Warring States Call

Chapter 1921 Chapter 1922: Aggrieved Fu Youde

Chapter 1921 Chapter One Thousand 920 Two: Aggrieved Fu Youde
Sun Liang went out suddenly, felt the cold wind in the house, and couldn't help wrapping his clothes. The cold wind blew, which made Sun Liang wake up a lot. Looking at Zhang Zhao who was swaying in the cold wind, the feeling in his heart That anger dissipated a bit, and he shouted angrily, "Zhang Zhao! What do you want to do! What happened to the frontline battle!"

The war on the front line is tight, please open the treasury, or the hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the front line will not have enough to eat! "Zhang Zhao, with his gray beard fluttering in the wind, held the bamboo slips in his hands and said solemnly.

Sun Liang seemed too lazy to entangle Zhang Zhao too much, he resolutely swung his sleeves, walked towards the hall and said, "You can cut off these things yourself, you are lonely, don't bother you again...!"

"This...!" Zhang Zhao looked stunned for a while, looking at Sun Liang's back, Zhang Zhao had to lower his head, and saluted Sun Liang: "No!"

Zhou Yu and Lan Yu were fighting a protracted battle. Zhou Yu broke the river, and Lan Yu dug a pool by the river a few days ago to store water and settle down. So Zhou Yu needed time to turn up the river. times.

The war in the east also began. Sun Ce led [-] soldiers and horses to face Zhuge Liang's [-] soldiers and horses head-on.

Sun Ce was holding the Overlord Spear, riding his own horse, wearing a crimson battle armor, and hunting with battle flags behind his back, all of which were set up with Sun Zi banners. Sun Ce suddenly urged the horse and shouted angrily: "The future is Zhuge Liang!"

"General Sun! Kong Ming is polite!" Zhuge Liang sat on the carriage, holding a feather fan, and cupped his hands at Sun Ce, smiling, his black eyes became more determined.

"You and I are good fellow practitioners. Why did you send troops here? Wouldn't this delay the friendship between the two families? It's better to retreat now. Our country is willing to regard King Han as the suzerain, pay tribute every year, and even destroy the mountains with the army. I know what you want!" Sun Ce squinted his eyes, and said these words against his will, who is Sun Ce, the little overlord of Jiangdong, when did he feel so aggrieved, if it wasn't for his incompetent nephew , why bother myself.

"The general's promise is an eye-opener for Kong Ming, but...!" Zhuge Liang put away his playful expression before, his eyes became sharper, and he scolded angrily: "The tens of thousands of people who died in Zhongwu How should the soldiers be settled? The soul of Du He, who died in your Sun Yue palace, is now comforting you! The king's orders must not be disobeyed, and the soldiers must not be held accountable. Today's situation was all caused by you, Sun Yue, and no one else can blame you! The three armies listened to orders and beat the drums ..."

"Boom... boom boom... boom boom boom!"

Sun Ce frowned, he really didn't expect Zhuge Liang to be so decisive this time, his expression became solemn involuntarily, he tightened the reins of his horse, and shouted angrily: "Prepare for battle!"

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

The two armies blew their horns, and the silver spear in Sun Ce's hand suddenly vibrated, and he shouted angrily, "Kill!"

"Kill!" Ling Tong, Xu Sheng, Pan Zhang, and Fu Youde lined up one after another. They didn't even intend to fight generals, they just wanted to fight in groups.

Naturally, Sun Ce's considerations were involved in this. He knew that there were so many fierce generals in the Han army, and he himself was not necessarily an opponent of the enemy army. Even Xiang Yu died in the hands of the Han army.





The whole ground seemed very rhythmic, and then a heavy armored cavalry appeared on the battlefield. The leader, the boy Lang, looked resolute and decisive, and he saw a big book on his back, which was called: tiger and leopard.

"Tiger and Leopard Cavalry!" Sun Ce looked at the number of the enemy army, his face involuntarily paused, and his face suddenly became very embarrassing.

no way!Huo Qubing's tiger and leopard riders had a great reputation in the Zhongwu battle. Almost all of the Sui army's [-] troops were destroyed by the tiger and leopard riders. Sun Ce's expression changed drastically.

"Drive!" Huo Qubing was riding a war horse, holding a silver gun, staring at Sun Ce indifferently, his sword eyebrows were like frost, and shouted angrily: "Tread through the recession!"

"Bastard!" Sun Ce turned his horse's head abruptly, turned his head and shouted angrily, "Fu Youde! I'll give you [-] elites to block the enemy army for half an hour! Just half an hour!"

"A certain family will do their best!" Fu Youde rode on a horse, looked at the five thousand infantry behind him, and then shouted angrily: "The swordsmen are in the front! The spearmen are in the middle, and the archers in the rear will shoot their arrows!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The rain of arrows streaked across the cloudy sky, Huo Qubing squinted his eyes, and shouted angrily, "Fang!"

When the soldiers behind heard it, they all lay down on their horses, and the sound of tinkling bells could be heard continuously in their ears, all of them looked like the scale armor had not been shot through.

"Drive!" The young and energetic Bai Wenbao urged his horse suddenly, his armor was shaking up and down, staring at the enemy in front of him with wide eyes, he slammed the double hammers in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Let me go!"

"Boom!" Bai Wenbao's war hammer was thrown out, and the shields of the soldiers in front were instantly torn apart and fell to the ground. The soldiers on both sides saw that there was a space, and rushed forward to fill it.

"Drive..." Bai Wenbao slammed into the horse's belly, jumped into the air, and landed heavily on the ground, turning over and waving the war hammer in his hand.

With a sneer on his face, Huo Qubing tightened his horse and shouted angrily: "The enemy's gap has been exposed, break him!"


"Retreat! Defend! Retreat!" Fu Youde looked at the majestic tiger and leopard cavalry, his complexion changed suddenly, he couldn't help but retreated dozens of steps, and ordered the soldiers under his command to refuse to defend the position.

"Knot!" Fu Youde looked at the messy soldiers in front, his face turned livid.

Sun Ce watched Fu Youde's difficult battle situation, and said with a livid face, "Zhu Ran, Zu Mao, Zhu Heng, and Shi Dakai followed my front army to break the formation!"

"Obey!" The four promised, holding weapons, and rushed to kill Zhuge Liang's front army. In Sun Ce's view, plots and tricks were not of much use against Zhuge Liang, and it was better to defeat the enemy head-on.

"Whoosh!" A silver spear flashed and stabbed at Sun Ce. Sun Ce's face changed, and he quickly pulled back his horse to block the gun, and shouted angrily, "Shock!"

"Kangdang...!" The silver spear flashed, directly vibrating the stabbing long spear, Sun Ce looked at the person who came, and shouted angrily: "Who is coming!"

"Jiang Song is here!" Jiang Song held the saber in his hand, and he took aim at Sun Ce in the first moment of the battle. How could he continue to be arrogant at this moment?

"Looking for death!" Sun Ce naturally knew Jiang Song's name, stared at Jiang Song with a face as heavy as water, and shouted angrily: "Whoever stands in my way dies!"

"Ding, when Sun Ce's Humbug attribute is activated, the force value of the commander's army is increased by 7, the force value of the charge is increased by 4, the force value of the white tiger gun is increased by 1, the basic force value is 100, the force value of the flying horse is increased by 1, and the current force value is 113!"

"Ding, Sun Ce's Little Overlord attribute is activated, and the force value is increased by 10, and the current force value is 123!"

"Fall!" Sun Ce wielded the White Tiger Spear with both hands, as if desperately smashing upwards, hitting Jiang Song's head straight.

"Ding, Jiang Song's Yuqiang attribute activates, Sun Ce's force value increases by 21, Jiang Song's force value increases by 10, Jiang Song's basic force value increases by 105, the eight-treasure exquisite spear's force value increases by 1, and the curly-haired lion horse's force value increases by 1. Loose Force Value 117"

"Fall!" Jiang Song faced Sun Ce's battle spear without any fear. The blade in his hand suddenly thrust out, entangled with Sun Ce's spear, and then Jiang Song slanted the spear, and the strength of Sun Ce's battle spear was directly caught by Jiang Song. Remove most of it.

"Go!" Jiang Song's eyes glowed red, the silver gun in his hand turned up and down, and three gun flowers appeared, staring at Sun Ce with wide eyes, and shouted angrily: "Lian gun!"

"Ding, Jiang Song gun's absolute attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 7, and the current force is 124"

Jiang Song's sudden force directly disrupted Sun Ce's moves, and he began to be in a passive state constantly, and he was injured from time to time.

Sun Ce had already been suppressed by Jiang Song, and the surrounding generals were all running around. The whole battlefield was in chaos, with soldiers shouting for kill and for help everywhere.

"Cut!" Zu Mao was riding a maroon horse, his eyes were fierce, and the sword in his hand gave off a frightening cold light.

"Crack!" A forward general had already been beheaded by Zu Mao, and the general behind him looked at Zu Mao with wide eyes and shouted angrily, "Look at the gun!"

Liao Yongzhong, who was in his thirties, rode a war horse and urged the horse up. His eyes were full of indifference. He held a knife in both hands, looked at Zu Mao, and cut off angrily.

Zu Mao wasn't just for nothing, so he swung his soldiers to fight head-on, and the two weapons collided with each other, bursting out countless sparks.

"Kang Dang!" A heavy voice sounded, Zu Mao's arms trembled slightly, and he fell off the horse in response.

"Bastard... who will come!" Zu Mao resisted the pain on the tiger's mouth, his whole face became abnormally distorted, blood slid down the tiger's mouth and fell on the weapon, and the top was covered with blood.

Liao Yongzhong was riding a horse, without too much nonsense, he urged the horse to kill Zu Mao here.

"Presumptuous!" Zhu Heng saw it, his face was shocked, and he came to rescue him with a sword, but just halfway through the run, a streamer flashed in front of his eyes.

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow came through the wind and shot right at Zhu Heng's left arm. The pain in his left arm made Zhu Heng's reaction a lot slower. Before he sent troops to kill the enemy, Liao Yongzhong stared at Zhu Heng with wide eyes. , with a wave of the saber in his hand, only to hear: "Crack!"

A clear voice sounded, and Zhu Heng suddenly became a headless corpse. Zu Mao's face was ashen, and he was about to urge the horse to rescue him. It was barely enough to stop.

After losing two generals in a row, the expressions of all the generals in the army changed drastically. They stared at the two generals with tiger eyes. The leader, Shi Dakai, stepped forward first, trembling with Liao Yongzhong.

Zhou Fashang and Gan Hui urged their horses out, as if they wanted to kill Liu Rengui.

Fu Youde, who had been pestering the tiger and leopard riders on the battlefield, became extremely embarrassed. His casualties rose sharply, and the number of dead soldiers gradually increased. Huo Qubing took the lead, staring at Fu Youde with wide eyes, and said indifferently: "Deng Qiang! Zhang Hao! "

"Here!" The two generals appeared in front of Huo Qubing with dark faces. Listening to Huo Qubing's domineering voice, the two were in as bad a mood as they wanted.

"Don't tell me that this general will not give you a chance. The enemy general's military rank is not low. Take this merit!" Huo Qubing waved his hand, and generously named Fu Youde's head to the two of them.

"Who... are you looking down on? You bastard!" Fu Youde's eyes widened with anger, and his whole body was full of anger. He held the weapon in his hand and shouted angrily: "Little boy, watch me kill you!"

"Ding, Huo Qubing's attribute of sealing wolf is activated, and the requirement for skill activation! First Huo Qubing commands soldiers and horses to fight, and second Huo Qubing locks down the enemy's general. The skill effect of the enemy's basic force value does not exceed 103 points. All attribute skills are blocked, and any attribute cannot be immune! "

"Ding, the current Fu Youde's basic force value has not exceeded 103 points. Due to the influence of the wolf sealing attribute, Fu Youde's current force value is 100!"

"Ding, Huo Qubing's Jueqi attribute is activated! If the troops under his command are less than 10 people, the force value will be increased by 2, the commander's value will be increased by 3, and the force value of the troops under command will be increased by 1 point! If the troops under command are less than 1 people, the force value will be increased by 5 point. 2! Add 2 to the commander, plus 1000 to the force value of the troops under command! If the commander's troops are less than 10 people, add 1 to the force value, and 3 to the commander! Add [-] to the force value of the troops under command!"

"Ding, Huo Qubing currently has 2 Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, plus 3 to the force value, 1 to the commander, and [-] to the force value of the troops under his command."

"Ding, add 2 to Huo Qubing's force value, base force value is 99, Pegasus Spear's force value is increased by 1, Black Cloud Colt's force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 103!"

"Ding, Huo Qubing's Juxu attribute is activated. If the enemy's basic force value does not reach 108, the enemy's force value will be reduced by 8 points! And the morale of one's own force value is high, and the general's force value will increase by 7 points! The soldier's force value will be increased by 3 !"

"Ding, Fu Youde's basic force value has not exceeded 108, the current force value has been reduced by 8 points, Fu Youde's current force value is 92, Zhang Hao! Deng Qiang's second general's force value is increased by 7, the current Zhang Hao's force value is 109, and Deng Qiang's current force value is 109! "

"Swoosh..." The two of them swung the weapons in their hands and raised and lowered their hands at Fu Youde, their eyes were full of sternness.

"Ding, Fu Youde fought fiercely... and is currently sealed by Huo Qubing!"

"Ding, Fu Youde's Bravery attribute is activated... It is currently sealed by Huo Qubing!"

At this moment, Fu Youde was restrained by the tiger and leopard cavalry rushing from both sides, making it difficult to launch his own attack. When he reacted, the weapons in the hands of Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao pierced his chest directly, and even sent him No chance to react.

"Bastard...!" Fu Youde's mouth was stained with blood, his eyes were red, he was holding on to the weapons of Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao, and his eyes were full of coldness and unwillingness.

Zhang Hao stared at this person, sighed helplessly, and then his face became determined. He suddenly pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, swung it down, and suddenly a good man's head flew out.

The two generals Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao both suffered from Huo Qubing's losses, so they naturally knew what it meant to be trapped by Huo Qubing. Because of Fu Youde's head, they had a firm foothold in the Han army.

After Fu Youde died, the entire western front collapsed, and Sun Ce was even more embarrassed, his eyes were red, and he was about to continue to compete with Jiang Song, when Shi Dakai shouted angrily: "Quickly withdraw the troops!"

"woo woo woo woo!"

"Shi Dakai! What are you doing!" Sun Ce listened to the horn behind him, and immediately bought an opening, looking at the soldiers who were defeated like a mountain, Sun Ce shouted angrily: "Without my general order, how dare you..."

(End of this chapter)

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