Warring States Call

Chapter 1894 Chapter 1895 : Wu Qi

Chapter 1894 Chapter One Thousand 890 Chapter Five Wu Qi

When Wu Qi and Yuan Chonghuan's 20 soldiers and horses joined together, there were a total of [-] soldiers and horses. With the harassing Peng Yue army on the flanks, the entire Sui region was full of wars.

Inside the military tent

Wu Qi was sitting on the main seat, looking at the battle report in his hand thoughtfully, while Yuan Chonghuan held the sword in his arms, squinted his eyes and stared at Wu Qi and said: "I don't know what countermeasures General Wu has! Right now, the enemy is keeping the door closed. It turns out that the supply of food and grass for our army of 20 troops is a problem, and after a long time, the Sui army will not have to fight this battle, and our army will be defeated!"

Wu Qi put down the battle report in his hand, stared at Yuan Chonghuan with his hands crossed, and said with thin lips: "General Yuan Chonghuan is testing the old man?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Yuan Chonghuan hurriedly lowered his head and confessed. In fact, Yuan Chonghuan also had this intention. In his opinion, he had the merit of destroying the country. Although Wu Qi has been famous for a long time, he is an old man. It's not certain who will take the lead between the two?

Wu Qi glanced at Yuan Chonghuan, but he didn't get angry. He stroked his beard and said, "The enemy's coalition forces have arrived. If it's a hard fight! Although it will be taken down, there will inevitably be casualties, which will be bad for the future! Based on my construction, this war will at least last." It will last for several years, if you can save a little bit of troops, you can save, there is no need to waste troops here!"

"What should the general do!" Xiong Kuohai clasped his hands in front of his chest, staring at Yuan Chonghuan with tiger eyes, as if he wanted to teach the surrendered general a lesson.

"Our army is short of food and grass! Right now, food and grass are desperately needed, and the enemy army naturally knows the situation of our army's expenditure. They know that food and grass are the lifeblood of our army. They want to win this battle! They will definitely rob our army of food and grass." Wu Qi squinted his eyes Looking at the map, stroking his beard thoughtfully, looking at Yuan Chonghuan, Wu Qi took the writing brush on the table and said: "General Yuan Chonghuan! What is the supply line of our army like!"

Yuan Chonghuan sighed, although he didn't want to give Wu Qi an answer, but the matter was very important, Yuan Chonghuan could only point to the map and said, "The grain and grass in Wudi can't be delivered in time, so now we all rely on Jizhang County It will take at least five days for Wang Shouren to prepare food and grass from Jizhang to reach Tancheng!"

"How many people are there in the food delivery team!" Wu Qi picked up the tea bowl and took a sip to moisten his throat.

"5000 people!" Yuan Chonghuan scratched his head.

"Hmm! There are too few people! Add 3000 more people." Wu Qi put down his preparations, stared at Yuan Chonghuan with tiger eyes and said with a smile.

Yuan Chonghuan's forehead was full of question marks, but he didn't bother to ask Wu Qi. After receiving the general order, he told his subordinates to go to work. Yuan Chonghuan pinched his beard, thinking about Wu Qi's intention, and said half aloud: "You plan to lure the enemy!"

"Even you can see through this kind of measurement! How can Yang Lin and Xun Lin's father not see through?" Wu Qi looked at Yuan Chonghuan with a smile, only to see that Yuan Chonghuan's cheeks were bluish, and he walked out angrily while pressing the sword large account.

"General... this...!" Xiong Kuo Hai stared at Wu Qi worriedly. Discord between generals and generals is a big taboo for military strategists.

"No problem! Spread the news to the army, and say that he and I don't agree with each other! If the two don't match up, there will inevitably be no Sui army spies in this army! In addition, send more people to investigate the situation of grain and grass transportation! The bait has already been laid Oh, if they don't bite the hook! It would be a pity...!" Wu Qi sat on the seat, rubbed his sore thighs, and marched at a high speed, even if Wu Qi was riding a horse, his legs were still sore and weak.

The news of the discord among the generals spread among Xun Lin's father's army, and he even found out the enemy's food and grass supply line. Xun Lin's father looked at the people in front of him and said, "Generals! Are we going to rob or kill the food and grass?" No robbery!"

"I heard that the Han army has increased the number of grain and grass troops, so they must attach great importance to this batch of grain and grass! If we rob them...!" Xue Ju licked his lips, as if he felt that this plan was feasible.

"Wu Qi didn't move to increase his food and grass! I'm afraid it's an ambush, so don't be careless! Wu Qi is a famous general in the Han army for a long time. It seems that even Xiang Yan, the former general of Chu, was defeated by him. We should be cautious. Ah!" Lu Meng stroked his breath, his face was full of sorrow, showing his fear of Wu Qi.

"Don't bite this piece of fat! It would be a pity!" Zhou Bo seemed to want to try it.

Xue Ju was also eager to try. Seeing that the two hit it off, Xun Lin's father said immediately: "Since the two generals are so determined! Then I will trouble you two."

"This guy...!" Both Zhou Bo and Xue Ju didn't want to damage the soldiers under their command. It was just that they had the same opinion just now, and Xun Lin's father eagerly urged them to use troops, which shows the sinister heart. .

The two looked at each other, and were about to say no, but Lu Meng said at this moment: "It's okay to try! Send [-] cavalry! Even if it's an ambush, you can quickly return to the army!"

As soon as this remark came out, Xue Ju and Zhou Bo's words were directly choked in their stomachs, and finally Xue Ju led the troops to test it out.

After one battle, Xue Ju won a complete victory. He burned 120 carts of the enemy's food and grass, beheaded 4000 enemy troops, and lost dozens of his own troops.

As soon as the news came out, Yuan Chonghuan went directly into the big tent, looked at the cheerful Wu Qi and said, "General! What are you going to do!"

Wu Qi looked at Yuan Chonghuan with a smile and said: "General Yuan, don't panic! We will send 2000 more people to collect [-] to deliver food and grass. In the past few days, please trouble General Yuan Chonghuan to boost morale and speed up the attack!"

"You...!" Yuan Chonghuan pointed at Wu Qi's nose and almost yelled, but held back casually, and strode out of the tent, shaking his shirt.

The burden of defending the city wall was directly taken over by Yang Lin. Seeing the tragic casualties below the city, Yang Lin supported the city wall and said, "What's going on outside the city! Yuan Chonghuan's attacks have been extremely fierce these days! Is this fatal?"

"I heard that General Xun Lin's father's soldiers and horses have been harassing the enemy's grain roads. In the past few days, our army has personally inspected the smoke outside the city. There is much less smoke than in the past. It seems that the enemy wants to save rations with casualties.

"Oh!" Yang Lin's eyes flashed a gleam, looking at the little smoke outside the city, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the past few days, Wu Qi has been sending soldiers to Liang Dao, and Xue Ju succeeded every time, which made everyone start to despise this soldier. Following the spies' report, they said that Wu Qi and Yuan Chonghuan had a big quarrel over the past few days. shelf.

Yang Lin also seemed to have seen the opportunity of war. Hearing the noise outside the city, Yang Lin thought about it, wanted to send troops to sneak attack, but couldn't make up his mind, the deputy general Murong Chui said: "General! But I'm thinking whether to send troops to sneak attack! "

"That's right! This victory is definitely an opportunity, but I'm afraid it's Wu Qi's trick, so I can't make up my mind for a while!" Yang Lin stared cautiously outside the city, seeming quite conflicted.

"General, you can divide the troops into two! After the front army's surprise attack fails, if the enemy's defenses are relaxed again, our army will definitely gain something if we send out an elite army! This is not a plan! Two can be tested ! If the enemy army is really defenseless, the first elite soldier Ma can launch an attack as appropriate!" Murong Chui looked down at the lights outside the city, and said his strategy.

Yang Lin also thought that such a strategy was good, so he sent General Murong Chui to sneak attack that night.

"Kill!" Murong Chuihu roared, and the Han army had been prepared for a long time. The general Yuan Lang personally led troops to stop them.

Murong Chui nodded at Yang Lin who was rushing into the army. Murong Chui failed, and then Yang Lin personally sent troops. This time, he caught Han Jun by surprise. !Wu Qi ordered the entire army to withdraw, and the withdrawal of the troops was disciplined.

Yang Lin, who had been suppressed for a long time, was greatly encouraged, and he joined forces with Xun Lin's father, a total of 12 soldiers and horses, chasing and killing Wu Qi's soldiers and horses all the way.

After all, Wu Qi Wu Qi is quite famous. He is known as the left arm of Han Yi's arms. It is a great honor to defeat him. Killing him can even reverse the situation in the southern battlefield. This is a great blow to the morale of the Han army. .

The second day's sun shone on the land, Peng Yue folded his arms around his chest, smelling the smell of blood in the air, Peng Yue blinked and said: "This General Wu Qi is really powerful! He even lured out the old turtle like Yang Lin Already!"

"Let's attack the city! Brother!" Peng Le came to Peng Yue on a horse, his eyes became hotter, Peng Yue also nodded secretly, and then said: "Siege the city!"

In fact, Yang Lin also guessed whether the Han army would be cheating, but Wu Qi's food and grass did not have much, which gave Yang Lin a glimmer of hope. Yang Lin was making a big bet, and this bet was the lives of 12 soldiers under his command. And the survival of the Sui Kingdom.

After all, this battle cannot be delayed, because if it is delayed for a long time, it will be a question of whether the people of the Sui Kingdom can survive this winter, not counting the spring plowing next year. It is a weapon to destroy the economy.

Wu Qi sat on the rock, looked at the grassland of the Ma Pingchuan, took a sip of the honey water from the gourd around his waist, looked at the surrounding soldiers and shouted angrily: "Brothers! It's time to show off our weapons, let this bastard see!" Look at our means!"

"Wuji Qiankun! Tear the sky and the earth! The gods block and kill the gods! The magic blocks and kills the devil!"

"Kill!" The lieutenant generals opened their mouths and yelled angrily. Tens of thousands of Wei soldiers lined up one by one. Yuan Chonghuan also hurriedly mobilized his troops. He was angry, but right now he could only suppress the anger in his heart, and called the soldiers under him to line up in front.

Yang Lin and other 12 troops gathered here. Yang Lin drew out his saber and stared at the orderly enemy army. Yang Lin shouted angrily: "Soldiers! We have no retreat! For the country! For the people! Charge!"

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of people waved their flags and shouted. General Ma Gui of the Sui Army turned over and mounted his horse, swaying the saber in his hand, and slapped the horse under his crotch to charge into the battle. past.

How could Wu Qi, who had been preparing for the battle for a long time, let them succeed, he shouted angrily: "Heavy crossbowmen!"

The camp where Wu Qi was located was a piece of scattered woodland, the surroundings were unusually open, with only a piece of wild grass, which became the only scenery of these four.

"Ha!" The heavy crossbows that were originally covered with leaves emerged together, and tens of thousands of crossbowmen under their command drew their bows and set up arrows, aiming at the soldiers charging at the front.

"Shield cover!" Cold sweat broke out on Xun Lin's father's forehead, and he hurriedly called to his subordinates to put down shields.


"Whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh"

"Bang... bang... bang"

The sound of heavy crossbows mixed with the sound of crossbow bowstrings made one's scalp numb. There were dead and wounded soldiers everywhere. Ma Gui charged all the way with arrows on his head, and the soldiers under his command were also fearless of death.

But the power of this heavy crossbow shot at a person is undoubtedly like a small bomb. One of the brave Sui soldiers was shot in the chest by a heavy crossbow, and his left arm was completely torn apart, and the scalp was numb. , It is comfortable to die under the crossbow arrows, flesh and blood are blooming under the brilliance of the crossbow arrows, and the armor worn by these soldiers cannot stop the crossbow arrows at all.

"Follow me to lead the way!" Ma Gui yelled angrily, yelling at the weapon in his hand, but just after running a few steps, a heavy crossbow shot directly at his horse.

"Pa-ta...ah!" Ma Gui fell off the horse, clutching his legs and yelling, the guards on both sides quickly raised their shields to protect Ma Gui, only to see that their scalps were numb, Magu's left leg had been lost, Sen White bones are exposed.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Everyone was about to drag Ma Gui down, but under a rain of arrows, they were instantly shot into hedgehogs and took the lives of two soldiers.

"The crossbowmen march, and the shieldmen flank on both sides! The front army advances!" Following Wu Qi's angry shout, tens of thousands of soldiers marched towards the front army in unison. Battlefield after battle.

"Heavy crossbow!" Yang Lin was frightened by the heavy crossbow of the Han army, and his brows tightened. Xun Lin's father beside him also frowned and said nothing. Father Xun Lin couldn't bear to watch the effort of half a stick of incense, and shouted angrily: The chariot opens up the battlefield, and Dou Rongding dispatches troops! Dispatch troops quickly! The rest of the soldiers and horses are preparing for battle behind the chariot! Hurry up!"

"Drive!" A military general about [-] years old, holding the reins of the horse, personally commanded the chariot to charge forward, followed by [-] chariots. The Hundred Chariot is already quite big.

"Prepare the heavy crossbow!" Xiong Kuohai squinted his eyes at the four hundred heavy crossbow carts, frowned and shouted angrily.

Dou Rong fixed the heavy crossbow outside the tiger's eyes, frowned tightly, and glanced back at the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses behind him, he could only grit his teeth and shout angrily: "The whole army charges! Charge!"

"Come on...!"

"Turn arrows! Let go!" Xiong Kuohai pressed the sword in his arms, staring at the Sui army in front of him. Three rows of soldiers shot arrows forward in turn, only to hear: "Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish..."

This is Xiong Kuohai's wisdom after hearing about the tactics of the dead soldiers. After all, good tactics need to be used more.

Seeing the corpses being continuously shot by the rain of arrows around him, Dou Rong felt furious, casually picked up the round shield in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Shield defense! Be careful!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The cold arrows falling on the chariot can only serve as a disturbance. The best thing is to shoot over the charging horses, causing them to lose their balance, and then turn them back on their backs.

"The heavy crossbow attacks the enemy's wheels!" Mao Wen stared at the wheels of the enemy's chariot.

"Bang bang bang!" The sound of the heavy crossbow resounded in everyone's ears. The heavy crossbow bombarded the wheels, and some of the empty ones directly hit the soldiers behind, and the casualties continued.

(End of this chapter)

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