Warring States Call

Chapter 1899 Chapter 1900: Summoning

Chapter 1899 One thousand nine hundred: Summoning

"Ding, currently the eighth person on the list is Li Mai of the Qin Dynasty: force 93, commander 74, intelligence 77, politics 60, and is currently implanted as a military general of the Qin State!"

"Ding, the current ninth person on the list is Meng Lingcha, Tang Chaofu: force 97, commander 92, intelligence 81, politics 76, and the current implantation status is a general recruited by Li Shimin!"

"Ding, the current tenth person on the list is Qin Chao Zhangping: force 81, commander 87, intelligence 74, politics 64, and the current implantation identity is Zhang Han's younger brother!"

"Ding, the last three who exploded are the reward hosts!"

"Ding, the current No. 11 person on the list is Qin Dynasty and Han Zhang: force 72, commander 85, intelligence 75, politics 61, currently implanted as a partial general of the Tiger Zhejun!"

"Ding, the current No. 12 person on the list is Hu Luxian of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties: force 94, commander 93, intelligence 81, politics 73, currently implanted as the younger brother of Hu Luguang, who was captured by Wu Qi, and escorted to Zhongwu together, waiting for the host to deal with it! "

"Ding, Feng Gai of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties is the last person to hit the list: force 94, commander 93, intelligence 81, politics 76. The current implantation identity is Feng Yi's son!"

"Yeah...!" Han Yi looked at Feng Gai's thinking, and smiled indifferently. After a long time, Feng Yi has someone to follow.

Han Yi rubbed his wrist helplessly, feeling his sore neck, and said helplessly, "System!"

"Ding, here!"

"Consume a thousand points! Summon randomly!" Han Yi seemed to have made a great decision. After all, he already had enough summon points in his hand, so when not to summon now.

"Ding, the host consumes 1000 summoning points and is currently summoning"

"Ding, the current summon No.1 Ming Dynasty Huang Degong: Force 99 Commander 95 Intelligence 84 Politics 72 The current implantation identity is Huang Zhong's son!"

"Ding, the second person to be summoned is Deng Xia of the Eastern Jin Dynasty: Force 103 Commander 95 Intelligence 85 Politics 81 The current implantation identity is the son of Deng Yue, who has just grown up, and now is a young general who was just promoted by Wu Qi!"

"Wait! What the hell is this Deng Ya? I've never heard of it. The basic force value is still so high!" Han Yi frowned. Although this person was summoned by himself, why does he feel that this guy is a bit hypocritical? The character summoned out, could it be to give away the head.

"Ding, Deng Xia is the number one general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the son of Deng Yue. It is rumored that he is stronger than Xiang Yu and Fan Kuai. In order to commemorate him, the later generations will deify him, and he will become the Erlang God who is familiar to the later generations!"

"Ding, another special reminder, this person is one of the prototypes of Erlang Shen!"

"Oh!" Han Yi nodded in response, seemed to feel good, and said with emotion: "System! You have finally been generous."

"Ding, the third person to be summoned is Fu Zonglong of the Ming Dynasty: force 86, commander 90, intelligence 81, politics 76. The current implantation identity is Fu Kuan's younger brother!"

"Ding, the fourth person currently summoned is Deng Zhong of the Three Kingdoms: Force 95, Commander 92, Intelligence 85, Politics 73. The current implantation identity is Deng Ai's son!"

"Ding, the fifth person currently summoned is Yan Chengfang of the Song Dynasty: Force 102, Commander 90, Intelligence 78, Politics 71. Currently implanted as a general under the host's command!"

"Ding, the sixth member of the Three Kingdoms Fei Yi is currently summoned: force 67, commander 88, intelligence 94, politics 95. The current implantation status is a talent who seeks fame and seeks refuge with the prince!"

"Oh!" Han Yi rubbed his forehead helplessly, his expression was quite dignified. Han Chen's power developed too fast, and Han Yi was a little worried that his preferred heir was bewitched by that crooked person. After all, Han Yi After years of fighting, the souls who died under his hands numbered in the thousands if not tens of thousands. These people gathered together constituted quite a force.

"Ding, the seventh person to be summoned is Yang Hua of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties: Force 90, Commander 94, Intelligence 90, Politics 76. Currently implanted in the identity of Yang Ye's uncle, he is now fighting with Yang Ye!"

"Ding, the eighth person to be summoned is Zhang Xun of the Tang Dynasty: Force 61 Commander 94 Wisdom 95 Politics 93 Currently implanted as Zhang Liang's nephew in the family, because I like his talent, I recommend him to Han Chen!"

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded secretly. Han Chen's current team is much more luxurious than his own. If the world is conquered and handed over to Han Chen to manage it, maybe... it will be a prosperous age.

"Ding, the ninth man Zhang Tang of the Han Dynasty is currently summoned: Force 75 Commander 80 Intelligence 82 Politics 78 The current implantation identity is Zhang Liang's son, now follow Zhang Liang to assist Han Chen!"

"Ding, the tenth person currently summoned is Zang Zhi of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties: Force 91 Commander 93 Wisdom 85 Politics 76 The current implantation identity is the son of Zang Gong!"

"Ding, the current summoning is over, and the host still has 728 summoning points left!"

Han Yi scratched his temples, then picked up the cup, took a sip, and exhaled the turbid air, feeling comfortable all over.


Holding the sword in his bosom, Pang Wanchun strode in with sharp strides, and the armor on his body would jingle every time he took a step. Han Yi raised his head and glanced at Pang Wanchun, and immediately put down the cup in his hand with a puzzled expression on his face. Said: "What's wrong!"

"Mountain country! Qin country! Sun Yue all withdrew his troops, and Yang Guang also threw himself into the river, and his body has been found." Pang Wanchun rarely showed a hint of joy.

Han Yi was a little unhappy at the moment, turned the cup in his hand, and said half aloud: "Let Han Xin destroy Xiang Yu! Live to see people! Death to die, Ran Min! Li Cunxiao! Xing Tian's three generals are all Send him under his command!"

"I obey!" Pang Wanchun got the general order, and immediately left the army tent to send the order.

"Dian Wei!" Han Yi greeted, and Dian Wei, who had been waiting outside the tent, opened the curtain and walked in, clasped his fists with both hands, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty!"

"Wu Qi's meritorious service in this battle is not small! He was named Marquis of Wu'an, one of the 36 marquises, hereditary Gongti. Yuan Chonghuan was named Wuduan Duke, hereditary Gongti, one of the 36 dukes, and Yang Ye was named Duke Huguo , hereditary Gong Ti, one of the [-] dukes." Han Yi rubbed his eyebrows as a compliment to the two.

Yuan Chonghuan was originally a general of the State of Lu, and later surrendered to Liu Yu, and then to Han Yi. Now that he has the title in front of him, Han Yi is undoubtedly announcing to those generals who surrendered to Han Yi that as long as he works hard for him, it is not difficult to be a general and a marquis , and Yang Ye started as a pawn and reached his current position step by step. It's a pity that several of his sons died in battle in order to inspire those low-level generals.

"No!" Dian Wei accepted Han Yi's order and was about to step back. He seemed to have thought of something, and subconsciously asked, "Deng Qiang! How will the second general Zhang Hao deal with it! There is also the surrendered general of the Sui Kingdom who has taken refuge in the King!"

"Anyone who takes refuge in the lonely king will be pardoned and continue to be employed. As for Deng Qiang! Second general Zhang Hao, you will send these two to the lonely escort!" Han Yi is still very fancy about these two, after all, a thousand gold is easy to get , will be hard to find.

As long as they can be used by him, Han Yi doesn't value their births. You must know that Boss Cao in the Three Kingdoms period, most of the talents in his hands were generals.


During half a stick of incense, Deng Qiang and Zhang Haoer were shoved into the tent. Han Yi glanced at the two of them up and down. The one on the left was Deng Qiang, with disheveled hair, dark complexion, and blood on his face. Eight feet and a half inches in length, unkempt, with his hands tied behind his back, his arms like apes, and his back and waist, he is a good warrior.

The one on the right is Zhang Hao. Compared with Zhang Hao, he is much thinner, but he is proud and bony, with a straight chest and waist, his gaze is like a torch, his eyes are piercing, and he is a little shorter. He looks like a veteran general .

"Kneel down!" Dian Wei forced the two of them down, but with Dian Wei's strength alone, he couldn't hold them down. Not only Dian Wei was surprised, but even Han Yi was a little surprised. Looking at the three wrestling with each other, Han Yi Yi then waved his hand to Dianwei and said, "Forget it, since you don't want to, then don't force it!"

"But...!" Dian Wei was about to try it, but seeing Han Yi's eyes, he finally swallowed the words that came to his lips. Han Yi looked at the second general, smiled indifferently: "Two generals , do you recognize Gu?"

"Hahaha...hahaha! How can I not know the world-famous King Han? The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit! Today, our two brothers are defeated. The King of Han wants to be killed or cut to pieces. Please listen to me." Deng Qiang seemed to have four ambitions, but Han Yi heard the hope of life in his words.

The reason is simple. In the past, people who hated Han Yi would yell at him, but Deng Qiang didn't. He even called himself King Han, which shows that he doesn't want to die, or say!I don't want to die so uselessly.

Zhang Hao wanted to open his mouth, but after another thought, Deng Qiang had already said everything he wanted to say, and there was no need to say it, so he shut up right away.

"Two generals, the Sui Kingdom has been destroyed by the orphan, and you really don't know about Yang Guang's usurpation!" Han Yi smiled and looked at the two without saying a word, seemingly inadvertently asking, but in fact Han Yi was looking for The flaws of the two.

"This...!" Deng Qiang originally suspected that Yang Guang usurped the throne. After all, no one is a fool, but they are not Yang Jian and Yang Yong's confidantes, and secondly, they cannot be reused by Yang Guang. To them, whoever becomes the king is irrelevant. what effect.

To put it bluntly, when Yang Jian became king of the Sui Dynasty, he implemented the clan system of ruling the country, such as Yang Lin!Yang Zhong!Clan children like Yang Hu are in charge of the substantial power of the country, which has buried many talents, such as Hu Luguang and others. This Hu Luguang has hardly done much since his birth to the present. There is a large part of the reason Here it is.

certainly!When Yang Guang came to power, although he also adopted the old style left by Yang Jian, he even reused his confidantes, such as Gou Xi!Although Xun Lin's father is capable, he is still a lot worse than the trump card in Han Yi's hand.

Seeing that the two were silent, Han Yi continued: "The death of the two generals was easy, but are the two generals really willing? In this history book, Sui general Deng Qiang is left! The second general, Zhang Hao, was defeated by Huo Qubing Hands, these twos and threes, just a few words. Leaving aside these for now, the two generals have never thought about their wives and children, who will be degraded as slaves and ravaged by others in the future? Have they never thought about rehabilitating the Sui king and prince who died in vain? Our road has come to an end, but the two generals have not yet!"

Han Yi's words started from the four aspects of fame and fortune, righteousness, small festivals, and family affection, prying open the hearts of the two bit by bit, and finally Han Yi launched a fierce attack.

The two generals Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao finally broke their defenses, and said helplessly: "I will surrender my wish, and I ask the king to forgive my family and justify the name of the late king!"

"Come and untie!" Han Yi smiled and looked at the two, this moment!Han Yi knew that he had succeeded, and Dian Wei and Fei Lian in the dark became serious. As long as the two of them dared to make a slight move, it would be an instant kill for them, and they were already ready to go in the dark Wolf Shadow was already staring at them.

There will never be a lack of an extreme profession in any era, that is assassin, and the overlord of a country like Han Yi is naturally the target of many assassins, and various countries are also constantly committed to assassinating Han Yi, but there is no single success, the only one who comes close The successful assassination was arranged by heaven, and a large part of it was due to the existence of Lang Ying. The small team of hundreds of people had now become an army of tens of thousands.

Seeing that the two were untied, Han Yi continued: "Stay in the Sui King's ancestral temple, so that his descendants can offer sacrifices. In addition, he will release the families of high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and demote them to the poor! As for the two generals' families, they will remain unchanged. They will move to Chang'an and receive rewards alone." How do you two live in the house?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty! I will surrender my wish!" The two knelt down and kowtowed, obviously convinced by Han Yi.

As for keeping the heirs of the Yang family to pay respects, this matter is just a cover, let's keep these few people for a few years, and when these generals lose their sense of belonging to the Sui Kingdom, they will suddenly die suddenly, who knows?
This reflects Han Yi's dark side. For Han Yi, it will be a matter of time before this country is defeated. As long as he doesn't cause trouble to his children and grandchildren, Han Yi will recite some infamy. It's no big deal.

The two generals Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao didn't do anything at all. After they left the tent, the people who had been vigilant all the time were relieved, looked at each other, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

The Three Kingdoms retreated, the Sui Kingdom was destroyed, and the Xiang Kingdom was not far away. Xiang Yu returned to Pengcheng, issued a recruitment order, and actively expanded the recruitment of troops. As long as it is delayed until winter and the truce period, they still have a chance of winning.

Originally, Xiang Yu had only 10,000+ in his hands, but with one move from the militia, he won a total of tens of thousands of soldiers. Now Pengcheng has a full 36 soldiers and horses, and a big battle is about to start.

Faced with Xiang Yu's insistence, Han Xin just laughed it off, divided his troops into three groups, handed over one route to Commander Han Qinhu, bypassed Pengcheng, attacked the southeast land of Xiang State, and handed over the other route to Cao Cao, attacked the southwest land of Xiang State, and then the three armies converged , surrounded Pengcheng, and besieged Xiang Yu here. When his soldiers ran out of food, great things could be accomplished. In order to prevent Xiang Yu from jumping over the wall in a hurry, Han Xin sent 20 soldiers and horses for each army. The [-] soldiers and horses recruited and accepted by the Sui Dynasty, combined with Wu Qi's [-] soldiers, were all handed over to Commander Han Xin, with a total force of more than [-].

And Xiang Yu also felt the pressure, actively preparing for the battle in Pengcheng, a protracted battle finally kicked off.

The whole world was shaken by it. At this moment, Pengcheng was solid and clear, and there was nothing, and Han Xin also knew his own weakness, so he kept attacking the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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