Warring States Call

Chapter 1934 Chapter 1935 : The Death of Bai Qi

Chapter 1934 Chapter 930 Chapter Five

"Yue Fei!" Bai Qi's eyes were red, he stared at Yue Fei with tiger eyes, laughed for a long time, and said, "Han Xin, you are not afraid of losing Wang Ye! Wang Ye is gone, and my Qin army will drive straight in and attack Huanglong. This time you It's over!"

"Hmph!" Han Xin groaned twice, staring at Bai Qi with tiger eyes, and said indifferently: "Do you, Qin, dare to attack Wang Ye? Don't confuse people with evil words!"

"Hahahahaha! Han Xin, do you really think that my state of Qin is those cowardly persimmons? Today you will definitely die! Wang Ye will definitely fall into the hands of my state of Qin!" Bai Qi blushed furiously, all aura surged in his body, tiger eyes stared at Han Xin below, Bai Qi blushed angrily and said: "Kill!"

"Kill!" The soldiers under his command erupted with an unprecedented killing spirit, showing their ferocious fangs, and rushed towards Han Xin's central army.

"Hmph! Bai Qi! Whatever you say today, I will leave your life here. Wang Ye is gone, and the big deal is to fight back!" Han Xin suddenly pushed away Zhong Hui in front of him, pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, and looked at Wang Ye. With the remnants of the defeated generals constantly gathering around, Han Xin shouted angrily: "Soldiers! It was this man's hands that killed hundreds of thousands of men in our country. Today, the general will lead the army to charge in person. If I die, the lieutenant will go on top, and the lieutenant will be gone. General, if there is no captain, even if there is only one person left, Bai Qi will never die, and whoever kills Bai Qi will be appointed as a general! Kill!"

"Charge!" Han Xin's eyes were red, not afraid of the incoming arrows, he kept charging forward, and Geng Hao, Tian Hong, and Li Cunxiao joined in, giving Han Xin a few layers of protection.

"Kill!" Bai Qi said with a hoarse voice, and the soldiers under his command continued to rush forward, while Yue Fei, who was chasing after him, swung a silver spear in his hand with wind up and down, entangled Qin Jun tightly.

Although Bai Qi's [-] elites were brave, they were attacked from the front and back, and the death rate was also increasing.

And Han Xin was attacked by the enemy, and Zhang Han saw that the situation was wrong, so he hurriedly joined the battlefield. Although he gained a lot, the situation between the two armies began to tilt towards the Han army. This time, the Han army sent 40 troops. Huo Qubing's [-] tiger and leopard riders.

Although the Qin army also had an army of 40, Zhao Tuo's [-] army had disappeared, which made Qin Jun feel that the situation was not good.

Wang Jian, who had been fighting Wu Qi, frowned, turned his head and glanced behind him. On the deserted battlefield, there was not even a single person. Wang Jian couldn't help but locked his eyes, with a puzzled expression, and grabbed a scout to ask He said: "Where are the people? Where did Zhao Tuo's [-] reinforcements go! Ah!"

Facing Wu Qi's scolding, the deputy general behind him gritted his teeth, and finally sighed helplessly: "The situation is not right."

"Report!" I saw a scout covered in bruises, riding a blood-colored war horse. There were several cold arrows on the horse's buttocks, from which we could see the brutality of the battle.

"Drive...!" The soldier swung the horse rope, as if he couldn't hold on any longer, then spit out a mouthful of old blood, fell off the horse, and fell to the ground.

"Quick! Help up!" At this moment, Bai Qi didn't have time to hesitate, and motioned to the left and right to bring the soldier in front of him. The soldier was covered in blood, staring at Wang Jian and crying bitterly: "General...!"

"What happened... Where is your general, Zhao Tuo?" Wang Jian's face changed, he looked very astonished, and his hands seemed to have no place to rest.

"General Zhao Tuo was shot and killed by Yue Fei! One hundred thousand troops were scattered by Yue Fei's attack. It's already... not a good thing!" When the scout said this, his whole face was full of mourning.

Wang Jian's pale elder saw Bai Qi's crazy and irrational behavior. Wang Jian took a deep breath, looked at Wang Ben behind him and said, "Bier, take my place! Command the army, I'll go find Bai Qi Get up and pull him back, this guy has gone crazy!"

"I know! Father!" Wang Ben took a deep breath, responded, and strode forward, several cold lights flashed in his eyes.

"Drive!" Wang Jian rode his war horse and rushed towards Bai Qi's army.

The battlefield of the two armies quickly harvested. Cao Cao's 2 troops took over Han Xin's soldiers and horses, which eased his pressure a lot, and Han Xin also paid the price of [-] people in just half an hour. Han Xin's remaining The strength of the army is already less than [-]. For these Qin troops who have fought more and more bravely, the casualties are already too high.

"Kill!" Huo Qubing looked coldly, staring at the two Qin generals, Xia Yu and Cheng Jing, who were sailing against the current, forcibly carrying Huo Qubing's attack.

"Ding, Huo Qubing's attribute of sealing wolf is activated, and the requirement for skill activation! First Huo Qubing commands soldiers and horses to fight, and second Huo Qubing locks down the enemy's general. The skill effect of the enemy's basic force value does not exceed 103 points. All attribute skills are blocked, and any attribute cannot be immune! "

"Ding, Huo Qubing's current target is Xia Yu, Cheng Jing's basic force value has not exceeded 103 points, affected by the wolf sealing attribute, Xia Yu's basic force value is 102, and Cheng Jing's basic force value is 100!"

"Ding, Huo Qubing's Jueqi attribute is activated! If the troops under his command are less than 10 people, the force value will be increased by 2, the commander's value will be increased by 3, and the force value of the troops under command will be increased by 1 point! If the troops under command are less than 1 people, the force value will be increased by 5 point. 2! Add 2 to the commander, plus 1000 to the force value of the troops under command! If the commander's troops are less than 10 people, add 1 to the force value, and 3 to the commander! Add [-] to the force value of the troops under command!"

"Ding, Huo Qubing currently has 2 Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, plus 3 to the force value, 1 to the commander, and [-] to the force value of the troops under his command."

"Ding, add 2 to Huo Qubing's force value, base force value is 99, Pegasus Spear's force value is increased by 1, Black Cloud Colt's force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 103!"

"Kill!" Huo Qubing's face was flushed, his tiger eyes stared at the two, but he was too lazy to care about them, and directly waved his hands to reprimand.

"Ding, Huo Qubing's Juxu attribute is activated. If the enemy's basic force value does not reach 108, the enemy's force value will be reduced by 8 points! And the morale of one's own force value is high, and the general's force value will increase by 7 points! The soldier's force value will be increased by 3 !"

"Ding, Xia Yu and Cheng Jing's basic force values ​​have not exceeded 108, and the current force value has been reduced by 8 points. Xia Yu's current force value is 94, and Cheng Jing's current force value is 92. Zhang Hao! Deng Qiang's second general's force value will be increased by 7, and the current force value of Zhang Oyster's force value is 109, and Deng Qiang's current force value is 109!"

"Kill!" The gap between the strength of the four people is too great. In addition, the tiger and leopard cavalry are like a torrential flood. At the right time, one left and one right, outflanking front and back, directly took the lives of two people.

"Plop...Plop!" The two tower-like men fell to the ground. Before they could understand what was going on, the hoofs of the horses behind them stepped directly on the two of them, and the horses galloped. ...!"

The surrounding soldiers of the Qin army did not dare to come forward to rescue them, and there was nothing they could do. Some soldiers who wanted to rescue looked at the ground where thousands of horses were galloping, and these soldiers couldn't help swallowing hard. fierce.

After the tiger and leopard rode, a few brave soldiers hurriedly walked towards the bodies of the two men. Seeing this, the two men almost vomited their overnight meal. The reason is very simple, the death of these two men is really miserable , Red and white things are everywhere, and in the end some soldiers couldn't bear it, and collected the corpses for the two generals.

"Bai Qi...Bai Qi!" Wang Jian came to Bai Qi on a horse, grabbed Bai Qi's rein, and said solemnly: "This is not a place for long battles! Follow me quickly!"

"No... the old man is not leaving!" Bai Qi made a gesture to slash Wang Jian's left hand, but Wang Jian was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his hand, eyes full of disbelief and said: "You are crazy!"

Bai Qi's face was blood red, looking at the soldiers of his side who were constantly being slaughtered, his gray hair was scattered wantonly, Bai Qi stared at Wang Jian with tiger eyes, and said with a bleak smile: "I can't go anymore! Han Xin is planning to kill me, if Ruo Retreat with you! It's a dead word!"

"You're crazy!" Wang Jian looked at Bai Qi with disbelief in his eyes. He felt that this was not the Bai Qi he knew, but a lunatic, a gambler.

Bai Qi blew away his messy hair, stared at Wang Jian with red eyes, and immediately advised: "Don't care about the old man! Quickly lead the army and horses to retreat, and take down Wang Ye before the Han army reacts! Don't hesitate! Take the opportunity to move a little bit!" Gone!"

"You...!" Wang Jianhu stared at Bai Qi, his throat choked up, and there was no doubt for a long time.

"Tens of thousands of soldiers will shed blood on the battlefield. This is the fate of the generals and the home of the old man. For ten thousand years, the Great Qin and the Great King, our country of Qin will rule the world! From now on, I will leave it to General Wang!" Bai Qi put his sword back into its sheath. He lowered his head slightly, and then shouted angrily, "Bai Qin!"

"Yes! Father!" At this moment, Bai Qin didn't care about superiority or inferiority anymore.

"Good son! Follow the old man to teach the Han army a lesson! The whole army charges!" Bai Qi suddenly shouted angrily, and the Qin soldiers under his command burst into shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

"Ding, Bai Qi activates the God of Killing attribute, stop fighting with battle, the force value of the soldiers under his command will be increased by 10, and the force value of the soldiers will be increased by 5!"

"Luo Shixin!" Bai Qi shouted angrily.

"The last general is here!" Luo Shixin, drenched in blood, rode his horse to Bai Qi's side, and said solemnly.

"Open the way for General Wang!" Bai Qi turned his back to Wang Jian, his back looked desolate and bleak, but it was more like the backbone of a great country.

"No!" Luo Shixin nodded heavily, and said to Wang Jian, "General! Please!"

Wang Jian couldn't bear to stare at Bai Qi, he knew that this glance would be forever, and Bai Qi was already ready to die.

"Withdraw!" Zhang Han couldn't resist the Han army's offensive in the end, and finally retreated back home.

Wang Jian's tens of thousands of troops withdrew from the battlefield, Wu Qi was in ambush in fear, and instead of chasing him, he trapped Bai Qi and sent Huo Qubing north to support Wang Ye.

"Kill!" Han Xin shouted hoarsely, waving the broken sword in his hand, without the sword, he would plunder a person's life.

The two armies fought, and the Qin army broke out with super strength, biting the enemy in front of it.

The dusk of the sunset shone on the land here, the stumped limbs and arms, blood flowed into rivers, and the land turned blood red. The golden sunlight shone on the broken swords, broken guns and halberds, emitting a metallic light.

Among the Qin army, Bai Qi stood in the center, surrounded by Meng Mingshi, Xi Qishu, and Bai Yibing. The Qin soldiers who fell on the bloody ground struggled to stand up, and Bai Yibing wanted to help him .

"Whoosh!" A cold arrow shot, the bloody soldier was shot in the throat, and fell directly into a pool of blood with a thud, shaking countless blood and filth.

"Bastard...!" Bai Yibing glared angrily, pulled out the broken sword on the ground and was about to rush forward, standing in front of Geng Ying frowned, shouted angrily: "Strike!"

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow shot down through the wind, hitting Bai Yibing's throat, and then a generation of famous generals fell.

Meng Ming looked at the three of them back to back, panting heavily, with a few cold arrows sticking out of their shoulders, and the blood was flowing from the wound, just looking at it made people gasp.

"Hoo hoo hoo...!" Han Xin gritted his teeth and pulled out the blood arrow on his shoulder, only to hear a crash, and a piece of flesh and blood came out in response. The painful Han Xin shuddered a few times and took a breath. Sprinkle medicinal powder to bandage Han Xin.

After a few breaths, Han Xin came back to his senses, stared at Zhong Hui with tiger eyes, grabbed his arm and asked, "How many soldiers have been lost!"

"A 11 army! There are no more than one or two." Zhong Hui shook his head helplessly. This battle was really tragic. The Han army lost more than [-] people. Yes!They kept Bai Qi here, which is the biggest gain in this battle.

"Hahaha...!" Han Xin couldn't help crying and laughing, tears streaming down his tiger eyes, and his voice choked up: "Hundreds of thousands of soldiers have lost this place because of this general! This is my fault...!"

"General! Now is not the time to worry about this! I don't know if the siege of Wang Ye is true or not, so we should confirm it quickly!" Seeing the siege of left and right soldiers, Zhong Hui hurriedly told Han Xin about the battle situation.

Han Xin stared at Bai Qi angrily, and said angrily, "Bai Qi! Do you want to surrender or not!"

"Huhu...huhu!" Bai Qi finally exhaled exhaustedly, the warm sunlight shone on Bai Qi's face, feeling the pain from his limbs and bones, perhaps only the cheeks illuminated by the sun are the most comfortable .

"Han Xin! You didn't win, and I didn't lose! Let's see our final game!" Bai Qi looked up at Han Xin, and then showed a sneer.

Feeling the last warmth, Bai Qi raised the broken sword in his hand, and muttered to himself: "Killing one person is a crime! Killing ten thousand is a hero! Eternal immortality! It's all about killing!"

"Swoosh!" A sword sealed his throat, and blood gushed out. Meng Mingshi and Xi Qishu looked at each other, and then said with emotion: "Wait a minute, General! I will follow you!"

"Whoosh... Tear!" Two voices of flesh and blood passed by, and the lives of a group of famous generals were frozen here.

Han Xin looked at Bai Qi's corpse in astonishment, then stood up with Zhong Hui's support, and said coldly, "Bai Qi...whatever! This battle...I won!"

"Pfft!" Han Xin just finished speaking, he seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, spit out a mouthful of blood, Zhong Hui's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted: "Doctor! Quick doctor!"

(End of this chapter)

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