Warring States Call

Chapter 1897 Chapter 1898: Sui Kingdom Destroyed

Chapter 1897 One thousand eight hundred and ninety eight: The destruction of the Sui Kingdom



"Ah!" Three scary voices resounded in everyone's ears, and Yang Gun's left calf was hit by an arrow, but Yang Gun's speed did not stop. Instead, he swooped and slammed into the soldier in front of him. At this moment, there was a huge gap in the defense built by Long Live, and then Yang Dagon drew his gun suddenly, and the soldier in front of him was killed with one shot.

Yang Gun propped up the ground with a long spear, stood up with difficulty, and watched the surrounding soldiers charging towards him with swords and crossbows. The veins on Yang Gun's forehead bulged, and he suddenly turned over, staring at Shi Wansui who was holding the knife. , shouted angrily: "Kill me!"

"Looking for death!" Shi Wansui's eyes widened angrily, holding long knives in both hands, and he was about to chop Yang Dagon.

"Ha!" Yang Gun looked at the lifeless Shi Wansui, his eyes flushed, the spear in his hand shifted up and down, and three spear flowers appeared, his scalp went numb just looking at it.

"Ding, Yang Gunhu activates the attribute, the force value is increased by 5, the basic force value is 100, the piebald leopard's force value is increased by 1, the Beiba Liuhe spear's force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 107!"

"Break!" Shi Wansui saw the three spears stabbing towards him, but his brows were furrowed, and he single-handedly slashed towards the long spear stabbing his throat.

"Ding... whoosh"

The sound of the delivery of the weapon came out, and Yang Gun's spear swung away directly, making a hissing sound of the delivery of the weapon, and then the spear in Yang Gun's hand stretched left and right, stabbing Shi Wansui on both sides, and Shi Wansui, who was suffering from pain, staggered and retreated In three steps, one fell to the ground without standing still, raising countless dust.

"Eh..." Shi Wansui let out a low growl, feeling the pain in his shoulders, but there was nothing he could do. He stared at Yang Gun with a hint of consternation and unwillingness in his eyes.

"Go to hell!" Originally, Yang Gun's remaining two shots could end Shi Wansui, but because of the arrow in his left leg, he couldn't move his body, which allowed Shi Wansui to survive a round by chance. The spear in his hand pointed straight at Shi Wansui's throat.

The current battle situation is that the defense arranged by Shi Wansui was broken by Yang Gun, and a big battle was inevitable. Shi Wansui closed his eyes reflexively with remorse.

But in the next second, there was no pain as expected, Shi Wansui opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the young general Chang Mao holding a short stick in front of Shi Wansui, he grinned and said, "Uncle, are you okay!"

"Yeah!" Yang Dagon raised his brows, his eyes filled with disbelief, looking at the young man in his early twenties who actually blocked his killing move.

"Stinky boy...!" Shi Wansui was helped up by the soldiers on both sides, grinning his teeth from the pain in the blood hole on his shoulder, looked at Chang Mao who stood in front of him, and joked, then said solemnly: "Be careful! This guy is not simple...!"

"Oh!" As soon as Chang Mao heard it, he immediately shook Yang Gun away with a stick, stepped back three steps, and glanced up and down at the middle-aged general in front of him. Beard, eyes like a tiger, eight feet in length, wielding a steel spear in his hand, he is like a tiger general.

While Chang Mao was looking at Yang Gun, Yang Gun was also looking at Chang Mao. This kid was not much shorter than himself, and his face was young, but his eyes were very firm, he was tall and powerful, and his body looked like a hunchback. The most peculiar thing is his weapon, which turned out to be a three-foot long stick with a black body. With such a weapon, it is very limited in killing enemies on the battlefield, but Yang Gun just now felt a pressure, This kid is not simple.

"Look at me capturing you!" Chang Mao swung the Qiankun stick under his hand, looking like a ruffian, I really don't know how this kid uses this stick to hurt people.

"Up!" Chang Mao yelled, his legs suddenly exerted strength, and he jumped into the air, swinging the long stick in his hand up and down, and with one move, he flew out of the sea and hit Yang Gun's head.

"Ding, Chang Mao's goodness and bravery attribute is activated, the current force value is increased by 7, the basic force value is 101, the force value of the Qiankun short stick is increased by 1, and the current force value of Chang Mao is 108!"

"Go!" Yang Gun stabbed Chang Mao's throat with a single gun. At this moment, Chang Mao's face was solemn, and he hit Yang Gun's throat with a backhand lock stick.

At this time, Yang Gun's eyes were red, and he looked at the Qiankun short stick that Chang Mao hit, and immediately took over the stick, and shouted angrily: "Bring it!"

"Ding, the attribute of Yang Gun's Spear is activated! Add 5 to your personal strength!"

"Ding, the second attribute of Yang Gun's wonderful gun is activated, and the personal force value is increased by 5. If the weapons used by the enemy are both short and heavy weapons, Yang Gun's force value will be increased by an additional 3."

"Ding, Yang Gun's inch-strength attribute is activated. As the saying goes, one inch is longer and one inch is stronger. If your weapon is a few feet longer than the enemy, the force value will increase by a few points. Currently, Yang Gun's Beiba Liuhe Spear is about nine feet seven inches long. , six feet long, the current force value of Yang Gun will be increased by 6!"

"Ding, Yang Gun's Cunqiang second attribute activates, one inch is shorter and one inch is dangerous, if your weapon is a few feet shorter than the enemy, and the force value is added or subtracted, the current Chang Mao's Qiankun short stick is three feet, six feet shorter , the current strength value of Changmao is reduced by 6.

"Ding, Yang Gun's force value is currently 126, and Chang Mao's force value is 102!"

"Kill!" The blood on Yang Gunzhou's body surged up and down, like real real fire, climbing up Yang Gun's body at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Yang Gun snatched the Qiankun long stick from Chang Mao's hand, raised his gun and walked away, hoping for results Changmao.

"Withdraw!" Chang Mao immediately took a step back and left the battle circle in front of him, but Yang Dagon didn't intend to just let Chang Mao go, and leaped up with a vigorous step, piercing Chang Mao's chest with the spear in his hand.


"Changru be careful!" General Bao Mu hurriedly pulled Chang Mao behind him, but the weapon in Yang Dagon's hand didn't have long eyes, so he shot Bao Mu directly in the chest, and Chang Mao fell to the ground. Before he opened his eyes, he felt his face was wet, but he saw Yang Gun pierced Bao Mu's heart and lungs, and blood dripped down Chang Mao's cheek along the tip of the gun.

At this moment, Chang Mao only felt that the time had passed so long. Chang Mao would never forget this scene. After a while, Chang Mao cried out in mourning: "Zi Que!"

"Whoosh!" Yang Gun pistoled, and Bao Mu fell down in response, and fell straight into Chang Mao's arms. The blood wet Chang Mao's armor. The soldiers on both sides took this opportunity to charge forward and stop Yang Gun. , to buy time for Changmao to retreat.

At this moment, Chang Mao was clutching Bao Mu's wound vigorously, looking at Bao Mu lying in his arms, Chang Mao choked up a little.

"Quick...quick...go!" Bao Mu was out of breath, and finally couldn't hold on anymore, and passed away.

"Ahhh!" Chang Mao is like a crazy beast, Bao Mu is his best friend, one of the few best friends, now dying in his arms, how can he bear it, looking at Yang who is being entangled Dagon, Chang Mao suddenly stood up and shouted angrily, "Come on!"

With an angry shout, the soldiers behind him didn't dare to neglect, and the two of them worked together to lift Chang Mao's Wuji lance.

"Get out of the way!" Chang Mao yelled angrily, and charged forward. Shi Wansui, who was watching the battle, covered his wound and shouted: "Stinky boy, don't be impulsive!"

"Go!" Chang Mao yelled angrily, and the Wuji spear in his hand stabbed forward suddenly. Yang Dagon was about to kill the two people in front of him, but he gave up his plan and hurried back to defend himself.

Chang Mao crossed his hands, pulled back, and pulled back the soldiers on the left and right. Chang Mao stared at Yang Gun with fiery eyes, and said indifferently: "Master, I want your life!"

"Ding, Chang Mao's Wrath War attribute is activated. When he is in a state of extreme anger, his personal force value will be increased by 8. Currently, Chang Yuchun's force value is 110!"

"Ding, Chang Mao's current weapon is a long weapon, Yang Guang's Cunqiang attribute is invalid, Yang Gun's second attribute is invalid, and the additional effect of the magic gun is invalid. Yang Dagon's current force value is 112, and Chang Mao's current force value is 118!"

"Go!" Chang Mao yelled angrily, and the horse in his hand drove straight in, directly breaking the defense that Yang Gun could barely make. Then there was a wave, which made people's scalp tingle.

"Open...!" Yang Gun yelled angrily. Although he struggled to hold on, but fortunately he fought back and forth with Chang Mao. Shi Wansui who was on the side immediately yelled angrily: "The Liannumen are ready! Shoot Yang Gun! "

"No!" Hundreds of soldiers with excellent shooting skills, like hungry wolves in the night, stared at Yang Dun, and as long as he showed his flaws, they would kill him.

"You son of a bitch! Get down!" Shi Wansui greeted suddenly. Years of fighting had given Chang Mao a pair of good ears, and he hurriedly turned over and lay down on the ground.

At this moment, Yang Gun was exposed to the sight of these archers, without Shi Wansui's order, these archers pulled the trigger one after another, and in an instant, the rain of arrows covered Yang Gun's limbs and bones.

At this time, Yang Dagon also reacted, and quickly waved his weapon, trying to block these cold arrows, but everything was of no avail. Every time an arrow was hit, Yang Dagon's movements slowed down a bit, until he could no longer organize a normal defense.

"Go to hell!" Chang Mao below suddenly threw out the horse lance in his hand, and there were only two choices in front of Yang Gun, either to get the lance in his crotch and be shot into a hedgehog alive, or to block these cold arrows, Then he was killed by Chang Mao.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Chang Mao stared at Yang Dagon's body indifferently, drew his sword suddenly, swung it forcefully, and directly chopped off Yang Dagon's head.

"Let go!" Yuan Chonghuan, who had been watching the farce, was too lazy to entangle with Yang Lin, and directly used the heavy crossbow!Zhuge Liannu!Throwing guns are long-range weapons.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Under the rain of arrows, the Sui army's offensive became smaller and smaller, and finally retreated. Yang Lin was hit by several arrows and his hair was disheveled. .

The dusk of the sunset shone on Yang Lin's face, and the golden light supported Yang Lin's resolute cheeks, making him feel so desolate and sad.

"General... drink some water!" Hu Luguang took the water bottle and walked towards Yang Lin with difficulty. Looking at his condition, his lips were dry, and there was blood on his shoulders. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot of injuries.

Yang Lin's eyes were empty, and he seemed to have lost all energy. He looked back at Hu Luguang, and finally couldn't hold on anymore, and began to fall backwards. Hu Luguang's complexion changed, and he quickly reached out to help, Going forward to check Yang Lin's breath, he felt that the breath could only come in and out, this man Hu Luguang felt bad, and angrily shouted: "Medical craftsman...medical craftsman!"

"Stop shouting!" Yang Lin held down Hu Luguang, glanced at the cold arrow on his chest, and said solemnly: "This old man can't live anymore, now I'm issuing the last order... Put down your weapon... ……surrender!"

Yang Lin seemed to have hesitated for a long time, finished the last sentence, and finally died here out of breath. Before he died, he kept muttering to himself: I'm sorry for the late king...I'm sorry for the king...

Once Yang Lin died, Yang Zhong, who was already distraught and indignant, drew his sword and killed himself. A generation of heroes, before he showed his shrewdness, was completely buried here.

The remaining 5 soldiers and horses surrendered to Wu Qi under the leadership of Hu Luguang, including Murong Chui's [-] soldiers and horses, a total of [-] soldiers and horses, including Peng Yue!Peng Le!Changmao!Shi Wansui made a lot of contributions.

Wu Qi also took advantage of the trend to bring the entire Sui land into the territory of South Korea, leaving no one who dared to resist, and Yuan Chonghuan's troops needed to be stationed in the Sui land to prevent rebellions in various places and Yang Guang's counterattack, and Wu Qi rectified the three armies and transferred Murong Chui into their own command.

However, Murong Chui rejected Wu Qi's invitation because he was not feeling well. Wu Qi was not angry, and directly dismissed Murong Chui's [-] soldiers and horses, scattered them and transferred them to the various armies, leaving only one vacant position for Murong Chui. As for those financial powers that are just empty promises, before Murong Chui surrendered, he also thought about what to do if Wu Qi repented, but before he had time to react, Wu Qi picked himself clean.

Wu Qi, who entered the Sui Palace, stood with his hands behind his back, looked the palace up and down, but saw Yuan Chonghuan escorting two women, Wu Qi was puzzled, and asked, "General Yuan Chonghuan, who are these two...!"

"Oh!" Yuan Chonghuan responded first, and then said: "These two are Xi Shi and Xiao Mei Niang, the general will go to Zhong Wu this time, and bring them together, and present them to the king?"

"Oh!" Wu Qi was stunned for a moment, looked at the faces of the two, and then said indifferently: "The old man knows!"

Three days later, Wu Qi's army set out to attack Zhongwu's battlefield. This battle was finally coming to an end. Yang Ye's troops had gathered [-] soldiers and quickly rushed towards Han Shizhong's battlefield. At this moment, Liu Bang was about to lose his head.

The news that the Sui Kingdom was annexed by Wu Qi reached Zhong Wu, Yang Guang felt the most uncomfortable, and when he learned about Xue Ju!Lu Meng!When Zhou Bo and his men returned safely with their soldiers and horses, Yang Guang was so angry that he could no longer control it. He came to the big tent angrily, and shouted angrily, "Three! I need an explanation!"

Liu Bang smiled disdainfully. There is something called strength in this world. When you don't have that strength, you don't have the right to be arrogant with them.

Xiang Yu kept silent, feeling that he was in the wrong, so he didn't speak, but Sun Ce kept his eyes on his nose, his nose on his heart, and kept silent.

(End of this chapter)

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