, and he is ashamed of Han Yi, but he came alone. The second general and his confidant Yang Gun.

Among them, Xiang Yu was the most uncomfortable. After all, Sun Ce and Yang Guang both had enemies with him, but they had to hug each other to keep warm, or they would only seek their own death.

Han Yi glanced at the crowd, stroked his beard involuntarily and laughed loudly: "I never thought they were all familiar faces, Lu Bu, you and I haven't seen each other for a long time?"

"Son Han Yi! You're looking for death!" Lu Bu's eyelids twitched, wishing he could kill Han Yi with his halberd right now. Jia Fu who was standing behind quickly flashed his halberd, and said sarcastically, "I'm defeated, what will I do to you? ah!"

"Hmph! Rat! How dare you bark!" Xiang Yu narrowed his eyes and stared at Jia Fu. Jia Fu was a little apprehensive. After all, Jia Fu vividly remembered the battles of the previous few days. If Guan Yu hadn't saved him in the end One life, I'm afraid I have to explain where it is.

"I heard that King Xiang's halberd is invincible in the world, and a certain family wants to ask for advice." Li Cunxiao lit up the soldiers in his hands, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, but at this glance, Xiang Yu felt that the person in front of him was not simple, and he seemed to be on the verge of death. It's close to my level.

"King Xiang! Stay safe!" Ran Min said inappropriately, his whole body was full of blood, recalling the first time he fought Xiang Yu, Ran Min's blood was still boiling, and of course Lu Bu.

"Hey! Okay, okay, this time our purpose is to make peace, don't hurt the peace." Liu Bang waved his hand quickly to appease Lu Bu's emotions, looked at Han Yi and said, "That King Han! This war is yours. It was launched, or is it like this? You compensated our countries with [-] dans of grain, ceded Shangyong to our Shan country, ceded Xuecheng to Xiang country, and ceded Jizhang to Sui country. This matter looks lonely It’s over! Compensate the Yue State for an extra [-] dans of food, and this matter will be over! How about it?”

It has to be said that this Liu Bang is a slippery man, and he is still trying to seek benefits.

"Hahahahaha!" Han Yi couldn't help screaming up to the sky, staring at Liu Bang with tiger eyes, and suddenly stopped talking: "This city was bought by my thousands of soldiers in exchange for flesh and blood. If you want to take it, you can pile it with corpses." Get up, the Battle of the Seven Kingdoms was ignored back then, and you mobs alone can still make a difference!"

"Since that's the case! Then there's nothing to talk about, only to fight!" Yang Guang spread out his sleeves, as if he didn't care. In fact, he was panicked inside, for fear of offending Han Yi. In the end, Han Yi didn't care about Xiang Yu and the others. Chasing Sui Guo to fight him, fearing that Han Yi would kill him if he didn't come for a long time.

Han Yi grinned and stared at Yang Guang, as if he was too lazy to talk to him. He stared at the silent Sun Ce and said, "In the past, it was you, the elder brother, who personally sent Shang Xiang to our country as a concubine. Why did you come to Dao today?" Why can't the friendship between the two countries continue to the next generation?"

What Han Yi meant was to tell Sun Ce from the side, think about Zhao Guo's fate, if you think you are better than Zhao Guo, then you can give it a go.

Sun Ce was ashamed of what Han Yi said, but because of face, he could only bite the bullet and said: "The king's order must not be violated, and the soldiers must not be ungrateful. Please also treat my little sister kindly to King Han."

Han Yi glanced at Sun Ce, shook his head with a sigh, and then said, "I will treat her kindly, but affection is not respected on the battlefield, so be careful!"

After Han Yi finished speaking, he was too lazy to talk about Yang Guang. It seemed that Yang Guang was the only one who was transparent in this conversation.

Han Yi glanced back at Yang Guang and Liu Bang, and said as he walked: "Yang Guang murdered the king and usurped the throne, abolished the title of the Sui Kingdom, sent troops to destroy the country, and welcomed the son of the former King Tan as king. Anyone who dared to resist will be killed without mercy. Liu Bang is a barbarian. However, he refused to obey the discipline of the Son of Heaven, and even tried to get involved in Shangyong Zhou, abolished the title of Mountain King, and withdrew from the territory of Chu State with immediate effect. However, all three households in Chu State, Xiong, Mi, and Qu, took the lead in attacking Yingdu and became the King of Chu. !"

As soon as Han Yi said this, Liu Bang and Yang Jian were stunned. Han Yi was the first to suppress them with righteousness. In this era of underdeveloped information, the King of Chu represented absolute authority.

Han Yi's move was tantamount to drawing salary from the bottom of the pot, breaking the foundation of his Shan Kingdom and Sui Kingdom. Liu Bang suppressed his anger and retorted: "King Han! I feel that you can destroy me for more than 20 years with just one order from you." Is it a plan? Zhou Tianzi passed away, I suspect it was done immediately, today I have to wait for the Qing emperor to welcome the emperor and return the old capital!"

"Whatever you say!" Han Yi squinted his eyes, really too lazy to entangle with Liu Bang.

Yang Guang on the side squinted his eyes, looked at Xiang Yu and said, "Do you want to do it now?"

"This is the behavior of a villain!" Xiang Yu glanced at Yang Jian with disdain, turned around and left with a cold snort, not to mention whether Xiang Yu is willing to do it, even if Xiang Yu is willing, both Xing Tian and Ran Min can fight him one-on-one Seniors, the remaining tiger and wolf generals should not be underestimated, can they stop it?
In Liu Bangjun, Ji Chonger, who was thirty years old, squinted his eyes, looked back at Houyi and said, "How about it! Can you shoot?"

"Yes!" Hou Yi squinted his eyes, stared in Han Yi's direction, and waved to Peng Meng behind him. Peng Meng immediately understood and took off the arrow box on his back.

Hou Yi held his breath and concentrated, with his palms on the left and right, the veins on his arms wriggled like earthworms.

"Ding... Kacha... Kacha...!"

The black arrow box was slowly opened by Hou Yi, and Hou Yi took one off with one hand, and then he opened his bow and set the arrow, and his whole body was in one body, like a demon from hell, with scarlet blood coming out of Hou Yi's body, slowly Slowly covering both arms, covering the arrow towards the setting sun, the armor on Hou Yizhou's body is automatic without wind, and the powerful aura makes Hou Yi's armor automatic without wind.

"Sunset wind! Go!" Hou Yi yelled suddenly, stretching his bow with both hands, the bow was drawn like a full moon, the bow in Hou Yi's hand was trembling as it was drawn, just at this time the momentum was also condensed on the arrow of the setting sun, Hou Yi aimed Han Yi's back suddenly let go.


"Ding, when Houyi's Sun Shooting attribute is activated, the force value will be instantly increased by 20. This skill is activated with the setting sun arrow. Each setting sun arrow can only be activated once. Currently, there are four!"

"Ding, the force value of Hou Yi is 116. The force value of the sunset arrow is increased by 1, and the force value of the matching skill is increased by 21. The current force value of Hou Yi is 137!"

Han Yi felt a chill in his heart. With the systematic reminder, Han Yi was familiar with Houyi's attack in advance, and Xiaobai under his crotch became more and more uneasy at this moment, his limbs and hooves kept throwing sand, and rushed forward.

Dian Wei, who had been vigilant all the time, turned his head suddenly, but saw a cold arrow coming straight, and a scarlet light and shadow flashed across the air. Dian Wei suddenly felt cold and shouted angrily: "Come on, protect the lord!"

Hearing Dianwei's shout, Elai felt his hairs trembling. Looking at Leng Jian who was close at hand, Elai suddenly let out a long breath, held the battle ax in both hands, and shouted angrily: "Block!"

"Ding, when the Evil God attribute is activated, the force value will be increased by 1 every round of the battle, up to 10 times, the base force value will be 104, the force value of the four elephants will be increased by 2, the current first round, the force value of the evil will be increased by 1, and the force value of the diamond axe will be increased by 1. Add 1, the strength value of the white maple leaf horse increases by 108, and the current strength value is [-]!"

"Ding, Evil Lai's mad ax attribute is activated, the arrogance is boundless, only recognize the way in the heart, the force value is increased by 10, every time it is activated, the personal basic force will be reduced by a little, and it will not be restored!"

"Ding, the current force value of Evil Lai is 118!"

"Ding, Elai's loyalty attribute is activated, once he recognizes the master, even if he is a hell devil, he will never betray him, his personal force value will be increased by 8, and the current Eilee's force value is 126!"

"Ah...!" Elai swung his ax and slashed at the sunset arrow shot by Houyi. The two magic soldiers faced each other in the air for a second, and then saw countless sparks sparking. It was crushed inch by inch and poured directly into the evil heart and lungs.

"Bastard...!" Han Yi's eyes turned red, he pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and shouted angrily, "Houyi...!"


"Ding, the second attribute of the Qilin Xiaobai Holy Beast is activated, causing fear to the enemy, and the force value is reduced by 1∽5 points, and the force value is reduced by 1∽3 points when facing the enemy general! The enemy's counselor reduces the intelligence by 1 point! The commander decreases by 1 point point."

"Ding, the force value of Hou Yi's sunset arrow is currently reduced by 3 points, and the current force value of the sunset arrow is 134"

"Ding, Xiaobai's Blessing attribute activates, and protects the host from danger!"

"When...!" The long spear in Zhao Yun's hand turned into a sky full of stars, and with this move, seven lotuses supported the life, the tip of the spear collided with the arrow, making a hissing sound, and passing by with one move, it was able to withstand Hou Yi's shot With a cold arrow, the entire body of the gun burst out with heat visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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