Warring States Call

Chapter 1901 Chapter 1902: Xiang Yu Night Attack

Chapter 1901: Chapter [-]: Xiang Yu's Night Attack

Xiang Yu's words were like a pinning needle for the sea. The civil servants and generals on both sides looked solemn, led by Zhong Limei, followed by Xiang Sheng, Xiang Xiang, Xiang Ying, Fang Jinzhi, Fang Baihua, Fang Tianding, Yu Ziqi, Yu Qiuzi and other Xiang Yu's cronies , Backtracking Xiang Yu out of the city.

The thick city wall opened slowly, and the cold September wind blew people lukewarm. Pan Dang, who was standing on the city wall preparing for battle, suddenly waved his hands and shouted angrily: "Let the bridge go!"

"Squeak...!" The heavy chain was pulled slowly and began to droop continuously, only to hear "crack!" The heavy city wall slowly fell to the ground, splashing thick dust.

The spies who have been monitoring Pengcheng's every move are about to report the news at this moment, but a middle-aged general who has been hiding in the dark, bent his bow and set his arrows, watching these scouts, one by one, shot them all to death .

After half a stick of incense, dozens of soldiers with sharp faces came to the middle-aged man and said, "General Shen! It's all settled!"

"En!" Shen Zhuliang nodded, then retracted his bow and held his gun and said, "Check again, make sure you don't drop your tongue!"

The soldiers under "Nuo" got the general order, disappeared into the darkness one after another, and began to pull out the eyeliner continuously.

You may not have heard of Shen Zhuliang's name, but he also has an idiom, which must be familiar to you, that is, Ye Gong loves dragons. The general content of the story is that a man named Ye Gong likes dragons. Frightened and fainted, this idiom often describes people's inconsistency.

But the real history is not like this, it’s just that Confucian scholars under Confucius did it deliberately in order to get rid of Shen Zhuliang. The real Shen Zhuliang in history is a famous statesman of Chu!A military strategist who once quelled the Baigong Rebellion, and even boiled water to rule the fields, can be regarded as a talent with both civil and military skills.

in the dark

Xiang Yu's domineering cavalry broke through the slump and faced the Han army's ape gate. This is also Xiang Yu's usual fighting method, otherwise Xiang Yu would not have the heroic words to lift the mountain with power.

The general guarding the Yuanmen Gate tonight is Lu Anguo, a partial general. This person was originally a general promoted by Zhu Yuanzhang. After Wu Guoguo was destroyed, he would rather die than surrender, but was convinced by Han Yi's hard and soft methods, and finally accompanied Han Xin on the expedition .

At this moment, Lu Anguo stared at Xiang Yu with fierce eyes, his eyes gradually became dignified, and immediately shouted angrily: "La bell, the rest follow me to fight the enemy!"

Lu Anguo also knew that a newborn calf was not afraid of tigers. Although he had heard of Xiang Yu's reputation, he was still unconvinced and wanted to challenge Xiang Yu one-on-one. Therefore, at this moment, Lu Anguo held a shield in his left hand and a dagger in his right, riding a pair of horses. With the posture of a knife and axe, he bumped into Xiang Yu head-on.

"Native chickens and dogs! How dare you bark in front of the lonely king! Kill!" Xiang Yu yelled angrily, and the halberd in his hand swept across thousands of troops, beheading Lu Anguo directly in the middle, but after a single encounter, Lu Anguo's head fell to the ground. The lowly people have fierce faces, but most of them are brave and fearless, and they all urge their horses to fight furiously.

The result is also conceivable, people turned their backs everywhere, Xiang Yu tightened his crotch horse, stared at Han Xin's military tent commander flag with tiger eyes, and shouted angrily: "Go straight to the ape gate and break Han Xin's military tent for me! !"

Han Xin, who was discussing military affairs with Wu Qi and Zhuge Liang in the main hall, heard the commotion outside the tent, his brows tightened involuntarily, and he angrily said, "Why are you so flustered!"

"General! It's not good! Xiang Yu attacked at night!" Zhong Hui opened the tent and hurried in.

"What!" Han Xin was stunned, and strode out of the big tent, looking at the surrounding Warring States, Han Xin was furious: "Xiang Yu really dared to attack the camp!"

Han Xin was also careless. Although he and Xiang Yu had been at war for many years, battle reports came from the front.

Wu Qi stroked his beard and said, "Xiang Yuguo is very human!"

"Since he dares to come, Xiang Yu! Then kill him here! Pass my order to recruit Ran Min! Li Cunxiao! The three generals of Xingtian! Capture this man, no matter whether he lives or dies!" Han Xin quickly regained his composure, staring at the chaotic man with his usual expression. battlefield.

Wu Qi squinted his eyes, and shouted angrily: "The left and right armies are preparing for battle! Prepare to attack from both sides."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!" Son! Stop leaving! Keep the head!"

"Hmm..." Han Xin felt his hairs stand on end, being stared at by this fierce tiger and lion, even he felt his scalp tingle.

Wu Qi's complexion was also not good-looking, and the two of them had experienced many battles, and they were strong and stable. Wu Qi was even more provocative: "Xiang Wang is so courageous!"

"I'm waiting for the head here! King Xiang dares to come and get it!" Han Xin also helped.

"Humph! The Lonely King is here! Drive!" Xiang Yu seemed to have responded to the provocation of the two of them. Xiang Yu had just run three meters away when two tiger generals sprang out from behind him, and he could only hear a few screams:

"Xiang Yu, don't be mad! Shangguan Yi is here!"

"The next general, Liu Zhi, is here! Xiang Yuxiu's arrogance! Drive!"

"Drive!" Ji Zha held a spear and stood in front of Xiang Yu without saying a word, his eyes full of indifference.

"A group of chickens and dogs dare to bark in front of Gu! Go away!" Xiang Yu was furious, holding the Tianlong Breaking City Halberd in both hands, and the silver light flashed all over his body.


"Ding, Xiang Yu's Overlord property activates, and every time it is activated, the force value increases by 3, up to 5 times, the base force value is 109, the force value of Tianlong Breaking Halberd increases by 1, the force value of Wuzhi increases by 1, and the current force value is 114!"

"Crack... Puff!" Two different voices came out, and Shangguanyi was cut through his armor by Xiang Yu, and flew upside down, landing heavily on the ground, with bones visible from the wound on his chest.

"Kill!" Liu Zhi held a long sword, as if he had been stimulated by something, his eyes were red and he wanted to fight Xiang Yu desperately.

"What is the meaning of fearless resistance! Get out of the way for the lonely king!" Xiang Yu faced Liu Zhi without the slightest pity, and stabbed suddenly with the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd in his hand.

"Block" Liu Zhi held the long sword in both hands, and slashed towards Xiang Yu with all his strength, and said angrily at Xiang Yu with firm eyes: "What is meaningless in your eyes is the process of me trying my best to prove my way forward , Xiang Yu don't underestimate me, ants can shake the sky!"

"Kill!" Liu Zhi suddenly jumped into the air, dodged Xiang Yu's halberd sideways, and shouted angrily: "Ten years of sharpening a sword, killing one person in a hundred steps...Kill!"

"Ding, Liu Zhizhen's woodworm attribute is activated, and his personal force value is increased by 10, so he can avoid certain kills three times. The current Liu Zhi's basic force value is 80, and the current Liu Zhi's force value is 90!"

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow spread the wind, without even touching Xiang Yu's hair, Xiang Yu looked quite impatient, and said angrily: "Jumping clown! Get out!"

"Whoosh!" It was another halberd, but Liu Zhi was very slippery, and he dodged it sideways. A kite turned over, hid behind Xiang Yu's horse, and stabbed Xiang Yu's waist with his sword.

"Go away!" Xiang Yu slammed his halberd and hit Liu Zhi's sword directly, and the three-foot green sharp edge suddenly turned into bursts of fragments. Xiang Yu stared at Liu Zhi with wide eyes and said coldly: "You have the right to die in Lonely hand! Tell me your name!"

"Liu Zhi...!" Liu Zhi yelled angrily, and then a sneer appeared in his eyes, and he yelled angrily, "Let the arrow!"

"Ding, the second attribute of Liu Zhizhen's woodworm is activated, and his intelligence is increased by 5. Currently, Liu's intelligence is 91!"

"Swish... Swish..." Zhuge Liannu, who had been ambushing in the dark, aimed at Xiang Yu's direction and pulled the trigger repeatedly. Xiang Yu's face froze, and the single halberd in his hand suddenly hooked, directly pulling Ji Zha away. Come over, grab his throat with one hand, and block it in front of you, only to hear slap... slap.

Ji Zha was shot like a hedgehog, and Xiang Yu was also shot in the left shoulder. The tiger stared at Liu Zhi, and Xiang Yu angrily said: "Go to hell!"

"Boom!" The spear in Ji Zha's hand was thrown out by Xiang Yu, piercing Liu Zhi's chest, and Liu Zhi was stared at the log alive.

"Liu Zhi...!" The faces of the generals on both sides were fierce, and Lan Xi, who had a good relationship with Liu Zhi, stared at Xiang Yu angrily, with the veins on his forehead bulging, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Whoosh!" Xiang Yu bounced the huge boulder in front of him with his backhand, and slammed it on Lan Xi's body abruptly. He was thrown on his back, and Lan Xi was directly pressed on the boulder, spitting blood, looking at the situation, it was impossible to survive.

"Xiang Yu! You are too crazy!" Li Cunxiao rushed over, looked at the miserable situation around him, looked stunned and urged the horse to kill, and shouted angrily: "Take him down!"

"Oh! They are all old enemies!" Xiang Yu stared at the three of them, but he was not afraid. He suddenly shook the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Come on!"

"Ding, Xiang Yu's force value is 142"

Xiang Yu's aura was thick and dignified, and the three of them were stunned because they all felt that Xiang Yu had been maintaining a state of qi. At this time, both Li Cunxiao and Ran Min felt the pressure doubled, and even Xing Tian, ​​who had been silent and difficult, All felt inexplicable pressure.

"Let's go together!" Xing Tian didn't talk nonsense, he picked up the relatives in his hands and started fighting. The four of them came and went, fighting and killing like a revolving door, but even Xiang Yu was a little powerless.

Han Yi, who was cultivating himself in Zhongwu, heard the sound of the system.

"Ding, Liu Zhi died in battle and the woodworm attribute has been withdrawn. If implantation is required, the host must choose a character!"

"Liu Zhi...is dead!" Han Yi's expression froze, his throat felt dry, and he couldn't help but pick up the cup and moisten his throat. Recalling Liu Zhi's achievements, Han Yi shook his head helplessly, and simply raised his head on the cloud platform. The formation is not abolished, otherwise Han Yi would not be heartbroken to death.

On the Battlefield of Pengcheng
"Kill!" Without Xiang Yu as the backbone, Zhongli Mo took over Xiang Yu's command, and said with wide eyes: "The whole army charges and takes Han Xin's flag!"

"Zhong Limei! You're done here!" With a slamming sound, Xue Rengui, who rushed over, yelled angrily, and suddenly reined in his horse.
"Ding, Xue Rengui's white tiger attribute is activated, calling for the reincarnation of the white tiger! Add 10 to the personal force value, and the white tiger advocates killing. If the enemy's force value exceeds 100, add 1 to the force value, increase 110 to the force value if it exceeds 2, and add 120 to the force value if it exceeds 1." 130, more than 2 force value plus [-]!"

"Ding, Xue Rengui's white tiger attribute activates, his personal force value is increased by 10, Zhong Limei's basic force value is 99, and it has not reached 100. Currently, Xue Rengui's force value is increased by 10, and Xue Rengui's force value is 115 points!"

"You want to kill me! It's too early!" Zhong Limo's eyes widened angrily, and the double-eared halberd in his hand rushed towards Xue Rengui head-on.

"Ding, Zhongli Mei's five tiger attributes are activated, there are currently two people, Zhongli Mo's basic force is 99, the force value of Zilei Shuangji is increased by 1, the force value of White Wolf Horse is increased by 1, and the current force is 103!"

"Ding, Zhongli Mo's Quick Kill attribute activates, the force value instantly increases by 5, and the enemy's force value is reduced by 1∽5 points. If the enemy has a short weapon, the force value increases by 1, and a long weapon's force value increases by 2!"

"Ding, Xue Rengui's weapon is a long weapon, and Zhongli Mo's force value will be added by 2, and the current Zhongli Mo's force value is 110!"

"Ding, Xue Rengui is affected by Zhongli Mo's quick kill attribute, his personal force value is reduced by 5 points, and the current force value is 110!"

"Kangdang... Tear!" The sound of the weapons being delivered slowly sounded, Xue Rengui could clearly see the sparks emerging from the halberd, Zhong Limo exerted strength with both arms, and the force of the two halberds pressed on Xue Rengui's weapon, Zhong Limo gritted his teeth and exclaimed: "It's so powerful...!"

Xue Rengui stared at Zhong Limei indifferently, and said with a contemptuous smile: "Weak people always have one-sided thoughts. If you are everything right now, then you will eventually become one of these hundreds of thousands of corpses! Open!"

Xue Rengui shouted angrily, and turned around to explore the moon with one move, shaking Zhong Limei away, staring at Zhongli Mei with wide eyes, the strength on his arms, like a real flame, dancing non-stop.

"Ding, Xue Rengui's perseverance attribute is activated, decisive and resolute, Xue Rengui's force value instantly increases by 10, and Xue Rengui's force value is currently 120!"

"Whoosh!" Xue Rengui's blood was clinging to his arms, Xue Rengui's angry eyes widened, he looked at Zhong Limei who was on his horse, and shouted angrily: "Break!"

"Dang!" Zhong Limo hurriedly set up his weapon, trying to block Xue Rengui's swift and violent plan, but everything went against his will.

"Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Xue Rengui slashed down with his halberd, all of Zhongli Mo flew upside down, the helmet on his forehead fell to the ground naturally on both sides, the weapon in his hand fell to the ground, and there was a deep wound on his chest.

"Pfft...!" Zhong Limei spit out a mouthful of old blood, and finally died in one breath.

Xue Rengui was about to step forward to make up the knife, but the next second he glanced at the halberd in his hand. At this moment, the halberd was split into two. Xue Rengui had no choice but to be an ordinary soldier after all. He couldn't hold back his strength and was cut off directly.

"His weapon is broken! To avenge General Zhongli Mo, go up, brothers!" Seeing the opportunity coming, Xiang Ying immediately urged his horse to kill, followed by Xiang Ta, Fang Tianding and others.

"Since you are looking for death! No wonder I came!" Xue Rengui threw away the halberd in his hand, turned his horse's head, and picked up the bow and arrow on the saddle.

Looking back at Xiang Ying, who was chasing after him, he shouted angrily, "Return to the arrow!"

"Ding! Xue Rengui's magic shot attribute activates, and his force value increases by 5. Zhong Limei is dead. Xue Rengui's force value recovers by 5 points. Special reminder, if paired with a sky-shaking bow and cloud-piercing arrow, the second attribute can be activated. Currently, Xue Rengui's basic force value is 105. , add 5 to the force value, now it is the Shocking Bow, add 1 to the force value, Xue Rengui's force value is 111!"

(End of this chapter)

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