Warring States Call

Chapter 1931 Chapter 1932: Zhang Diwan

Chapter 1931 Chapter One Thousand 930 Chapter Two Zhang Diwan
"Kill!" Luo Shixin yelled angrily, the iron overlord gun in his hand was shining coldly, his tiger eyes were piercing, he tightened his grip on the horse under his crotch, thousands of cavalry galloped out, Geng Hao's [-] troops moved forward at top speed, and Luo Shixin urged his horse fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Whoever stands in my way will die!"

"Luo Shixin, don't go crazy! Watch the strategists cut off your head!" Fu Zonglong yelled angrily, swung the bloody saber in his hand, stared angrily at the cavalry general in front of him, and suddenly rushed up with a few brisk steps, holding the saber with both hands, The gesture is to chop down.

"Death!" Luo Shixin was too lazy to tangle with Fu Zonglong, and suddenly swung the battle gun in his hand, hitting Fu Zonglong's chest exactly.

"Puff!" Fu Zonglong flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, vomited blood, and his body was drowned by the sea of ​​people.

"Charge" Luo Shixin yelled angrily, and the iron cavalry under his command charged forward one after another like riding waves, separating the two armies abruptly.

At this time, Geng Hao's tens of thousands of knives and axes were all in danger of being wrapped up by the Qin army.

Bai Qi pinched his beard, his black eyes flashed with indifference, he raised his hand gently, the soldiers under his command seemed to know Bai Qi's intentions, holding a black flag in his left hand, and a red flag in his right hand, shaking from side to side, all the time paying attention The flag general of the battle situation here shouted angrily: "Tie Ying Ruishi, Qin Zhiying attack"

Two ace armies appeared in Geng Hao's eyes. It would be a vicious battle. The two generals Hou Junji and Feng Quji rushed out of the chaotic army. The elite armored army appeared in Geng Hao's eyes. Without the previous brave look, he waved the halberd in his hand and shouted angrily: "All the armies converge, gather together! Defense quickly!"

"Bump!" The soldiers gathered together, with the shields in their hands standing on the periphery, desperately defending against the approaching enemy.

However, in Hou Junji's eyes, these were nothing more than stubborn resistance. Hou Junji waved his hand suddenly, and threw thousands of iron hooks directly into the air, grabbing a few brave soldiers here and there. several.

"Pull!" Hou Junji gave an order, and all the soldiers under his command moved together, pulling the rope with one hand, and directly pulled the soldier holding the shield out.

"Boom...crash!" There was a crashing sound everywhere, people turned their backs on their backs, Geng Hao's face turned pale, and the soldiers behind him were about to rescue them, when Qin's crossbow arrows arrived in vain, and there were shouts of killing and fighting everywhere. Casualties.

"Report!" Meng came to the army formation with a fixed expression on his horse, and said solemnly: "General! General Geng Hao is surrounded! Please support quickly!"

"Don't panic!" Han Xin waved his hand to appease Meng Yuan, looking at the smoky battlefield in front of him, with a strange look in his eyes, Han Xin rubbed his chin, and said indifferently: "Send me the general order! Order Chen Dao's white-eared army Go to battle, Di Lei and Ge Ba's two armies cover! Fight with Chen Dao!"


"Kill..." Chen Dao screamed, riding a black horse, holding a silver gun, staring at the enemy in front of him with wide eyes, but there was no fear in his eyes.

Di Lei and Ge Ba followed closely behind Chen Dao, with a trace of seriousness in their eyes.

"Kill!" In the white-eared army, Jia Mu, the centurion, held a broadsword, and slashed and killed a Qin State iron knight soldier head-on.

"You're so brave, look at the gun!" Luo Shixin was furious, and shot Jia Mu in the forehead.

"Touch!" Like a gourd hitting the brain, Jia Mu had no time to react, and died on the spot, with no power to fight back.

"Thieves will be rampant! Di Lei is here!" Di Lei is now about 27 years old, in his prime, and wields these two thundering copper hammers!Riding a black stallion on his crotch, wearing golden armor and a scarlet war robe behind his back, the young man is quite majestic. Di Lei stared angrily at Luo Shixin in front of him, clamped the horse's belly fiercely, and shouted angrily: "The thief will look at the hammer!"

"Ding! Di Lei's Shocking Hammer attribute activates! The force value is instantly increased by 8, and the enemy's force value is reduced by 2 points!"

"Ding, when Di Lei's basic force value is 100, the force value of the Thundering Copper Hammer increases by 1, the force value of the Thunder Leopard Tiger increases by 1, the force value of the Shocking Hammer increases by 8, and the current force value is 110 points!"

Di Lei raised his arms high, and in the bye, the two hammers turned into shooting stars, and they all smashed towards Luo Shixin below.

"Fight!" Luo Shixin showed no fear, the iron overlord gun in his hand was shaking up and down, but he wrestled with Di Lei.

"Ding, Luo Shixin's wrestling attribute is activated, use strength to fight with others, each activation increases the personal force value by 2 points, this is the first time! Every time you fight with the enemy, the enemy's force value is consumed by 2 points, and the maximum number of times can be activated 4 times! Add 1 to the force value of the iron overlord gun! Add 1 to the force value of the black dragon horse, 107 to the base force value, 2 to the force value, and 111 to the current force value!"

"Ding, Di Lei is affected by the wrestling attribute, and his force value is reduced by two points. The current force value of Di Lei is 108!"

After a lot of wrestling, Di Lei was unable to suppress Luo Shixin, and instead let the battle gun in Luo Shixin's hand overwhelm him. Under the competition between the two sides, Di Lei suffered a lot, and it is simply not the time to fight hard.

The two are fighting to the death, neither is afraid of the other, just like this stalemate.

And Li Cunxiao, who had been letting the wind out all the time, finally lost his patience, his arms in his hands suddenly shook the three of them away, and the Yu Wangzhe in his hand broke through all the tricks, and fell into Feng Wuze's throat.

As soon as Li Cunxiao made this move, Feng Wuze was transformed into a corpse. Gao Kan and Wang Gui were startled, and they were about to evacuate, but the horse under Li Cunxiao's crotch could not do what they wanted, Li Cunxiao urged The war horse directly killed the two of them, Bai Xiaode's face suddenly became calm, he finally knew why Li Cunxiao hadn't made a move all this time, and he did it for a long time to play with the four of them.

Bai Xiaode's complexion changed, and he was about to leave, but Li Cunxiao didn't let him run away, he turned his hand on King Yu, and directly ended him here. After the first battle, Li Cunxiao showed all his majesty, it can be said that he was unstoppable.

And the battle between the two armies has been a scene of bloody battle up to this point. Li Cunxiao's arrogant look, riding a horse, shuttled back and forth on the battlefield, like a madman, unstoppable.

"Kill!" Chen Dao's white-eared army took the lead in tearing open the opening and charging inside, most of the rest of the soldiers filed in along the opening, directly tearing apart the army formation that Bai Qi had just set up.

At this moment, Du Genghao's 600 troops have already paid the price of more than [-] people, and the number is still rising.

The entry of the Bai Er Army relieved Geng Hao's pressure. Naturally, Bai Qi also noticed the changes on the battlefield. He suddenly waved the command flag in his hand and shouted angrily: "Where are Guo Si, Li Jue, Mao Xia, and Ma Huan!"

"Here!" The four generals galloped up to Bai Qi on their horses, their eyes full of sharpness.

"Lead the army! Help General Luo Shixin and stop the enemy!" Bai Qi looked a little dignified, and dispatched [-] troops to press him in one go.

"No!" The four of them accepted the general order without hesitation, and urged their horses to rush to the frontline battlefield.

"Zhang Bofen, Bian Xi, Guo Shouwen, Tang Bing, Zhou Shu!" Bai Qi seemed to hesitate for a long time, but finally decided to make a move.

"Here!" The five tiger generals lined up one by one, waiting for the general under Bai Qi's command.

"You and the five of you lead [-] elites each to attack Han Xin. You have only one goal, which is to cut into the Han army formation and kill Han Xin!" Bai Qi said here, and gave it a go.

The five men received the general's order, dispatched their weapons, and all rushed to attack Han Xin's army flag.

"Guo Xia, Xia Gui, Meng Huaiyu, Cui Qianyou!" Bai Qi turned his head to look at the four of them, and immediately scolded: "You and the other four led two thousand troops, harassing the Han army on the flanks! Be suspicious soldiers, and attract Han Xin's attention for the five armies "

"Obey!" The five people accepted the general order, but they did not hesitate. With the sound of the horn, the Qin army scattered the river into a river and began to advance towards the Han army.

Wang Jian, who had been watching the battle from behind, squinted his old eyes for a long time, and said solemnly: "Bai Qi is going to get serious!"

"Father! General Bai Qi did this! It's dangerous to be afraid of heights!" Wang Ben carefully pondered Bai Qi's military intentions, either to eat Han Xin, or to eat the main force of the Han army's vanguard.

"Based on what I know about Bai Qi, I'm afraid he wants to accept all the orders, or he has a bigger heart!" Wang Jian looked serious, looked around the terrain, and said solemnly: "Have you checked the surrounding terrain? "

"Check it out! Even if Han Yi really has an ambush, we can take the river like a river and retreat like a domestic country!" Wang Ben said with a relieved expression.

"Yeah!" Wang Jian didn't finish his sentence, but nodded, looked ahead, and said half aloud: "Tell the soldiers to get ready and be ready to fight at any time!"

"I will understand at the end!"

Han Xin was sitting on the carriage, with the spring breeze blowing on his face, Meng Yan urged his horse to rush forward, and said solemnly, "General! Bai Qi dispatched nine troops to attack your army flag!"

"Oh." Han Xin looked around casually, with a hint of casualness in his eyes, stroking his beard, rubbing his wrist, watching the battle situation, and then said: "Continue to increase our troops to break through the enemy's defense line!"

Han Xin looked calm, but the haze in his eyes could no longer be concealed. Hearing Han Xin's words, Mengyan's expression changed involuntarily, and he said solemnly: "Master! Continue to increase your troops, your side will be in danger!"

"Hey...!" Han Xin squinted his eyes, his eyes were sparkling, stroked his beard, and said indifferently: "He can't kill the old man even if he is white!"

Han Xin's wind is calm, but he is gambling in his heart. The two are like gamblers with thousands of hands. They are betting on whether the other can withstand the psychological pressure. Han Xin was rightly hit by Bai Qi's strategy. At that time, the wind direction of the entire battlefield will be controlled by Bai Qi, and Han Xin will be passive.


Han Xin increased his troops to deal with Bai Qi again, and the two armies fought hard, but Luo Shixin's pressure was increasing, and he would collapse and retreat at any time.

Han Xin was also uncomfortable, and Bai Qi dispatched false and real soldiers to keep pestering them. Several times of shouting and killing were about to affect Han Xin's judgment, so Han Xin simply endured his temper and did not break the defense.

Wu Qi, who had been watching the battle from the rear, was riding a horse, looking at the battlefield ahead, and his brows could not help but frowned. Ma Yuan behind urged his horse to come behind Wu Qi, seeing Wu Qi's frowning expression, hesitantly said: "General Wu Qi What's wrong! Why are you frowning!"

"The losses of the two armies are directly proportional. After this battle, the elite under Han Xin might be completely lost." Wu Qi looked solemn, Han Xin and his soldiers are among the most powerful troops in the army. There are too many losses of soldiers and horses here, which will inevitably affect the morale of the Han army.

Ma Yuan frowned uncontrollably, and then said in relief, "Although our army suffered heavy casualties, Qin is not feeling well either. Our army's elite is elite, and so is the enemy army! Right now, we are fighting for our foundation!"

"You're right!" Wu Qi agreed with Ma Yuan's words, and then added: "But our army's enemies are far more than the Qin army and the Shan Kingdom!"

"Yeah!" Ma Yuan frowned, looked at Wu Qi with a puzzled expression, rubbed his thigh, and said in a puzzled way: "The only big countries in the world are Qin and Shan, which have never surrendered!"

"No!" Wu Qi shook his head, and then added: "The grasslands outside the territory are so stupid and restless. In the past, they had launched an invasion to the south. If it weren't for the fourth highness's army going deep in alone, breaking the three armies in a row, and shaking the grasslands, I am afraid it would be a hard fight. !"

What this sentence says is true, if it is said that Wu Qi and Bai Qi are not known on the grassland, it is still understandable, but if it is said that it does not know Han Ming, it is pure nonsense.

Ma Yuan also seemed to understand Wu Qi's worry, but he didn't open his mouth. Instead, he looked at the battlefield ahead and asked with a puzzled expression, "Do you want to do it?"

"No need!" Wu Qi squinted his eyes and said indifferently: "It will take time for the traps laid by each army, let's wait and see for now! As long as Wang Jian doesn't do anything, we won't move!"

"Han Xin is to die!" With a thud, Chen Yu, Zhang Bofen's lieutenant general, urged his horses and charged among the ten thousand troops.

Han Chen glanced coldly at Chen Yu, but he was too lazy to pay attention to him. In his opinion, this guy was already a dead man.

"Arrogance!" Chen Yu's eyes widened with anger, and he was about to continue to push his horse forward, but a young general swept his gun across, cutting off Chen Yu's way.

Chen Yu's face turned cold, he kept his horse and held his gun, and glanced up and down, only to see that he was in his early twenties, holding a silver gun in his hand, dressed as a centurion, and riding an ordinary horse that could not be seen. An ordinary war horse is thin and thin, but the speed at which he shoots the gun is very powerful. Chen Yu did not dare to be careless and became more cautious.

"Who is coming!" Chen Yu yelled angrily, and the spear in his hand swept away his murderous aura. He charged forward, relying on his momentum, he couldn't stop here.

"Death!" Zhang Diwan shouted angrily, turned his hand and shot out, directly piercing Chen Yu's throat.

Han Xin squinted his eyes with admiration on his face, looked at Zhong Hui beside him, and asked, "Who is this!"

"This man's name is Zhang Diwan, and he is the son of General Zhang Liao!" Zhong Hui felt a little fond of Zhang Diwan when he saw him.

"Zhang Diwan!" Han Xinxin said the name silently, which seemed to be somewhat cultivated.

And this name will also deter southern Xinjiang in the future, and will be the general in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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