Warring States Call

Chapter 1937 Chapter 1936: Cangwu

Chapter 1937 Chapter One Thousand 930 Chapter Six Cangwu

The sudden disappearance of Liu Xiu made Liu Bang somewhat astonished. The famous general of the mountain country, just like this, lived without seeing anyone or died, and there were fifty thousand barbarians who were destroyed along with him. None of the barbarians that Liu Bang was proud of survived. , were all burned by Zhuge Liang.

And Liu Bang now only has the last 13 soldiers and horses left. The rest of the city guards all looked at the flag of the Han army and surrendered, and the mountain country was gone.

And Liu Bang's hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses were all trapped in Cangwu City. Everyone was in danger for a while, and Liu Bang's face was very ugly. In just half a year, the army was defeated one after another, without even giving him a chance to breathe. The loss of a large amount of land caused serious problems in his logistics.

The terrain of Cangwu is different from that of ordinary capitals. The city is built on the top of the mountain. There is a giant Cangwu tree in the main city. The green leaves are golden under the sunlight, which looks extraordinarily beautiful. Cangwu is divided into inner city and outer city. For the city, Liu Bang seemed to have been prepared for the day when the country would be ruined and the family would die. He built the inner city on the top of the mountain, which was similar to the normal Ying city on the flat ground, and built the outer city at the foot of the mountain. Wushan is wrapped in it. It is hard to imagine how much manpower and material resources will be spent on such a huge project.

Cangwu City is divided into three layers, which are the lower outer wall, the inner city on the top of the mountain, and the palace inside the city. The nobles and commoners here are also polarized. The common people will live at the bottom of the outer wall so that they can go out to farm. In order to distinguish them from these civilians, those dignitaries lived in the main city, which caused two phenomena. The outer city was full of traffic and mixed with fish and dragons. Although it was prosperous, various problems and contradictions would arise, while the inner city It is high-ranking officials and dignitaries, among them the children of rich families are bored, and may go down the mountain to oppress the common people, just to have some fun.

Among the two types of people, there is a third type of people, that is, merchants. Although they do not have the status of those honorable families, they do not want to live with these untouchables. The bottom of the mountain, which is large or small, forms a residence. Their daughters often dress up enchantingly and go to the inner city, just to attract those honorable children. For them, being a concubine is also good.

Wu Qi's army of 50 was besieged under Cangwu City. Looking at the bustling city in front of him, he had to sigh, this Cangwu City is really a good place, easy to defend and difficult to attack, so self-sufficient, there is almost no big problem, although the current people Quite a few, food is a problem, but there is no guarantee that Liu Bang will not store grain and grass in the city for three years.

"It's a trouble!" Wu Qi rubbed his head with a serious expression on his face, and Han Xiu walked back in disgrace at this moment, and patted the dust off his body, rather embarrassed.

"What's wrong, it's like this!" Han Qinhu looked at his son with a suspicious expression on his face, and told him to dig a tunnel. Although it was hard work, he didn't have such an expression.

"Hey! Don't mention it! This Liu Bang is really ruthless! He actually built a rammed earth stone wall underground, and the soil layer below is very difficult to dig out, so it's almost useless!" Han Xiu patted the soil on his shoulder, picked up the table top I didn't mind the kettle, and after pouring a glass, I drank it in a big gulp, looking helpless.

"You really underestimated this Liu Bang!" Wu Qi squinted his eyes, and said half aloud: "Everyone! It's really impossible! Let's wait for a strong attack!"

"I'm afraid there will be heavy losses in a strong attack!" Han Qinhu said here, his expression became more serious, he stroked his beard, pointed to the sand table in front of him and said: "There are many enemy soldiers in the city! There must be a lot of heavy crossbows and bows prepared! If you want to rush up, there will only be countless casualties!"

"Use the catapult! Gather things together! Project them out! Make a breakthrough first!" Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan in his hand, walked to the table, picked up the puppet of the catapult, and put it into the periphery.

"The catapult can only be used at the bottom of the mountain, so what about the city wall on the mountain! The catapult cannot be transported up! This is always a problem." Han Shizhong pointed at the rather tall Cangwu Mountain with the sword in his arms. A trace of dignified color.

"Take a step! Take a step! Open the city first and then talk about it!" Cao Cao said indifferently, stroking his breath.

"That's all!"

The main guard of the outer town is Zhu Zhanji, and his subordinates are all equipped with generals, such as: Li Cunxu, Zong Luohou, Lu Sengzhen, Chi You, Yuan Shanjian, Yuan Jingan, Zhu Zhen, Zhu Wenzheng, Lu Bu, Soup and.

These people all have an identity, that is, surrendered generals. For Liu Bang, it is always a hidden danger for these people to stay by his side. It is better to use Han Yi's hand to get rid of them, and the soldiers under his command also mean this. I am not afraid that these people will surrender to the enemy. Most of these people are deadly enemies with Han Jun.

Outer castle
"Listen, guards in the city! Open the city gate quickly and welcome our army like a city, otherwise no one will be left on the day the city breaks!" Cao Pi shouted into the city at the top of his voice while riding a war horse.

"Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers! Bless me, Zhu Zhanji, kill the enemy! Revenge!" Zhu Zhanji pulled out the sword at his waist, held the sword in both hands, and pointed the blade straight at the sky, covering half of Zhu Zhanji's face. The old Zhu Zhanji is no longer a young man. He has entered middle age, his eyes have become sharp, and the cold light in the sword is shining with disturbing light.

"This... this...!" Everyone looked around in astonishment, but they didn't know what to do.

"Fleeers! Slash!"

"Those who are afraid of war! Cut!"

Zhu Zhanji glanced sideways at the soldiers behind him. Everyone's throats were so shocked by the sharp eyes that they couldn't speak for a while.

"Stubborn!" Cao Pi's eyes were dark, but he was too lazy to say any more, he turned his horse's head, pulled the horse back to the camp, and passed by Shi Wansui's side as he led away, Cao Pi said indifferently: "I'll leave it to you! "

Shi Wansui glanced at Cao Pi, but he was too lazy to say anything. He pulled out the sword in his arms and said indifferently, "Attack!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...!" The catapult, which looked like meteorites all over the sky, began to throw kills towards the city wall. Suddenly, countless smoke and dust swayed around the city wall, and every hit bombarded the city wall. It's like an earthquake.

Zhu Zhanji squinted his eyes, and immediately shouted angrily: "The left and right sides of the bombarded city wall spread out, and gathered under the city to prepare! The reserve teams on both sides, once the enemy stopped the catapult, immediately filled the vacancy, and the rest of the army stood by. enemy!"


"Boom, boom, boom!" The deafening voice made Liu Bang unable to sleep, and his whole body trembled, not only Liu Bang, but at this moment, no matter whether they were ordinary people or nobles, no matter whether they were high or low, their hearts were the same at this moment, and they felt the same fear. .

inner city wall

"Your Majesty! It's cold!" Lu Zhi took a single coat and draped it over Liu Bang's shoulders, with unstoppable concern on his face. At this time, Liu Bang was depressed and completely useless, with his hands in his sleeves. , groping his arm from time to time, listening to the shouts of killing at the bottom of the mountain, and the clouds and smoke like an oolong, Liu Bang felt restless for a long time in his heart.

After a while, Liu Bang suddenly grabbed Lu Zhi's tender hand, and said solemnly: "If the king is defeated! You may wish...!"

Lu Pheasant blocked Liu Bang's mouth, then took three steps back, respectfully bowed to Liu Bang: "Heaven and earth! Lu Pheasant will follow the King!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" Liu Bang couldn't help laughing, squinting his eyes, his gray beard moved with the wind, he didn't know what he was thinking, it seemed that he would explode at any time, Liu Bang murmured to himself: " Just look! Just listen! Don't worry!"

"Boom...boom...!" With every blow, countless smoke and dust would be shaken up. Shi Wansui looked a little dignified, looked at the city wall from a distance, and said with a little astonishment: "What's going on!"

Although the city wall was damaged, there was no major problem. Shi Wansui couldn't believe it, and immediately drew his sword and shouted angrily: "Go on! Hurry up!"

"Boom...boom...boom!" The stones kept bombarding the city wall, and there were rocks flying everywhere. One of the stones hit the wall on the city wall head-on, and immediately the entire pillar began to collapse and sawdust flew. .

"Damn it!" Zhu Zhanji gritted his teeth. It's not the first time he has experienced these ghost things. In front of these things, people are too fragile, so fragile.

"Boom...boom...boom!" This continuous bombardment lasted for three full days, and it continued day and night without stopping. For this reason, five or six such machines were scrapped in the Korean army.

"Boom!" Finally, the thick wall began to crack. Seeing the fruits of his labor, Shi Wansui grinned involuntarily, operated the catapult in his hand, swung the ax to cut the rope, and shouted angrily: "Give me a catapult!" ! Keep voting! Hahahahahaha!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!" Han Jun's attack was more violent than before.

"Boom..." Finally!The last straw that crushed the straw fell, the huge city wall still collapsed, and countless clouds of smoke and dust rolled around. The outer city wall could not withstand the day and night bombing of the Korean army. There is no way.

"Kill!" Shi Wansui yelled angrily suddenly, and the soldiers under his command burst out with a super high fighting spirit, rushing forward without the slightest fear.

"Rush!" Tens of thousands of bee chrysalis came, rushing towards the damaged wall.

Zhu Zhanji pulled out the saber at his waist, stared at the enemy in front of him, and looked at the decadent soldiers of his own side. Zhu Zhanji shouted hysterically: "Soldiers! Life and death is today! The winner lives for the battle, the loser Those who fear the battle die! Kill!"

Zhu Zhanji rode on a black war horse, his eyes were red, and he burst out with an unprecedented sense of killing and decisiveness. The sword in his hand flew up and down, waving it brightly, like the wings of a butterfly, stabbing a brave Han pawn head-on .

"Puff!" The blood surged and splashed wantonly on Zhu Zhanji's face. At this moment, Zhu Zhanji had turned into a ferocious beast, ruthlessly biting the enemy in front of him.

"The thief will be crazy! Look at me to get you!" Li Xuancheng shouted angrily, and drew his sword to fight.

"Damn you! You people who have forgotten their ancestors and turned their backs on the Lord for glory, let's see who will die first!" Zhu Zhanji held his sword in front of him, and the two soldiers turned into a stream of light.

"Crack!" The two men passed by with a sword, and the weapon flashed across the air. Zhu Zhanji looked at the sword marks on his shoulders, but he didn't care about Li Xuancheng who was kneeling on the ground.

"Kang Dang!" The bronze sword fell to the ground, causing countless bloody waters to form. Li Xuancheng clutched his throat, his pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes were full of disbelief: "No...no...impossible!"

"Crack!" Tang He, who followed up behind him, cut off Li Xuancheng's head with a single blow, and said very disdainfully, "Noisy!"

"Looking for death!" Chonghou Hu yelled angrily, holding a mountain ax in both hands, and suddenly pushed it hard, turning into a black whirlwind, slashing at Zhu Zhanji, and angrily said: "Boy! Die!"

"Ding! Chonghou Tiger's tiger attribute activates, the personal force value increases by 10, the force value of the whirlwind ax increases by 1, the force value of the black tiger foal increases by 1, and the current force value is 114"

"Young master! Dangerous! Come back quickly!! Tang He stepped forward suddenly, grabbed Zhu Zhanji, and guarded him behind him.

"Crack...!" The weapon snapped, and Tang He's chest armor was immediately shaken apart, making it as fragile as paper.

"Puff!" Tang He spat out a mouthful of old blood, turned his head suddenly, pushed Zhu Zhanji, and shouted angrily, "Go!"

Zhu Zhanji was about to rescue Tang He, but Chonghou Hu swept away thousands of troops with one move, directly beheaded Tang He, and sprinkled blood on Zhu Zhanji's face. Zhu Zhanji stared at Chonghou Hu with wide eyes, Holding Tang He's headless corpse, Zhu Zhanji shouted angrily, "Where is my Jingchu warrior!"

"Whoosh!" With a shrill sound, Yuan Shanjian held a saber in his hand, and suddenly led thousands of tiger and besieged soldiers in front of Zhu Zhanji, his eyes widened and he said, "Death!"

"Ding, Yuan Shanjian's Fenran attribute activates, the personal force value increases by 8, the basic force value is 103, the force value of the Bull Ghost Sword increases by 1, and Yuan Shanjian's current force value is 112!"

The big knife in Yuan Shanjian's hand was seven inches long, one inch of which was the handle.

Chonghouhu looked stunned for a moment, he quickly raised the ax in his hand, slashed down with angry eyes, and shouted angrily: "Broken!"

"Kang Dang!" The two heavy metals collided with each other, making a deafening sound, and the surrounding generals and soldiers all looked away, their eyes full of horror, and the two men had a real fight.

"Go!" Lu Bu yelled angrily, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand flew up and down, turning into a stream of light, piercing the throat of the young general Cheng Ji in front of him, bleeding three feet in an instant, and a headless corpse was picked and killed by Lu Bu. .

"Death to Lu Bu!" Du Mao yelled angrily, the silver spear in his hand surged up and down, like a colorful streamer, rushing to kill Lu Bu's vital points.

"Ants!" Lu Bu's eyes were red, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand was full of murderous aura. When the two divine soldiers met, the Fang Tian painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand pierced through Du Mao's chest armor directly, and fought immediately. Die here on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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