Warring States Call

Chapter 1885 Chapter 1885 : Xuanwu died first

Chapter 1885 One Thousand 880 Chapter Five
"Crack!" Li Cunxiao supported the ground with one hand, and stood up with difficulty. He felt crackling all over his body, as if his muscles and bones were throbbing. Scarlet blood was steaming all over Li Cunxiao. The blood that was scratched on the chest armor permeated the armor.

Li Cunxiao knew that if it wasn't for the Tiger Roaring Dragon Armor rewarded by Han Yi to block a lot of damage for him, Xiang Yu's halberd just now would have killed him.

Li Cunxiao straightened his body and looked at the dignified Xiang Yu. There was no fear on his face, but was replaced by a kind of excitement. Li Cunxiao stared at Xiang Yu with black eyes and shouted angrily: "King Xiang! We are coming!"

"Ding, Li Cunxiao resists Xiang Yu's halberd forcefully, the basic force value is increased by 1, the current Li Cunxiao's force value is 108, and the divine power attribute breakthrough, an additional 1 is added during the battle, the current Li Cunxiao's force value is 141!"

Xiang Yu frowned, looked at Li Cunxiao, Xiang Yu grinned, stared at Li Cunxiao with tiger eyes, a hint of arrogance appeared on his haughty cheeks, he suddenly urged the horse under his crotch, and shouted angrily: "Drive!"

"Hush!" Li Cunxiao blew a whistle violently, and Zhu Longma, returning to his senses, lifted its hooves and ran to Li Cunxiao's side. Li Cunxiao turned on the horse, and the two soldiers in his hands shot up and down. The scarlet blood was like an afterimage, and killed Xiang Yu's vital point. , like a pegasus shooting star.

Li Cunxiao's strength increases in speed, and Xiang Yu also follows Li Cunxiao's speed. If you look at it with the naked eye, the two seem to be exerting a little force, but if you look closely, you will find sparks of friction on the weapon, and there are many sparks of friction. It was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sound of friction in the air was extremely sharp and piercing. The scarlet blood energy continuously bloomed around the two of them, like a blooming blood mist. With the foil of sparks, everyone was shocked. Looking at the two of them tremblingly, they all retreated a few meters away to make room for them.

"Come to the dead first! Follow me to open the way!"

Following Ju Yi's angry shout, the five thousand dead soldiers all marched towards the front army holding crossbow arrows. Although the dead soldiers did not have such a magic weapon as Zhuge Liannu, Ju Yi was not a fool either. Take the crossbows in three rows, go to the back row after the front row shoots, take advantage of this gap to load the crossbows, and shoot arrows in turn can achieve the effect of Zhuge Liannu, but it takes a lot of time to stay and change arrows.

"Turn arrows! Let go!" Ju Yi pressed the sword in his arms, and stared at the Han army in front of him. Three rows of soldiers shot arrows forward in turn, only to hear: "Swish, swish, swish, swish..."

The leading general of the Han army is Wei Qing, who was originally the centurion of the Wei state. Because of the accumulation of military industry all the year round, he was able to lead the army alone. Looking at the brothers under his command who were constantly being shot by arrows, Wei Qing Qing was furious. He looked at the soldier beside him, grabbed the round shield from his hand, and shouted angrily, "Shield bearer, rush forward! Avenge my brothers!"

"Kill!" Wei Qing took the lead, and the soldiers under his command set off in unison, forming a mountain-shaped army formation and charging towards the front army. Ju Yi had a sneer in his eyes, waved his hand suddenly, and said, "Drive the crossbow!"

In an instant, three hundred soldiers came to the front of the army formation, untied the crossbow behind their backs, and another person assembled it and then loaded the crossbow arrows. Wei Qing frowned, his tiger eyes staring ahead, feeling like a stick in his throat, and after a while, he shouted angrily: "Be careful!" "

"Let it go!" Ju Yi didn't give them a chance to react, and shook the command flag in his hand, only to hear: "Shut up!"

A hundred heavy crossbow arrows all shot towards the charging enemy army. One of the arrows was aimed at Wei Qing. Wei Qing narrowed his eyes and hurriedly side shielded to defend.

"Bang dang... bang!" Wei Qing was shot and rolled in the air three times before he fell to the ground, splashing thick dust. Fortunately, he saved a life, but the soldiers behind him were not so Fortunately, the heavy crossbow with good fate exploded countless sparks on the ground, and those with bad luck were directly pierced through the body by the heavy crossbow.

Ju Yi didn't seem to be satisfied with the results of the battle. Looking at the enemy army in front of him, Ju Yi licked his dry lips, looked at the thousand archers in the Chinese army, and shouted angrily: "Take advantage of the momentum! The archers shoot their arrows! Hold the enemy down!" The momentum of the army!"

Following Ju Yi's order, thousands of people stretched their bows and arrows, enveloping Wei Qing's vanguard army.

The heavy crossbow broke the momentum of Wei Qing's charge, and the archer was the killer weapon. In an instant, the lives of hundreds of people were confessed here.

Wei Qing lay on the ground, shook his head, and shook off the dirt on his helmet. Seeing his former brothers fall one by one in front of his eyes, Wei Qing spit out the dirt in his mouth, his eyes were bloodshot, and the tiger With tears in his eyes, he stared at the Xiandeng dead soldier who was about to rush forward a hundred meters away, and yelled angrily through gritted teeth: "A bunch of sons of bitches! I and you...!"

"Get out of the way!" An honest voice resounded in the Wei Qing army, and the rest of the Wei Qing army turned their heads one after another, only to see a heavily armored soldier armed to the teeth in front of them.

The leading general is Xuanwu General Wen Yang. The five thousand iron-armored soldiers under his command are all wearing armor made of fine iron. They all hold shields in their left hands and swords in their right hands.

"Xuanwu soldier!" Wei Qing muttered to himself, seeming to have a profound influence on the soldier in front of him.

Wen Yang was riding a war horse, followed by eighty armored cavalrymen, Wen Yanghu stared at the first dead soldier in front, and shouted angrily: "Where is the Xuanwu soldier!"

"Where Xuanwu is! Not a single blade of grass grows!"

"Where Xuanwu is! Not a single blade of grass grows!"

"Where Xuanwu is! Not a single blade of grass grows!"

"Attack!" Wen Yang shouted angrily, and led the eighty cavalry to charge towards the enemy.

Ju Yi's face was serious, and he shouted angrily: "Fire the arrow!"

"Swish... Swish... Ding Dang Dang..." The cold arrows landed on Wen Yang and other Xuanwu soldiers under his command, but they were useless. They rushed forward like bulls, and the whole land was shaken. Shocked by it, the scalp of those who watched it went numb.

"Not good" Ju Yi secretly called out that it's not good, he knew that the Xiandeng soldiers under his command were not the opponents of these heavily armored soldiers, but their battle was tantamount to seeking their own death, so he mounted his horse and shouted angrily: "The whole army retreats! Ding Liang! Ma Zhan! Your two armies block this army! I will use a heavy crossbow!"

The Ding Zijun and Ma Zijun who were beside Xiandeng's dead soldiers accelerated their speed, while Ju Yi's Xiandeng dead soldiers were constantly retreating.

"Son of a bitch! It's not that easy to leave! Brothers, go for me! Avenge the death of Paoze! Kill me!" Wei Qing was like a mad dog, holding his mouth for Xuanwu soldiers.

"Looking for death! Ma Zhan yelled angrily, and urged Zhanma and Wei Qing to fight together. The two wrestled together, but there was no winner. It is impossible to end the battle without three hundred moves.

Ding Liang rode a war horse, charging left and right, and none of the surrounding Wei Qing soldiers were his generals. He rushed for three rounds in a row. Seeing Ding Liang show off his skills, Wen Yang looked at Xian Deng who was about to be blocked by Ding Liang's army. The dead man frowned, if he let go of the dead man Xiandeng, it would not be so easy to catch him.

"Give it to me!" An angry shout was heard, and a thick-backed man stabbed Ding Liang's throat with a heavy steel gun.

Ding Liang withdrew immediately, barely avoiding the young general's attack, his brows were furrowed, his tiger eyes stared at the young soldier in front of him, and he shouted angrily, "You're courting death!"

"Go!" Ding Liang slammed the horse under his crotch and ran towards this young general. The young general rolled over, avoiding the attack range in front of him, and grabbed a stone the size of a human head from the ground with his hands, aiming at Ding Liang's face. The door slammed down.

"Ding, the high-solid stone-throwing attribute is activated, and the force value is instantly increased by 10 when the stone is thrown, and it will be invalid afterwards!"

"Ding, the current Gaogu is affected by the throwing stone attribute, the basic force value is 100, and the current force value is 110!"

"Ah!" Ding Liang screamed, his cheeks became bloody and bloody, and he fell to the ground with a thud. Gao Gu looked overjoyed, looked around at the surrounding stones, and smashed them with each hand. The soldiers on the opposite side yelled.

Han Yi, who was watching the battle from a distance in the army, heard the reminder from the system. Han Yi scratched his head. He couldn't remember when he summoned Gao Gu, so he could only ask the system: "Who is this Gao Gu?" ...!"

"Ding, Gao Gu was originally a military general of Qi State! He is very good at throwing stones, because when the host destroyed Qi, Gao Gu hadn't joined the army yet, so he was able to fight until now!"

"Oh! Gu Wuwu has picked up a loophole!" Han Yi squinted his eyes, thoughtful, after all, he is occupying Yan now!Zhao!together!Wei!guard!There must be a lot of talents in Song and other countries, and I still have to dig it out, and maybe I can catch fish that slipped through the net a few times.

Gao Gu's bravery made those scattered Wei Qing soldiers see hope. One of the centurions solved the blow in front of him, stared at Gao Gu with admiration and said: "Brother, you are so skilled! This record will go back! Definitely go back!" It's a great achievement!"

"Brother, be careful!" Gao Gu was not so optimistic. He blocked the arrow for the centurion, turned over and rode Ding Liang's horse, with his arms lightly spread, his tiger eyes staring at the situation on the battlefield, he shouted angrily: "Kill it!"

"Good boy! Have a personality! I will open the way for you!" the centurion yelled, holding the steel knife in his hand and slashing up and down, killing four soldiers in a row. After losing every quarter, he no longer confronts Gao Gu.

"Bastard...Damn it!" Ju Yi looked at Ma Zhanjun, who had been stopped by Ding Liangjun who kept withdrawing, and his eyebrows were fighting. Ju Yi looked at the tens of thousands of troops behind him. Once he retreated, they would die Now, Ju Yi couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and shouted angrily: "Climb the dead first! Fight!"

"Climb the dead first! Fearless and fearless!"

"Climb the dead first! Fearless and fearless!"

"Climb the dead first! Fearless and fearless!"

The soldiers under his command also seemed to see that this was a tough battle. They gritted their teeth and stared ahead with cold eyes.

Thousands of Xiandeng dead men formed a group of three, and the Xiandeng dead men in the group cooperated extremely tacitly. Two of them held long spears, and the other held a shield and a ghost knife. Killing, reducing the enemy's attack, and protecting the two from the damage, it seems that this kind of tactics has achieved good results for Xiang Jun in the last battle, but what they are facing is Wen Yang's Xuanwu died.

Wen Yang brandished his long spear, and bumped into the three Xiandeng dead soldiers head-on. The two men in front stabbed Wen Yang's horse and abdomen, like a poisonous snake aiming at its prey, and suddenly stepped forward to bite. A spear with a cold light was missed, and Wen Yang was fearless, wearing thick armor, without even the consciousness of raising the gun, and directly ran into it.

"Booming...tearing...cracking..." The spears of the two soldiers drew countless sparks on Wen Yang's armor, but they didn't hurt Wen Yang at all. On the contrary, it was this pawn who knocked them down. , Another soldier with a shield was picked and killed by Wen Yang with a gun.

The two soldiers under Wenyang's horseshoe only felt dizzy, opened their eyes, and wanted to get up, when the five thousand Xuanwu soldiers stepped directly over their corpses, yes!It's a corpse, with heavy armor and 5000 people with one foot, it's really hard for them to survive.

"Oops!" Ju Yi looked at the soldiers under his command being slaughtered continuously, but there was nothing he could do. The best way to deal with this kind of army armed to the teeth was to consume their physical strength. On the battlefield, each other is surrounded by each other. It is not so easy for Ju Yi's first dead soldiers to retreat.

high platform

Han Xin was watching the changes on the battlefield from behind, staring at the Xiandeng dead soldier who fought against Xuan Wuzu, and tapped his fingers around his left arm, as if he was thinking deeply, Han Xin seemed to have made a decision for a while , suddenly threw down the command flag in his hand and said: "Pang Wanchun, the Liannu Army! Han Qifeng, the Tiger Zhejun, led his army to the east battlefield to help Xuanwu's general Wenyang, and wipe out Xiandeng!"

Han Xin already knew about the elites of the Sui Kingdom who were the first to climb the dead. Thinking about it carefully, the soldiers who were trapped in the camp and the crane-controlling soldiers were evenly divided. It is an army at the same level as the trapped camp. If you want to win this war, you must first eliminate potential dangers in the cradle. You can't wait for the enemy to show their power before doing it, or it will be too late.

"Obey!" After receiving Han Xin's general order, the Huzhe Army and the Liannu Army ran live to attack and kill. When Langtan died, his Zhasha Army had no leader. Han Yi directly incorporated them into the Liannu Army, which expanded The strength of the Liannu army, and secondly, Han Yi really couldn't find a suitable candidate to continue to take over Jisha.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The horn of war sounded here, and the earth was shaking.

"Archers cover! Crossbowmen attack!" Ju Yi stared at the battlefield with a pair of wolf eyes, but the coldness in his eyes became more and more obvious. He had already tried his best to stabilize the battlefield, and he was looking forward to reinforcements. Ma Zhanjun, his heart suddenly became cold. Ma Zhan's head was directly decapitated by Han Qifeng, the general of the Huzhe Army. With the addition of Wei Qingjun, the two armies joined forces, and Ma Zhanjun was defeated directly.

"My lord! Not good! The first dead man is besieged, please rescue him quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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