Warring States Call

Chapter 1872 Chapter 1873 : Fei Lian's Revenge

Chapter 1872 One Thousand 870 Chapter Three Fei Lian's Revenge

"Go!" The ten-meter-long whip in Jumbo's hand suddenly flung out, like a fierce tiger with teeth and claws, and the height of the whip was so long that the Han Jun below looked shocked, and he could stuff an egg with his mouth.

"Get out of the way!" Lu Jiong stared at the Big Mac whipping down with a serious face, his eyelids were jumping, and he didn't have time to take care of the soldiers behind him. It seemed that five soldiers in a row were torn apart by the whip of the giant, and blood was spitting out of the mouth. Judging from the situation, whether they could survive was a question.

"Bastard!" Lu Jiong was about to stare back, and suddenly picked up the Zhuge Liannu in his hand, stared at the voice of the giant, and shouted angrily: "Zhuge Liannu, aim at this guy and shoot him to death! "

"Swish, swish... swish!" Hundreds of cold arrows shot towards the giant, and the giant's face was serious, and he blew a whistle and shouted: "Gu Duo... Ohh Ohh ohh…"

"Boom...boom...boom...!" The whole earth was shaken, and a full-grown giant elephant appeared in front of everyone's eyes, making a deafening sound with every step, and the loud and bright ivory pouted fiercely to the ground, Directly opened countless chariots.

"What the hell is this...!" Lu Jiong was stunned by the scene in front of him. He just felt helpless, and he didn't know what to say. Facing this giant beast, Lu Jiong There was no other way but to retreat quickly.

Zhuge Liang, who had been shaking the feather fan in his hand, counted the changes on the battlefield. He took a fancy to this giant elephant at first sight, stroked his goatee, and raised his elegant lips slightly: "The news from the king is indeed the same! Chi Yan military!"

Wenpin, who had won the general order, rushed forward with the bronze sword in his arms. Thousands of archers under his command released rockets one after another. With the elephant as the center, they shot arrows to prevent him from advancing. The peaceful elephant began to panic. Get up and keep running to the back. After all, beasts are instinctively afraid of fire. After all this tossing, the enemy didn't kill many, but accidentally injured thousands of their own brothers. The giant had no choice but to jump off the giant elephant and face The enemy's Zhuge Liannu, even the Jumbo, had to back away. There was no way, the Jumbo was too tall, and it was also thick-backed. However, the bigger the target, the easier it was to hit. With the addition of the Jumbo's movement It was very inconvenient, and had no choice but to retreat temporarily, and temporarily handed over the soldiers and horses to Deng Feng, who had thousands of troops.

Xiang Junzhong

The silver spear in Yu Ziqi's hand trembled up and down, and several spear flowers were brushed out, which dazzled everyone who watched. Tan Lun in front of him had already fought with Yu Ziqi for three rounds, and it was almost a sign of danger. Yu Ziqi stared at Tan Lun, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and took half a step back. Then he grabbed the gun with both hands, and stabbed it suddenly. It was too late, and Yu Ziqi was directly pierced through the chest, not to blame Tan Lun, it was really bad luck to hit Yu Ziqi first.

After all, with a force value of 85 points, in this feast of heroes, no matter where you go, you will not be very lucky.

As a result, Tan Lun, Yu Ziqi was about to leave, but there was an unkind voice behind him: "Yu Ziqi! Where are you going!"

Yu Ziqi frowned involuntarily, looking back at the general, squinting his eyes, looking familiar but unable to remember.

"More than ten years ago! I was beaten by you like a bereaved dog. Today, I should avenge my revenge!" Zhang Yun rode his own yellow puma horse, holding a ghost-headed sword in his hand, with a murderous look all over his body, as if he was serious about what happened back then Yu Huai.

Only then did Yu Ziqi come to his senses, his face darkened in an instant, his tiger eyes stared at Zhang He, and he snorted coldly, "I never thought it was you, a bereaved dog, why would you dare to bark in front of me now?"

Yu Ziqi could clearly feel that Zhang He's aura was completely different from the past. At this moment, Zhang He had sharpened his sword for ten years and seemed to have prepared for this battle for a long time. When Yu Ziqi was thinking about it, Zhang He sprang out from behind. The four of them are Zhang Liao!Xu Huang!Yue Jin!The four Yu Jin looked at their cheeks one by one, and Yu Ziqi sneered: "It's not easy to hit...Grandma's...

"Come on!" Zhang He copied the saber with both hands, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Ding, a special reminder, Zhang Yun's old age attribute is activated, and every eight years, the base force value will be permanently increased by 1. Currently, Zhang He has survived three eight years, and Zhang He's base force value will be increased by 3. Currently, Zhang He's base force value is 96, and the commander-in-chief is 20. Add 1 point to the year, and the current commander of Zhang He is 96!"

"Ding, the current Zhang He four-dimensional: force 96, commander 96, intelligence 90, politics 81!"

"Don't panic, Ziqi! Zhongli Mo is here!" Zhongli Mo roared, Zhang Liao was moved by this momentum alone, and finally came a hard bone, otherwise Yu Ziqi alone would not be enough for the five of them to gnaw of it.

"Go!" Zhong Limei grabbed the double-eared halberd in his hand and wrestled with the other four.

"Ding, the Overlord's Five Tigers attribute is activated, Xue Ju, Zhong Limei, Yu Ziqi, and Jing Si are currently present, and the force value is increased by 4"

"Ding! Xue Ju's basic force is 101, the force value is increased by 4, and the current force value is 105. The black and purple thunderhoof force is increased by 1, and the force value of the Overlord Spear is increased by 1, and the current force value is 107!"

"Ding, Yu Ziqi's force value is 99, affected by the attribute of the five tigers, the force value is increased by 4, and the current force value is 103"

"Ding, Zhong Limei's basic strength is 99, affected by the attributes of the five tigers, the strength value is increased by 4, the strength value of the Zilei Shuangji is increased by 1, the strength value of the White Wolf Horse is increased by 1, and the current strength is 105!"

"Ding, Jingsi's basic strength is 99, affected by the attributes of the five tigers, the strength value is increased by 4, the strength value of the Luquan Horned Dragon is increased by 1, the strength value of the Eight Treasure Sword is increased by 1, and the current strength value is 105"

"Hmm!" Zhang Liao frowned, looked at the four people behind him and said, "These two are not simple! Be careful!"

"Got it...!"

"Ding, Zhang Liao's death charge attribute activates, with 800 people under his command, the force value increases by 4, every 200 people die, the force value increases by 1, the maximum upper line is 8 points, the basic force value is 95, the current force value is 99, the one-zhang black force value increases by 1, and the golden gun is broken The force value is increased by 1, the current force value of Zhang Liao is 101, and the soldier's force value is increased by 3"

"Ding, the attribute of the five good generals is activated, and the force value of each person is increased by 5. The current force value of Zhang Liao is 106, the force value of Yujin is 92, the force value of Zhang Yun is 101, the force value of Xu Huang is 101, and the force value of Yue Jin is 99"

"Ha!" Several people fought in a scuffle, and no one wanted to be at a disadvantage. Zhang Yun and Yu Ziqi were even more inseparable. In this battle, Zhang Yun wanted to avenge his shame and vent all his hostility for more than ten years. At the beginning, Ziqi didn't care about Zhang He's attack, and he was even able to deal with Zhang He with ease, but as time went by, Yu Ziqi wanted to take Zhang He down, but he was caught by a tiger, unable to start, and the few people were in a stalemate like this.

On the battlefield to the west, Zhou Zhang in the mountain army, at this moment, holding two double knives, beheaded four or five Han soldiers in a row. Zhou's murderous aura was thick, and he was covered in blood. He shouted angrily: "The offal of the Han army guys! Come on!"

"You bastard! I'm here to meet you!" Among the rebellious army, Zhao Ponu roared, and the spear in his hand flashed a spear flower, and he directly fought with Zhou Zhang. It turned out that Zhao Ponu was a general , I didn't want to stand out, so it's good to be safe and sound. The key is that Zhou Zhang didn't have eyes this time, and killed the bodyguard who followed him. How could he not be angry, and he directly raised his gun and fought with Zhou Zhang.

The long spear in Zhao Puonu's hand was as fast as a gust of wind. One move of the spear was like a dragon, and then one move of the silver snake swept the ground, targeting Zhou Zhang's lower three lanes, directly blocking Zhou Zhang's offensive line. Originally, the advantage of standing with one hand was unable to be brought into play at this moment, and he could only keep retreating and being swept away by Zhao Puonu.

"Go!" Seeing that he couldn't hold Zhou Zhang, Zhao Puonu had a stern look in his eyes, held the gun with both hands, and swung the gun with one move, shaking Zhou Zhang away, and retreated a few steps. Zhou Zhang's door was wide open. Seeing this, Po Nu threw the gun with one hand, drew an arc in the air, and pierced Zhou Zhang's heart and lungs.

One shot finished Zhou Zhang, Zhao Puonu spat out the bruises from the corner of his mouth, and walked up to Zhou Zhang cursingly, his words were full of disdain, he pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and cut Zhou Zhang's throat with one sword, angrily He shouted, "Give it to me...!"

"Whoosh!" Before Zhao Puonu could utter nonsense, there was an arrow sound from the sky, the sound of the bow was like an eagle, piercing through the sky, directly piercing the armor on Zhao Puonu's chest, piercing through the body, hitting the ground directly, the arrow tail trembled, Make a buzzing sound.

Zhao Puonu was like a swollen skin, his whole body softened, he slumped to the side of Zhou Zhang's body, and firmly grasped the bronze sword in his hand, he couldn't believe that he just fell down like this, he couldn't believe it .

Hou Yi maintained the posture of releasing arrows, with three arrow boxes on his back, and the cold arrows in his hand were fired several times. Almost no one could escape from his arrows alive, and he did not intend to shoot Zhou Ponu at first, so as not to end up with one Grabbing the title of meritorious service, but Zhou Zhang is so useless that Hou Yi had to take action to deal with Zhao Puonu.

Hou Yi glanced at the arrow box on Peng Meng's back, and there were three sunset arrows lying in it. If these three arrows were used up, Hou Yi would have no way to save his life. It was a period of distress. All these years, Hou Yi had been restraining himself from using the sunset arrows, almost killing one person under the arrow. However, Han Yi was not shot like today, which made Hou Yi a little unacceptable. He didn't have many arrows. up.

"Hoo hoo...!" Hou Yi stared at the changes in the battlefield, but felt dizzy for a while. For some reason, Hou Yi felt that there was a person shuttled from left to right on the battlefield, like a nightmare, and he couldn't find his trace.

The one who came was naturally Fei Lian. At this moment, he was hiding among the crowd, making good use of the soldiers' bodies to obstruct Hou Yi's sight. Even the sharp-eyed Hou Yi didn't notice Fei Lian's existence in time.

"Go...!" Fei Lian threw back the evil diamond axe, and the broken diamond ax drew several beautiful arcs in the air, and threw it straight in the direction of Houyi. The soldiers fighting on both sides could clearly Seeing the battle ax hovering in the air, it finally hit Houyi.

Hou Yi's face turned pale, and he quickly grabbed the iron box behind Peng Meng, opened his arms, and hung his longbow in the middle of his arms. The black iron box was suddenly propped outside, and he heard: "Kang Dang... !"

The sound of metal delivery resounded through the battlefield where Hou Yi was the original heart. Hou Yi's arms were covered with blue veins. One can imagine how strong this strength is. After breathing, Hou Yi gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, "Go away!"

"Kangdang...!" The golden battle ax was directly pushed away by Hou Yi, and before Hou Yi could catch his breath, Fei Lian had already groped for the sickle to attack Hou Yi, and the black sickle turned into black shadows all over the sky. There are too many moves and tricks, some are just offensive, ordinary killing methods.

Hou Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly turned his hands to protect his vital parts, only to hear: "Tear...!"

The sickle slashed across the black box, sparks were like cheerful dancers, waving his hands and jumping around, Fei Lian's knife left a [-] cm long knife mark on the iron box, Hou Yi pushed the whole person out , repeatedly dragged out a three-meter-long shoe groove on the ground, and white smoke rose from the knife marks on the black iron box.

Fei Lian was wearing black battle armor, a cloak with a hat, a sickle in his hand, and a red ghost mask on his face. He was about eight feet long and held a black sickle in his hand. The bloody breeze was blowing Fei Lian's hat was blown off, revealing three thousand hairs. Hou Yi stared at Fei Lian with a frown. He didn't remember when he met such a person, so he asked cautiously, "Who is your Excellency?"

"You killed the wrong person! You also offended the wrong person!" Fei Lian casually stroked his black hair with his free hand, and the scarlet blood made the hair sticky together, making his hair sticky. Fei Lian exuded a huge killing intent all over his body.

"Oh! Is that so?" Hou Yi knew that the enemy might have killed some important figure in his hands. Looking at Fei Lian's ghost mask, Hou Yi would not fight against luck or intimidation. Touching his waist, he grabbed three cold arrows and prepared for battle.

"People gave you a name! It's called...the God of Arrow!" Fei Lian dragged his sickle back and forth in front of Houyi. He usually didn't talk so much, but today he couldn't suppress his excitement. Killing intent, through the mask, Fei Lian stared at Houyi, his originally flat voice became serious, Fei Lian grinned and said: "Today, I will... Slayer God, remember who killed you... Fei Lian too!"

"Whoosh!" Fei Lian took the knife in both hands, and suddenly rushed up, like a black cheetah, heading straight to kill Hou Yi.

Hou Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly backed away, calling Fei Lian in his heart that his speed was too fast, which was a bit unusual. Hou Yi hurriedly opened his mouth and bit an arrow, holding two arrows with one hand, and aimed at Fei Lian. Two vital points were shot and killed,

"Swoosh...!" Two arrows were shot, Fei Lian tossed and turned, dodging the two arrows, Hou Yi also knew that this arrow could not kill Fei Lian, so he took the cold arrow in his mouth, and groaned in his heart: "Look How do you hide!"

(End of this chapter)

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