Warring States Call

Chapter 1919 Chapter 1920: Zhou Yu's plan

Chapter 1919 One thousand 920: Zhou Yu's plan

end of september

There was still a month before the cold winter, and everyone was quickening their pace. Di Qing, who had just assumed the command of the army, came to his army tent, and there were already Lan Yu and the second general Su Qin sitting in the tent.

Originally, Feng Yi had to go to Feng Yi for this seat in terms of seniority, but at this time, Feng Yi was guarding Xiangdi and couldn't get away. This task naturally fell on Di Qing.

Di Qing looked at the two people. The one on the left was a little weak. He was dressed in white, with a piece of white suede on his shoulders and a sword around his waist. He was about seven and a half feet tall and thin, but the cold light in his eyes was all Show off his intelligence.

The person on the right is wearing black heavy armor, with a strong back and waist, eight feet in length, and a sword on his waist. He is very powerful. With a mustache on his chin and an elite gleam in his eyes, he is indeed a general.

While Di Qing was looking at the two, the two were also looking at Di Qing. Di Qing was about 30 years old, wearing a black helmet and heavy armor, and a white jacket slanted to cover his armor. His skin was black, left There is a criminal law on the corner of the forehead, just like Yingbu, it is a tattoo. This mark shows that he has committed criminal law, which makes people feel less impressive.

Di Qing looked at the slight astonishment and unwillingness in the eyes of the two, and with his face as usual, he cupped his hands and said to the two: "My name is Di Qing, and I have broken the law before! I have killed people!"

Di Qing's sonorous and powerful words made Su Qin and Lan Yu a little stunned. The shortcomings that others were afraid to avoid, turned out to be calm in front of Di Qing. This guy...

"Your Majesty is a talented person. I, Di Qing, started my fortune in the battle against Lu and was promoted by General Zhuge. Now I am the commander-in-chief of an army. I will need the help of my two brothers in the future, Qing! I am very grateful." Di Qing cupped his hands at the two of them. Clasping fists together, Su Qin was duplicitous, and said with a smile: "The general is polite! You are polite!"

Lan Yu also had a good impression of Di Qing's boldness. She didn't say anything, but nodded to Di Qing. Regardless of his seniority, he should be the commander-in-chief, but Di Qing took it away. If he was dissatisfied, Lan Yu must have of.

"Well!" Di Qing saw that the prelude had already started, so there was no need to be polite. He rubbed his wrist, drove to the front of the map, and said indifferently: "This time General Cao Cao will be the main general. He will be the deputy general. Now I The army acts as the vanguard. I guess General Zhuge will surely advance slowly. Now that he speeds up his march, he will definitely become the first bird. There are many famous generals in Sun Yue's army. against!"

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move.Su Qin changed his opinion of Di Qing instantly. He thought he was a man with military exploits and qualifications, but now it seems that he still has two things in his belly.

Sapphire crossed her hands in front of her chest, closed her eyes and sat on the chair without speaking. In his opinion, he only needed to complete the tasks assigned by Di Qing.

Faced with Lan Yu's lack of cooperation, Di Qing didn't say anything, stroked his beard, thoughtful in his eyes, and said for a while, "I want to attack in two ways, General Lan Yu, what do you think?"

The opportunity is coming!

Lan Yu suddenly opened her eyes, came to the table, looked at Di Qing and said, "What do you want to do!"

"I want to assign [-] elite troops to General Lan Yu. Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Zhang He, Yu Jin, and Le Jin will all be transferred to your command. You will march with the army for five days. After arriving in Xuancheng, I will give you Three days of rations, take down Guliu for me, can you do it?" Di Qing caressed his breath, his expression quite solemn.

"Yes!" Lan Yu thought carefully for half a stick of incense, and finally opened her mouth to answer.

"General Sapphire! This is no joke. After the army arrives at Xuancheng, it will take five days to reach Xuancheng. If you capture Xuancheng, you will definitely receive the most violent counterattack from Sun Yue. Food and grass are among them. The problem!" Su Qin reminded Lan Yu out of good intentions, this is a war, not a child's play.

"Yes!" Sapphire didn't say much, guarding Zhoudi for many years had already worn out his sharpness, and now he was a sword with a cold light, and was about to drink blood to prove his sharpness.

"Okay!" Di Qing saw that Lan Yu's face changed, and he had nothing to say about such a strong general. He waved his hand and took out the general order: "Everything is up to General Lan Yu, and you must guard Gu Mie. This is our army. The first battle in the south, we must not lose!"

"En!" Sapphire took over the general with one hand, then left the military tent, and personally selected [-] brave blood warriors in the barracks. For the next five days, Sapphire trained day and night, drank coldly, and borrowed Jiu Jin continued to exercise his charge, eat meat when he was hungry, and replenish the strength of these soldiers. The daily training was running, dashing, endurance, and bearing weight.

For these [-] soldiers, these five days were miserable, but the result was obvious. They were the first to arrive at the camp every time, clearing the way for the army.

After all, Xuancheng has arrived, Lanyu's [-] troops led three days' rations, and marched towards Gumie.

Gu Mie's information was also sent back. Lan Yu looked at the bamboo slips in her hand, scanned them up and down, and there were a few more strings of information in her mind.

The chief general Jiang Qin, the deputy generals Chen Wu and Sun Guan, with eight thousand troops defending the army,

Terrain: The ground is flat, there is a river with a mouth, and the left and right are opened up, and the river is irrigated as a moat.

Lan Yu rubbed her own neck, and there was a crackling sound from the bones. Lan Yu stared at the bamboo slips carefully, reading the information inside, and then suddenly threw the bamboo slips into the fire pit as a warming fire. Sapphire squinted her eyes and said half aloud: "The whole army is preparing for a night attack tomorrow night!"

"No!" Everyone agreed in unison, and then dispersed, and Lan Yu had no intention of going to sleep. Looking at the crackling bonfire that had been burned, Lan Yu was waiting quietly. The man came to sit down in front of the bonfire, looked at Lan Yu with a puzzled expression, and said, "General! What are you doing to us!"

Lan Yu looked at the two of them, smiled and said, "It's been so many years, and we're finally leading the army to fight!"

There was bitterness in Sapphire's eyes, these years they were really... hard to describe.

Zhang Liao and Yu Jin were stunned for a moment, then they thought a lot more freely, and said indifferently: "It's been more than 20 years, and the old battle is vivid in my memory!"

"Tomorrow's battle! It's about our future, so... Duoduo relies on the two brothers!" Lan Yu cupped his hands to the two, and they waved back. Indifferently said: "Do your best, obey the destiny!"

It was pitch black and there was no light to be seen, Lan Yu and other [-] soldiers broke into pieces, crossed the Renhe River, and marched towards Gumi City.

Gumi city
Jiang Qin held the sharp sword in his arms and stared at the situation with tiger eyes. Generals Sun Guan and Chen Wu squinted, waiting for the general's order, and did not speak.

Jiang Qin stroked his beard, and said half aloud, "Have all the people in the city evacuated?"

"It's all gone!" Sun Guan grinned sneeringly, as if he felt that the whole person was quite excited, and Chen Wu on the side also said his gains: "The food and grass are all moved, and the whole Gumi is a The city is empty!"

"En!" Jiang Qin nodded, and then said: "According to the order of General Zhou Yu, Sun Guan, you lead 3000 people to ambush Gu Mie, and Chen Wu will withdraw from Gu Mie City with me!"

"Obey!" Both of them saluted, without the slightest intention of presumptuousness. After receiving the general order, Sun Guan pinched his beard and pressed the sword in his arms, and left the mansion. Jiang Qin and the others did not delay and turned around. Withdraw the city.

"Kill!" Sapphire broke open the city gate in the inner city, and then Sapphire's [-] troops rushed into the city frantically, and Zhang Liao personally led thousands of soldiers into the city.

But what followed was an empty city, and the empty city couldn't be in the empty city, and no sound could be heard in the city. Zhang Liao's face changed, and he shouted: "No! I'm in an ambush! Withdraw!"

"Fire arrows!" Sun Guan, who had been observing in the dark, suddenly shouted angrily. Thousands of archers lined up one by one and released rockets one after another, only to hear: "Swish, swish, swish...!"

"Shield hand, step forward and stabilize the formation! Hurry up!" Zhang Liao twitched, and his weapons flew in all directions, knocking over the incoming cold arrows. Zhang Yun's complexion changed when he hurried over, and he looked at Zhang Liao's vanguard who was in ambush. , immediately turned the horse's head and shouted angrily: "Cavalry follow me! Drive!"

After Zhang He finished speaking, he personally led 58 cavalry to detour towards the enemy's side, and lay in ambush directly inside the South City Gate.

Yu Jin squinted his eyes and shouted angrily: "The rebels will be killed, and the archers will shoot!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The cold arrows all over the sky shot away, and began to suppress Sun Guan's archers. Le Jin couldn't sit still at this time, grabbed a shield, and copied the simple knife in his hand , shouted angrily: "Sword and axe, follow me to rush over! Kill!"

"Kill!" The shouts of killing around were like thunder, and Sun Guan saw that the battle situation was wrong, so he immediately turned his horse's head and shouted angrily: "Withdraw!"

"Withdraw!" The soldiers who stayed behind didn't dare to delay, and turned their heads to evacuate one after another. With a cold light in Le Jin's eyes, he gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, "You want to run...don't go!"

"Hey!" Sun Guan glanced back at Le Jin who was chasing after him, turned his horse's head, his eyes were full of sarcasm, and shouted angrily: "Withdraw!"

"Drive!" Seeing that Sun Guan was approaching the South City Gate, Zhang Xi, who had been lying in ambush at the South City Gate, urged his horse suddenly, staring at Sun Guan with wide eyes, and the sword in his hand radiated a terrifying light under the cold light.

"The guerrilla general Zhang He is here! The bandit general An Gan is rampant, and he will be killed!" Zhang He led a cavalry force to charge out from the left side of Sun Guan. The speed was so fast that Sun Guan was caught off guard.

"The thief will be killed" Zhang Yun's body was covered with cold light, and he was only 30 meters away from Sun Guan.

"kill him!"

Sun looked at Zhang Xi's little cavalryman, but he didn't notice him at all, and glared angrily.

"Kill!" Two burly men behind Sun Guan rushed out with soldiers, firmly protecting Sun Guan behind them, and staring at Zhang Yun with wide eyes.

"Crack... Puff!" Zhang He killed the general on the left with a knife, and immediately sent the general flying with a flip of his hand. Zhang He clamped the horse's belly fiercely, and said angrily, "Die!"

"Not good!" Sun Guan frowned, turned his horse's head and shouted angrily, "Get out! Get out quickly!"

Just as Sun Guan turned around, Zhang He flung out his saber and stabbed Sun Guan in the lower abdomen. At this moment, Sun Guan held on to the rein tightly, unwilling to let go, while Zhang He pulled out his sword from his bosom, swung it and beheaded him. A good man's head fell, Sun Guan died on the spot, and the soldiers fled in all directions with expressions on their faces.

After tossing for half a day, Zhang He looked at the entire city wall with a sullen expression, and found that there were no flammable items here. After all, it had just rained a few days ago, so Zhang He returned to his direction.

When Lan Yu walked into the city wall and looked at the entire Gumi City, Lan Yu felt that the city was too easy to win, without even a little pressure, which made Lan Yu a little puzzled, what's the matter... Sun Yue collapsed without fighting .

With these many questions in mind, Sapphire glanced at the city, but there was not even a light on it. Sapphire looked solemnly, looked at Zhang He aside and said, "How is the water source in the city! There may be poisoning or something!"

"The soldiers have drank the well water, and there is nothing wrong with it!" Zhang Yun held the weapon in his arms, his expression quite serious.

After a while, Sapphire seemed to think of something, and immediately said: "Search from house to house to see if there are any secret passages, if there are any secret passages, and if there are any, then demolish houses, collect bark and leaves, but the roots of grass are all Take it down and grind it into powder!"

"General...what is this for!" Le Jin squinted his eyes in confusion.

"There is not a grain of grain in the city. It must be that Zhou Yu is setting up an army formation. If the army wants to go south, it must break through this formation!" Zhang Liao squinted his eyes with a serious expression.

"Zhou Yu is afraid that he wants to use us as bait to attract Di Qing's soldiers and horses. He sent a letter overnight to tell Di Qing, don't be aggressive, and fight steadily! When dealing with Zhou Yu this week, you must not be tough!" Lan Yu immediately beckoned and ordered the soldiers to Di Qing.

At the Suai military camp at this moment, Zhou Yu dragged his weak body and looked at the map in front of him. He glanced at Pan Zhang beside him and said, "How is Jiang Qin's situation! Has he withdrawn?"

"The whole army has retreated, and everything is under the general's control!" Pan Zhang's eyes were full of joy.

"Yeah!" Zhou Yu nodded, but he was not in a hurry. He squinted his eyes and stared at the map on the table and said, "Tell Ding Feng's sailors that they are not allowed to send troops without the general's order. Anyone who disobeys the order cut!"


After Zhou Yu made arrangements, he murmured to himself: "Lan Yu is defeated, and Di Qing is a nobody, but I was underestimated by that little Han Yi!"

Zhou Yu only had [-] soldiers and horses in his hands, but he wanted to destroy the [-] Korean army. Zhou Yu thought so, and he did the same.

The Han army marched in three directions, Zhou Yu defended in the west, Sun Ce personally led an army of [-] in the east to face the enemy head-on, while Lu Meng in the west led the last [-] troops to confront Zhuge Liang head-on.

Faced with the pressure of the Korean army, Sun Yue has already mobilized the power of the whole country.

(End of this chapter)

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